


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 mful to mental health in the Australian context and that it may be beneficial for 55- to 64-year-olds transitioning from
2  silencing, suggesting that the minimization of off-targets may be beneficial for antisense gene silencing in prokaryotic
3                                                       Slit2 may be beneficial for BBB protection during elective neurosur
4 dulate the physical properties of a supramolecular hydrogel may be beneficial for biomaterial and biomedical applications
5                         This study suggests that retirement may be beneficial for blood pressure, waist circumference, an
6                                                Raising LCAT may be beneficial for CHD, as well as for familial LCAT defic
7 nclear whether and under what circumstances JAK2 inhibitors may be beneficial for CML patients.
8 s, and suggest that epigenetic reversion of IRX1 activation may be beneficial for controlling osteosarcoma metastasis.
9       Thus, therapeutic strategies to block C5aR activation may be beneficial for controlling pathogenic Th17-mediated in
10                    Although previous data suggest that MPEP may be beneficial for core features of autism spectrum disord
11 density at an oxide heterostructure interface and therefore may be beneficial for future nanoelectronic devices and for t
12 reby consensus primary and secondary structure information, may be beneficial for guiding the overall organization of the
13          Therapeutic approaches that target aging processes may be beneficial for halting the progression of disease and
14       Hence, these additional trimer sequence modifications may be beneficial for immunization strategies that seek to mi
15 form of an efficiently cleaved membrane-bound Env, 4-2.J41, may be beneficial for immunization studies using various prim
16  host resistance and survival; therefore, targeting TNFRp75 may be beneficial for improving disease outcome.
17                              Tumor necrosis factor blockade may be beneficial for IRIS and warrants further study in clin
18                                 Observation unit management may be beneficial for low-risk and intermediate-risk patients
19                                   Maternal vitamin D status may be beneficial for male and female offspring through diffe
20  nevi are more often associated with melanoma, and excision may be beneficial for melanoma detection or prevention.
21                                        Thus, CPAP treatment may be beneficial for metabolic risk reduction.
22 t in skeletal muscle and use of clinically safe antagonists may be beneficial for muscle diseases.
23 ers reported by sites suggest that CTDIvol reference levels may be beneficial for optimization of CT protocols.
24      This study shows evidence that autologous cell therapy may be beneficial for patients having HF, but further evidenc
25                 More potent and longer antiplatelet therapy may be beneficial for patients undergoing SVG PCI.
26                                                Warfarin use may be beneficial for patients who have atrial fibrillation w
27 /R and, therefore, provide evidence that targeting FPR2/ALX may be beneficial for patients who suffered from stroke.
28              Blocking Pglyrp1 or enhancing pDC in the lungs may be beneficial for prevention and treatment of asthma.
29 s and suggests that this fungus and the enzymes it produces may be beneficial for skin health.
30 ity that targeting IL-1beta with clinically available drugs may be beneficial for symptomatic treatment of the disease.
31 fically targeting the positive feedforward cAMP/Ca(2+) loop may be beneficial for the development of therapeutics to slow
32                              The use of MDCT in AS patients may be beneficial for the evaluation of pulmonary disease, ev
33 s of FTY720 and suggest that targeting S1pr3 simultaneously may be beneficial for the patients receiving FTY720 treatment
34 hat strategies aimed at probing the fronto-accumbal circuit may be beneficial for the treatment of aggressive behaviors i
35 tic strategy that aims at the stabilization of EphA2 dimers may be beneficial for the treatment of cancers linked to EphA
36 st that PTC suppression in combination with CFTR modulators may be beneficial for the treatment of CF patients with PTCs.
37 or (miRIDIAN), suggesting that such combinatorial therapies may be beneficial for the treatment of chronic HCV infection.
38 tivation of TSGs, suggesting that their combined inhibition may be beneficial for the treatment of colon cancer.
39 encoded miRNAs target specific host genes and pathways that may be beneficial for their infectivity and/or proliferation.
40 es the possibility that their cohabitation in the same host may be beneficial for their mutual cap acquisition.
41 B plays a variety of roles in oncogenesis and immunity that may be beneficial for therapeutic targeting, but strategies t
42             Future school-based environmental interventions may be beneficial for this important public health problem.
43 hat strategies aimed at pharmacological modulation of HDAC3 may be beneficial for tissue regeneration and controlling tum
44 vironmental changes after inflammation, such as pH changes, may be beneficial for treating periodontitis.
45  and hormone therapy supplemented with Ras-targeting agents may be beneficial for treating this aggressive subtype.
46 hat combination growth factor therapy using BMP7 and LfcinB may be beneficial for treatment of disc degeneration.
47                                   Furthermore, the findings may be beneficial for treatment of the recently identified pa
48                                           Loss of PKD1 thus may be beneficial for tumor cells to enhance their matrix-inv
49      The reduction of sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) intake may be beneficial for weight management and other related hea
50 ese findings provide further evidence that fish consumption may be beneficial for women's mental health.

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