


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 re is not a single solid solution phase, and that the rules may not accurately distinguish the stability of the phase bou
2 one levels, which suggests that urinary testosterone levels may not accurately reflect blood levels during mini-puberty.
3  HMO specificities of lectins established using microarrays may not accurately reflect their true HMO-binding properties
4 e values to detect pediatric liver mechanical abnormalities may not allow detection of mild disease and may lead to under
5 existing risk assessment models for H9N2 viruses in ferrets may not always have a strong correlation with the replication
6        Previous studies have shown that anxious individuals may not appropriately differentiate between these situations.
7                                          Namely, distancing may not be a binary, continuously on/off process.
8 ty recovers or improves within 1 month of the procedure and may not be accompanied by improvements in threshold sensitivi
9 undance of data has greatly facilitated maize research, but may not be amenable to traditional analysis techniques that w
10 uggest that subcortical brain volumes and WM microstructure may not be closely linked to the genetic mechanisms of major
11  but not wide dynamic-range dorsal horn neurons, and why it may not be effective in all migraine patients.SIGNIFICANCE ST
12 ve surgical risk and, therefore, an open surgical procedure may not be feasible or appropriate.
13            Nevertheless, the lack of contamination by drugs may not be guaranteed.
14 and Ru vacancies to an extent that the structural integrity may not be maintained.
15                                              The use of RBV may not be necessary to achieve SVR in this patient populatio
16 d nature of biological networks suggests that full coverage may not be necessary.
17 V-1 in infected cells and that true transcriptional latency may not be possible in vivo, especially in the presence of co
18 s new species are defined, appropriate discriminatory tests may not be present in current test panel arrangements.
19 gest that (i) many designed, or even natural, protein cages may not be regular in the presence of those perturbations and
20  strongly associated with a reduction in cardiac output and may not be related to other pathophysiological consequences o
21  opioid signaling in each line, suggesting that cell models may not be reliable for predicting pharmacology with this pro
22 setting of significant intratumoral heterogeneity, biopsies may not be representative of the entirety of the tumor and li
23            Residents of assisted living facilities who fall may not be seriously ill or injured, but policies often requi
24                      This suggests that reactive astrocytes may not be the main CSPG contributory factor in glial scar.
25 recognize the more abundant GAG-bound form of the chemokine may not be the optimal strategy to achieve disease control.
26 ng off, the wing motion and flap rate of a large woodpecker may not be the same as in cruising flight.
27 rption/desorption time scales observed in batch experiments may not be transferred to field conditions without an appropr
28 st that carriers of the BRCA mutation younger than 40 years may not benefit from FFD mammography surveillance in addition
29                        In many situations, a decision maker may not communicate a decision immediately and yet feel that
30 emonstrate that promising candidate medical countermeasures may not completely clear EBOV infection.
31 uggest that loss of PABPN1 function could contribute to but may not completely explain the pathology detected in Pabpn1+/
32 epidopteran subfamily Heliothinae suggest that architecture may not constrain ecological adaptation in this group.
33  activation, EMG- and ultrasound-detected activation onsets may not correspond.
34 ansposon-derived, methylated at all cytosines, which may or may not form epialleles.
35             Although claudin strand behavior in fibroblasts may not fully recapitulate that of epithelial tight junction
36  heterogeneous mixture, including some CD11c(hi) cells that may not have a bona fide counterpart in vivo.
37      Differences of opinion regarding whether there may, or may not, have been protective efficacy in the RV144 vaccine t
38  suggesting that featural similarity of cross-modal signals may not modulate cross-modal temporal influences in short tim
39 and's territory, we suggest that the typical hand territory may not necessarily represent the hand per se, but rather any
40 gy patients, is the notion that patients and their families may not need or want palliative care involvement early in the
41                                              These findings may not only guide the applications of BPs, but also propose
42                                Thus, increasing temperature may not only induce a stoichiometric shift but also loose the
43              In addition, the discovery of novel biomarkers may not only prove useful in predicting severity of illness b
44                                                        This may not preclude the longer-term effects of fetal exposure to
45 ydrate-based anti-adhesive strategies are desirable as they may not promote resistance.
46                     We conclude that self-rated preferences may not provide a straightforward and direct assessment of se
47                                      A beach umbrella alone may not provide sufficient protection for extended UV exposur
48 tic method, should be reported to the CR, the PLC incidence may not reflect the true rate.
49             BC bottles containing antibiotic binding resins may not sufficiently inactivate achievable concentrations of
50 quence suggests that the extent of formation of genomic G4s may not track directly with G4 stability.

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