


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ced correlated positively with pTH-ir in the medial preoptic nucleus.
2 pulation of POMC neurons that project to the medial preoptic nucleus.
3  bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the medial preoptic nucleus.
4 ical signature of estrogen activation of the medial preoptic nucleus.
5        Neurons in these areas project to the medial preoptic nucleus.
6 ing pDARPP-32 immunoreactivity by 92% in the medial preoptic nucleus, 134% in the caudal ventromedial
7 opioid receptor (MOR) internalization in the medial preoptic nucleus, an important step for full expr
8 RNA expression in the central portion of the medial preoptic nucleus and posterodorsal medial amygdal
9 to regulate motivation and reward (i.e., the medial preoptic nucleus and ventral tegmental area) rela
10   Steroid regulation of OFQ/N and NOP in the medial preoptic nucleus and VMH is consistent with emerg
11 II fibers included the ventromedial nucleus, medial preoptic nucleus, and ventral premammillary nucle
12            Castration reduced PRir in males' medial preoptic nucleus, anteroventral periventricular n
13 ng sympathetic pathway appears to target the medial preoptic nucleus as its key nodal point, receivin
14 nkephalin (DAMGO) or endomorphin-1, into the medial preoptic nucleus attenuated lordosis, and their e
15 containing neurons were most abundant in the medial preoptic nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria termin
16                                       In the medial preoptic nucleus (central aspect) and ventromedia
17 raventricular nucleus; reproductive: lateral medial preoptic nucleus; defensive: anterior hypothalami
18 r predominantly in the posterior PVN; and 3) medial preoptic nucleus-derived inputs to the PVN are no
19 nalis, medial and lateral preoptic areas and medial preoptic nucleus), diencephalon (viz., subincerta
20 tria terminalis, ventral aspect (INSTv), the medial preoptic nucleus, dorsomedial aspect (MPNdm) and
21 increase, whereas, in the medial part of the medial preoptic nucleus, estrogen and progesterone were
22 d estradiol-induced activation of MOR in the medial preoptic nucleus, leading to female sexual recept
23 ed during maternal aggression, including the medial preoptic nucleus (likely to represent an importan
24 f time of day or day of estrous cycle in the medial preoptic nucleus, median eminence, ventromedial n
25 eling was found in the medial preoptic area, medial preoptic nucleus, median preoptic nucleus, and la
26  vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), medial preoptic nucleus (MNPO), subfornical organ (SFO),
27            The magnocellular division of the medial Preoptic nucleus (MPN mag) plays a critical role
28 c area, the magnocellular subdivision of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN mag).
29  phosphorylated PAK1 immunoreactivity in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) but not the arcuate nucleu
30                                          The medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) of the medial preoptic are
31 gestin receptor (PR) immunoreactivity in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) of the rat brain is due to
32 nteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), arcuate nucleus (ARH), an
33  here that a select subset of neurons in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), lateral hypothalamic area
34 re lower levels of V(1a)R binding within the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), medial preoptic area (MPO
35 and AR-ir were colocalized in neurons of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), the dorsal medial amygdal
36  nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), the ventromedial nucleus
37 zation of mu-opioid receptors (MORs), in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN).
38 hase immunoreactive (bNOS-ir) neurons in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN).
39 eus [AVPV], median preoptic area [MePO], and medial preoptic nucleus [MPN]), at young (3 months), mid
40 nt oSDN occupies the central division of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc) and consists of a cluster
41  of the SDN-POA, the central division of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc), over the first 13 days p
42  and the central and medial divisions of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc, MPNm, respectively) revea
43 os co-localization in the medial part of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNm), where half of the neuron
44  stimulate the magnocellular division of the medial preoptic nucleus of castrates.
45                           Stimulation of the medial preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus (MPO) has be
46 ustrum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial preoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, medial
47 leus, anteroventral periventricular nucleus, medial preoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, suprac
48 iors occur in a variety of mammals, with the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) and the ventromedial hypot
49 abeling for the opioid met-enkephalin in the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) correlates positively with
50                       The sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus (POM) in Japanese quail has for
51 ere denser in several regions, including the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) in low singing males.
52          We show here that T implants in the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) of castrated male canaries
53                                          The medial preoptic nucleus (POM) regulates male sexual beha
54 n of sexual behavior, including in quail the medial preoptic nucleus (POM).
55 d for >24 hr after estrogen treatment in the medial preoptic nucleus, the principal part of the bed n
56 rulline-positive cells was identified in the medial preoptic nucleus, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, an
57 iveness of the magnocellular division of the medial preoptic nucleus to pheromones.
58  (MeA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial preoptic nucleus, ventrolateral portion of the ve
59            A projection from the BSTp to the medial preoptic nucleus was also weaker in females but w
60 us of the stria terminalis (BNST) and to the medial preoptic nucleus, whereas MeA projects to adjacen

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