


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  these proteins on centromere orientation in meiosis I .
2 osomes failed to segregate accurately during meiosis I.
3 ultivalents and centromere clustering during meiosis I.
4 s that facilitate homolog segregation during Meiosis I.
5 r its telomere-associated segregation during meiosis I.
6 ate homologous chromosome segregation during meiosis I.
7 ein that protects centromeric cohesin during meiosis I.
8 display defects in chromosome segregation at meiosis I.
9 gues that ensure their proper segregation at meiosis I.
10 nd their regulation by Ipl1 and Mps1 through meiosis I.
11 e chromosome pairs for proper disjunction in meiosis I.
12 lting in the cessation of spermatogenesis in meiosis I.
13 unctions necessary for proper disjunction at meiosis I.
14 nocytes results in arrest during prophase of meiosis I.
15 ary for proper chromosome disjunction during meiosis I.
16 paired X chromosome separate prematurely, in meiosis I.
17 ssential for preventing precocious exit from meiosis I.
18 l for faithful chromosome segregation during meiosis I.
19 lock of spermatogenesis at early prophase of meiosis I.
20  not play a role in centromere protection in meiosis I.
21 er chromatid co-orientation in S. cerevisiae meiosis I.
22 nections necessary for proper segregation at meiosis I.
23 k (MEN) and monopolar homolog orientation in meiosis I.
24  thereby prevent cleavage by separase during meiosis I.
25  sufficient for the persistence of SCC after meiosis I.
26 asun spermatocytes arrest during prophase of meiosis I.
27 e maintenance, and chromosome segregation in meiosis I.
28 for the reductional segregation occurring at meiosis I.
29 otic spindle to ensure proper segregation at meiosis I.
30 he sister chromatids divided equationally at meiosis I.
31 ome, the sister chromatids also separated at meiosis I.
32 in kinase coorients sister chromatids during meiosis I.
33 s Aurora B coorient sister chromatids during meiosis I.
34 hromosomes to segregate to opposite poles at meiosis I.
35  expression of nondegradable cyclin B1 after meiosis I.
36 is built immediately after the completion of meiosis I.
37 ions that ensure their proper segregation at meiosis I.
38  to premature sister chromatid separation in meiosis I.
39 sover (CO) formation between homologs during meiosis I.
40 f the SAC to inhibit bivalent segregation in meiosis I.
41 etochore cross-linking and co-orientation in meiosis I.
42 an lead to missegregation of homologs during meiosis I.
43 hat Fest is required for proper execution of meiosis I.
44 s of core structural components important in meiosis I.
45 e critical for proper homolog segregation in Meiosis I.
46 segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis I.
47 mologs to ensure their proper segregation at meiosis I.
48 cumulation of APC/C substrates essential for meiosis I.
49 hinery modified to segregate homologs during meiosis I?
50                                              Meiosis is a complex developmental process that generate
51                             Recombination in meiosis is a fascinating case study for the coordination
52                                              Meiosis is a germ-cell-specific cell division process th
53             Extensive gene expression during meiosis is a hallmark of spermatogenesis.
54                                              Meiosis is a highly regulated process in eukaryotic spec
55                                              Meiosis is a highly specialized cell division that requi
56 hromosomes are segregated during mitosis and meiosis is a major puzzle of biology and biophysics.
57                                              Meiosis is a modified cell cycle programme in which a si
58                           Here, we show that meiosis is a normal part of development in the insect sa
59                                              Meiosis is a potentially important source of germline mu
60                                              Meiosis is a specialized cell division essential for sex
61                                              Meiosis is a specialized cell division that generates ga
62                                              Meiosis is a specialized cell division that halves the g
63                                              Meiosis is a specialized cell division, essential in mos
64                                              Meiosis is a specialized nuclear division by which sexua
65                   The switch from mitosis to meiosis is a unique feature of germ cell development.
66                                              Meiosis is a unique process that allows the generation o
67 e that the slow increase in CDK1 activity in meiosis I acts as a timing mechanism to allow stable K-M
68                                              Meiosis is an ancient type of cell division whose advent
69            The replication of chromosomes in meiosis is an important first step for subsequent chromo
70                                              Meiosis is an integral part of sexual reproduction in eu
71  the four chromatids resulting from a single meiosis, is an ideal method to study the mechanisms of h
72 y segregated as three distinct masses during meiosis I anaphase.
