


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ant genes and are generated through CSR in a mature B cell.
2 ytic leukaemia (CLL) is a clonal disorder of mature B cells.
3 o oncogenic translocations/amplifications in mature B cells.
4 were largely demethylated in pro-, pre-, and mature B cells.
5 n later stage B cells, including circulating mature B cells.
6 their ability to differentiate in vitro into mature B cells.
7 quences constructed by NextGen sequencing of mature B cells.
8 ts, and in IgH class switch recombination in mature B cells.
9 ulosclerosis in Jh mice, a strain that lacks mature B cells.
10 y of Hdac3 is required for the generation of mature B cells.
11 ovel function for IRF4 in the homeostasis of mature B cells.
12  clonal deletion fails to rescue survival of mature B cells.
13 vel: HSPCs, common lymphoid progenitors, and mature B cells.
14 g role for CAML in the long-term survival of mature B cells.
15 a CD19-Cre driver strain, we deleted PTIP in mature B cells.
16 a resulted in increased amounts of Foxp1 and mature B cells.
17 B-cell transition, leading to a reduction in mature B cells.
18 differentiation and functional reactivity of mature B cells.
19 impaired the development of transitional and mature B cells.
20 AFF is an important prosurvival cytokine for mature B cells.
21 homa-associated chromosome translocations in mature B cells.
22 ctivated in the neoplastic transformation of mature B cells.
23 which mediates cleavage of CD23 on distinct, mature B cells.
24 ine bone marrow cells blocked development of mature B cells.
25 e responses, and slightly reduced numbers of mature B cells.
26 cell receptor (BCR)-induced proliferation of mature B cells.
27  critical for the survival and maturation of mature B cells.
28  on in B-cell development or specifically in mature B cells.
29  previously described, a 2-fold reduction in mature B cells.
30 characterized by an increased compartment of mature B cells.
31 is essential for the homeostatic survival of mature B cells.
32 tribution to the survival and maintenance of mature B cells.
33 jor antibody isotypes on the surface of most mature B cells.
34 hrough Nod1 promotes competitive survival of mature B cells.
35 is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed by mature B cells.
36 pacity of EML-TA cells to differentiate into mature B-cells.
37 tic changes that are conserved from HSPCs to mature B-cells.
38 me positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia and mature B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia using biologi
39 e in which Irf4 was conditionally deleted in mature B cells, after immunization with protein Ags or i
40 yk-deficient mice, the DKO mice can generate mature B cells, albeit at >20-fold reduced B cell number
41 d the expression of 109 lncRNAs in pro-B and mature B cells and 184 lncRNAs in acute lymphoblastic le
42  an inverse correlation between normal human mature B cells and bone marrow plasma cells from patient
43 urvival and homeostasis of normal peripheral mature B cells and chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells, r
44 ted in a severe loss and reduced lifespan of mature B cells and completely abrogated development of B
45 uch tRNA-derived fragment, cloned from human mature B cells and designated CU1276, in fact possesses
46 rt of the B-cell coreceptor and expressed by mature B cells and follicular dendritic cells.
47 onal BCR is essential for the development of mature B cells and has been invoked in the control of th
48 D20 mAbs that efficiently deplete endogenous mature B cells and homologous CD20+ primary lymphoma cel
49 LC3 subsets with levels intermediate between mature B cells and ILC2.
50                            XLA patients lack mature B cells and immunoglobulin and experience recurre
51 so induced IgG Abs in BAFF-R KO mice lacking mature B cells and in mice deficient in interferon signa
52 8 null allele extinguished IgD expression on mature B cells and increased IgM.
53                         EBI2 is expressed in mature B cells and increases in expression early after a
54 cius is unaffected, whereas development into mature B cells and migration from the bursa are blocked
55 the TNF receptor family, is expressed on all mature B cells and on most B-cell lymphomas.
