


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he follicle wall, causing the release of the mature oocyte.
2 through the female reproductive tract to the mature oocyte.
3 rucial function is to locate and fuse with a mature oocyte.
4    Percutaneous oocyte aspirations yielded a mature oocyte.
5 ries of contractions required to ovulate the mature oocyte.
6 size, egg production, and yolk deposition in mature oocytes.
7 s from polyubiquitination and degradation in mature oocytes.
8 ssenger RNA expression in frontal cortex and mature oocytes.
9 entifying over a thousand CGIs methylated in mature oocytes.
10 are unlimited number of sperm and paucity of mature oocytes.
11 ted that the proteins are not present in the mature oocytes.
12 cytes while the ratios increased markedly in mature oocytes.
13 es and is most abundant in spermatocytes and mature oocytes.
14 d was enriched in the animal pole cytosol of mature oocytes.
15 cillations observed during fertilizations of mature oocytes.
16 cted, and the cells were fused to enucleated mature oocytes.
17 y coordinated contractility for ovulation of mature oocytes.
18 gg extracts, but not in immature or in vitro matured oocytes.
19  oocytes yet were replicated in progesterone-matured oocytes.
20 rates are only observed in the presence of a maturing oocyte.
21 epithelial follicle cells which surround the maturing oocyte.
22 ssociation with the condensed chromosomes of maturing oocytes.
23 e cells to provide cytoplasmic components to maturing oocytes.
24 1 and 7.8 +/- 0.9, respectively; P < .0001), mature oocytes (1.5 +/- 0.3 v 5.1 +/- 1.1 and 8.5 +/- 1.
25 on the inner surface of the micropyle of the mature oocyte and propose that, as in the abalone system
26                                 We extracted mature oocytes and brain regions from a subset of rats a
27 As are highly adenylated at their 3' ends in mature oocytes and early embryos.
28 ate mos maintains the metaphase II arrest of mature oocytes and prevents DNA replication between the
29 m manually dissected nuclei and cytoplasm of mature oocytes and subjected it to deep sequencing.
30  damage by preventing production of abnormal mature oocytes and subsequent embryos.
31 le phenotype characterized by the absence of mature oocytes and the presence of trapped, immature ooc
32 distinct functions of OMA-1 and OMA-2 in the maturing oocyte and 1-cell embryo, ensuring a normal ooc
33                                      Because maturing oocytes and early embryos lack appreciable tran
34                                       In the maturing oocytes and eggs of the frog Xenopus laevis, hi
35 ns, OMA-1 and OMA-2, express specifically in maturing oocytes and function redundantly in oocyte matu
36        In adult mice, Sebox RNA was found in maturing oocytes and in fertilized eggs; however, the ab
37 h accompanies cytoplasmic polyadenylation in maturing oocytes and in in vitro activated oocyte lysate
38 croH2A is associated with the chromosomes of mature oocytes, and abundant macroH2A is present in the
39 nation, during repair of radiation damage in mature oocytes, and in proliferating somatic cells, wher
40 on of cyclin B1 requires factors specific to mature oocytes, and that to overcome arrest at MII, Ca2+
41 et the high-energy demands of embryogenesis, mature oocytes are furnished with vast amounts of mitoch
42                                     Isolated maturing oocytes autonomously synthesized betaine in vit
43 anslocation of cortical granules in in vitro-matured oocytes begins with the movement of the germinal
44 us p27kip1 in vitro to lysates of hormonally matured oocytes blocked the enzymatic activity of the ac
45 on of antibodies to either Mad1 or Mad2 into maturing oocytes blocks the establishment of CSF arrest
46                                (3 and 4) The maturing oocyte both induces spermathecal dilation and m
47 opus oocytes and translational activation in mature oocytes, but the protein that binds to the TCS an
48                With this method, hundreds of mature oocytes can be activated to resume and complete m
49                                              Mature oocytes can be fertilized, but embryos that canno
50 with gonadotropins allowed the generation of mature oocytes capable of undergoing early embryonic dev
51                                          The mature oocyte contains the highest number of mitochondri
52  uniraptor, the position and number of AN in mature oocytes correspond to the position and number of
53                                              Mature oocyte cytoplasm can reprogram somatic cell nucle
54 n Drosophila oogenesis, the development of a mature oocyte depends on having properly developed ring
55 n vivo, intact bull sperm microinjected into mature oocytes do not undergo disassembly of the PT.
