


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  critical for the survival and maturation of mature B cells.
2  on in B-cell development or specifically in mature B cells.
3 characterized by an increased compartment of mature B cells.
4  previously described, a 2-fold reduction in mature B cells.
5 hrough Nod1 promotes competitive survival of mature B cells.
6 ytic leukaemia (CLL) is a clonal disorder of mature B cells.
7 y of Hdac3 is required for the generation of mature B cells.
8 h positive and negative selections to become mature T cells.
9 sis and IFN-gamma production to the level of mature T cells.
10 t and -independent signals in developing and mature T cells.
11 s the CD4(+) and CD8(+) lineage integrity of mature T cells.
12  the efficacy of the RTE response to that of mature T cells.
13 receptors are 10- to 30-fold less dense than mature T cells.
14 stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) through to mature T cells.
15  identity and shape the proper generation of mature T cells.
16 gh this inhibitory receptor in precursor and mature NK cells.
17 ng to stable expression of Ly49 receptors in mature NK cells.
18  investigate in vivo sensory transduction in mature hair cells.
19 pha2delta2 mRNA is expressed in neonatal and mature hair cells.
20  gene regulatory processes lead to different mature blood cells.
21 74 is abundantly expressed in developing and mature T reg cells.
22 tions after further optimization to generate mature cardiac cells.
23  to prevent the accumulation of autoreactive mature naive B cells.
24  of the mouse, contrasting dramatically with mature naive B cells.
25  density and organization of motor inputs on mature Renshaw cells.
26 0-producing B cells, regulatory T cells, and mature T and B cells.
27 ly regulates the development of functionally mature memory T cells.
28 lly ring/ribbon-like then become dot-like in mature [SWI(+) ] cells.
29 slow conversion, and an inability to produce mature functional cells.
30 re found to differentiate predominantly into mature follicular B cells.
31 onsible for dynamically regulating output of mature hematopoietic cells.
32 d in mouse and human HSCs compared with more mature hematopoietic cells.
33 toskeleton during ciliogenesis as well as in mature multiciliated cells.
34 dothelialization and extensive population by mature smooth muscle cells.
35 2.5 weeks, producing a uniform population of mature human neuronal cells.
36 oocytes expressing wild-type or K8R Fpn, and mature human red blood cells.
37  transdifferentiating into myofibroblasts or maturing into lens fiber cells.
38 an early activated CD4(+) T cells as well as mature effector and memory cells.
39 ical NF-kappaB signaling was impaired in all mature naive CVID-derived B cells.
40 neered L1s can retrotranspose efficiently in mature nondividing neuronal cells.
41 rmally in Hox6 mutant pancreata, but fail to mature into hormone-producing cells.
42 es, we compared functional responses of both maturing and established granule cells.
43 , we found that Cav1.2(KO) OPCs produce less mature oligodendrocytes than control cells.
44 lations of neuroglial stem/progenitor cells, mature neurons or epithelial-mesenchymal cells.
45 ion, tube formation, and survival of BMCs or mature human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells.
46  induces and/or suppresses antiviral RNAi in mature mammalian somatic cells(12-21).
47  spine density in young (developing) but not mature adult-born-granule-cells (abGCs) in the olfactory
48 identical grafts, containing high numbers of mature NK cells, according to PT-Cy-based protocols in 2
49 ld higher in the root apex compared with the mature zone, mature root cells accumulated more cytosoli
50      We demonstrated even in the presence of mature peritoneal B-1a cells, adult bone marrow contribu
51  NEUROG3(-/-) hESC lines were unable to form mature pancreatic endocrine cells after engraftment of P
52                                              Mature granule cells also contributed to functional moss
53 +) thymocytes, and their ability to generate mature alphabetaT-cells and CD1d-restricted iNKT-cells.