73 otic-progression defect in early prophase of meiosis I and a marked and progressive loss of germ cell
74 ycle phases during male meiosis: prophase of meiosis I and after exit from meiosis II, in spermatids.
75  meiosis II led to accelerated completion of meiosis I and an increase in aneuploidy at metaphase II.
76 ibit an absence of chromosome disjunction in meiosis I and an infrequent chromosome disjunction in me
77 ovel decrease in CID levels after the end of meiosis I and before meiosis II, which correlates tempor
78 2p plays a role in controlling the exit from meiosis I and demonstrate that a phospho-modification pa
79 to failure of germ cells to progress through meiosis I and hypogonadism.
80 rrect centromere orientation patterns on the meiosis I and II spindles.
81 oundly affect chromosome segregation in both meiosis I and II, due, at least in part, to premature si
82 cell division, meiosis, where two divisions, meiosis I and II, follow a single S phase.
83 ce blocks the removal of cohesin during both meiosis I and II, results in alterations in nonhomologou
84 s not sufficient to suppress S phase between meiosis I and II.
85 d co-orientation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae meiosis I and inhibiting merotelic attachment in Schizos
86 0) and APC(Ama1) are prematurely active, and meiosis I and meiosis II events occur in a single meioti
87 ociates with spindle microtubules throughout meiosis I and meiosis II, and dissociates from the meiot
88 nsecutive rounds of nuclear divisions called meiosis I and meiosis II.
89 tor of initiation of DNA replication between meiosis I and meiosis II.
90 ombination, and chromosome missegregation in meiosis I and meiosis II.
91  depolymerization of spindle microtubules in meiosis I and meiosis II.
92 ng from the same pole (coorientation) during meiosis I and microtubules emanating from opposite poles
93 pendent chromosome segregation during oocyte meiosis I and nuclear assembly during the transition fro
94  centrosomes failed to insert into the NM at meiosis I and nucleate bipolar spindles.
95 en hormonal signals induce the resumption of meiosis I and progression to meiosis II.
96 Mastl to show that Mastl-null oocytes resume meiosis I and reach metaphase I normally but that the on
97    However, the majority of oocytes complete meiosis I and the resulting eggs retain the correct numb
98 ster chromatids together, first from arms in meiosis I and then from the centromere region in meiosis
99 er chromatid co-orientation in S. cerevisiae meiosis I and to suppress merotelic attachment in S. pom
100 tly, most Lsd1-null oocytes fail to complete meiosis I and undergo apoptosis.
101           Clb1-CDK activity is restricted to meiosis I, and Clb3-CDK activity to meiosis II, through
102 rminally truncated form as predominant after meiosis I, and demonstrated direct physical interaction
103 nces that place centromeres at the centre of meiosis I, and discuss how these studies affect a variet
104 on of segregation-competent bivalents during meiosis I, and findings suggest that age-dependent deple
105 omatids of the X chromosomes separate during meiosis I, and homologous X chromatids segregate to the
106 res, kinetochores and chromosome arms in mid-meiosis I, and that MCAK depletion, or inhibition using
107 involved in spindle function in mouse oocyte meiosis I, and whether MCAK is necessary to prevent chro
108 ontrol chromosome morphology in pachytene of meiosis I, as does lin-35.
109 omoting complex (APC) arrest at metaphase of meiosis I at the restrictive temperature.
