


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nerational instability ( approximately 2% of meioses).
2 omosome behavior in female and hermaphrodite meioses.
3 o precise chromosomal positions and specific meioses.
4 mbinants were obtained from female than male meioses.
5 s using a set of 47 families comprising 3546 meioses.
6 haracterization of 3026 male and 3002 female meioses.
7 ely sterile and defective in male and female meioses.
8 oy but a single crossover in the majority of meioses.
9 al interspecific backcrosses, comprising 188 meioses.
10 etween meioses exhibiting trisomy and normal meioses.
11 bspecific intercross panel representing 1170 meioses.
12 cted families with a total of 14 informative meioses.
13 lassification of the recombination status of meioses.
14 es between meioses exhibiting UPD and normal meioses.
15 tional patterns by direct observation of 731 meioses.
16  collected from a relatively small number of meioses.
17 oximately 1.4-fold greater than that of male meioses.
18 t 4.5 cM shows no recombination in over 1400 meioses.
19 covering all three products of single female meioses.
20 xcess of recombination in female versus male meioses, (2) an overall decline in female:male recombina
21 terchromosomal exchanges in 2/15 informative meioses, a rate consistent with the genetic distance.
22 >4 million informative SNPs from 23 complete meioses allowed us to map 2,032 maternal and 1,342 pater
23                         Analysis of affected meioses alone revealed no recombination with an addition
24 nation locations are highly variable between meioses, although total crossover numbers are tightly re
25 pedigrees, with >770 potentially informative meioses altogether, were genotyped with a subset of 2,98
26 ped to mouse chromosome 11 on a total of 246 meioses and confined to a 4.60-million basepair critical
27 els are equivalent in hotspot and nonhotspot meioses and do not change in mts mutants, indicating tha
28            We identified crossovers in these meioses and fitted the Housworth-Stahl "interference-esc
29 ected recombination events from over 100,000 meioses and have constructed sex-specific genetic maps a
30 apping is limited by the number of available meioses and informative marker density.
31         Gene IBD is traced through ancestral meioses and is defined relative to founders of a pedigre
32 ify all exchanges in 186 female and 160 male meioses and to show (1) significant excess of recombinat
33 s revealed that deletions occurred in 44% of meioses and usually affected both chromatids of the muta
34  chiasma interference in male than in female meioses, and (4) lack of correlation between exchange fr
35  the two independent populations of parental meioses, and genetic maps were constructed to represent
36 implicitly assuming that, in some sense, all meioses connecting two affected individuals are informat
37 ssover and noncrossover events of individual meioses directly at active hotspots while retaining the
38 F." Additional genotyping of as many as 2407 meioses established a high resolution genetic map with g
39 on the basis of 40 markers and the number of meioses estimated to have taken place during the crossin
40 sp I site that cosegregates with fa in 1,028 meioses examined in obese F2 progeny from two crosses (B
41 ted for differences in recombination between meioses exhibiting trisomy and normal meioses.
42 to inspect recombination differences between meioses exhibiting UPD and normal meioses.
43 al resources afforded 450 mostly phase-known meioses for map assembly.
44  recombination sites in a collection of 1154 meioses from 1155 progeny generated in the six crosses.
45                      Analysis of 1139 female meioses from an intersubspecific backcross using 15 PCR-
46 phism (SNP)-chip data, comprising over 6,000 meioses from nine cohorts.
47 ed by segregation analysis of more than 1650 meioses from three interspecific backcrosses.
48                                    Of the 42 meioses genotyped in this pedigree, 39 subjects (16 affe
49 hree affected individuals separated by eight meioses identified a single shared novel heterozygous va
50                       Analysis of unaffected meioses identified only one healthy 86-year-old male who
51 es, including 147,327 male and 71,687 female meioses in Holstein, and 108,163 male and 37,008 female
52 Holstein, and 108,163 male and 37,008 female meioses in Jersey, respectively.
53 aplotype analyses of affected and unaffected meioses in six families provided maximum linkage informa
54 ts chromosome pairs to one crossover in most meioses in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans; this sys
55                                           In meioses in which two of the three model chromosomes expe
56 5, where there are 109 recombinants/Mb (4882 meioses), in contrast to flanking regions of 14.6 recomb
57 satellite markers and 5 known genes on a 968-meioses intersubspecific backcross segregating for dfw [
58 pendent crossing over in yeast and mammalian meioses involves the mismatch repair protein homologs MS
59 tabilities in transmission of FRAXE among 43 meioses involving intermediate or premutation sized alle
60 he number of crossovers observed in parental meioses leading to the transmission of alleles to their
61 ution of the recombination events underlying meioses leading to UPD.
62 monozygotic twins was detected among the 304 meioses mapped to highest resolution.
63 ot limited to maintaining arrest in abnormal meioses; mec1-1, rad24, and rad17 single mutants have ad
64 nsuming to characterize the large numbers of meioses needed to generate statistically robust data set
65                          In our sample of 37 meioses, nine informative markers did not recombine with
66         Considerations such as the number of meioses observed, the heterozygosity and physical distan
67                       When only the affected meioses of this kindred were analyzed, LOD scores remain
68 erated a high-resolution genetic map (> 1800 meioses) of the Clock locus.
69      For a typical setup with 50 informative meioses on 50 markers uniformly distributed on a chromos
70 families, with an average of 171 informative meioses per locus.
71 ite loci, with an average of 608 informative meioses per locus.
72 phic STRs by tracing each locus over 222,000 meioses, resulting in the largest collection of Y-STR mu
73         The data also reveal that one or two meioses separate different isolates, showing that P. fal
74                          Using the number of meioses separating each pair of autozygous alleles and t
75 etween relationships with the same number of meioses separating the individuals under consideration (
76 r of common ancestors and the same number of meioses separating the individuals under consideration.
77 me were also evaluated, with male and female meioses showing significantly different patterns of reco
78 e-wide levels of recombination in individual meioses; studies analyzing temporal aspects of the mamma
79 y early conjugation among products of single meioses, such that the duration of the free-living haplo
80 imately 22,000 SNPs informing on a subset of meioses supported map integrity.
81 ution of the recombination events underlying meioses that lead to trisomy.
82 l of DNA, consisting of 520 F2 progeny (1040 meioses) that has been anchored to a zebrafish genetic l
83                                       On 249 meioses, the locus was confined to a 2.7-Mb region, whic
84 ere we test a single family with 11 relevant meioses transmitting autosomal dominant acute myelogenou
85 y of nondisjunction among 1784 embryos (3568 meioses) was 15.9%.
86                 Using SNP array data from 98 meioses, we identified 103 sites affected by NCO, of whi

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