


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he mitochondrial processing of StAR into the mature protein.
2 kely involves a protein dosage effect of the mature protein.
3 p35 synthesis but instead can be accessed by mature protein.
4 ) mutations, had a stabilizing effect on the mature protein.
5  that may or may not reflect topology of the mature protein.
6 ay despite GAr-mediated stabilization of the mature protein.
7 hin the polypeptide C-terminal region of the mature protein.
8 f alanine (CD24a) with valine (CD24v) in the mature protein.
9 s processed in mitochondria to form a 52-kDa mature protein.
10 s for a new mutation, L60F, in exon 3 of the mature protein.
11 at the N terminus that is not present in the mature protein.
12 se, or FK506-binding, domains present in the mature protein.
13 ing a signal peptide that is absent from the mature protein.
14 translocation and that it was cleaved in the mature protein.
15  on import into mitochondria, generating the mature protein.
16 ence that is eventually cleaved off from the mature protein.
17 found to be crucial for the stability of the mature protein.
18 equence or in the first 28% of the predicted mature protein.
19 nd nucleotide-binding domain destabilize the mature protein.
20 either the amino- or carboxy-terminus of the mature protein.
21 , although at a level lower than that of the mature protein.
22 e IL-1H1, IL-1H2, and IL-1H3 encode only the mature protein.
23 m those of either the liganded or unliganded mature protein.
24 on with only an 8-amino acid Flag tag on the mature protein.
25  22-residue signal peptide and a 254-residue mature protein.
26 minal methionine residue is cleaved from the mature protein.
27 gle amino-terminal sequence expected for the mature protein.
28 l signal peptides, and the C-terminus of the mature protein.
29 nes are placed at positions 27 and 74 of the mature protein.
30 the targeting information resides within the mature protein.
31 f an 88-residue propeptide and a 214-residue mature protein.
32 d signal sequence and the first 22 aa of the mature protein.
33 tor I9 domain in addition to the 283-residue mature protein.
34 acid tandem repeats that comprise 80% of the mature protein.
35 ellular short consensus repeat domain of the mature protein.
36 o isolated mitochondria and processed to the mature protein.
37  targeting presequence that is absent in the mature protein.
38 major portion of the coding sequence for the mature protein.
39 of the third and fourth exons coding for the mature protein.
40 224, Q-240, G-251, and G-282 residues of the mature protein.
41  N-terminal EC1 domain (denoted EC1') of the mature protein.
42 rmediate, whereas FXN(81-210) represents the mature protein.
43 ation or truncation of the N terminus of the mature protein.
44 xtension that appears to be removed from the mature protein.
45 ility in the C-terminal region, the eventual mature protein.
46 s delineated by N-terminal sequencing of the mature protein.
47 folding into the native, active state of the mature protein.
48 nt of the effect of the folding state of the mature protein.
49 the 29 N-terminal amino acid residues of the mature protein.
50  Three of these mutations are present in the mature protein.
51 terminant located within CgA-(40-115) of the mature protein.
52 amino acid residues, two of which are in the mature protein.
53 s identical to the bound conformation of the mature protein.
54  reduction in the production of human BMP-15 mature protein.
55 sylation sites in Wbp1p were occupied in the mature proteins.
56 3 (46% and 44%, respectively) in the encoded mature proteins.
57 teolytic cleavage and converted into soluble mature proteins.
58 ly, required Hsp90 activity to stabilize the mature proteins.
59 teolytically processed to yield more than 15 mature proteins.
60 c peptides covering the entire length of the mature proteins.
61 entation even when cells contained a pool of mature proteins.
62 other junctions between signal sequences and mature proteins.
63 oteases to yield functional intermediate and mature proteins.
64 erive from multiple motifs in and beyond the mature proteins.
65 ficiency is not related to the half-lives of mature proteins.
66  into putative replication intermediates and mature proteins.
67 ntermediates and eventually approximately 15 mature proteins.
