


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 own to function in the chromosomal events of meiotic prophase.
2 to monitor the timing of progression through meiotic prophase.
3  Crosses homozygous for Sad-2 are blocked at meiotic prophase.
4  presumably centromeric) associations during meiotic prophase.
5 d becomes phosphorylated specifically during meiotic prophase.
6  increase of retrotransposition in the early meiotic prophase.
7 issolving the telomere bouquet at the end of meiotic prophase.
8 te with the nuclear envelope (NE) throughout meiotic prophase.
9 osome behavior during both cell division and meiotic prophase.
10 oscillations of the horsetail nucleus during meiotic prophase.
11        PDS5 plays an important role at first meiotic prophase.
12 t wave of spermatogenesis progresses to late meiotic prophase.
13 g, and defective telomeric clustering during meiotic prophase.
14 duced arrest/delay at the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase.
15  display aberrant telomere clustering during meiotic prophase.
16 his distinction is made at an early stage in meiotic prophase.
17 r alignment of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase.
18 L-1 controls chromosome structure throughout meiotic prophase.
19 e alignment of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase.
20 tion of centromeres and telomeres throughout meiotic prophase.
21 gonial proliferation and progression through meiotic prophase.
22  between homologous chromosomes during early meiotic prophase.
23 s, like those of most animals, arrest during meiotic prophase.
24 es cells to arrest at the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase.
25 on undergo checkpoint-mediated arrest in mid-meiotic prophase.
26 nt-mediated arrest at the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase.
27 tinuously in 16-cell cysts that have entered meiotic prophase.
28 ment of interhomologue interactions in early meiotic prophase.
29 psed autosomal bivalents in late zygonema of meiotic prophase.
30 ecomes hypermethylated in this region during meiotic prophase.
31 anscript reaching maximum abundance early in meiotic prophase.
32 bias at the leptotene/zygotene transition of meiotic prophase.
33 sed association of telomeres with the SPB in meiotic prophase.
34 tion of Cdc2 kinase activation at the end of meiotic prophase.
35  homologues in wheat act before the onset of meiotic prophase.
36 metogenesis occurs at the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase.
37 le with arrest of gametogenesis in the first meiotic prophase.
38 2 is required for normal progression through meiotic prophase.
39 tion of a large group of genes at the end of meiotic prophase.
40 een telomeres and spindle pole bodies during meiotic prophase.
41 between paired homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase.
42  cells exit the mitotic cell cycle and enter meiotic prophase.
43 ogous recombination events that occur during meiotic prophase.
44 protein that accumulates at telomeres during meiotic prophase.
45 tations that confer an intermediate block in meiotic prophase.
46 t period during the pachytene stage of first meiotic prophase.
47 e at which the Y chromosome condenses during meiotic prophase.
48 oximately when germ cells are known to enter meiotic prophase.
49 s required for progression through the first meiotic prophase.
50 dicating a unique role for these proteins in meiotic prophase.
51 erentiation and activates genes required for meiotic prophase.
52 essential enzyme in the progression of early meiotic prophase.
53 e eliminated by programmed cell death during meiotic prophase.
54 quence, NDC80 expression is repressed during meiotic prophase.
55  an elevated density of DSB markers later in meiotic prophase.
56 ubsequent reloading of CENP-A during oogenic meiotic prophase.
57  crossover recombination, which occur during meiotic prophase.
58 s in meiotic S phase, followed by entry into meiotic prophase.
59 properly localize SYCP3 and gammaH2AX during meiotic prophase.
60 lustered into one or two masses during early meiotic prophase.
61 uential expression of SPO11 isoforms in male meiotic prophase.
62  forms between homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase.
63 etween aligned homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase.
64 s centromeres as homologues synapse later in meiotic prophase.
65 ene-zygotene checkpoint, a key step in early meiotic prophase.
66 somes are critical for bivalent formation in meiotic prophase.
67 mes remain largely unpaired throughout first meiotic prophase.
68 ion of the nucleus that takes place in early meiotic prophase.
69 as linear elements (LinEs) are formed during meiotic prophase.
70 tly exceed 1 microm/s and persist throughout meiotic prophase.
71 shed independently of DSB formation early in meiotic prophase.
72 ete silencing of genes on the XY bivalent at meiotic prophase.
73 che, enter into meiosis and progress through meiotic prophase [1].
74 omes do not associate in germ cells prior to meiotic prophase [6].
75                                       During meiotic prophase a synaptonemal complex (SC) forms betwe
76  phosphorylation of delta is observed during meiotic prophase, a period when micronuclei become trans
77                                          The meiotic prophase accumulation pattern is consistent with
78 -/- males revealed that the germ cells enter meiotic prophase and arrest at pachytene.
