


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ocytes are arrested in prophase of the first meiotic division.
2  facilitate homolog segregation at the first meiotic division.
3  in order to segregate properly at the first meiotic division.
4 g hormone surge induces entry into the first meiotic division.
5 tivation and a delay of entry into the first meiotic division.
6 but halts before the completion of the first meiotic division.
7 ne (LH) surge induces reentry into the first meiotic division.
8 ensure their proper segregation at the first meiotic division.
9 DNA breaks can persist at least to the first meiotic division.
10 dation, and as such eggs complete the second meiotic division.
11 omeres and thus also segregates at the first meiotic division.
12 ngs together products separated at the first meiotic division.
13 s segregate from one another after the first meiotic division.
14 d enabling accurate segregation at the first meiotic division.
15  an arrest in sporulation prior to the first meiotic division.
16 ermatid differentiation and before the first meiotic division.
17  partitioning of cytoplasm during the second meiotic division.
18 oper segregation of chromosomes at the first meiotic division.
19 sing to metaphase I and attempting the first meiotic division.
20 ding to the common deletion does not require meiotic division.
21  frequently enter interphase after the first meiotic division.
22 ation of homologous chromosomes at the first meiotic division.
23 n of alleles to the polar body at the second meiotic division.
24 mosome 11 due to meiotic drive at the second meiotic division.
25  then segregate from each other at the first meiotic division.
26 ts for proper chromosome segregation in each meiotic division.
27 rate segregation of chromosomes at the first meiotic division.
28  present as unpaired univalents at the first meiotic division.
29  to or during the first, but not the second, meiotic division.
30 t recognize each other and pair in the first meiotic division.
31 ains associated with chromosomes during each meiotic division.
32 as a single functional unit during the first meiotic division.
33 that MUM4 functions at or prior to the first meiotic division.
34 B2/HTA2-HTB2 mutant arrests before the first meiotic division.
35 alyzed, missegregation occurred at the first meiotic division.
36 ein stability regulates entry into the first meiotic division.
37 or tubulin mis-segregation during the second meiotic division.
38 ents, are excluded from spores formed during meiotic division.
39  sporulating diploids arrest after the first meiotic division.
40 the partitioning of the yeast vacuole during meiotic division.
41 e Y. were also detected outside spores after meiotic division.
42 ous chromosomes during prophase of the first meiotic division.
43 late its meiosis I targets during the second meiotic division.
44 bine to undergo segregation during the first meiotic division.
45 e proper chromosome segregation in the first meiotic division.
46 sovers (COs) required for a successful first meiotic division.
47 y dimethylation of H3K4, persists throughout meiotic division.
48 tage for chromosome segregation at the first meiotic division.
49 accurate chromosome segregation at the first meiotic division.
50 is I and meiosis II events occur in a single meiotic division.
51 rst meiotic division, but there is no second meiotic division.
52 accurate chromosome segregation at the first meiotic division.
53 er to ensure proper segregation at the first meiotic division.
54  their accurate segregation during the first meiotic division.
55 rect segregation of chromosomes at the first meiotic division.
56 otic prophase, before metaphase of the first meiotic division.
57 hortly after fertilization during the second meiotic division.
58 ion involves genome duplication prior to the meiotic divisions.
59 e egg and drive anaphase progression in both meiotic divisions.
60 und of DNA replication that precedes the two meiotic divisions.
61 ammed recombination before the initiation of meiotic divisions.
62 tes and prevents DNA replication between the meiotic divisions.
63  end of late meiotic prophase and subsequent meiotic divisions.
64 gregation of chromosomes in the first of two meiotic divisions.
65 t its degradation rate was the same for both meiotic divisions.
66 tiation is blocked prior to the onset of the meiotic divisions.
67  required for the proper progression through meiotic divisions.
68 e meiotic prophase but do not undergo normal meiotic divisions.
69 nd of some genes required for entry into the meiotic divisions.
70 r of genes, and arrest before entry into the meiotic divisions.
71  control of cyclin synthesis between the two meiotic divisions.
72 to understand the origin of errors of oocyte meiotic divisions.
73 n the arrangement of kinetochores in the two meiotic divisions.
74 y which the centromere controls the order of meiotic divisions.
75  are required for proper progression through meiotic divisions.
76 ine-specific emb-30 mutant alleles block the meiotic divisions.
77                Mutation of boule blocks both meiotic divisions.
78 er segregation of chromosomes in each of the meiotic divisions.
79 t meiotic DNA replication, recombination, or meiotic divisions.
80 ation of recombination or completion of both meiotic divisions.
81 sm of Ncd function in the spindle during the meiotic divisions.
82 se plate during anaphase of mitosis and both meiotic divisions.