68 -sense viral genomic RNA, gene 1, encodes 16 mature proteins.
69 of genes relative to regions that encode for mature proteins.
70  during secretion, allowing the release of a mature protein (109.8 kDa) into the culture supernatant.
71                               This gives the mature protein a calculated molecular mass of 21 799 Da.
72 ession of NCT does not generate more of this mature protein, a phenomenon analogous to the strictly r
73 red a >or=+1 charge to the N terminus of the mature protein abolished or drastically reduced routing
74 p93, is important in translocating processed mature proteins across the envelope.
75                          The amino-terminal "mature" protein activates transcription from mammalian S
76 cation of the amino-terminal sequence of the mature protein after removal of the transit sequences.
77 -length initial gtr translation product, the mature protein after transit peptide removal, and the co
78 onsistent with mitochondrial import, but the mature protein also exists in the cytosol.
79 trix (ECM) protein that consists of an 84-aa mature protein and a 19-aa transmembrane signal peptide.
80 dentical (SDS/PAGE) to an in vitro expressed mature protein and a cyclophilin D purified from rat hea
81 eptide consistent in size with the predicted mature protein and a smaller 82-kDa polypeptide which la
82 l peptide, the Lucy tag was cleaved from the mature protein and did not alter OR-ligand binding and s
83 e basic motif depends on location within the mature protein and parallels the accessibility of the lo
84 2 of exon 10 affecting amino acid 480 of the mature protein and resulting in a frameshift and a prema
85  signal peptide sequence, is cleaved off the mature protein and that this processing is critical for
86 ptide composed of NH2-terminal residues of a mature protein and the COOH-terminal residues of its pre
87 ucts were expressed in E. coli, and both the mature protein and the exon 2 translation product comple
88 on of alanine residues at position 51 of the mature protein and were increased by several mutations a
89 of L-selectin (residues Ala317-Tyr334 in the mature protein), and CLS corresponds to residues Lys280-
90 omains (D1 - amino acid residues 1-55 in the mature protein, and D2 - amino acid residues 90-170), ea
91  The sequences of the C and N termini of the mature protein, and eight residues in the signal peptide
92 ycin confirmed the lipoprotein nature of the mature proteins, and surface exposure was confirmed by t
93 al outcome and are characterized by residual mature protein appeared to have a milder effect on prote
94 nsion and sequences at the C-terminus of the mature protein are critical for its accumulation in the
95 Trp-5 and Trp-6 at the N-terminal end of the mature protein are imported into mitochondria with effic
96                   Both the Shh precursor and mature protein are N-palmitoylated by Hhat, and the reac
97 RP5 cDNAs have been isolated and the encoded mature proteins are 95% identical, indicating a high deg
98  as glycosylation patterns characteristic of mature proteins are found only in NKG2A that is associat
99  our results, we predict that at least seven mature proteins are processed from the ORF 1a polyprotei
100                                 We show that mature proteins are the major contributor of peptides pr
101                                 Although the mature proteins are well conserved, the transit peptides
102  N-linked glycosylation sites present in the mature protein, Asn-19 is not utilized; Asn-39 is linked
103 transported by motors, which may deliver the mature protein at appropriate cellular locations.
104                        Constraints placed on maturing proteins at these early stages limit available
105 N-terminal sequencing, we confirmed that the mature protein begins at the previously identified seque
106 eled the oxidation reaction resulting in the mature protein-bound chromophore.
107 n placed within the first 14 residues of the mature protein but not when placed in positions 19 and 2
108           This is cleaved in vivo to release mature protein but the processing is not always accurate
109  kidneys that expressed human 15-LO mRNA and mature protein, but not in contralateral control kidneys
110                                          The mature proteins, but not the respective complete protein
111 es, the viral protease (PR) is released as a mature protein by cleavage of Gag, Gag-Pro, or Gag-Pro-P
112 ort signal peptide regulates the fate of the mature protein by controlling the intracellular traffick
113 MS is 9898 Da, and the molecular mass of the mature protein (calculated from the cDNA) is 9900.2 Da.
114                      The transcripts produce mature proteins capable of converting l-isoaspartate to
115                                          The mature protein catalyzes the initial step in coenzyme A
116 exon 3 encoding part of the prosequence, the mature protein cleavage site and part of the first extra
117                    Since the transit peptide-mature protein cleavage site could not be determined dir
118 nt, number of amino acid replacements in the mature protein coding region of these genes.
