


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 CN7/ZCN8 messenger RNA in florigen-producing mature leaf.
2  development affects stomatal density on the mature leaf.
3 ncrease vein and plasmodesmatal density in a mature leaf.
4 inhibition effects, including the wilting of mature leaves.
5 or the full repression of PCNA expression in mature leaves.
6 re negative in young leaves, and positive in mature leaves.
7 tion, but the transcript is less abundant in mature leaves.
8 eaves but increased transcription in healthy mature leaves.
9 nduced transcription of chloroplast genes in mature leaves.
10 treated, healthy potato organs or in wounded mature leaves.
11 n epidermal, mesophyll and vascular cells of mature leaves.
12 r from B supplied as a foliar application to mature leaves.
13  of the silique, pedicel and stem but not in mature leaves.
14 ver-expressed in developing primordia and in mature leaves.
15 equired to limit the spread of cell death in mature leaves.
16 plete or nearly complete DNA loss already in mature leaves.
17  the upper leaf side was gained in young and mature leaves.
18 increased in the vein and mesophyll of young mature leaves.
19 these processes were largely uncorrelated in mature leaves.
20 , but relatively little initiation occurs in mature leaves.
21 t in immature leaves but are greater than in mature leaves.
22 ed with the mass-based carboxylation rate of mature leaves.
23 he accumulation of neutral lipid droplets in mature leaves.
24 elopmental control and induces telomerase in mature leaves.
25 hydrates metabolism were highly expressed in mature leaves.
26 olated from the oil gland secretory cells of mature leaves.
27 ures on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of mature leaves.
28 ndant transcript but was absent from healthy mature leaves.
29 the companion cells of the smallest veins of mature leaves.
30  immature leaves and was highly expressed in mature leaves.
31 expanding tissues, but substantially less in mature leaves.
32 n fruits, flowers and cotyledons, but not in mature leaves.
33 ieved the repression of the PCNA promoter in mature leaves.
34  tips, shoots, and floral organs, but not to mature leaves.
35                                           In mature leaves, all photosynthetic parameters were indist
36                         Induction of PHYB in mature leaves also rescues stomatal development in young
37 bidopsis microarrays with labeled cDNAs from mature leaf and shoot apices from several different spec
38 as a result of damage, increased >50-fold in mature leaves and decreased >1400-fold in immature leave
39 enerated a large data set of small RNAs from mature leaves and developing roots, shoots, and inflores
40                      This response occurs in mature leaves and may represent a strategy that is optim
41 0-fold above wild type, whereas the level in mature leaves and other tissues is no greater than wild
42 nly a subset of rops was highly expressed in mature leaves and pollen.
43 ted at 45.3% of the total soluble protein in mature leaves and remained stable even in old bleached l
44 NMTase mRNA expression was high in young and mature leaves and was enhanced by light.
45 per-binding proteins purified from seedling, mature leaf, and mature root tissues.
46 , including seedlings, inflorescence rachis, mature leaves, and flowers.
47  accumulated high levels of carbohydrates in mature leaves, and had a higher shoot biomass, contrasti
48 l pattern of vascular bundles in cotyledons, mature leaves, and inflorescence stems.
49 highly expressed in the collection phloem of mature leaves, and its function in phloem loading is wel
50 , these morphological asymmetries persist in mature leaves, and we observe left-right asymmetries in
51 tyle of elongating siliques, the petioles of maturing leaves, and most of the root.
52 hese developing zones to one another and the mature leaf blade.
53 in all green tissues, with highest levels in maturing leaf blades.
54                                          Its mature leaves bleached, and it showed an increased degre
55  in all tested tissues, was not expressed in mature leaves but was highly expressed in roots.
56 ese processes do not occur in the absence of maturing leaves but can be restored by application of C(
57 y roles in glucosinolate allocation within a mature leaf by effectively importing apoplastically loca
58 plants reduces the number of chloroplasts in mature leaf cells from 100 to one, indicating that both
59 are specifically targeted for proteolysis in mature leaf cells.
60 rol and sulfolipid levels were lower than in mature leaves, consistent with low photosynthetic rates
61 is machinery returned to wild-type levels in mature leaves, consistent with the developmental down-re
62                             The epidermis of mature leaves contained the highest proportion of thiol
63                            We found that the matured leaf contains a longitudinal gene expression gra
64 1b null mutant becomes depleted of CSP41a in mature leaves, correlating with a pale green phenotype a
65                                              Mature leaves detect these environmental signals and rel
66 nt on its catalytic activity was observed in mature leaves during mycotoxin-induced cell death.
67 n was not detected in floating leaf discs of mature leaves exposed to excess Mn.
68 t, which ensures the continual production of mature leaves following juvenile-adult transition, there
69 n nighttime leaf respiration rate (RN) among mature leaves from an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana)
70                 Using this screening method, mature leaves from fully developed plants were analyzed,
71                                              Mature leaves grown under continuous illumination contai
72 y of organs to produce AsA from GAL-L showed mature leaves have a 3- to 10-fold higher biosynthetic c
73 nces in leaf patterning between juvenile and mature leaves in Arabidopsis.
74                Ectopic expression of GAT1 in mature leaves increased plasmodesmal permeability and le
75 n increased by more than 2-fold in young and mature leaves, indicating that phosphate stimulates prot
76                     The minor-vein phloem of mature leaves is developmentally and physiologically dis
77                      The transcript level in mature leaves is very low during the photoperiod, reache
78                    Our data suggest that, in mature leaves, isoprene emission rates are primarily det
79 ct DNA of any size in most chloroplasts from mature leaves, long before the onset of leaf senescence.