54 d the expression of 109 lncRNAs in pro-B and mature B cells and 184 lncRNAs in acute lymphoblastic le
55 onal BCR is essential for the development of mature B cells and has been invoked in the control of th
56  unrelated families resulted in a paucity of mature CD56dim NK cells and an increase in the frequency
57 rst example of phenotypic continuity between mature CLL cells and their progenitors in the bone marro
58 r that is polysialylated on its O-glycans in mature dendritic cells and macrophages by the polysialyl
59  at interfaces between activated T cells and mature dendritic cells and that these interactions will
60   A direct link between the primary cilia of mature dentate granule cells and behavior will require f
61 y proteins IFT20 and Kif3A (respectively) in mature dentate granule cells and investigated hippocampu
62      Moreover, on TSC2 correction, AML cells mature into adult lymphatic endothelial cells and have f
63 ors that are capable of differentiation into mature kidney cells and have high potential for regenera
64 committed progenitors of all lineages and to mature myeloid cells and lymphocytes, but not to B-1a ce
65 tment resulted in an increased production of mature myeloid donor cells and an increased survival of
66 have the phenotypic characteristics of fully mature NK cells and are increased in patients with ovari
67 terogeneous tumour cell population including mature non-stem-like cell and immature stem-like cells w
68 mice were reconstituted with allotype-marked mature peritoneal B-1a cells and adult bone marrow cells
69  whereas prkdc deficiency results in loss of mature T and B cells and jak3 in T and putative Natural
70 onal analysis of malignant transformation of mature T cells and improved patient stratification and t
71  Health Organization classifications amongst mature T-cell and natural killer (NK) cell neoplasms.
72 ppaB members p65 and c-Rel in developing and mature Treg cells and found they have unique but partial
73 nn cells for their timely differentiation to mature, myelinating cells and plays a crucial role in ra
74 tion and mutation process takes place in the maturing B cell and is responsible for the diversity of
75 1 (a gene-expression pattern associated with mature follicular B cells) and also attained increased c
76 -)Mb1-Cre(+/-) mice were virtually devoid of mature B cells, and B220(+)CD43(+) B-cell progenitors ac
77 t develops from one single founder cell to a mature biofilm of 10,000 cells, and to discover the forc
78 ns by simultaneously quantifying nascent and mature mRNA in individual cells, and incorporating cell-
79 ontrol of viral replication and a failure to mature local antigen-presenting cells (APCs).
80                         Cancers arising from mature B cells are characterized by clonal production of
81                   In normal adult mice, most mature B cells are enriched for Nod1 up-regulated cells,
82 expansion of NKT17 cells, whereas peripheral mature NKT cells are essentially absent.
83 steal space, resulting in a complete loss of mature osteoblastic cells while perivascular cells are m
84 multiple glutamatergic cell types, including mature dentate granule cells, area CA1-3 pyramidal cells
85 hus, the human chorion contains functionally mature hematopoietic stem cells at mid-gestation.
86 n of A2AR enhanced proportions of terminally mature NK cells at homeostasis, following reconstitution
87                                              Mature T cells bearing alphabeta T cell receptors react
88 ve 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), specifically in mature follicle cells, blocked follicle rupture, which w
89 feration of B cell progenitors and activated mature B cells, but is dispensable for B cell survival.
90 urther demonstrated to lead to an absence of mature T cells, but not B cells in juvenile fish.
91 s contracted less dramatically than those of mature T cells, but RTEs were delayed in their transitio
92                                              Mature T cell cancers are typically aggressive, treatmen
93  malignant targets at rest, whereas the less mature CD56(bright) NK cells cannot.
94 livers contained infiltrating Kupffer cells, mature activated natural killer cells (CD69+), and PD-1+
95 56(bright) NK cells and is confined to fully mature NK cells characterized by the NKG2A(-)KIR(+)CD57(
96 expressing osteoprogenitors and host-derived mature hematopoietic cells, clonogenic lineage-committed
97                                              Mature B cells coexpress both IgM and IgD B-cell antigen
98 aB signaling is crucial to generate a normal mature B-cell compartment, its role in the persistence o
99 for selection of B cells into the follicular mature versus marginal zone B cell compartment.
100  data suggest that the EE lineage, including mature EE cells, comprises a reservoir of homeostatic an
101 F3B1 mutation) involvement could be found in mature B cells, consistent involvement at the pro-B-cell
102  is known that cell-intrinsic differences in mature T cells contribute to this phenomenon, the factor
103 reatment to reduce splenic erythroblasts and mature red blood cells correlated with elevated bacteria
104 Es are functionally distinct from their more mature but still naive T cell counterparts, because they
105 rchestrated process in the liver that allows mature hepatocytes to reenter the cell cycle to prolifer
106         A high density of tumor-infiltrating mature dendritic cells (DC) and CD8(+) T cells correlate
107               We generated and characterized mature retinoic acid-skewed dendritic cells (DC-RAs) and
108 d on a wide variety of cell types, including mature dendritic cells (DCs), and is required for optima
109 processed peptides on host MHC molecules) by mature dendritic cells (DCs).