119  compared to synonymous substitutions in the mature protein coding region.
120  Sequence comparisons of the predicted EPSPS mature protein coding regions from both biotypes reveale
121 roups) by the fact that they are confined to mature protein coding sequence and not apparent in seque
122 g factors is essential for the production of mature protein-coding mRNAs.
123 ngth unspliced transcripts but fails to make mature, protein-coding transcripts in the absence of sti
124  is consistent with a mechanism by which the mature protein competes with the full-length thiolase du
125                      Characterization of the mature protein complement in cells is crucial for a bett
126                                The predicted mature protein comprises 991 amino acids with a molecula
127  premature termination and (ii) to stabilize mature protein conformation to ensure proper function of
128 he translated AceES-2 cDNA predicts that the mature protein consists of 102 amino acids and has a mol
129 depending on which start codon is used); the mature protein consists of 1096 amino acids, has a predi
130                                          The mature protein consists of an 80 amino acid J-domain, an
131                                          The mature proteins contain two domains, an alpha-helical am
132                                          The mature protein contained seven tandemly spaced copies (a
133               No further modification of the mature protein could be demonstrated.
134 5, defects in the production of mouse BMP-15 mature protein could correlate with the high ovulation q
135                              The size of the mature protein deduced from the cDNA also matches that o
136                                          The mature protein demonstrated biochemical characteristics
137                                 The secreted mature protein demonstrates 34% amino acid identity to t
138                                              Mature proteins denatured by stress may instead be handl
139 he defects in the production of mouse BMP-15 mature protein depend on the presence of the mouse BMP-1
140 dification and the extreme N terminus of the mature protein do not impart the requirement for SecA2 i
141 nant human Dpl corresponding to the putative mature protein domain (residues 24-152) in Escherichia c
142 id substitution at the amino terminus of the mature protein, eliminating a disulfide-bonded loop doma
143                                  Of the five mature proteins encoded by the IPNV genome, the multifun
144 ion (approximately 30%) of all codons in the mature protein fall into a class of codons with an estim
145 r membrane, but the signals which target the mature proteins for secretion across the outer membrane
146 of membrane-imbedded preproteins to liberate mature proteins for secretion.
147 dicate that the first 330 amino acids of the mature protein form the ellipsoidal ending of the EmaA p
148 ungs and remained elevated at 24 h, and the "mature" protein form of IL-18 (18 kDa) appeared in BAL f
149 mine whether these features were used in the mature protein forms, we generated a series of mutants o
150 otein trans-splicing mechanism to assemble a mature protein from two separate precursors.
151 ulin of 35kD (PGL35 or FBN1a) expressed as a mature protein fused to HIVp24 (human immunodeficiency v
152                                  The deduced mature protein had the four conserved cysteine residues
153                                          The mature protein has a calculated molecular mass of 51.3 k
154 peptide of 29 amino acids is present and the mature protein has a mass of 57.1 kDa.
