


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 fferentiation of immature myeloid cells into mature dendritic cells.
2 ukin 4 they differentiated into functionally mature dendritic cells.
3 e activation and survival of osteoclasts and mature dendritic cells.
4 hocytes, PBMC, immature dendritic cells, and mature dendritic cells.
5 esicles (CIIV), are particularly abundant in mature dendritic cells.
6 y TH2 and, to a significantly lesser extent, mature dendritic cells.
7 mbinant ligand, B7-1, or upon coculture with mature dendritic cells.
8 mal immune cells especially PD-L1 expressing mature dendritic cells.
9 on strong signal 2 costimulation provided by mature dendritic cells.
10 munoglobulin superfamily and is a marker for mature dendritic cells.
11 D83, a molecule up-regulated on functionally mature dendritic cells.
12 d cells in vivo and promoted accumulation of mature dendritic cells.
13 ls, CD14(+) monocytes, and both immature and mature dendritic cells.
14 ffinity peptide Ags presented by bone marrow-matured dendritic cells.
15  to control T cells stimulated by allogeneic mature dendritic cells, a phenomenon dependent on the re
16 uring sensitization increased the numbers of mature dendritic cells and activated CD4 T cells in the
17 lso become clear that iNKT cells can rapidly mature dendritic cells and licence them to prime antigen
18 r that is polysialylated on its O-glycans in mature dendritic cells and macrophages by the polysialyl
19 physiological role, selectively expressed in mature dendritic cells and macrophages.
20 d by TDF and promotes the differentiation of mature dendritic cells and macrophages.
21 h nodes of pregnant dams, the frequencies of mature dendritic cells and regulatory T cells significan
22 rions at virological synapses formed between mature dendritic cells and T cells.
23 chemokine receptor 7 (CCR-7) is expressed on mature dendritic cells and T-cells.
24  at interfaces between activated T cells and mature dendritic cells and that these interactions will
25 iate in the thymic medulla with activated or mature dendritic cells and TSLP-expressing Hassall's cor
26 henotypic and morphologic characteristics of mature dendritic cells and were the most potent stimulat
27 etter harnessing the immunizing functions of maturing dendritic cells, antibody-mediated antigen targ
28                                   Thus, semi-mature dendritic cells are able to process and present s
29                                  These newly matured dendritic cells are then able to prime tumor-spe
30 at are activated and expanded in an in vitro-matured dendritic cell-based primary stimulation protoco
31 ificantly, L1 expression was not detected on mature dendritic cells but could be induced by treatment
32       The presence of immature and activated/mature dendritic cells (CD1a(+) and CD83(+)) was confirm
33 n 4 (IL-4), and further differentiation into mature dendritic cells (CD1a+CD83+) with GM-CSF, IL-4, a
34 expressing monocyte (CD14+ CD11c+ CD83-) and mature dendritic cell (DC) markers (CD14- CD11c+ CD83+),
35                         They did not express mature dendritic cell (DC) markers CD208/DC-lysosomal-as
36 HPV16) or HPV18 (HPV16/18) E7 antigen-pulsed mature dendritic cell (DC) vaccination were evaluated fo
37 -beta prevents the in vitro monocyte-derived mature dendritic cell (DC)-dependent differentiation of
38                    Purified proteasomes from mature dendritic cells (DC) and activated CD4(+) T cells
39         A high density of tumor-infiltrating mature dendritic cells (DC) and CD8(+) T cells correlate
40     Monocytes, macrophages, and immature and mature dendritic cells (DC) are considered major cellula
41    We established a model system to generate mature dendritic cells (DC) from a GM-CSF-dependent cell
42 CEA transgenic mice with bone marrow-derived mature dendritic cells (DC) loaded with anti-idiotype 3H
43                              In lung tumors, mature dendritic cells (DC) present in tumor-associated
44                               However, it is mature dendritic cells (DC) that are predominantly respo
45 media for the generation of large numbers of mature dendritic cells (DC) under conditions acceptable
46 mokine is specific for naive lymphocytes and mature dendritic cells (DC) which express the CCR7 recep
47 on in mice induced a significant increase in mature dendritic cells (DC) within the skin, preferentia
48 T and B lymphocytes, and bone marrow-derived mature dendritic cells (DC), but it abrogated MIP1alpha-
49 are differentially expressed on immature and mature dendritic cells (DC).