56 actor (MPF), prevented GVBD, indicating that maturing oocytes eventually need to elevate their MPF le
57                           No other kinase in mature oocyte extracts phosphorylated the xnf7 P2 site t
58 horylation of the P2 site were purified from mature oocyte extracts.
59 uperovulation is to obtain maximum number of mature oocytes/follicles within a particular size range.
60  belonging to the phylum Nemertea, the ER of maturing oocytes forms numerous distinct clusters that a
61 d the PLU and GNU activating subunits in the mature oocyte, GNU is phosphorylated at Cyclin B/CDK1sit
62                             In spontaneously maturing oocytes, GVB was preceded by AMPK activation an
63                      Drosophila melanogaster mature oocytes in ovaries are arrested at metaphase I of
64                Ablation of these cells traps mature oocytes in the gonad arm where they endomitotical
65 se data demonstrate the sensitivity of mouse maturing oocytes in vivo to maternal protein undernutrit
66                                Activation of mature oocytes initiates development by releasing the pr
67 ecal valve, a critical step for the entry of mature oocytes into the spermatheca for fertilization.
68 n contraction that is required for expelling mature oocytes into the spermatheca where fertilization
69                                       As the mature oocyte is approximately 125 micro m in diameter (
70              During wild-type ovulation, the mature oocyte is expelled from the gonad arm by contract
71 rates and marine invertebrates begins when a mature oocyte is fertilized, resulting in a rise in intr
72 tion is a precisely timed process by which a mature oocyte is released from an ovarian follicle.
73                          Cryopreservation of mature oocytes is also becoming more commonplace as meth
74 n immature oocytes (germinal vesicle stage), matured oocytes (metaphase II eggs) and 2-cell stage emb
75 ion at two key stages of bovine development, matured oocytes (MII) and 8-cell-stage embryos, constitu
76 o (DNMT1o), levels of which are decreased in mature oocytes of aging females.
77                                              Mature oocytes of Drosophila are arrested in metaphase o
78 oocyte representing the default fate and the mature oocyte representing the induced fate.
79 ecipitation analysis of soluble keratin from matured oocytes revealed the presence of type I and type
80 erved novel phenotypes in these precociously maturing oocytes, such as chromosome coalescence, aberra
81 ed chromosome scattering in Colcemid-treated mature oocytes, suggesting a role in mediating chromosom
82            CSF was defined as an activity in mature oocytes that caused mitotic arrest when injected
83  dictyate stage until recruited to grow into mature oocytes that divide at ovulation.
84   Genetically, Tgkd teratomas originate from mature oocytes that have completed meiosis I, suggesting
85                                           In maturing oocytes, the nucleus underwent kinesin-dependen
86  they can neither be initiated nor erased in mature oocytes; these properties are unique to the devel
87 ortant role in early development by enabling mature oocytes to generate a normal calcium response.
88 During Drosophila oogenesis, RCs connect the maturing oocyte to nurse cells supporting its growth.
89                       The ER microdomains of mature oocytes typically reached widths of 1-8 micromete
90 g functions posttranscriptionally already in mature oocytes via Wnt/stabilization of proteins (STOP)
91                                   The mutant mature oocytes were almost entirely depleted of all miRN
92  [5], or retention of bcd at the anterior in mature oocytes, which can remain dormant for weeks befor
93 a mutant frequency induced by irradiation of mature oocytes with 5 Gy increases approximately twofold
94                         After fertilization, mature oocytes with such aggregates generate a normal se
95  also describes the stage specific growth of maturing oocytes within the ovary and permits the presen

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