56 tablishes that receptor editing can occur in mature B cells and raises the possibility that this may
57 3 is sufficient to trigger transformation of mature B cells and support the notion that p53 deficienc
58 eath and proliferation in antigen-stimulated mature B cells and that mutations in this switch represe
59 tion and mutation process takes place in the maturing B cell and is responsible for the diversity of
60 -)Mb1-Cre(+/-) mice were virtually devoid of mature B cells, and B220(+)CD43(+) B-cell progenitors ac
61 itch recombination (CSR) occurs in activated mature B cells, and causes an exchange of the IgM isotyp
62 Both CD20 and CD19 mAbs effectively depleted mature B cells, and CD19 mAb treatment depleted plasmabl
63 eficient CD19(-/-) mice, in mice depleted of mature B cells, and in mice treated with CD22 mAb to pre
64 crucial survival factor for transitional and mature B cells, and is a promising therapeutic target fo
65  self renew, continuously differentiate into mature B cells, and thereby maintain peripheral B cell h
66 uitously expressed adaptor protein, promotes mature B cell apoptosis.
67                         Cancers arising from mature B cells are characterized by clonal production of
68                   In normal adult mice, most mature B cells are enriched for Nod1 up-regulated cells,
69 udy, we used conditional deletion of Irf4 in mature B cells as well as wild-type and Irf4-deficient m
70 B-cell receptor (BCR)-mediated activation of mature B cells, as well as higher concentrations of plas
71                                  How then do mature B cells avoid making a TI-2-like response to mult
72 CD19(+)CD5(+)CD23(+)sIgdim expressing clonal mature B cells but also its highly variable clinical cou
73 entiation and proliferation of Ag-challenged mature B cells, but also during final maturation of deve
74 feration of B cell progenitors and activated mature B cells, but is dispensable for B cell survival.
75 plays an essential role in the activation of mature B cells, but less is known about the role of IL-4
76            These cells comprise up to 30% of mature B cells by 22 months.
77 owed in wild-type mice that were depleted of mature B cells by anti-CD20 before or different times af
78  evidence that the survival of BCR deficient mature B cells can be rescued by a single signaling path
79 ssociated with endemic Burkitt's lymphoma, a mature B cell cancer characterized by chromosome translo
80               Thus, malaria infection favors mature B cell cancers by eliciting protracted AID expres
81                                           In mature B cells, class switch recombination (CSR) generat
82                                              Mature B cells coexpress both IgM and IgD B-cell antigen
83 ch gammaherpesviruses may gain access to the mature B cell compartment by recurrent seeding of develo
84  in the differentiation and selection of the mature B cell compartment.
85 aB signaling is crucial to generate a normal mature B-cell compartment, its role in the persistence o
86 F3B1 mutation) involvement could be found in mature B cells, consistent involvement at the pro-B-cell
87                    Malignancies derived from mature B cells constitute the majority of leukemias and
88                                           In mature B cells, CSR deletes Cmu and replaces it with a d
89                                        muMT (mature B-cell deficient) mice were prone to AAA formatio
90                 Previous work has shown that mature B cells depend upon survival signals delivered to
91 y what we believe to be a new key factor for mature B cell development and provide a rationale for ta
92 consistent with the signal-strength model of mature B cell development being extended to include stim
93 s in regulating lymphoid lineage commitment, mature B-cell development, and the GC response via disti
94                                              Mature B cell differentiation involves a well-establishe
95 ory role for microRNAs at every stage of the mature B-cell differentiation process.
96                                              Mature B-cell differentiation provides an important mech
97 ms regulated by SOX11 including the block of mature B-cell differentiation, modulation of cell cycle,
98          Upon antigen exposure, miR-155(-/-) mature B cells displayed significantly higher double-str
99 show that mice lacking both PU.1 and SpiB in mature B cells do not generate germinal centers and high
100 ed cytidine deaminase (AID) by Ag-activated, mature B cells during T cell-dependent germinal center r
101 6 is a transcriptional repressor required in mature B cells during the germinal center (GC) reaction.
102 bination treatment, although this related to mature B-cell engraftment in NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid) IL2rg(tm
103 ull activation and complete demethylation of mature B cell enhancers.
104 urface TACI expression is usually limited to mature B cells, excess BAFF promotes the expansion of TA
105                                              Mature B-cell exit from germinal centers is controlled b
106  (IgD) is an enigmatic antibody isotype that mature B cells express together with IgM through alterna
107         These results suggest that residual, mature B cells expressing autoreactive BnAbs, like 2F5 a
108                T1, in contrast to follicular mature B cells, failed to express key NF-kappaB target g
109 ts identify IL-2 as a crucial early input in mature B cell fate commitment.