155                       The ompH gene encoding mature protein has been expressed in Escherichia coli by
156 idue charge in the N-terminal portion of the mature protein has occurred repeatedly in independently
157                     The in vitro synthesized mature protein has the expected specific binding capacit
158  the ER, whereas the oligosaccharides of the mature protein have been further processed in the Golgi
159  signal sequence or in the early part of the mature protein have only a mild effect on the SRP-signal
160                     The genes for 18 unique, mature proteins have been identified.
161    Exons coding for amino acids that make up mature proteins have levels of variation two to three ti
162                        This cDNA codes for a mature protein, herein called Ixolaris, with 140 amino a
163 ng peptidase, generating a long-lived 48 kDa mature protein identical to that found in human brain ex
164 xperiments using combinations of the LSP and mature proteins IL-2, IL-15, and green fluorescent prote
165 ifferent combinations of signal peptides and mature proteins (IL-2, IL-15, and green fluorescent prot
166 re defects in the production of mouse BMP-15 mature protein in an in vitro system of transfected cell
167                            Expression of the mature protein in Escherichia coli demonstrates that the
168 Da precursor that is processed into a 52-kDa mature protein in mitochondria.
169  40% decrease in the levels of BDNF mRNA and mature protein in the brain, but not in TrkB.
170 tidase cleavage in the vesicle lumen and the mature protein in the cytoplasm.
171 of both the processed signal peptide and the mature protein in the thylakoid.
172           To search for molecular weights of mature proteins in the National Center for Biotechnology
173 eins undergo proteolytic cleavage to release mature proteins including capsid (CA), which refolds and
174 cessed by viral proteinases into at least 15 mature proteins, including four predicted cleavage produ
175 essed precursor was greater than that of the mature protein indicating that the nonprocessed precurso
176 at the signal peptide, in the absence of the mature protein, interacts with SecA in aqueous solution
177 cursor proteins and enables incorporation of mature proteins into the VE.
178 e probable transit peptide cleavage site the mature protein is 45.7 kD.
179 apparent plastid targeting sequence, and the mature protein is a monomer of 70 to 72 kD.
180                                          The mature protein is a single-pass type I transmembrane pro
181 ack COX, suggesting that only the folded and mature protein is able to promote COX assembly.
182                                          The mature protein is composed of 333 amino acids with a mol
183 e a 34-amino-acid leader peptide whereas the mature protein is composed of 375 amino acids with a cal
184 ing of all these chimeras; however, no mouse mature protein is detected in either secreted or cell-co
185                                          The mature protein is found in two forms depending upon the
186                    We also show that the 23K mature protein is incapable of being targeted by the Sec
187 signal peptide so that the N-terminus of the mature protein is located in the periplasm.
188  junction between the signal peptide and the mature protein is not.
189                                          The mature protein is predicted to be a secreted, alpha-heli
190 of SCT has revealed that the expected 50-kDa mature protein is proteolytically processed in yeast and
191         We found that, although human BMP-15 mature protein is readily produced, there are defects in
192 terminal transmembrane domain from which the mature protein is released.
193                 The N-terminal domain of the mature protein is rich in proline and contains several s
194 Processing of the polyprotein precursor into mature proteins is carried out by the host signal peptid
195  the presentation of peptides from two model mature proteins is just as efficient as from newly synth
196 We determined that the molecular mass of the mature protein isolated from culture supernatant was 33,
197 lysis of hydrogenosomal Hsp60 shows that the mature protein isolated from the organelle lacks a short
198                                              Mature protein kinase C is phosphorylated at a conserved
199 ds the dephosphorylated carboxyl terminus of mature protein kinase C, thus stabilizing the protein an
200       Rather, Hsp70 prolongs the lifetime of mature protein kinase C; disruption of the interaction p
201 the TEM-1 beta-lactamase gene coding for the mature protein lacking its signal sequence was randomly
202 o the 8- to 10-mer peptides representing the mature protein, likely because these linear peptides did
203 ion bioavailability, L1 was overexpressed as mature protein (M-L1) and full-length (FL-L1) analogues,
204 nascent polypeptides are properly folded and mature proteins maintain their functional conformation.
205 p31 is modified posttranslationally, and the mature protein may be targeted to the host membrane.