110                                    RT-PCR of mature miR-17-92 in cells demonstrated the selectivity a
111 ctile waves and their synchronization within maturing, unlabeled induced pluripotent stem cell-derive
112 we carried out transcriptional analysis on immature and mature stem cell-derived MKs exposed to physi
113 using atomic force microscopy, that although mature guard cells display a radial gradient of stiffnes
114 show that mice lacking both PU.1 and SpiB in mature B cells do not generate germinal centers and high
115 lopoiesis is necessary for the generation of mature myeloid cells during homeostatic turnover and imm
116 sion, the accumulation of gamma-tubulin-2 in mature neurons and neuroblastoma cells during oxidative
117                         In contrast, injured mature entheses had few Gli1+ cells early in the healing
118      Within human peripheral blood, the more mature CD56(dim) NK cell efficiently kills malignant tar
119             Recovering the barcodes from the mature progeny of infected progenitor cells enabled us t
120        In liver and pancreas, replication of mature parenchymal cells ensures the physiological turno
121 urface TACI expression is usually limited to mature B cells, excess BAFF promotes the expansion of TA
122         Following eye opening, the HD system matures rapidly, as more cells exhibit directional firin
123 on ( 40% tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive, maturing into 25% cells exhibiting mDA neuron-like spiki
124                              RTE-derived and mature memory cells expanded equivalently during rechall
125 gh down-regulation of genes that promote the mature acinar cell fate is required to reduce injury ass
126 ons, the loss of the BCR can be tolerated by mature B cells for some time, whereas HC-deficient B cel
127     Mice with inducible deletion of Cdc42 in mature B cells formed smaller germinal centers and had a
128 om pediatric thymus, and compared these with mature B cells from fetal and pediatric bone marrow.
129                                    Activated mature B cells from wild-type, Unc93b1(3d/3d)-mutant, or
130 al platform to investigate the physiology of mature hair cells from live zebrafish.
131 d for studying the biophysical properties of mature hair cells from the lateral line of juvenile zebr
132 d the reactivity of Abs expressed by single, mature naive B cells from 4 patients with T1D before and
133 endent mechanisms, promote the generation of mature, functional human NK cells from CD34(+) precursor
134 tivator of beta cell genes, thus maintaining mature beta cell function and identity.
135                                 Furthermore, mature human KIR3DL1(+) NK cells gained reactivity after
136 characterized events is the acquisition of a mature T-cell gene expression program characterized by t
137     We discovered that Prox1 upregulation in mature beta-cells has no functional consequences; in con
138       However, the role for Wnt signaling in mature naive T cells has not been investigated.
139 lthough the developmental program leading to mature NK cells has been studied in the context of sever
140                     Strikingly, we find that mature naive T and B cells have dispersed patterns of XI
141                                     Notably, mature taste cells have life spans of only 5-20 days and
142 rlying the high-level expression of GATA1 in maturing erythroid cells have been studied extensively,
143 ferentiation, being able to differentiate to mature liver cells (hepatocytes, cholangiocytes) and mat
144 ng TAAs have most commonly been expressed on mature T cells, however, some have postulated that recep
145 n-binding protein 1 (LDB1) serve to maintain mature adult beta cell identity, revealing clues as to h
146           Peak Ca(2+) and Ba(2+) currents of mature du/du inner hair cells (IHCs) were reduced by 30-
147                Inducible ablation of LDB1 in mature beta cells impaired insulin secretion and glucose
148               Moreover, adoptive transfer of mature allogeneic NK cells in the nontransplant or trans
149 dies in melanoma, support the involvement of mature B cells in cutaneous immunity.
150 pleen and preferentially differentiates into mature B cells in response to Plasmodium yoelii infectio
151 down-regulated proapoptotic Bmf, unlike most mature B cells in the adult.
152 lusion, Notch2HCS mutant mice have increased mature B cells in the MZ of the spleen.
153 etion of Spi1 and Spib resulted in a lack of mature B cells in the spleen and a block in B cell devel
154 docrine progenitors, and differentiating and mature beta cells in vivo Pdx1(DeltaAREAII/-) mice exhib
155 tero, can integrate into the embryo and form mature functional cells in the animal.