110                  EML1 cells differentiate to mature B-cells following treatment with IL7; whereas EML
111 ons, the loss of the BCR can be tolerated by mature B cells for some time, whereas HC-deficient B cel
112 n of Notch2 by Fringe enzymes is critical to maturing B cells for accessing DL1 on vascular endotheli
113     Mice with inducible deletion of Cdc42 in mature B cells formed smaller germinal centers and had a
114                               Like T1 cells, mature B cells from Btk- and c-Rel-deficient mice also f
115 om pediatric thymus, and compared these with mature B cells from fetal and pediatric bone marrow.
116                           The development of mature B cells from hematopoietic stem cells is a strict
117                                    Activated mature B cells from wild-type, Unc93b1(3d/3d)-mutant, or
118 te the biologic effects of Btk inhibition on mature B-cell function and the progression of B cell-ass
119                      To evaluate its role in mature B cell functions, a conditional gene deficiency i
120  is a transcriptional repressor required for mature B-cell germinal center (GC) formation and implica
121  a similar characterization of primary human mature B cells has been lacking.
122 AID) produces widespread somatic mutation in mature B cells; however, the extent of "off-target" DSB
123 ic region that controls BAFF-R expression in mature B cells (i.e., the TNFRSF13C promoter).
124 dies in melanoma, support the involvement of mature B cells in cutaneous immunity.
125 ought to be restricted to antigen-activated, mature B cells in germinal centers.
126        BIK is implicated in the selection of mature B cells in humans.
127  older mice we observe a major population of mature B cells in LNs and in the spleens of mice with hi
128 se the Cre/Lox approach to inactivate p53 in mature B cells in mice (referred to as "CP" B cells) and
129 Our data therefore reveal that precursors of mature B cells in NOD mice exhibit an altered migration
130 pleen and preferentially differentiates into mature B cells in response to Plasmodium yoelii infectio
131  where we defined pro-B, pre-B, and immature/mature B cells in the adult kidney.
132 down-regulated proapoptotic Bmf, unlike most mature B cells in the adult.
133           Alcohol consumption also decreased mature B cells in the blood.
134 ed significant, albeit incomplete, rescue of mature B cells in the bone marrow, peripheral blood, spl
135 ns in myeloma are thought to occur solely in mature B cells in the germinal center through class swit
136 uggest that IRF4 controls the positioning of mature B cells in the lymphoid microenvironments by regu
137                                              Mature B cells in the mutant mice displayed nuclear accu
138 lusion, Notch2HCS mutant mice have increased mature B cells in the MZ of the spleen.
139 etion of Spi1 and Spib resulted in a lack of mature B cells in the spleen and a block in B cell devel
140  in the thymus, and a selective reduction in mature B cells in the spleen and bone marrow.
141 the role of intrinsic expression of Cdc42 by mature B cells in their activation and function.
142 canonical NF-kappaB activation potentials in mature B cells in vivo.
143 pecific, BCR dependent signaling cascades in mature B cells in vivo.
144 atalytic subunit of Pol zeta, selectively in mature B cells in vivo.
145 erarchy, from stem cells, B-cell precursors, maturing B cells in the germinal center, and circulating
146 ability to assure the survival of mature and maturing B cells in the periphery stands out.
147       MEDI551, an anti-CD19 Ab that depletes mature B cells including plasma cells may offer a compel
148 ndin E2 triggers antibody class switching in mature B cells, increasing the levels of anti-alpha-Gal
149        In response to antigenic stimulation, mature B cells interact with follicular helper T cells i
150 P1 expression, and promotes the shift from a mature B cell into the initial plasmacytic differentiati
151 e homolog Blimp-1 promote differentiation of mature B cells into Ab-secreting plasma cells.
152 sed recruitment of dendritic cells (DCs) and mature B cells into the draining lymph nodes and the per
153                              When a BCR on a mature B cell is engaged by its ligand, the cell becomes
154 ment, its role in the persistence of resting mature B cells is controversial.
155                     The role of microRNAs in mature B cells is largely unknown.
156 s known about how this reservoir of infected mature B cells is maintained for the life of the host.