110 ing egg development: at the spindle poles of meiosis I, at the spindle poles of early cleavage and sy
111                     Here we show that during meiosis I, attachments are regulated by CDK1 activity, w
112 subunit localizes first along chromosomes in meiosis I, becoming restricted to the centromere region
113 guished by a prolonged arrest in prophase of meiosis I between homologous chromosome recombination an
114 tion not only affects homolog segregation at meiosis I but also the fate of sister chromatids at meio
115 eiosis, the MEN is dispensable for exit from meiosis I but contributes to the timely exit from meiosi
116 ase (FEAR) network is required for exit from meiosis I but does not lead to the activation of origins
117  MCAK contributes to chromosome alignment in meiosis I, but is not necessary for preventing chromosom
118     Rim4 inhibits translation of CLB3 during meiosis I by interacting with the 5' untranslated region
119       We find that Mad2 sets the duration of meiosis I by regulating the activity of APC(Cdc20).
120 meric Rec8 is protected from separase during meiosis I by shugoshin/MEI-S332 proteins that bind PP2A
121 s separate before prometaphase I, disrupting meiosis I centromere orientation and causing nondisjunct
122 the centromere is required for protection.In meiosis I centromeric cohesin is protected by Sgo2 from
123 volved into a master regulator of the unique meiosis I chromosome segregation pattern.
124 prophase I is essential for establishing the meiosis I chromosome segregation pattern.
125 hase I is central to establishing the unique meiosis I chromosome segregation pattern.DOI:http://dx.d
126 thermore defines Clb3 as an inhibitor of the meiosis I chromosome segregation program.
127 site spindle poles (biorientation), accurate meiosis I chromosome segregation requires that sister ch
128 chromosome arms, which is a prerequisite for meiosis I chromosome segregation.
129                  Regulation of DSB repair in meiosis is chromosome autonomous such that unrepaired br
130 on promotes proper chromosome segregation in meiosis I; chromosomes without crossovers near the centr
131 eiosis-specific component Mam1, brings about meiosis I co-orientation.
132 lling the number of recombination events per meiosis is CO homeostasis, which maintains a stable CO n
133 cers, including Stra8, but how the switch to meiosis is controlled in male germ cells (spermatogonia)
134                                Completion of meiosis I could be restored by ROS scavengers, showing t
135                                              Meiosis is coupled to gamete development and must be wel
136   Correct centriole organization during male meiosis is critical to guarantee a normal bipolar mitoti
137 nd synapsis of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is crucial for producing genetically normal game
138           Faithful chromosome segregation in meiosis is crucial to form viable, healthy offspring and
139 d residues alone is sufficient to rescue the meiosis I defect.
140 segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is dependent on crossovers that occur while the
141 homologs separate their sister chromatids at meiosis I; detect selection for higher recombination rat
142 y after birth, when oocytes had just entered meiosis I dictyate arrest.
143 hat the cell cycle timing of CID assembly in meiosis is different from mitosis and that the efficient
144 evel of IFY-1 declined immediately following meiosis I division and remained low during meiosis II an
145 on of healthy gametes requires a reductional meiosis I division in which replicated sister chromatids
146 segregation of homologous chromosomes at the meiosis I division.
147                             Recombination in meiosis is driven by programmed induction of double stra
148                                       Female meiosis is driven by the activities of two major kinases
149 abilized IFY-1 and CYB-1 (cyclin B1) in post-meiosis I embryos.
150 The proper distribution of crossovers during meiosis I ensures accurate chromosome segregation at the
151 hromatids segregate away from one another in meiosis I (equational division), rather than segregating
152 mplex (SC), or synapsis, between homologs in meiosis is essential for crossing over and chromosome se
153                                              Meiosis is essential for reproduction in sexually reprod
154                                              Meiosis is essential for the fertility of most eukaryote
155         Proper segregation of chromosomes in meiosis is essential to prevent miscarriages and birth d
156                  Centromere pairing early in meiosis I, even between nonhomologous chromosomes, and c
157  mitosis-like division by disrupting two key meiosis I events: coorientation of sister kinetochores a
158                                     Although meiosis is evolutionarily conserved, many of the underly
159 naphase-promoting complex/cyclosome to allow meiosis I exit and for the rapid rise of Cdk1 activity t
160 ERK phosphorylates and inhibits Dicer during meiosis I for oogenesis to proceed normally in Caenorhab
161                    1026 1027 References 1027 Meiosis is fundamental to sexual reproduction and create
162                                              Meiosis is fundamental to sexual reproduction and create
163 s inappropriately producing Clb3-CDKs during meiosis I furthermore defines Clb3 as an inhibitor of th
164 ctivated by Cdc5-mediated phosphorylation in meiosis I, generating the crossovers necessary for chrom
165                                Resumption of meiosis is heralded by germinal vesicle breakdown, conde
166 r, the number and distribution of COs during meiosis is highly constrained.