50 tissue-produced inflammatory mediators prime maturing dendritic cells (DC) for the differential abili
51 tion to inhaled allergens by the presence of mature dendritic cells (DCs) and IL-4.
52  cancer (NSCLC) characterized by clusters of mature dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells surrounded by B
53 nfected with influenza A virus do not become mature dendritic cells (DCs) and they present viral pept
54 rological synapses formed between HIV-pulsed mature dendritic cells (DCs) and uninfected T cells cont
55                                     Although mature dendritic cells (DCs) are potent initiators of ad
56                                              Mature dendritic cells (DCs) are powerful antigen presen
57 although Ags presented by different types of mature dendritic cells (DCs) are similarly effective in
58                                              Mature dendritic cells (DCs) are stimulators of T-cell i
59 that high levels of TRANCE-R are detected on mature dendritic cells (DCs) but not on freshly isolated
60 nexpectedly downregulated in splenocytes and mature dendritic cells (DCs) from Ii(-/-) mice.
61              T cell immunity is initiated by mature dendritic cells (DCs) in lymphoid organs, whereas
62                      Antigen presentation by mature dendritic cells (DCs) is the first step for initi
63 s in vivo to the same Ag presented either by mature dendritic cells (DCs) or as self, in the presence
64                       There is evidence that mature dendritic cells (DCs) present in the rheumatoid a
65 n contrast, immunization with peptide-coated mature dendritic cells (DCs) results in a CD8 T-cell res
66 ate the gingival epithelium, whereas CD83(+) mature dendritic cells (DCs) specifically infiltrate the
67 egulatory type 1 (Tr1) induction by CD11c(+) mature dendritic cells (DCs) that phagocytose allogeneic
68              The trafficking of immature and mature dendritic cells (DCs) to different anatomical sit
69 7BL/6 mouse bone marrow-derived immature and mature dendritic cells (DCs) were infected with AAV enco
70 ruitment to pancreatic lymph nodes (PLNs) of mature dendritic cells (DCs) with disease-protective eff
71 e have analyzed the presence of immature and mature dendritic cells (DCs) within adenocarcinoma of th
72 d on a wide variety of cell types, including mature dendritic cells (DCs), and is required for optima
73                                              Mature dendritic cells (DCs), in addition to providing c
74 at breast cancer tumors are infiltrated with mature dendritic cells (DCs), which cluster with CD4(+)
75    This was associated with higher influx of mature dendritic cells (DCs), which drove toward a Th1-l
76  leading to efforts to target the vaccine to mature dendritic cells (DCs).
77 s of TRANCE receptor expression are found on mature dendritic cells (DCs).
78 roducts LAMP3/DC-LAMP and CD83, which typify mature dendritic cells (DCs).
79 processed peptides on host MHC molecules) by mature dendritic cells (DCs).
80 crophages, monocytes, T cells, immature, and mature dendritic cells (DCs).
81                       These appear to act by maturing dendritic cells (DCs) and allowing them to prim
82 ell activation by dasatinib, pretreatment of maturing dendritic cells (DCs) with dasatinib strongly e
83 is improved by targeting vaccine proteins to maturing dendritic cells (DCs) within mAbs to DC recepto
84  this hurdle, proteins are being targeted to maturing dendritic cells (DCs) within monoclonal antibod
85 ts, is a key polarizing cytokine produced by maturing dendritic cells (DCs).
86 titutively active form of Rac (V12Rac1) into mature dendritic cells did not reactivate macropinocytos
87 red Treg cells also suppressed activated and matured dendritic cell-driven responses.
88       Infected monocytes differentiated into mature dendritic cells, expressed IFN-alpha, and stimula
89 tory cytokine production and the presence of mature dendritic cells for the OSVP, OSV, and OS viruses
90 g the reduced response to restimulation with mature dendritic cells generated from the original donor
91            Different subsets of immature and mature dendritic cells have been recently identified in
92 that are sufficient to be cross-presented by mature dendritic cells in the DLN, nai;ve T cells can re
93 or either Th1 or Th2 response revealed fewer mature dendritic cells in the lymph nodes of IDO(-/-) mi
94  stimulated by the respective peptide-loaded matured dendritic cells in vitro.