157                                  Survival of mature B cells is regulated by B cell receptor and BAFFR
158 ent development of B lineage precursors into mature B cells is stringently controlled by stage-specif
159  development, but whether it plays a role in mature B cells is unknown.
160  not only for multiple myeloma, but also for mature B cell leukemia and lymphoma.
161 ells, implying a role in the pathogenesis of mature B-cell leukemia.
162                   Finally, K13 protected the mature B-cell line Ramos against anti-IgM-induced apopto
163 s an obligate dimer in B cells and regulates mature B cell lineage fate and humoral immune responses
164 ic Kap1-KO mice displayed reduced numbers of mature B cells, lower steady-state levels of Abs, and ac
165                             By screening 269 mature B cell lymphoma biopsies, we also identified a so
166 any genes found as translocation partners in mature B cell lymphoma.
167 ed into patient care for various subtypes of mature B-cell lymphoma (e.g., ibrutinib, idelalisib).
168 cents treated on the French-American-British Mature B-Cell Lymphoma 96 (FAB LMB 96) trial.
169              Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a mature B-cell lymphoma characterized by poor clinical ou
170             Seven patients (0.48%) presented mature B-cell lymphoma consisting of 6 DLBCL and 1 FL.
171 tantly, miR-217 overexpression also promotes mature B-cell lymphomagenesis; this is physiologically r
172                                              Mature B cell lymphomas arising as a result of deregulat
173 l rate, it modifies lymphomagenesis to favor mature B cell lymphomas that are AID dependent and show
174                           PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Mature B-cell lymphomas bearing concurrent chromosomal r
175 sed in most MCL but is not detected in other mature B-cell lymphomas or normal lymphoid cells.
176 d to few ALL subtypes (e.g. TCF3-PBX1), most mature B-cell lymphomas rely on BCR signaling provided b
177 within murine HSPCs, and find that it causes mature B-cell lymphomas that lack Bcl6 expression and ta
178 may be involved in the pathogenesis of human mature B-cell lymphomas.
179  surface BCR expression is conserved in most mature B-cell lymphomas.
180 ilarly contribute to c-myc amplification and mature B-cell lymphomas.
181 rolase UCH-L1 is frequently overexpressed in mature B-cell malignancies and is a potent oncogene in m
182 ieve promising clinical responses in various mature B-cell malignancies and might also be useful in d
183                  Survival and progression of mature B-cell malignancies depend on signals from the B-
184     Despite major therapeutic advances, most mature B-cell malignancies remain incurable.
185 iagnosis and guides therapeutic decisions in mature B-cell malignancies while enhancing our understan
186 bserved across a broad range of immature and mature B-cell malignancies, thereby providing a rational
187 ling is a successful therapeutic strategy in mature B-cell malignancies.
188 ractive novel strategy for treating selected mature B-cell malignancies.
189 cally, biologically and genetically distinct mature B-cell malignancies.
190              Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a mature B-cell malignancy that continues to have a high m
191 ll prolymphocytic leukemia (B-PLL) is a rare mature B-cell malignancy that may be hard to distinguish
192      We also subjected mice deficient in all mature B cells (muMT mice) to renal I/R and found that t
193   Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is a mature B-cell neoplasm characterized by rather indolent
194       Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a chronic mature B-cell neoplasm with unique clinicopathologic fea
195 SHIP(-/-)) results in spontaneous and lethal mature B cell neoplasms consistent with marginal zone ly
196 ive evaluation of large series of aggressive mature B-cell neoplasms reveals recurrent chromosomal ab
197 ne alterations have been identified in other mature B-cell neoplasms that are usually associated with
198 c miRNA whose expression is lost in numerous mature B-cell neoplasms.
199  of high-grade (52.9%) and low-grade (47.1%) mature B-cell NHL in CSA was also significantly differen
200 th these prognostic factors in children with mature B-cell NHL.
201 re independent risk factors in children with mature B-cell NHL.
202 arge B-cell lymphoma (MLBL) represents 2% of mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma in patients </= 18 ye
203 1 years) compared with younger children with mature B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) have been his
204                                     Although mature B cell numbers were only mildly reduced, bone mar
205 4 end-ligation activity and severely reduced mature B cell numbers, Lig4(R278H/R278H) (Lig4(R/R)) mic
206 f their efforts to express SV40 T antigen in mature B cells of mice.
