


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                   Our results suggest LRRK2 may be involved in a wide variety of cellular processes and t
2 wing this pattern are unlikely to control spawning time but may be involved in adaptation to ecological factor(s) shared
3                                           Divergent alleles may be involved in adaptation to environmental fluctuations i
4                           Lead toxicity and bone metabolism may be involved in ALS pathophysiology.
5                                      We concluded that RXRB may be involved in antifibrotic activity in skin and chromati
6         Also, they elicit both antibodies and T cells, they may be involved in antigenic variation, and they may be good
7           RATIONALE: Diverse B cell responses and functions may be involved in atherosclerosis.
8 imal for many patients; however, specific genetic variables may be involved in both pathophysiology and response to treat
9 f spontaneous depolarization and electrical conduction that may be involved in cardiac arrhythmia.
10 These findings demonstrate that epithelial-derived exosomes may be involved in corneal wound healing and neovascularizati
11                 The genes PSD2, TCIRG1, RIN3, and RUFY1 all may be involved in endolysosomal transport-a process known to
12 ct roles of different regions of Tim17 and suggest how they may be involved in handing over the proteins, during their tr
13 and inducible NO synthase expression, suggesting that AnxA1 may be involved in modulation of inflammation in this model o
14                                    The underlying mechanism may be involved in neovascularization.
15  identify maize genes responsive to SCMV infection and that may be involved in pathogenesis, a comparative proteomic anal
16 s that cortical microcircuitry alterations during adulthood may be involved in pathogenesis.
17 io, whereas other regions, such as the superior colliculus, may be involved in processes that influence selection between
18 rogate of lack of protection, whereas TH1-related responses may be involved in protective mechanisms.
19  comparatively reduced Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle activity may be involved in recycling metabolic CO2 Glandular trichome
20 hromatin immunoprecipitation assays, suggesting that MYB112 may be involved in regulating alfalfa vegetative growth.
21                                              Notably, eIF5A may be involved in regulating the lifespan of Drosophila duri
22        Several MIPs are conserved hypothetical proteins and may be involved in responses to various signals and crosstalk
23 ex was also found to bind FAD, hinting that these cofactors may be involved in sensing the cellular redox state.
24 the large dorsomedial neurons of the caudal dorsal pallidum may be involved in sensory processing, in that they provide a
25 ells (MDSCs) described in cancer and inflammatory processes may be involved in sepsis-induced immune suppression, but the
26       The broad tissue expression of MeCP2 suggests that it may be involved in several metabolic pathways, but the molecu
27 nd structure implied that the elongated BPH inner pore loop may be involved in substrate recognition.
28 for several glycosyltransferases indicated the enzymes that may be involved in synthesis of fibre-specific version of rha
29        Not much is known about which cell surface receptors may be involved in the cell-to-cell transfer, but proteoglyca
30          This misalignment of central and peripheral clocks may be involved in the development of disease and the acceler
31 ich suggests that epigenetic changes associated with ageing may be involved in the differential exhibition of BF within a
32 mokine-related pathways but also osteoclast differentiation may be involved in the effects observed.
33 lar disease and IADL impairment, but not chronological age, may be involved in the etiology of short sleep duration in ol
34 en by transposons, we hypothesize that transposons in maize may be involved in the formation of circRNAs and further modu
35 proteases aberrantly expressed in diabetic nephropathy (DN) may be involved in the generation of DN-associated peptides i
36       The properties of UL8 uncovered here suggest that UL8 may be involved in the generation of the X- and Y-branched st
37 ittle is known about how changes in the bacterial community may be involved in the manipulation of induced defenses in wi
38                              Our data suggest that SERPINA3 may be involved in the pathogenesis and the progression of pr
39 s and suggest that vascular compromise of the inner choroid may be involved in the pathogenesis of AMN.
40 to Phytophthora sojae effectors were also identified, which may be involved in the pathogenicity of the sunflower rust pa
41                                                         Glu may be involved in the pathophysiology of OCD and may moderat
42                                             Therefore, USF3 may be involved in the predisposition of thyroid cancer.
43        Thus, the anti-oxidative effects of 17beta-estradiol may be involved in the prevention of seizures mediated by DHA
44 nalysis corroborated previous findings that innate immunity may be involved in the progression of PTSD, yet also identifi
45 ys a vital role beyond simply the production of energy, and may be involved in the regulation of cell fate.
46                                         The caudate nucleus may be involved in the repetitive movements and limbic change
47 nd estrogen secretion were decreased, indicating that IL1B2 may be involved in the spatiotemporal increase in conceptus e
48 cariance, and that allopatric isolation following dispersal may be involved in the speciation process.
49                                   Down-regulation of TDP-43 may be involved in the tau pathology in AD and related neurod
50 ol III promoter subtypes, suggesting that the +1 nucleosome may be involved in the transcriptional regulation of pol III

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