156 echanosensitivity equivalent to functionally mature hair cells in postnatal mice.
157 Surprisingly little is known, however, about mature hematopoietic cells in AF, which could potentiall
158 oietic precursor cells and in differentiated mature immune cells in lung secretions.
159 t subjects with FLG-null mutations have more mature Langerhans cells in nonlesional skin irrespective
160 ment of CMML and JMML disease-initiating and mature leukemic cells in vivo, allowing creation of gene
161 8+ cells acquired several characteristics of mature Merkel cells in a time frame similar to that seen
162            The low frequency of autoreactive mature naive B cells in UNG-deficient patients resembled
163 result of rapid apoptosis of newly exported, mature T cells in the periphery and is not due to defect
164  differentiation and functional responses of mature T cells in the periphery.
165 ells of adult fish revealed complete loss of mature T cells in zap70(y442) mutant animals.
166 into the fetal liver, where they develop and mature to B cells in a transient wave, which preferentia
167  investigated the role of IL-10 signaling in mature TR1 cells in vivo.
168  networks formed by transcription factors in mature, differentiated mammalian cells in vivo, despite
169       Endogenous caveolin-1 was recruited to maturing phagolysosomes in RPE cells in culture.
170 f AGO2 inhibits IAV and other RNA viruses in mature mammalian cells, in an interferon-independent fas
171 iver cells (hepatocytes, cholangiocytes) and mature pancreatic cells (including functional islet endo
172 s also contribute to joining DSBs in cycling mature B-lineage cells, including DSBs generated during
173 eptide-positive cells, expressing markers of mature beta-cells, including MAFA and NKX6.1.
174 e (BCAP) is a signaling adaptor expressed in mature hematopoietic cells, including monocytes and neut
175 ndin E2 triggers antibody class switching in mature B cells, increasing the levels of anti-alpha-Gal
176                                              Mature human B cells infected by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV
177        Our data suggest that the majority of mature NK cells infused with unmanipulated grafts are lo
178 the expression of CD11b and CD27, separating mature NK (mNK) cells into distinct populations that exh
179 ment, its role in the persistence of resting mature B cells is controversial.
180 (CH) arises when a substantial proportion of mature blood cells is derived from a single dominant hem
181 d functional changes as they transition to a mature protective cell layer, which includes a marked in
182       KLF2 accomplishes this feat within the mature NK cell lineage via regulation of a subset of hom
183 e other main component of the CHT niche, and mature into reticular cells lining and interconnecting s
184 rred to Il7r(-/-) mice, which lack ILC2s and mature T cells, lung ILC2s promoted the production of Ig
185              Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a mature B-cell lymphoma characterized by poor clinical ou
186             Seven patients (0.48%) presented mature B-cell lymphoma consisting of 6 DLBCL and 1 FL.
187 ll lymphoma (AITL) is an uncommon subtype of mature peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL).
188  surface BCR expression is conserved in most mature B-cell lymphomas.
189 dult neurogenesis, the process of generating mature neurons from neuronal progenitor cells, makes cri
190 rolase UCH-L1 is frequently overexpressed in mature B-cell malignancies and is a potent oncogene in m
191 ling is a successful therapeutic strategy in mature B-cell malignancies.
192 H1152 treatment show increased expression of mature beta cell markers and improved glucose stimulated
193 l epithelial progenitor cell line (TKE2) and mature murine corneal epithelial cells (MCE).
194 cterized by bone marrow (BM) infiltration by mature-appearing mast cells (MCs) often lacking exon 17
195 the association of densities of intratumoral mature dendritic cells (mDCs), CD8(+) T cells, neutrophi
196 disruption of the Ecdysone receptor (EcR) in mature follicle cells mimicked shd-knockdown defects, wh
197 K3 kinase inhibition can greatly enhance the mature character of NK cells most desired for effective
198       Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a chronic mature B-cell neoplasm with unique clinicopathologic fea
199 c miRNA whose expression is lost in numerous mature B-cell neoplasms.
200 4 end-ligation activity and severely reduced mature B cell numbers, Lig4(R278H/R278H) (Lig4(R/R)) mic
201  by the absence of senescent cells, which in mature endothelial cells occupy >30% of the population,
202 em cells (HSCs) in the bone marrow (BM) form mature blood cells of all lineages through expansion of
203 e click chemistry to fluorescently label the mature PG in whole bacterial cells of Bacillus subtilis.