167                    In most flowering plants, meiosis is highly synchronized within each anther, which
168 n single cells and find that the duration of meiosis is highly variable between cells.
169                                A key step of meiosis is homologous recombination, which promotes homo
170                                           In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair and then attach t
171                                           In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes segregate, while siste
172                                           In meiosis I, homologues are segregated, whereas in meiosis
173 dition, DNA replication or damage during the meiosis I-II interval fails to arrest meiotic progress,
174 c cell divisions in fst-1 mutants during the meiosis I/II transition.
175 1 arrest as one-cell embryos in metaphase of meiosis I in a manner that is indistinguishable from emb
176 tochore restructuring process that occurs in meiosis I in budding yeast.
177  release of sister chromatid cohesion during meiosis I in C. elegans also function to inhibit centrio
178 nd Homer report that the proper execution of meiosis I in mouse oocytes requires the stabilization of
179                          In contrast, during meiosis I in mouse oocytes, formation of the acentrosoma
180 ntromere, and co-orient sister chromatids in meiosis I in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
181 s can promote proper homolog associations in meiosis I in yeast, plants, and Drosophila.
182                                       During meiosis I, in particular, centromeres seem to function i
183 sley et al. (2016) use the unique biology of meiosis I, in which the cell can exit the division witho
184 nsistent with the absence of key features of meiosis I, including synapsis and recombination.
185 ed oocytes did not replicate their DNA after meiosis I indicating that Geminin does not act as an inh
186                                  In mammals, meiosis is initiated at different time points in males a
187                                              Meiosis is initiated by retinoic acid and meiotic propha
188               It remains largely unknown how meiosis is initiated in germ cells and why non-germline
189 hat, in both the male and female germ lines, meiosis is initiated through retinoic acid induction of
190 ed in germ cells of embryonic ovaries, where meiosis is initiated, but not in those of embryonic test
191 s recombination is induced to high levels in meiosis, is initiated by Spo11-catalyzed DNA double-stra
192 we provide evidence that oocyte reentry into meiosis is instead associated with a shift in the patter
193                      An essential feature of meiosis is interhomolog recombination whereby a signific
194  of kinetochores with microtubules transform meiosis I into a mitosis-like division by disrupting two
195             The transition from pachytene to Meiosis I is a key regulatory point in yeast meiosis.
196 ly in the transition from prophase arrest to meiosis I is also impaired in Rab5a-depleted oocytes.
197                                    Exit from meiosis I is distinct from mitotic exit, in that replica
198 oordinates multiple cell-cycle events during meiosis I is not understood.
199 ich recombinant homologs missegregate during meiosis I is significantly greater in SOD knockdown oocy
200 pothesized to protect centromere cohesion in meiosis I, is still present at anaphase I on minichromos
201                                              Meiosis I kinetochores formed stronger attachments and c
202 genes safeguard accurate progression through meiosis is largely unclear.
203 fails to form, the SPB becomes fragmented at meiosis I, leading to monopolar, multiple, and mislocali
204 ster kinetochores to be under tension during meiosis I leads to premature Sgo1 removal and precocious
205 hat proper progression of germ cells through meiosis is licensed by YTHDC2 through post-transcription
206     In mammals, genetic recombination during meiosis is limited to a set of 1- to 2-kb regions termed
207              In yeast, the decision to enter meiosis is made before the single round of DNA replicati
208 x chromosome inactivation established during meiosis is maintained into spermatids with the silent co
209            Moreover, after the completion of meiosis I, Mastl-null oocytes failed to enter meiosis II
210                                           At meiosis I, maternal and paternal kinetochores are pulled
211 meiosis and a potential mechanism leading to meiosis I maturation arrest.