80                                   Stomata on mature leaves may act as stress signal-sensing and trans
81 -off of cytochrome b6f complex biogenesis in mature leaves may represent part of the first dedicated
82 stemically, with the irradiance perceived by mature leaves modulating stomatal development in young l
83 onfers expression only in the minor veins of mature leaves, not in the transport phloem of larger lea
84 abolites, and key inorganic ions in recently mature leaves of 45 dicotyledonous species at midafterno
85                           Here, we show that mature leaves of Arabidopsis grown at higher photon irra
86                    In contrast, B present in mature leaves of control tobacco lines could not be used
87 ssion in cultured cells and in young but not mature leaves of healthy transgenic plants.
88                    The same RNA was found in mature leaves of infected but not healthy plants.
89                      Foliar starch levels in mature leaves of plants transferred from LL to HL were n
90 l conductance (gs ) and transpiration (E) on mature leaves of R. stricta.
91                            Here we show that mature leaves of T-DNA insertion lines with diminished e
92 oter activity was detected in both young and mature leaves of TGMV-infected plants.
93 e examined the hydraulic architecture of the mature leaves of the model species Populus tremula x alb
94 o temperature (10 degrees C-40 degrees C) in mature leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv W38) w
95                                              Mature leaves of wild-type plants and arc mutants have a
96                                              Maturing leaves of myrosinase mutants had significantly
97 ively dividing tissues of a plant and not in mature leaves or stems.
98 ision and differentiation to yield the fully mature leaf organ.
99 of cellular differentiation of relevance for mature leaf photosynthetic performance.
100 more IAA-Asp than in wild-type seedlings and mature leaves, respectively.
101 d photosynthetic functioning was observed in mature leaves, resulting in premature leaf aging.
102 n with earlier studies, we show that loss of mature leaves results in decreased sugar levels and incr
103           In addition, metabolic profiles of mature leaves revealed that several biosynthetic pathway
104         Analysis of the adaxial epidermis of mature leaves revealed that silenced lines had 70% to 90
105 ivities are the major source of variation in mature leaf RN under favorable controlled conditions.
106 iced cyclin was detected in apical meristem, mature leaf, root tip and mature root.
107 d increases in the fatty acid content of the mature leaves, senescing leaves, and roots, respectively
108                                              Mature leaves showed the highest level of transgene expr
109  mass) failed to keep pace with increases in mature leaf size.
110          At soil concentrations >4 mg/kg the mature leaves suffered from burnt edges and white spots
111 ilability or a defect in sucrose export from mature leaves, suggesting that isi1 mutant plants do not
112 significant impact on plant metabolism, with mature leaves tending to be more extensively affected th
113 bacco, superpromoter activity was greater in mature leaves than in young leaves, whereas in maize act
114  or clusters of leaves from the base of more mature leaves (the rosulate form).
115 te in young tissues and geminivirus-infected mature leaves, the GRIK-SnRK1 cascade may function in a
116 n young leaves of A. bisulcatus, but in more mature leaves, the Se-methylseleno-Cys concentration is
117 titutive in roots and inducible by copper in mature leaves; the reverse pattern was observed for MT2.
118  PetC was highly efficient in both young and mature leaves, these data indicate a lifetime of the cyt
119 days contained predominantly selenate in the mature leaf tissue at a concentration of 0.3-0.6 mM, whe
120 ature root and nodules but the reaction with mature leaf tissue was low compared to other tissues.
121 is a common target of MYB31 and MYB42 in the mature leaf tissues of maize, sorghum and rice, as evide
122 lated from the root elongation zone and from mature leaf tissues.
123       The Calvin cycle was down-regulated in mature leaves to adjust to the reduced capacity of the l
124 slocation of the foliar-applied 10B from the mature leaves to the meristematic tissues verifies that
125  to export sugars from regions of synthesis (mature leaves) to sugar sinks (roots, fruits).
126 ling pathways that control CHS expression in mature leaves using cryptochrome (cry) and phytochrome (
127    A differential response between young and mature leaves was also found in carbon metabolism, with
128 rformance of mannitol-accumulating calli and mature leaves was due to other stress-protective functio
129                 Foliar application of 10B to mature leaves was translocated to the meristematic tissu
130       Their transcript profiles in young and mature leaves were analyzed in response to phosphate sup
131  the formation of elliptical leaf laminae in mature leaves, whereas overexpression of GTE6 resulted i
132 te to the repression of the PCNA promoter in mature leaves, whereas the E2F1 site counters the repres
133 s, siliques, and roots than in dry seeds and mature leaves, whereas the polyphosphoinositide-dependen
134 endophyte-mediated protection was greater in mature leaves, which bear less intrinsic defense against
135 PFD, in 2% and 21% oxygen, in developing and mature leaves, which differed greatly in R in darkness.
136  mesophyll but not in the epidermis of young mature leaves, while this was reversed for zinc distribu
137 n immature leaves, but slightly expressed in mature leaves, while Vfa4 was active in immature leaves
138 eached rapidly and developed necroses, while mature leaves, whose photosynthetic apparatus was fully
139 and increased phospholipid concentrations in mature leaves, with concomitant changes in the expressio
140 nes by near-infrared spectroscopic screen of mature leaves yielded several dozen lines with heritable

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