83 hromosome structure that interferes with the meiotic divisions.
84 ulate in spermatocytes until just before the meiotic divisions.
85  re-entry into meiosis and completion of the meiotic divisions.
86 se, and development rarely progressed to the meiotic divisions.
87 ill occur in the diploid mode during the two meiotic divisions.
88 ms to restore genomic integrity prior to the meiotic divisions.
89 gregating their chromosomes during their two meiotic divisions.
90 bstrates and the proper orchestration of the meiotic divisions.
91  affect later chromosome behavior during the meiotic divisions.
92 aralogs have a redundant function during the meiotic divisions.
93 riate initiation of DNA synthesis before the meiotic divisions.
94 d accurate chromosome segregation during the meiotic divisions.
95 me coupling at M phase entry and fidelity of meiotic divisions.
96 atid cohesion is prematurely lost during the meiotic divisions.
97 ing diversity in their regulation during the meiotic divisions.
98 t ensure that DSBs are repaired prior to the meiotic divisions.
99 ecifically replaced by Aust for the two male meiotic divisions.
100 uction and drive progression through the two meiotic divisions.
101 to bipolar chromosome attachment between the meiotic divisions.
102 vitro and stabilized the protein through the meiotic divisions.
103 gue association during the interphase before meiotic division [3,4], and it has been argued that such
104  oocyte prior to the completion of the first meiotic division [4].
105 chromatids of both chromosomes at the second meiotic division, after the ova has been fertilized by a
106 t the cell-cycle regulators that control the meiotic divisions also regulate the many changes that ac
107 emales showed frequent failure of the second meiotic division, although this did not prevent the firs
108 hromosomes placed on spindles of a different meiotic division always behaved as they would have on th
109 nism for the control of entry into the first meiotic division: an Emi1-dependent inhibition of APC(Cd
110                                 At the first meiotic division, anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome a
111 osis I, yet are unable to execute the second meiotic division and abort all further development.
112 pe and nuclear spindle overlap at the second meiotic division and at a subsequent mitotic division.
113 rate chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division and constitutes a key repair and tolera
114 as one means to coordinate the initiation of meiotic division and differentiation.
115 tic DNA synthesis, arrest prior to the first meiotic division and fail to sporulate.
116 euploidy occurred primarily during the first meiotic division and involved premature sister chromatid
117  prometaphase I but recovers after the first meiotic division and persists, uniquely for metaphase, i
118 ogical barrier by sequestering the events of meiotic division and postmeiotic germ cell development f
119 rity of these cells did not perform a second meiotic division and proceeded to form dyads (asci conta
120  specifically for male germ cells to undergo meiotic division and proper spermatid differentiation.
121  severe defects in synapsis during the first meiotic division and reduced meiotic recombination.
122 K activity increased just prior to the first meiotic division and remained stable thereafter.
123 ically for efficient progression through the meiotic divisions and for the production of functional s
124 in mutant males skip the major events of the meiotic divisions and form aberrant spermatids with larg
125 hat the efficient propagation of CID through meiotic divisions and on sperm is likely to be important
126 h is largely dispensable for the specialized meiotic divisions and provide insights into how cell cyc
127 ulate the haploid nuclei that arise from the meiotic divisions and serve as platforms for spore wall
128 y the checkpoint and that progression of the meiotic divisions and spore differentiation can be diffe
129 ost asd-I asci contain eight nuclei, the two meiotic divisions and subsequent mitotic division typica
130 netochore-microtubule attachment during both meiotic divisions and that a complex known as the monopo
131 tein is localized to the nucleus during both meiotic divisions and that Clb1-Cdc28, Clb3-Cdc28, Clb4-
132 rs in mid-G2, several hours before the first meiotic division, and before the G2/M transition.
133 rhabditis elegans choose between mitotic and meiotic division, and between oogenesis and spermatogene
134 iring between bivalent chromosomes, abnormal meiotic division, and ensuing sterility in both sexes.
135 igh frequency of nondisjunction in the first meiotic division, and essentially unchanged coefficients
136 tributed throughout spermatocytes undergoing meiotic division, and is present in the cytoplasm of pos
137 ons were present before the end of the first meiotic division, and some mutations were present even b
138 to complete premeiotic DNA synthesis and the meiotic divisions, and a small percentage of cells produ
139 in cell-cycle mutants that arrest during the meiotic divisions, and are accelerated in wee-1.3(RNAi)
140 tocytes undergoing genetic recombination and meiotic divisions, and differentiation of haploid sperma
141  dramatically after fertilization during the meiotic divisions, and this change correlates with activ
142  from the cortex to the cytoplasm during the meiotic divisions, and this relocalization also depends
143 eductive chromosome segregation at the first meiotic division; and plural abnormalities of meiosis (p
144 tum cells demonstrates that this process and meiotic division are separable.