212         Fusion of sister kinetochores during meiosis I may underlie sister chromatid comigration in d
213 onal activation of a cluster of genes at the meiosis I-meiosis II transition, including the critical
214                                During oocyte meiosis I, MEL-28-PP1c disassembles kinetochores in a ti
215 cytokinesis are not caused by alterations in meiosis I (MI or meiosis II (MII) chromosome dynamics, b
216 on (G2/M transition) and progression through meiosis I (MI) are two key stages for producing fertiliz
217 es with nondisjoined chromosomes 21 due to a meiosis I (MI) error, recombination is significantly red
218 e promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) during meiosis I (MI) exit.
219 lished that chromosome segregation in female meiosis I (MI) is error-prone.
220 though an SAC operates in mammalian oocytes, meiosis I (MI) is notoriously error prone and polar-disp
221 omosome movements are a conserved feature of meiosis I (MI) prophase.
222 hich is established through migration of the meiosis I (MI) spindle/chromosomes from the oocyte inter
223  and its dynamics during the transition from meiosis I (MI) to meiosis II (MII) remain unclear.
224               The transition of oocytes from meiosis I (MI) to meiosis II (MII) requires partial cycl
225 the oocyte pool, and the progression through meiosis I (MI) to produce fertilizable eggs.
226 on errors are common during female mammalian meiosis I (MI).
227 immature oocytes are arrested at prophase of meiosis I (MI).
228 mia and result from an inability to complete meiosis I (MI).
229 gs that promotes their proper segregation at meiosis I (MI).
230 ing high-resolution imaging, we find that in meiosis I, microtubules initially form a "cage-like" str
231 point protein Mad2 results in an increase in meiosis I nondisjunction, suggesting that Mad2 has a con
232 ies with combined loss of Sohlh1 and Sohlh2, meiosis is not affected and proceeds normally.
233 ation of chromatin-mediated processes during meiosis is not known.
234 l growth in rich medium, which suggests that meiosis is not the only biological process regulated by
235  The precise mechanism of how FEAR regulates meiosis is not understood.
236 se (DDK), are required for Rec8 cleavage and meiosis I nuclear division.
237 , but frequent in cancer cell mitosis and in meiosis I of mammalian oocytes.
238 ect centromeric cohesin from separase during meiosis I or support the spindle assembly checkpoint in
239 inesis the central spindle microtubules from meiosis I persisted for a short time, and a MetII spindl
240  The transcriptional regulation of mammalian meiosis is poorly characterized, owing to few genetic an
241 ; however, the regulation of Ams2 in G(1) or meiosis is poorly understood.
242  and Bub1 kinase activities localise Sgo2 in meiosis I preferentially to the centromere and pericentr
243                      Crossovers form late in meiosis I prophase, by polo kinase-triggered resolution
244                 A cell's decision to undergo meiosis is regulated by multiple signals.
245 spermatocytes exhibit cytokinetic failure in meiosis I, resulting in bi-nucleated secondary spermatoc
246 omosomes make with microtubules required for meiosis I segregation.
247                        Here, we propose that meiosis I-specific modulators of reductional segregation
248                                          The meiosis I-specific monopolin complex was both necessary
249 ction of sister kinetochores biorient on the meiosis I spindle and association of the monopolin compl
250 nd this is essential for the assembly of the meiosis I spindle but not for chromosomes to separate.
251 4 kinases contribute to initiate acentriolar meiosis I spindle formation.
252  the correct alignment of chromosomes on the meiosis I spindle.