207 ced deaminase initiates isotype switching in mature B cells of secondary lymphoid structures.
208 ents involving lymphoid-myeloid progenitors, mature B cells, or T cells.
209 GS: AID is expressed in many malignancies of mature B-cell origin and contributes to the development
210 immature B cells occurred with conversion to mature B cells over time.
211 t positive histone epigenetic marks, and the mature B cells partially dedifferentiated, induced RAG-1
212 icroRNAs may be important in maintaining the mature B-cell phenotype in normal and malignant B cells.
213 igh-grade disease with a shift toward a more mature B-cell phenotype, increased cycling and gene expr
214 n the context of a normal immune system, the mature B cell pool is naturally maintained by the renewa
215 B cells are selected to enter the peripheral mature B-cell pool only if they do not bind (or bind lim
216                                              Mature B cell pools retain a substantial proportion of p
217 king PTPRZ, the proportion and number of the mature B cell population are reduced.
218                          The presence of the mature B cell population correlates with enhanced IgG an
219   Memory B cells are a dynamic subset of the mature B cell population that in some cases can reenter
220 pression of CD10, CD24, and CD38 relative to mature B cell populations and are expanded in the periph
221 at T1 and later stages, resulting in reduced mature B-cell populations and reduced antigen-specific i
222 mphoma (DLBCL) genetically resemble specific mature B-cell populations that are blocked at different
223 ath, and that a Bcl2 transgene reconstitutes mature B-cell populations, respectively.
224                                        Fetal mature B cells predominantly used proximal V, D, and J g
225 an B cell culture is the capacity to support mature B cell proliferation.
226 , most patients exhibited complete total and mature B cell recovery, whereas memory B cell subsets re
227 critical stage in their development when the mature B cell repertoire is shaped.
228 nal unresponsiveness or anergy exists in the mature B-cell repertoire along a continuum, a fact that
229  cells during B lymphopoiesis and peripheral mature B cells, respectively.
230  of newly generated B cells and about 30% of mature B cells show some degree of autoreactivity.
231 resent, but we also found that Tec-deficient mature B cells showed increased activation, proliferatio
232                       In the absence of Lyn, mature B cell signaling was greatly enhanced, whereas im
233                                 We show that mature B cell-specific PTEN overexpression enhances CSR.
234 ls specifically at the transitional to naive mature B cell stage in WAS subjects.
235 autoreactivity are mostly deleted before the mature B cell stage, but are positively selected and exp
236  and partial deletion at the transitional to mature B cell stage, but become Env(-) upon receptor edi
237 lation of GL transcription is delayed to the mature B-cell stage is presently unknown.
238                We have discovered a distinct mature B-cell subset that accumulates with age, which we
239 onal 1 (T1) stage and leads to a decrease in mature B cell subsets and deficits in T cell-dependent a
240 ) mice develop normal B1 and B2 immature and mature B cell subsets and have normal levels of naive se
241 CD21 and CD24 distinguishes transitional and mature B cell subsets in mice.
242 mprised of two major, functionally distinct, mature B cell subsets, i.e., follicular mature (FM) and
243 t profound humoral immunodeficiency and lack mature B cell subsets, mirroring deficiency of the cytok
244 imuli confer regulatory functions to various mature B-cell subsets but immature B-cell progenitors en
245 combined heavy-chain genes from immature and mature B-cell subsets in mice, we demonstrate a striking
246 ne mice, whereas they clearly populate 1% of mature B-cell subsets in VH125Tg/NOD mice.
247  LEF-1 specifically in CLL but not in normal mature B-cell subsets or after B-cell activation.
248 ion severely inhibited the generation of all mature B-cell subsets, but follicular B-cell numbers cou
249                                              Mature B-cell subsets, immune responses, and memory B-ce
250     Despite sharing some features with other mature B-cell subsets, they are refractory to BCR and CD
251 oject (IGP) to identify unique biomarkers of mature B cell subtypes.
252 ne marrow data, CCAST also reveals two major mature B-cell subtypes, namely CD123+ and CD123- cells,
253 MAP kinase signaling pathway in BAFF-induced mature B cell survival and homeostatic maintenance of B2
254 which are also important for BAFF to promote mature B cell survival.