204 nditions of nutrient starvation and that the mature Red Blood Cells of some RTT patients retain mitoc
205 immature B cells occurred with conversion to mature B cells over time.
206 rovides a novel tool to assess whether fully mature beta-cell phenotype has been maintained.
207       Patients in MMR and MR(4.5) had a more mature, cytolytic CD57(+)CD62L(-) NK cell phenotype, con
208 enetics will emerge only when other toolsets mature, including neural connectivity and cell phenotypi
209  cells, adult bone marrow contributed to the mature B-1a cell pool.
210                                              Mature B cell pools retain a substantial proportion of p
211 f T cells in the maintenance/survival of the mature naive peripheral B cell population.
212  of PRMT5 and PRMT5 is vital to support both mature and immature GBM tumour cell populations.
213  was associated with a dramatic reduction of mature and progenitor cell populations, revealing a role
214 mphoma (DLBCL) genetically resemble specific mature B-cell populations that are blocked at different
215 t is unclear whether melanoma initiates from mature melanocytes or stem cell precursors.
216                                        Fetal mature B cells predominantly used proximal V, D, and J g
217  these findings, viral glycoproteins fail to mature in SPCA1-deficient cells preventing viral spread,
218                    Here, we demonstrate that mature human somatic cells produce abundant virus-derive
219 ty during T cell development that constrains mature T cell production and specifically iNKT cell gene
220 and uncover a thymus-independent pathway for mature T cell production in the bone marrow.
221 an B cell culture is the capacity to support mature B cell proliferation.
222 pport a developmental program that generates mature T cells ready for thymic exit.
223 t islets are thought to contain functionally mature beta cells, recent analyses of transgenic rodent
224 mplementarity-determining-region 3 (CDR3) of mature T-cell receptor beta (TCRB) can be used as an imm
225 plementarity-determining regions to affinity mature antibodies and T cell receptors (TCRs).
226 , most patients exhibited complete total and mature B cell recovery, whereas memory B cell subsets re
227                     Recent data suggest that mature hematopoietic cells regulate BM stromal-cell func
228                                              Mature, Ag-experienced B cells rely on the action of Th
229 es a persistent progenitor population or any mature epithelial cell remaining after injury.
230         However, its role in the function of mature dentate granule cells remains unknown.
231   Thus, the Butantan-DV vaccine engendered a mature, antigen-selected B cell repertoire.
232 ulin genes alleviates ER stress and promotes mature beta cell replication.
233 o occur, from primary miRNA transcription to mature miRNA activation, at single-cell resolution.
234                                              Mature T cells respond to antigenic nonself peptides bou
235          Notably, A2AR-deficient, terminally mature NK cells retained proliferative capacity and exhi
236 g Ca(2+)-permeable AMPARs (CP-AMPARs) at the mature hair cell ribbon synapse.
237 is article, we show that, compared with more mature but still naive T cells, RTEs are impaired in the
238 n transcription factor Prox1, whereas both immature and mature beta-cells scarcely express this prote
239 resent, but we also found that Tec-deficient mature B cells showed increased activation, proliferatio
240 d that in addition to marginal zone B cells, mature follicular B cells significantly down regulate th
241 f miRNAs in RPE cells, we used two different mature RPE cell-specific Cre recombinase drivers to inac
242 cated active beta1-integrin- and tensin-rich mature fibrillar adhesions, and cell spreading.
243  and partial deletion at the transitional to mature B cell stage, but become Env(-) upon receptor edi
244 lation of GL transcription is delayed to the mature B-cell stage is presently unknown.
245                            After ablation of mature NK cells, starting from day 15 after HSCT and fav
246 l-surface, the LRP1/RAP combination enhances mature glycosylation, proteolytic processing and cell-su
247 ells develop in the thymus as a functionally mature T cell subpopulation specialized for immune suppr
248 ion severely inhibited the generation of all mature B-cell subsets, but follicular B-cell numbers cou
249 cell reconstitution, particularly within the maturing M1 and M2 NK-cell subsets in association with e
250 s by ADAM17 but also a rapid increase of the mature protease at the cell surface.