253 s of anastral Drosophila melanogaster oocyte meiosis I spindles as well as spindle fibers, centromere
254                     Here we examine anastral meiosis I spindles of live Drosophila oocytes expressing
255                                              Meiosis I spindles yielded data from photobleaching anal
256 ngression and bi-orientation of bivalents on meiosis I spindles, in facilitating formation of K-fiber
257 s on the X chromosome, initiated during male meiosis, is stably maintained during subsequent spermiog
258 nate from mature oocytes that have completed meiosis I, suggesting that Tgkd teratomas originate from
259 ossover assay show that recombination during meiosis is suppressed.
260         In a mammalian oocyte, completion of meiosis is suspended until fertilization by a sperm, and
261 iosis II and does not even phosphorylate its meiosis I targets during the second meiotic division.
262 oocytes lacking FZR1 undergo passage through meiosis I that is accelerated by ~1 h, and this is due t
263 t aneuploidy derives from errors in maternal meiosis I, that maternal age is a risk factor for most,
264                                              Meiosis is the cell division that halves the genetic com
265                                              Meiosis is the cellular program by which a diploid cell
266                                              Meiosis is the cellular program that underlies gamete fo
267                   The switch from mitosis to meiosis is the key event marking onset of differentiatio
268                               Fundamental to meiosis is the process of homologous recombination, wher
269                           A unique aspect of meiosis is the segregation of homologous chromosomes at
270                             A key feature of meiosis is the step-wise removal of cohesin, the protein
271                               A key stage in meiosis is the synapsis of maternal and paternal homolog
272                                           In meiosis I, the opposite is true: the sister centromeres
273               Despite CDC5's central role in meiosis I, the protein kinase is dispensable during meio
274 hed as a protector of centromere cohesion in meiosis I, the roles of Sgo2 remain elusive.
275 P1 homologs to the chromatin at the onset of meiosis I, thereby antagonizing AIR-2 and cooperating wi
276 main, translationally repress cyclin CLB3 in meiosis I, thereby ensuring homologous chromosome segreg
277  Mouse oocytes carrying DNA damage arrest in meiosis I, thereby preventing creation of embryos with d
278      To date, the role of MAPK in control of meiosis is thought to be restricted to maintaining metap
279 ocytes respond to DNA damage by arresting in meiosis I through activity of the Spindle Assembly Check
280 telomeres of homologues during anaphase A of meiosis I, thus preventing complete disjunction until mi
281             The switch from proliferation to meiosis is tightly regulated, and aberrations in switchi
282                   Errors in progression from meiosis I to meiosis II lead to aneuploid and polyploid
283 set of APC/C activity at the transition from meiosis I to meiosis II led to accelerated completion of
284 segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis I to reduce ploidy for gamete production.
285 rientation of homologous kinetochores in mid-meiosis I to segregate chromosomes correctly.
286 a B, but biochemical progression through the meiosis I-to-II transition and arrest at metaphase II we
287           Whether MSCI is essential for male meiosis is unclear.
288 r basis for age-related aneuploidy in female meiosis is unknown.
289  its chromosome location through mitosis and meiosis is unknown.
290 , that associate with chromosomes throughout meiosis I until their removal at anaphase I.
291               Drosophila melanogaster female meiosis is unusual in that it is both exceptionally tole
292 he strikingly asymmetric divisions of female meiosis is very poorly understood.
293               The model of Drosophila female meiosis I was recently revised by the discovery that chr
294 rection mechanisms may function in mammalian meiosis I, we speculate that late establishment of kinet
295           The SAC is especially important in meiosis I, where bivalents consisting of homologous chro
296 dc55) activity undergo a premature exit from meiosis I which results in a failure to form bipolar spi
297 unique reductional chromosome segregation of meiosis I, which also results in chromosomal exchanges.
298 oned off-center on the spindle in oocytes in meiosis I, while under normal tension, as a result of cr
299        Mouse oocytes lacking Dicer arrest in meiosis I with multiple disorganized spindles and severe
300 e stage but arrest at the G2/M transition of meiosis I, with lack of protein expression of the key me

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