255 aB family of proteins in B-cell development, mature B-cell survival and B-cell function.
256 e found that, although the Igalpha-deficient mature B cells survive for >20 d in vivo, the HC-deficie
257 tion factor that is expressed exclusively in mature B cells, T-cell progenitors, and plasmacytoid den
258  Taken together, these data indicate that in mature B cells, Tec and Btk may compete for activation o
259 lower median percentages of transitional and mature B cells than age-matched healthy controls (P<0.00
260 el negative selection mechanism for deleting mature B cells that acquire reactivity to self-Ag.
261 mia (CLL) is a disease of an accumulation of mature B cells that are highly dependent on the microenv
262 ignancy characterized by clonal expansion of mature B cells that are resistant to apoptosis.
263 ymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a malignancy of mature B cells that depend on host factors in the tissue
264  BM, but instead appear to be generated from mature B cells that exhaustively expand during the indiv
265 al activity, we conditionally deleted E3' in mature B cells that possessed Ed(-/-) alleles.
266 kappaB signaling was ablated specifically in mature B cells, the differentiation and/or persistence o
267 a critical role for Cdc42 in the motility of mature B cells, their cognate interaction with T cells,
268 ng by acute deletion of Pten specifically in mature B cells, thereby excluding the developmental impa
269          Although HRS cells are derived from mature B cells, they have largely lost their B cell phen
270  microbial products in promoting survival of mature B cells through up-regulated Nod1, providing a po
271 remia had increased proportions of activated mature B cells, tissue-like memory B cells and plasmabla
272 cy substantially enhanced the sensitivity of mature B cells to activation via the BCR, but minimally
273 role in adaptive immune response by enabling mature B cells to switch from IgM expression to the expr
274                            The propensity of mature B cells to transform has been linked to their lon
275 s as a novel marker for this lymphoma across mature B-cell tumors, and support the distinction of NMZ
276 ng cell growth, were enriched in NMZL across mature B-cell tumors, functionally caused the loss of th
277 ca1(+)kit(+)flt3(-) HSC compartment generate mature B cell types in different proportions: CLPs and k
278 or the generation and maintenance of several mature B cell types.
279                   Upon cross-linking of BCR, mature B cells undergo proliferation with an increase in
280                      Because developmentally matured B cells undergo biologically programmed strand-s
281         Furthermore, upon enhancer loss, the mature B cells unexpectedly underwent reversible retrogr
282      Therefore, the effects of depleting all mature B cells using a potent CD20 mAb, or of depleting
283 ed 33% and then shifted to the nearly final (mature) B cell value by the cycling pre-B cell stage.
284 rentiation of immature into transitional and mature B cells via activation of Erk, likely through a p
285  mediate the development of transitional and mature B cells, we examined B cell development using a m
286 nase (PI3K), a major survival determinant in mature B cells, we indeed found that combining constitut
287                                              Mature B cells were chronically activated, leading to hy
288                  Late pre-B and immature and mature B cells were decreased in the bone marrow of Ebf1
289 T cell-mediated anti-tumor immune responses, mature B cells were depleted from wild-type adult mice u
290 wed us to produce chimeric mice in which all mature B cells were derived entirely from IgG1-expressin
291 ll function in promoting T cell homeostasis, mature B cells were either acutely or chronically deplet
292 -I and preB-II, and decreased frequencies of mature B cells were observed in bone marrow aspirates of
293 40 and CD86 expression by B cells, iNKT cell-matured B cells were unable to drive proliferation of au
294 trics can be propagated developmentally into mature B cells where they generate new DSBs downstream o
295                           Similar to resting mature B cells, where the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR)
296 us human T cells expedites the appearance of mature B cells, whereas in vivo depletion of T cells ret
297 ch allowed us to generate all-iPSC mice from mature B cells, which have until now failed to support t
298  common leukemia in adults and arises from a mature B cell with either mutated or unmutated IGH@ tran
299 cell development but have reduced numbers of mature B cells with poor germinal centers, as well as in
300 D180 rapidly increased both transitional and mature B cells, with especially robust increases in tran

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