206   Moreover, as the precursor proBDNF and the mature protein mBDNF can elicit opposite effects on cell
207  many as eight different splice forms of the mature protein might exist if all combinations (at inser
208 periments demonstrate that the charge of the mature protein N terminus affects export promiscuity, in
209 otide variations altering amino acids in the mature protein N-terminal domain codon 11 (Met(11) Thr),
210                            Sequencing of the mature protein obtained after import in vitro and of the
211 g a putative 28-residue signal peptide and a mature protein of 121 amino acids, including four cystei
212 was localized to the stroma and cleaved to a mature protein of 125 amino acid residues.
213 g a putative 19-residue signal peptide and a mature protein of 126 amino acids with two disulfide bri
214  is 426 bp in length and encodes a predicted mature protein of 127 amino acids and the majority of th
215   The DuIFN-gamma cDNA codes for a predicted mature protein of 145 amino acids with a molecular mass
216  the full-length clone of RPAI-1 codes for a mature protein of 155 amino acids.
217 sequence for lipoprotein modification, and a mature protein of 163 amino acids.
218 ontains a single 386 nt intron and encodes a mature protein of 197 amino acids.
219 ith a putative signal peptide of 24 aa and a mature protein of 204 aa.
220                                          The mature protein of 218 amino acids has a calculated molec
221 ture protein of approximately 29.3 kDa and a mature protein of 27.1 kDa.
222  cDNA was isolated and predicted to encode a mature protein of 339 amino acids with a molecular mass
223 eprotein of 509 amino acids with a predicted mature protein of 474 amino acids that is highly conserv
224        The wbm gene is predicted to encode a mature protein of 48 amino acids (including four cystein
225 sequence for lipoprotein modification, and a mature protein of 51 amino acids (predicted molecular ma
226 l sequence that, when cleaved, would yield a mature protein of 68 kDa.
227  presequence of 31 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 847 residues with a calculated Mr of 9
228                                          The mature protein of 85.96 kDa has a calculated pI value of
229 52 bp from which a single message encoding a mature protein of approximately 68 kDa is transcribed.
230 age of its predicted transit peptide gives a mature protein of Mr 20k.
231 omology with the first 15 amino acids of the mature protein of the Vibrio cholerae heme receptor, Hut
232 omology with the first 15 amino acids of the mature protein of the Vibrio cholerae vibriobactin recep
233                                          The mature protein of this gene contains cysteine-rich repea
234 EI, predicted) amino acids, corresponding to mature proteins of 27,043 Da (SEG) and 24,928 Da (SEI).
235 ipase and its chaperone were found to encode mature proteins of 313 aa (32.5kDa) and 347 aa (38.6kDa)
236                                          The mature proteins of CKbeta8-1 and CKbeta8 consisted of 11
237 d expression level of the membrane-localized mature proteins of hERG channels stably expressed in HEK
238     Since the functions of the targeting and mature proteins of these polypeptides are different, the
239                            No deltaF508 CFTR mature protein or function could be detected in airway s
240 ocessing, secretion, and dimerization of the mature proteins or on the biological activity of the mol
241 , and R312G precursors were unstable, and no mature proteins or protease activity were detected.
242 amino-terminal leader sequence, the secreted mature protein (passenger domain) and a carboxy-terminal
243 n the length of amino acid sequence from the mature protein portion and less on the presequence porti
244 otor is crucial for the translocation of the mature protein portion into the matrix.
245                                Although both mature proteins possess three conserved regions (I, II,
246                Neutrophil elastase (a 240-aa mature protein predominantly found in neutrophil granule
247 sequently is cleaved by viral proteases into mature protein products, with one protease, 3C(pro), car
248 f flanking pre-protein sequences to generate mature protein products.
249 Products (DRiPs), rather than degradation of mature protein products.
250  molecular mass of Qlp42 is 39.8 kDa for the mature protein, Qlp42-specific equine antiserum was reac
251 nant HifE protein that contained most of the mature protein reacted more to piliated Hib than to nonp
252 ropose that most heat-induced aggregation of mature proteins reflects the operation of an adaptive, a
253 cid-long precursor and a 514-amino acid-long mature protein, respectively.