145                                    Mammalian meiotic divisions are asymmetrical and generate a large
146 ss of boule function results in azoospermia; meiotic divisions are blocked, although limited spermati
147 dergo simultaneous cytokinesis in which both meiotic divisions are completed prior to cytokinesis.
148 h as DNA replication, recombination, and the meiotic divisions are controlled by Clb cyclin-dependent
149                                          The meiotic divisions are delayed in akir-1 mutants and are
150 ivial because in both mice and humans oocyte meiotic divisions are prone to chromosome segregation er
151 accurate chromosome segregation at the first meiotic division as well as for generating genetic varia
152 1 revealed that it is required for the first meiotic division but not the mitotic-like meiosis II.
153         arf1-myc arf2 mutants completed both meiotic divisions but were unable to form spores.
154 ptotic response with completion of the first meiotic division, but there is no second meiotic divisio
155 the absence of Mad2, most cells undergo both meiotic divisions, but securin, a substrate of the APC/C
156 nd EGG-5 sequester activated MBK-2 until the meiotic divisions by binding to the YTY motif and inhibi
157 e Ime2 regulates the timing and order of the meiotic divisions by controlling translation.
158  Therefore, Cdc55 orders passage through the meiotic divisions by ensuring a balance of phosphatases.
159 loss of sister chromatid cohesion during the meiotic divisions by inhibiting removal of meiotic cohes
160  unique segregation of homologs at the first meiotic division, chromosomes undergo dramatic changes.
161                             During the first meiotic division, crossovers (COs) between homologous ch
162                                        After meiotic divisions, Ctr4 and Ctr5 disappear from the cell
163 (cdc2) activity increased prior to the first meiotic division, declined at the onset of anaphase I, a
164 not proceed beyond the prophase of the first meiotic division due to massive apoptosis associated wit
165 Spo13, budding yeast cells complete a single meiotic division during which sister chromatids often se
166 phorylated from the first through the second meiotic divisions during progesterone-induced oocyte mat
167 cription of a set of genes required for both meiotic division (e.g., B-type cyclins) and gamete forma
168                                   During the meiotic divisions, EGG-3 is internalized and degraded in
169 states can be propagated through mitotic and meiotic divisions, epigenetic mechanisms are thought to
170 s extrusion of small polar bodies in the two meiotic divisions, essential for generation of the large
171 ivation of MPF and MAPK, completed the first meiotic division extruding a polar body, and became comp
172           Genome haploidization involves two meiotic divisions following a single round of DNA replic
173   Consistent with the failure to undergo the meiotic divisions, function of eIF4G2 is required post-t
174         During the transition into the first meiotic division, gamma Tub23C became organized as a cor
175  that controls spore morphogenesis after the meiotic divisions have taken place.
176  alone does not have a notable effect on the meiotic divisions; however, codepletion of these two fac
177 able in pachytene spermatocytes (midstage of meiotic division I) and round spermatids and weakly in L
178 ndom segregation of chromatids at the second meiotic division, i.e., true meiotic drive.
179 -1 by MBK-2 reaches maximal levels after the meiotic divisions, immediately preceding MEI-1 degradati
180 urs in mei-38 mutants primarily at the first meiotic division in females but not in males where centr
181 tial for spermatocyte passage into the first meiotic division in male mice, a function that cannot be
182  chromosomal errors originating at the first meiotic division in men than in women [7].
183                  Here we examined the second meiotic division in mouse eggs following expression of a
184  Class II MPS1 alleles progress through both meiotic divisions in 30-50% of the population, but the a
185                         The first and second meiotic divisions in all lines were cytologically normal
186 d for exit from pachytene and entry into the meiotic divisions in budding yeast.
187                              Live imaging of meiotic divisions in condensin-depleted cells showed rep
188 al for meiotic DNA replication or subsequent meiotic divisions in fission yeast.
