


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion of multipotent myeloid progenitors into mature granulocytes.
2 bute to the failure of these mice to produce mature granulocytes.
3 alpha-/- mice, which are not able to produce mature granulocytes.
4 ocated in the BMHC predominantly occupied by mature granulocytes.
5 ecursors that can lead to the development of mature granulocytes.
6 ntiate into morphologically and functionally mature granulocytes.
7 oiesis and causes neutrophilia consisting of mature granulocytes.
8 7 predominantly stimulated the production of mature granulocytes.
9  differentiation of AK2-deficient iPSCs into mature granulocytes.
10  and MD-2 and migrated less efficiently than mature granulocytes.
11 on of the C/EBP-epsilon gene fail to produce mature granulocytes and eosinophils.
12  myeloid cells proliferated and gave rise to mature granulocytes and macrophages.
13 yeloid-specific cytokines and development of mature granulocytes and macrophages.
14 cultured macrophages from bone marrow and in mature granulocytes and monocytes from peripheral blood.
15 ne marrow, as well as reduced frequencies of mature granulocytes and monocytes.
16 ut also serves as an important reservoir for mature granulocytes and stem cells, including haematopoi
17 riggers neutrophilic differentiation, and no mature granulocytes are observed in Cebpa-mutant mice.
18      In the bone marrow, erythroid cells and maturing granulocytes are PrP(C+).
19 ny formation and impaired differentiation to mature granulocytes as stimulated by stem cell factor an
20 ls, and was associated with toxicity against mature granulocytes, but not toward human hematopoietic
21 ationship to cytokine receptor expression in maturing granulocytes could be distinguished from simila
22  in the cultures indicated that up to 32% of maturing granulocytes derived from transduced CD34+ prog
23         Consequently, recovery of the marrow mature granulocyte differentiation antigen-1 cell popula
24 raperitoneal saline stored a large number of mature granulocytes expressing a high level of Gr1 (Gr1(
25                G-MDSCs, made of immature and mature granulocytes expressing high levels of degranulat
26    To investigate the functional capacity of mature granulocytes from Gc-treated mice, an improved gr
27 ycle more actively to increase production of mature granulocytes in response to infection or adjuvant
28 transcriptional signatures of normal CD34(-) mature granulocyte-macrophage precursors, downstream of
29 f spleen cells from animals pretreated with "mature" granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
30 ependent differentiation of these cells into mature granulocytes, macrophages, megakaryocytes, and er
31 macrophage progenitor was decreased, and the mature granulocyte population was decreased, compared wi
32 s differentiation of the leukemic cells into mature granulocytes, represents the important advance.
33 the E3 ubiquitin ligase Triad1 is greater in mature granulocytes than in myeloid progenitor cells.
34 nce between the frequencies of precursor and mature granulocytes was correlated with a compensatory d
35 found to have t(15;17), whereas the residual mature granulocytes were diploid and lacked evidence of
36 ccumulation of myeloblasts and an absence of mature granulocytes, whereas expression of C/EBPalpha in

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