


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 imary source for immune cell renewal, and in mature neutrophils.
2 inflammatory infiltrate consisting mainly of mature neutrophils.
3 ygen species, although less efficiently than mature neutrophils.
4 functional shift toward PSGL-1 dependence in mature neutrophils.
5 ctivity in vitro but did not prevent loss of mature neutrophils.
6 oproliferative disorder (MPD) with increased mature neutrophils.
7 w, in which it is expressed predominately in mature neutrophils.
8 without the need of sorting for isolation of mature neutrophils.
9 ctivation of all three functional markers of mature neutrophils.
10 to support the production of morphologically mature neutrophils.
11 -CSF) enhance the antimicrobial functions of mature neutrophils.
12 loped the segmented nuclei characteristic of mature neutrophils.
13 r the characteristic lobulated morphology of mature neutrophils.
14 ent and show significantly higher numbers of maturing neutrophils.
15 n would affect its antiapoptotic activity in mature neutrophils, a chimeric PCNA fused with the SV40
16 n steady state granulopoiesis, as well as in mature neutrophil activation and function.
17 cid (ATRA) causes them to differentiate into mature neutrophils, an effect thought to be mediated by
18 inase 3 [PR3]) are expressed specifically in mature neutrophils and are thought to play an important
19                                              Mature neutrophils and eosinophils are not observed in t
20 xis, which describes degenerative changes of mature neutrophils and hyperplasia of bone marrow myeloi
21 egenerative changes and hypersegmentation of mature neutrophils and hyperplasia of bone marrow myeloi
22 essential for PCNA antiapoptotic activity in mature neutrophils and is dependent on the newly identif
23 (A23187) was of similar magnitude to that of mature neutrophils and monocytes.
24  ascorbic acid seldom exceed 150 micromol/L, mature neutrophils and mononuclear phagocytes accumulate
25  may affect the proinflammatory functions of mature neutrophils and raise the possibility that dasati
26        Both the GM-CSF-permitted survival of mature neutrophils and the generation of granulocytes fr
27 ated that NGAL is also stored in granules of mature neutrophils, and recent data suggest that NGAL ma
28                                              Mature neutrophils are notoriously short-lived immune ce
29 tion to their direct antimicrobial activity, mature neutrophils are thus endowed with immunoregulator
30       The differences between CD62L(dim) and mature neutrophils are unlikely to have been a direct re
31 onsisting of banded neutrophils at day 3 and mature neutrophils at day 7.
32 cells in bone marrow, being downregulated on mature neutrophils but maintained on monocytes in the pe
33 g, integrin activation, and extravasation of mature neutrophils, but only the combined deficiency in
34 on), a programmed death pathway initiated in mature neutrophils by pathogens and inflammatory mediato
35  neutrophils indicates that large numbers of mature neutrophils can be produced from pluripotent ES c
36       An increased number of CD4 T cells and mature neutrophils (CD11b(+)Ly6g(high)) in the inflamed
37                         We demonstrated that mature neutrophils differentiated from X-CGD iPSCs lack
38     Furthermore, a significant number of the mature neutrophils display abnormal morphological featur
39                                              Mature neutrophils expressing zeta- and gamma-CIR were g
40                                    Moreover, mature neutrophils from -/- mice failed to chemotax in v
41 ation of CXCR4 results in failure to release mature neutrophils from bone marrow.
42                                              Mature neutrophils from Hbb(th3/+) mice displayed a sign
43 e used as a phenotypic marker discriminating mature neutrophils from immature neutrophil populations
44 iferation of precursor cells, the release of mature neutrophils from the bone marrow, margination, tr
45 crucial role in emergency granulopoiesis and mature neutrophil function.
46 O, strongly suggesting its potential role in mature neutrophil function.
47 is adaptor in neutrophil differentiation and mature neutrophil function.
48 d that most myelomonocytic cells, especially mature neutrophil granulocytes, were fluorescence-positi
49                                 Expansion of mature neutrophils has been observed in mice lacking the
50 ethal and its role in L-selectin shedding by mature neutrophils has not been determined.
51 les of lymph nodes, spleen, and tonsils; (b) mature neutrophils (high) versus myeloid progenitor cell
52 ral blood were of a similar phenotype to the mature neutrophils, ie, mainly PNH.
53 d CXCL12 and to an increased accumulation of mature neutrophils in the bone marrow.
54  of GM-CSF and G-CSF generated more than 95% mature neutrophils in the C/EBPalpha(-/-) cultures.
55  receptor, morphologically differentiates to mature neutrophils in the presence of 10 microM retinoic
56 of four of five measured granule proteins in mature neutrophils, including the proantibacterial prote
57 st, these proteins were completely absent in mature neutrophils, indicating that CTSC mutation promot
58                                  The loss of mature neutrophils induced by Mcl-1 deletion was not res
59 h disturbance of a feedback circuit in which mature neutrophils inhibit cell proliferation, thereby h
60                                 Although the mature neutrophil is one of the better characterized mam
61  its specificity of action on developing and mature neutrophils, its effects on neutrophil kinetics,
62 d proteins was analyzed by flow cytometry on mature neutrophils, late stem cells (CD34+/CD38+), and p
63 ia (SCN) is characterized by a deficiency of mature neutrophils, leading to recurrent bacterial and f
64                     Our results suggest that mature neutrophils may be irrevocably committed to autoc
65                                      Splenic mature neutrophils mediated pneumococcal clearance in th
66 ibuted to immunologically mediated injury to mature neutrophils or their precursors.
67 to the extreme bactericidal environment of a mature neutrophil phagosome, a property dependent upon C
68 ococcal stimulation to increase the effector mature neutrophil pool.
69                                           In mature neutrophils, PR3 was sequestered in granules and
70          Here we show that both immature and mature neutrophils purified from mouse bone marrow diffe
71                           Gene expression in maturing neutrophils requires combinatorial actions of l
72  chronic myeloid leukemia: leukocytosis with maturing neutrophils, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and my
73 anulocyte-macrophage colony-forming unit and mature neutrophil stages of granulopoiesis.
74 ctor-alpha/interleukin-10 ratio than that of mature neutrophils, suggesting a proinflammatory phenoty
75 gnated MEFV, and found it to be expressed in mature neutrophils, suggesting that it functions as an i
76  factor (G-CSF) and a negative feedback from mature neutrophils (the chalone).
77 nhancement only to DBP in serum, but, unlike mature neutrophils, this cell line cannot respond to DBP
78 eir ability to terminally differentiate into mature neutrophils was observed.
79     Dissection of this phenotype showed that mature neutrophils were required both in the BM and in t
80  (BMCs), which resulted in the production of mature neutrophils within 2 weeks.
81  study compared the mechanical properties of mature neutrophils within the BM and the circulating blo
82  the retention of granulocyte precursors and mature neutrophils within the bone marrow, and disruptio

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