251 e found that, although the Igalpha-deficient mature B cells survive for >20 d in vivo, the HC-deficie
252  Taken together, these data indicate that in mature B cells, Tec and Btk may compete for activation o
253 lower median percentages of transitional and mature B cells than age-matched healthy controls (P<0.00
254 sed by recently described glucose-responsive mature beta cells that are derived from human embryonic
255 positively selects the thymocyte to become a mature CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cell that can recognize foreig
256  into computational models of developing and mature cortical pyramidal cells that express NaV1.2.
257       During infection, dendritic cells (DC) mature into antigen-presenting cells that activate T cel
258 w for the first time that there is a pool of mature miR-34 in cells that lacks a 5'-phosphate and is
259 hey undergo an additional maturation step to mature naive T cells that circulate through secondary ly
260  imprints a homeostatic migration pattern on mature NK cells that allows these cells to access IL-15-
261 kappaB signaling was ablated specifically in mature B cells, the differentiation and/or persistence o
262 ng by acute deletion of Pten specifically in mature B cells, thereby excluding the developmental impa
263  microbial products in promoting survival of mature B cells through up-regulated Nod1, providing a po
264 cells surrounding a matrix-filled lumen that mature into cup-shaped cells through the formation and f
265                                PvRBP2a binds mature red blood cells through recognition of an erythro
266                         Both fusion proteins matured monocyte-derived dendritic cells through TLR5.
267 role in adaptive immune response by enabling mature B cells to switch from IgM expression to the expr
268 n of activated macrophages, neutrophils, and mature dendritic cells to myometrial and/or decidual tis
269 ity of its differentiation intermediates and mature effector cells to expand upon demand, thereby pro
270 d that ecdysteroid signaling is operating in mature follicle cells to control ovulation.
271        Anti-E-selectin reduced the number of mature antigen-presenting cells trafficking to lymphoid
272 s as a novel marker for this lymphoma across mature B-cell tumors, and support the distinction of NMZ
273 ng cell growth, were enriched in NMZL across mature B-cell tumors, functionally caused the loss of th
274 pend on their capacity to differentiate into mature and functional cell types after transplantation.
275 e progenitors and neurons observed early and mature cortical neurons and glial cell types produced la
276 itary, ZBTB20 is highly expressed by all the mature endocrine cell types, and to some less extent by
277 to extend our understanding of the origin of mature human pancreatic cell types and how such lineage
278 evelopmental signaling pathways can generate mature somatic cell types for basic laboratory studies o
279 e cells, and this concept may be expanded to maturing other PSC-derived cell types, including those c
280                      Because developmentally matured B cells undergo biologically programmed strand-s
281      When presented with different contexts, mature granule cells underwent robust remapping of their
282 r unique CDR3 sequences, from progenitor and mature mouse B lineage cells via the use of specific J p
283  whereas the final checkpoint that generated mature functional MAIT cells was controlled by multiple
284   Importantly, expression of beta-catenin in mature naive T cells was sufficient to drive integrin al
285    In the presence of inflammation, RTEs and mature T cells were, in contrast, equally capable of ind
286                           Similar to resting mature B cells, where the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR)
287 to only a slight decrease in the fraction of mature splenic B cells, whereas deletion of nfkb2 caused
288                  HEB-deficiency also affects mature CD73(+) gammadelta T cells, which are defective i
289 e of primary cilia in the memory function of mature dentate granule cells, which may result from abno
290 ersion is initiated by expression of FGRS in mature endothelial cells, which results in endogenous Ru
291 tage-13 follicle cells but is upregulated in mature stage-14 follicle cells, which is essential for f
292 poiesis, T-cell homeostasis, and survival of mature T cells, which provides a rationale for its poten
293 f Prox1-GFP(+) cells, one of which resembled mature EE cells while the other displayed low-level EE g
294 sors ensure the transition of progenitors to mature otic cells, while simultaneously repressing alter
295 econstituting young CBA Rag-1 mice that lack mature T and B cells with old CD8+ T cells expressing cl
296 om an immature cell with open chromatin to a mature T cell with tightly condensed chromatin.
297 tor dominant negative mastermind-like within mature T cells with C. neoformans Inhibition of T cell-r
298 duced populations of effector phagocytes and mature dendritic cells within the kidney and led to the
299 ts that exclusively regulates homeostasis of mature naive T cells without affecting thymocytes and/or
300 ll dissociation protocol in order to isolate mature type I hair cells without their calyx.
301                     We provide evidence of a maturing and more competitive stem cell workforce and di

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