189  this article we examine the kinetics of the meiotic divisions in four mutants defective in the initi
190           The molecular basis for asymmetric meiotic divisions in mammalian oocytes that give rise to
191 int genes are not required for the arrest of meiotic divisions in response to pre-meiotic S-phase del
192                             The execution of meiotic divisions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is regulat
193  isolation and analysis of mutants, with the meiotic divisions in the male germline of Drosophila bei
194 e-copy genome into gametes during the second meiotic division is coordinated by a conserved casein ki
195  segregation of chromosomes during the first meiotic division is dependent upon at least one crossove
196                   Progression into the first meiotic division is driven by an increase in the activit
197 n of the univalent X chromosome at the first meiotic division is nonrandom, with preferential retenti
198                              Since the first meiotic division is unaffected by rare achiasmatic chrom
199                                    The first meiotic division is unique in that homologous pairs of s
200  cytological criteria, and the timing of the meiotic divisions is similar to that of eggs activated i
201 re formation and progression through the two meiotic divisions; it may also be a target of a checkpoi
202 en the oocytes are stimulated to reenter the meiotic divisions (maturation), CPEB promotes cytoplasmi
203                                 Prior to the meiotic divisions, MBK-2 is tethered at the cortex by EG
204 s remain arrested at metaphase of the second meiotic division (metII) for an indeterminate time befor
205         Segregation of homologs at the first meiotic division (MI) is facilitated by crossovers and b
206 romosome segregation errors during the first meiotic division (MI), which involves the segregation of
207 r segregation to opposite poles at the first meiotic division (MI).
208 c recombination is complete before the first meiotic division (MI).
209  chromosome mis-segregation during the first meiotic division (MI).
210                                         Both meiotic divisions occur at the normal time; however, the
211 iosis in end3Delta mutants revealed that the meiotic divisions occurred with wild-type kinetics.
212                    Phenotypically, the first meiotic division of MOS-/- oocytes frequently resembles
213 rom chromosome segregation errors during the meiotic divisions of an oocyte, the egg's progenitor cel
214  modification is correlated with mitotic and meiotic divisions of micronuclei in a fashion that close
215 (MAPKKK) that plays an essential role during meiotic divisions of oocytes.
216     In Xenopus, after metaphase of the first meiotic division, only partial cyclin degradation occurs
217  holoenzyme may participate in completion of meiotic divisions or spore packaging because meiotic dya
218  X-ATM protein did not change throughout the meiotic divisions or the synchronous mitotic cycles of c
219 uggests function in G1/S or S but not in the meiotic divisions per se.
220      Many oocytes spontaneously complete the meiotic divisions, permitting visualization of progressi
221 periods of time in the prophase of the first meiotic division (prophase I).
222                               (i) During the meiotic divisions, Rec8 phosphorylation mediates its sep
223 rate chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division relies on the formation of crossovers b
224                                 In the first meiotic division, replicated chromosomes condense and at
225  rather than sister chromatids, at the first meiotic division requires the formation of crossovers (C
226 ation of homologous chromosomes at the first meiotic division requires the production of physical con
227       Homologue segregation during the first meiotic division requires the proper spatial regulation
228 ation of homologous chromosomes at the first meiotic division requires the tight coordination of DNA
229 splay chromosome nondisjunction at the first meiotic division, resulting in cell death and male infer
230 ation of homologous chromosomes at the first meiotic division, resulting in gametes containing the co
231 on from prophase into metaphase of the first meiotic division, resulting in male infertility.
232           Here we show that during the first meiotic division, shortly after nuclear envelope breakdo
233 ndom segregation of chromosomes through both meiotic divisions, suggesting that sister cohesion may b
234           Before the completion of the first meiotic division, SUMO-1 disappeared from the sex body w
235 es X to XII, where late meiotic prophase and meiotic divisions take place, are delayed and disrupted
236 and maturation, when meiosis resumes and the meiotic divisions take place.
237    These changes occur concurrently with the meiotic divisions that produce the haploid maternal geno
238 inal mitosis preceding meiosis and the first meiotic division, the kinetochores must be restructured.
239                         Throughout the first meiotic division, the signal is more dispersed over the
240 stic of meiotic prophase I, but at the first meiotic division they segregated their sister chromatids
241 st oocytes eliminate their centrioles during meiotic divisions through unclear mechanisms.
242 me undetectable soon after completion of the meiotic divisions; thus its expression is cell cycle reg
243 meiotic cell cycle progression, thus linking meiotic divisions to cellular differentiation during spe
244 , which subsequently undergo two consecutive meiotic divisions to give rise to haploid spermatids.
245 phorylates oocyte proteins at the end of the meiotic divisions to promote the oocyte-to-embryo transi
246  naturally arrest at metaphase of the second meiotic division, until sperm triggers a series of Ca(2+
247 le; surprisingly, the oocyte still completed meiotic divisions when exposed to maturation hormone, in
248  so that they stay together during the first meiotic division (when homologous chromosomes separate)
249  a block of spermatogenesis before the first meiotic division, whereas females were normal.
250 uence was removed, arrested before the first meiotic division with a phenotype reminiscent of dmc1 mu
251 mulation of twine protein, thus coordinating meiotic division with onset of spermatid differentiation
252 54Delta asci do not arrest, but undergo both meiotic divisions with near normal timing, suggesting th
253 tors, SPO12 and SLK19, undergo only a single meiotic division, with some chromosomes segregating redu

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