


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 rimental variables, keeping in mind that the effects of EVs may be accompanied by or confused with those of closely assoc
2 bolic markers associated with the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) may be affected by interactions between the APOE genotype and
3                                        However, such scales may be affected by intrarater and inter-rater variability.
4 the stunting of fusion by deacylated HA acting in isolation may be balanced by other viral proteins which help lower the
5 IP but clearly induced premature senescence activities that may be caused by a limited release of PhIP molecules from the
6 izophrenia in which gluatamatergic signalling is implicated may be caused by aberrant salience leading to a change in the
7 s and skin carcinogenesis in IGF-1-deficient geriatric skin may be caused by defects in multiple cellular responses to UV
8 mplying that some of the emerging phenotypes in RASopathies may be caused by increased, as well as attenuated, levels of
9 c significance of results may be unclear (ie, the pneumonia may be caused by none, one, some, or all of the pathogens det
10 ntaining 20 complement-control protein modules (CCPs 1-20), may be compromised by disease-linked mutations.
11 ons between severe asthma (SA) and nonsevere asthma (NONSA) may be confounded by differential adherence or incorrect use
12                      Novel insights on how these mechanisms may be deregulated by oncoproteins or mutations/variants in C
13         While such high steady state levels of formaldehyde may be derived by enzymatic reactions including oxidative dem
14      However, late in the disease, excessive TH17 responses may be disadvantageous by contributing to autoimmune response
15 High tissue nitrogen (N) concentrations in N-fixing legumes may be driven by an evolutionary commitment to a high N strat
16 ctivation energy, and is likely due to fast vibrations that may be enabled by water mobility on the protein surface.
17 BDV directly impacts the kynurenine pathway, an effect that may be exacerbated by inflammatory responses in immunocompete
18  that BCD inhibits CC-induced inflammatory responses, which may be explained by BCD-mediated attenuation of complement ac
19                                   Variability among studies may be explained by geography and patient factors.
20                                     Variations in attrition may be explained by program director attitudes, although larg
21      This work provides evidence that MRV disruption of SGs may be facilitated by association of the MRV nonstructural pr
22                            At least part of the explanation may be found by turning to social relationships that arise in
23 the structural changes in P10 during infection and how they may be governed by phosphorylation.
24           Pathogenic CD4(+) T cells within affected tissues may be identified by expression of markers of recent activati
25                  It has been hypothesized that this process may be implemented by pattern completion in early visual cort
26 d identifies gaps in our knowledge of what molecular damage may be incurred by oxidative stress that is imparted by high
27 of children with food allergy have increased anxiety, which may be influenced by healthcare professionals' communication
28                             The specific fatty acid pattern may be influenced by metabolic, genetic, and dietary factors.
29 TiO2 NPs suggests the mechanisms and kinetics of cell death may be influenced by nano-scale metal oxide materials, which
30 al artery disease cell therapy investigational trial design may be informed by new anatomic and perfusion insights.
31 clinically evaluated, their application to FGF19-driven HCC may be limited by dose-limiting toxicities mediated by FGFR1-
32 results suggest that overgeneralization in anxiety patients may be mediated by an inability to recruit the dlPFC, which m
33            Here, we hypothesized that these adverse effects may be mediated by neurosteroids, given their well-documented
34 elevated urinary podocin(+) EVs-to-nephrin(+) EVs ratio and may be mediated by prolonged exposure to cellfree HbF.
35 es is hypothesized to be a non-cell-autonomous process that may be mediated by the productive spreading of prion-like pro
36 suggested the evolution of alternate invasion pathways that may be mediated by the PvRBPs.
37  of genes is negatively regulated by gene transcription and may be modified by early-life experience.
38 a gonorrhoeae senses and responds to stress; such responses may be modulated by MisRS (NGO0177 and NGO0176), a two-compon
39                            During S-phase, minor DNA damage may be overcome by DNA damage tolerance (DDT) pathways that b
40              Conclusion Local tumor recurrence in the NEPTR may be predicted by FA metrics at baseline in patients with g
41  the electronic properties of this unique high-valent state may be probed by in situ spectroscopy.
42  suggesting that additional damage after acute brain injury may be reflected by frequency changes in electrocerebral reco
43  0.29 hr (p < 0.01), indicating that human molecular clocks may be regulated by feeding time and could underpin plasma gl
44             Our results show that early diet specialization may be reinforced by the elevated costs of prey switching, th
45   Seeding experiments demonstrate that the output variation may be stabilized by an external source and establish the min
46 itis suppurativa is more common than previously thought and may be treated by an array of pharmacological and surgical te
47                                                This finding may be underpinned by the association observed for BCG.
48            Dual-task gait testing is easy to administer and may be used by clinicians to decide further biomarker testing
49  administration and a random plasma cortisol of < 10 mug/dL may be used by clinicians.
50 turing experiments with the alga showed that host glutamine may be utilized by the algal endosymbiont as a primary nitrog

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