254 o alanine substitution at position 49 of the mature protein sequence is responsible for the functiona
255           A single allelic difference in the mature protein sequence was identified, which is similar
256 g using synthetic peptides designed from the mature protein sequence.
257 8- to 10-mer peptides represented the entire mature protein sequentially.
258      Ultimately, GmSBP is transported to the mature protein storage vacuole.
259 tAR preprotein was imported and processed to mature protein that was protected from subsequent trypsi
260 ene of Haemophilus ducreyi encodes a 32-kDa (mature) protein that has homology to both the ZnuA prote
261  (to the putative cleavage site yielding the mature protein) that had identical protein synthesis inh
262 ydrophobic leader that is not present in the mature protein, the developmental regulation of its expr
263 eral classes: tl mutations, which render the mature protein thermolabile, and tsf (temperature sensit
264 eptides plus six to eight amino acids of the mature proteins to three reporter proteins (short-lived
265 roduct in Escherichia coli, and purified the mature protein (TpMnSOD).
266 onserved structure, and are cleaved from the mature protein upon translocation.
267 e address the efficiency and contribution of mature proteins using a tetracycline-inducible system to
268 minus of precursor protein VII (pVIIn2), and mature protein VI.
269  by ELISAs for soluble von Willebrand factor mature protein (VWF:Ag) and propeptide (VWFpp), P-select
270 p18D, proteomic techniques revealed that the mature protein was cleaved on the cell surface, resultin
271                                 The Cs-ACP-1 mature protein was expressed in E. coli and comigrated o
272 y between the first and second halves of the mature protein was found.
273                                  Whereas the mature protein was immediately released, the transit pep
274 lation stage of the parasitic cycle, and the mature protein was immunolocalized to the surface of end
275                                          The mature protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and
276 ide linkage site in SakSTAR (at Asn28 of the mature protein) was occupied in approximately 50% of the
277 ion, rather than cleavage of pro-region from mature protein, was the rate-limiting step in activation
278 exclusively by posttranslational splicing of mature proteins, we show here that presented peptides ca
279     Greatly increased levels of SOX9 RNA and mature protein were demonstrated in cells transfected wi
280 , the cDNA regions corresponding to putative mature protein were expressed in Escherichia coli and th
281 oelectric point of the pTombetagal 4-encoded mature protein were similar to those reported for the pu
282                  The molecular masses of the mature proteins were predicted to be 28-32kDa.
283                                          The mature proteins were predicted to have molecular masses
284                                              Mature proteins were purified from bovine liver and subj
285 ld-type gE processing were similar, and both mature proteins were resistant to endoglycosidase H but
286 nting all nonsynonymous substitutions in the mature protein, were examined in the Hutterites; on the
287  were clustered in the 202-265 region of the mature protein, whereas the other two suppressors affect
288                                          The mature protein, which is predicted to contain 93 amino a
289 c sites, giving rise to heterogeneity in the mature protein, which manifests itself as either elongat
290 tent with the absence of carbohydrate in the mature protein, while electrospray mass spectroscopy ind
291 n mitochondria and further predicts that the mature protein will be 247 residues in length.
292 rial targeting sequence, leaving a predicted mature protein with 419 amino acids and a molecular mass
293 l sequence of 29 amino acids, resulting in a mature protein with a molecular mass of 69,017 Da.
294 signal sequence, followed by a 68-amino acid mature protein with a molecular mass of 7889 daltons.
295 cted a gene encoding an approximately 28-kDa mature protein with a typical signal sequence.
296 and ATP5G3, encoding identical copies of the mature protein with different mitochondrial-targeting se
297 we replaced the region of Inhba encoding the mature protein with Inhbb, creating the allele Inhbatm2Z
298 on that ablates enzymatic activity, a 28-kDa mature protein with the C192S replacement, and a 12-kDa
299 ptophan tryptophylquinone (TTQ) to yield the mature protein with the functional protein-derived TTQ c
300                                          The mature protein, without the N-terminal signal sequence,

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