95                      Vaccine is delivered to maturing dendritic cells in lymphoid tissue by engineeri
96 survival protein overexpressed in tumors, to maturing dendritic cells in lymphoid tissues.
97              Similar changes are observed in maturing dendritic cells, indicating that some cellular
98                The conversion of immature to mature dendritic cells is accompanied by a marked cellul
99  recently found that human CD83, a marker of mature dendritic cells, is an adhesion receptor that bin
100 y a new model of EAU induced by injection of matured dendritic cells loaded with a uveitogenic retina
101 ed that ATRA differentiated ImC in vivo into mature dendritic cells, macrophages, and granulocytes.
102   This was associated with downregulation of mature dendritic cell markers and expansion of regulator
103 e antibodies exhibit similar potency against mature dendritic cell (mDC)-mediated HIV-1 trans-infecti
104                           Cross-talk between mature dendritic cells (mDC) and NK cells through the ce
105 ecule programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) from mature dendritic cells (mDC) and tumor cells in an Ag-sp
106 ressed on immature dendritic cells (iDC) and mature dendritic cells (mDC), IFN-gamma-treated monocyte
107 in chronic periodontitis (CP) contains CD83+ mature dendritic cells (mDCs) and CD4+ T-cells.
108                                              Mature dendritic cells (mDCs) are known as the most pote
109 cently reported that the capture of HIV-1 by mature dendritic cells (MDCs) is mediated by an interact
110              Chemokine receptor CCR7 directs mature dendritic cells (mDCs) to secondary lymph nodes w
111 ble to promote the generation of tolerogenic mature dendritic cells (mDCs) with an impaired ability t
112 the association of densities of intratumoral mature dendritic cells (mDCs), CD8(+) T cells, neutrophi
113 on and production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) by mature dendritic cells (mDCs), it remains unclear how th
114 ously described as a cell surface marker for mature dendritic cells) on CD4 T cells.
115 d macrophages (13%), with natural killer and mature dendritic cells only rarely present.
116 ary human T cells stimulated with allogeneic mature dendritic cells or phytohemagglutinin (PHA) but d
117                   CD4+ T-cells, macrophages, mature dendritic cells, proliferating cell nuclear antig
118                        When monocyte-derived mature dendritic cells pulsed with T27K (mDC(T27K)) were
119 rthermore, induction of EAU with IRBP-pulsed mature dendritic cells required generation of an IFN-gam
120  sheet-like membrane extensions derived from mature dendritic cells, resulting in a shielded region f
121 sed on the surfaces of T cells, B cells, and mature dendritic cells that controls cell migration in r
122 ecules through the endocytic system, than in mature dendritic cells that have stabilized MHC class II
123 n of activated macrophages, neutrophils, and mature dendritic cells to myometrial and/or decidual tis
124 s in a manner that involves the migration of mature dendritic cells to the lymph node.
125 4(+)-specific immune responses and recruited mature dendritic cells to the vaccination sites controll
126 h nodes, potentially implicating a defect in mature dendritic cell trafficking.
127 use Tim-4, the Tim-1 ligand, is expressed by mature dendritic cells, we propose that interaction betw
128 pear to lack thymic medullary epithelium and mature dendritic cells, we studied the effect of this "c
129 phage progenitors, myeloid-lineage cells and mature dendritic cells were higher in 4-1BB- and 4-1BBL-
130  In vivo studies also indicated that splenic mature dendritic cells were restored after CDDO-Me treat
131      We also detected IL-23p19 expression in mature dendritic cells which were preferentially located
132 on, IPCs differentiate into a unique type of mature dendritic cell, which directly regulates the func
133                          We propose that MCM-matured dendritic cells will be the most effective adjuv
134 rentiate within 18 hours into CD16(-)CD83(+) mature dendritic cells with enhanced capacity to activat
135 duced populations of effector phagocytes and mature dendritic cells within the kidney and led to the
136 this new result and suggest that a subset of mature dendritic cells within the thymic medulla protect

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