


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ns, potentially through mutagenic effects of meiotic crossover.
2 conversion in humans and its relationship to meiotic crossover.
3 e genomic and epigenomic features underlying meiotic crossovers.
4 s mutations in one generation, and number of meiotic crossovers.
5 ther to a failure to resolve those DSBs into meiotic crossovers.
6 are euploid and exhibit near-normal rates of meiotic crossovers.
7 MEI-9 is required for the generation of most meiotic crossovers.
8 ave a less severe reduction in the number of meiotic crossovers.
9 d duplication of 17p11.2 result from unequal meiotic crossovers.
10 that msh4 and zip1 affect the same subset of meiotic crossovers.
11 occur proximally than a comparable number of meiotic crossovers.
12 small chromosome 4, which normally never has meiotic crossovers [3].
13                                              Meiotic crossover activity in the genome proved high (17
14 ied in metazoa to affect the distribution of meiotic crossovers along the chromosome.
15 he basis of the underlying molecular rate of meiotic crossover and the coefficient of inbreeding caus
16 interacts with the MUS312 protein to produce meiotic crossovers, and that MUS312 has a MEI-9-independ
17 ed in cis with meiotic drive; suppression of meiotic crossovers; and copy-number instability, with a
18 ble roles for Holliday junction unwinding in meiotic crossover are discussed.
19                           In mre-11 mutants, meiotic crossovers are not detected, and oocyte chromoso
20                In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, meiotic crossovers are produced primarily through a mech
21                                              Meiotic crossovers/chiasmata, that are required to ensur
22                                              Meiotic crossover (CO) recombination establishes physica
23                                              Meiotic crossover (CO) recombination facilitates evoluti
24 on (NDJ), reflecting inherent differences in meiotic crossover control, yet the underlying basis of t
25 ination proteins is a fundamental feature of meiotic crossover control.
26 nation reaction is an essential component of meiotic crossover control.
27       Knowledge of the exact distribution of meiotic crossovers (COs) and gene conversions (GCs) is e
28                                              Meiotic crossovers (COs) are crucial for ensuring accura
29                                              Meiotic crossovers (COs) are nonrandomly distributed alo
30                                              Meiotic crossovers (COs) are tightly regulated to ensure
31                                              Meiotic crossovers (COs) have two important roles, shuff
32 del plant Arabidopsis thaliana indicate that meiotic crossovers (COs) occur through two genetic pathw
33 ue where it is required for normal levels of meiotic crossovers (COs).
34                                              Meiotic crossovers detected by pedigree analysis in the
35                   The relative influences of meiotic crossover distribution and population history on
36 the CDK consensus sites in REC-1 compromises meiotic crossover distribution in vivo.
37                  We further demonstrate that meiotic crossover distribution is markedly altered in ma
38 l further suggests that a subsequent unequal meiotic crossover event had generated an additional gene
39                              In humans, most meiotic crossover events are clustered into short region
40                              In humans, most meiotic crossover events are clustered into short region
41 himpanzees, recombination hotspots, at which meiotic crossover events cluster, differ markedly in the
42                                              Meiotic crossovers facilitate the segregation of homolog
43 t a significant alteration in the pattern of meiotic crossovers for specific genetic intervals.
44           Mutations in hdm result in reduced meiotic crossover formation and sensitivity to the DNA-d
45 -1 (XND-1), known for its role in regulating meiotic crossover formation, is an early determinant of
46 but is an important factor in the control of meiotic crossover formation.
47                              A range for the meiotic crossover frequency was determined on the basis
48      To investigate the relationship between meiotic crossover hot spots and block-like linkage diseq
49 ods to characterize sperm conversions in two meiotic crossover hot spots in the major histocompatibil
50                          PRDM9 directs human meiotic crossover hot spots to intergenic sequence motif
51 ows that these areas correspond precisely to meiotic crossover hot spots.
52 t TAP2 molecules revealed a highly localized meiotic crossover hotspot approximately 1.2 kb long, unu
53 e that an MER3-like function is required for meiotic crossover in plants and provide further support
54 ey to reverse breeding is the suppression of meiotic crossovers in a hybrid plant to ensure the trans
55     We conclude that MEI-9 can generate some meiotic crossovers in an ERCC1-independent manner.
56  work has identified three pathways limiting meiotic crossovers in Arabidopsis thaliana that rely on
57 me size affects the rate and distribution of meiotic crossovers in budding yeast was tested.
58                                    Normally, meiotic crossovers in conjunction with sister-chromatid
59 view, we describe the pathway for generating meiotic crossovers in Drosophila melanogaster females an
60 ur finding that deletion of swi5(+) restored meiotic crossovers in eme1Delta cells.
61  been found to be responsible for nearly all meiotic crossovers in fission yeast.
62 s known about the fine-scale distribution of meiotic crossovers in human chromosomes.
63                                Generation of meiotic crossovers in many eukaryotes requires the elimi
64 t in vivo evidence that DNA breaks stimulate meiotic crossovers in plants.
65       Collectively, our results suggest that meiotic crossovers in potato are largely determined by t
66                                              Meiotic crossovers in the human genome cluster into high
67  to control and measure the distributions of meiotic crossovers in wild-type cells.
68           MEI-9 is also required to generate meiotic crossovers, in a function thought to be associat
69 e previously proposed a "counting model" for meiotic crossover interference, in which double-strand b
70                                        Human meiotic crossovers mainly cluster into narrow hot spots
71  specificity between the mismatch repair and meiotic crossover MutS homologs in yeast is provided by
72 ome dosage compensation in somatic cells and meiotic crossover number and distribution in germ cells.
73 oteins reinforce and expand the model of two meiotic crossover pathways.
74                            We show here that meiotic crossover patterning is lost in Drosophila melan
75                                              Meiotic crossover points were unevenly distributed acros
76                        In many cereal crops, meiotic crossovers predominantly occur toward the ends o
77                                              Meiotic crossovers provide an interesting example, defin
78 osome must pair with its homolog and undergo meiotic crossover recombination in order to segregate pr
79                              We propose that meiotic crossover regulation operates as a self-limiting
80 yt et al. now uncover a key role for Sgs1 in meiotic crossover regulation, which in turn reveals a jo
81                                              Meiotic crossovers shuffle parental genetic information,
82 ale genome-wide datasets we demonstrate that meiotic crossover sites display enriched genomic contact
83                             The formation of meiotic crossovers was previously posited to occur via t
84                   The vast majority (81%) of meiotic crossovers were mapped to less than 5 kb.
85                                              Meiotic crossovers were reduced in Drosophila rec, mei-2
86 hods have therefore been developed to detect meiotic crossovers within two different GC-rich minisate
87    Loss of Sgs1 also increases the number of meiotic crossovers without changing the frequency of gen

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