


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 of sudden death in these patients, but so far contradictory mechanisms have been proposed.
2 mains poorly understood and multiple, seemingly conflicting mechanisms have been proposed.
3 t efficacy, this evidence is indirect and other targets and mechanisms have been proposed.
4                             Both gain- and loss-of-function mechanisms have been proposed.
5                            Though many fluorescence sensing mechanisms have been proposed, a sensing mode based on the bu
6                                               The plausible mechanisms have been proposed and the DFT calculations have b
7                                               While several mechanisms have been proposed as conserved lifespan determina
8                 Various hopping and mobility edge transport mechanisms have been proposed, but their experimental verific
9                  Several redox-coupled proton translocation mechanisms have been proposed, but they lack confirmation, in
10                                                   Different mechanisms have been proposed: energy transfer to a lutein qu
11                                         CO2 ice sublimation mechanisms have been proposed for a host of features that for
12                                                        Many mechanisms have been proposed for Abeta-induced synaptic dysf
13                                                             Mechanisms have been proposed for alpha-KG-dependent non-heme
14                                Although multiple pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed for HD, there is increasing int
15                                                   Different mechanisms have been proposed for heterosis: dominance, overd
16                                              While numerous mechanisms have been proposed for mediating gene regulation i
17                                                    Although mechanisms have been proposed for synapse-to-nuclear communic
18 ion and a subsequent 17alpha,20-lyase reaction, and several mechanisms have been proposed for the latter step.
19                                           Several competing mechanisms have been proposed for the MDH-catalyzed reaction.
20                                In the literature, two major mechanisms have been proposed for these catalytic reactions:
21                                                             Mechanisms have been proposed for this pathologic relation, b
22                                          Many controversial mechanisms have been proposed for this process, most of which
23 dominantly muscle-specific phenotype a number of pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed, including a direct effect of t
24                                        Although a number of mechanisms have been proposed, it still largely remains uncle
25                                                    Multiple mechanisms have been proposed, many of which involve chemistr
26                                                 A number of mechanisms have been proposed--most famously, Turing's reacti
27                                 Two alternative propagation mechanisms have been proposed: movement of a chemical agent a
28                            In plants, two different control mechanisms have been proposed: one is position-dependent and
29                                  Three alternative feedback mechanisms have been proposed: regulation by the sliding forc
30                                           Several molecular mechanisms have been proposed, such as activations of the pho
31                                         Several alternative mechanisms have been proposed suggesting that 5hmC influences
32                                   However, although several mechanisms have been proposed, the means by which erythropoie
33                                            Although several mechanisms have been proposed, the molecular basis is still l
34                                       Several computational mechanisms have been proposed to account for such isochronous
35                                                     Various mechanisms have been proposed to be involved in this recalcit
36                                                    Multiple mechanisms have been proposed to explain and interpret TL.
37             FUS loss-of-function and toxic gain-of-function mechanisms have been proposed to explain how mutant FUS leads
38                                  Although several molecular mechanisms have been proposed to explain NMDR relationships,
39                                                   Different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the effect of KCNE3
40                                                    Numerous mechanisms have been proposed to explain the HLA associations
41                                                 A number of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the origin of binary
42                                                   Different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the pathological bas
43 rmation processing within the rate coding paradigm, several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the reduction in the
44                                                     Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain these divergent outc
45                                                     Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain this differentially
46                    At the molecular level, multiple control mechanisms have been proposed to link circadian transcription
47                                                        Many mechanisms have been proposed to promote tissue inflammation,
48                   Although several brain regions and neural mechanisms have been proposed to support perceptual learning,
49 contradictory experimental evidence, two distinct molecular mechanisms have been proposed to underlie the propagation of
50                  Both loss-of-function and gain-of-function mechanisms have been proposed to underlie this disease, but t

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