79  in these males reveals that the cells enter meiotic prophase and arrest at pachytene.
80 cted, beginning only in the latter stages of meiotic prophase and ending in the round spermatid stage
81  of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (meiotic prophase and G2 phase), budding yeast Saccharomy
82 aging shows that stages X to XII, where late meiotic prophase and meiotic divisions take place, are d
83  during vegetative cell growth and with both meiotic prophase and new macronuclear development during
84 rtant for sex chromosome inactivation during meiotic prophase and nucleosome removal at postmeiotic s
85 roduction in most animals, oocytes arrest in meiotic prophase and resume meiosis (meiotic maturation)
86 duction in animals is that oocytes arrest in meiotic prophase and resume meiosis in response to extra
87 uption of spermatogenesis at the end of late meiotic prophase and subsequent meiotic divisions.
88  prevents the formation of RAD51 foci during meiotic prophase and suppresses the chromosome fragmenta
89 t SCs undergo dramatic rearrangements during meiotic prophase and that pachytene can be divided into
90 rmatogonia to stop mitosis and transition to meiotic prophase and the spermatocyte state.
91 an X-Y pairing site to nucleolar foci during meiotic prophase and to a compact structure associated w
92                       The germ cells entered meiotic prophase and were arrested at pachytene stage, a
93 nterhomologous-DNA interactions occur during meiotic prophase and where breaks associated with meioti
94 it of germ cells from the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase and/or gamete differentiation; ablation
95 e mouse oocyte remains arrested in the first meiotic prophase, and cAMP-stimulated PKA plays an essen
96 ncomplete chromosome pairing and synapsis in meiotic prophase, and extensive chromosome fragmentation
97 ndergo the morphological changes that define meiotic prophase, and they do not display the molecular
98 d1 protein localizes to chromatin throughout meiotic prophase, and this localization requires Hop2.
99                           The maintenance of meiotic prophase arrest in fully grown vertebrate oocyte
100                               Maintenance of meiotic prophase arrest in fully grown vertebrate oocyte
101                           The maintenance of meiotic prophase arrest in mouse oocytes within fully gr
102   In preovulatory ovarian follicles of mice, meiotic prophase arrest in the oocyte is maintained by c
103 oocyte is a common mechanism for maintaining meiotic prophase arrest in vertebrate oocytes.
104 EK1, RAD24, RAD17, and MEC1 are required for meiotic prophase arrest induced by a dmc1 mutation, whic
105                     In contrast to the early meiotic prophase arrest of spermatocytes, some mutant oo
106  Failure to phosphorylate Zip1 4S results in meiotic prophase arrest, specifically in the absence of
107 h gap junctions into the oocyte, maintaining meiotic prophase arrest.
108 red chromatin (MSUC) occurs during the first meiotic prophase, as chromosomes that fail to pair are s
109 la Chk2 homolog is not required during early meiotic prophase, as has been observed for Chk2 in C. el
110                                       During meiotic prophase, assembly of the synaptonemal complex (
111  from this set could pair with each other in meiotic prophase at frequencies between 25 and 100%, but
112       Other mouse mutants that arrest during meiotic prophase (Atm -/-, Dmc1 -/-, mei1, and Morc(-/-)
113          A subset of the DSBs induced during meiotic prophase become designated to be repaired by a p
114 Ubb, spermatocytes and oocytes arrest during meiotic prophase, before metaphase of the first meiotic
115 Primary spermatocytes lacking PUF-8 complete meiotic prophase but do not undergo normal meiotic divis
116 m4-3, that confers a csm4Delta-like delay in meiotic prophase but promotes high spore viability.
117  approximately 300 genes coordinately during meiotic prophase, but different mRNAs within the NDT80 r
118 traploid cells are exceedingly rare in early meiotic prophase, but they are the only cells that progr
119            Mammalian oocytes are arrested in meiotic prophase by an inhibitory signal from the surrou
120 f a system that regulates the progression of meiotic prophase by controlling entry of meiotic protein
121 ter and that Cdk1 and Ime2 trigger exit from meiotic prophase by inhibiting the Sum1 transcriptional
122 ossing over between homologs is initiated in meiotic prophase by the formation of DNA double-strand b
123  chromosome aggregates that arise during the meiotic prophase can be rescued by blocking the NHEJ pat
124          We found that germ cells already in meiotic prophase can nonetheless be sexually transformed
125 trated the association of RecA homologs with meiotic prophase chromatin.
126         Rec8 is a prominent component of the meiotic prophase chromosome axis that mediates sister ch
127                                          The meiotic prophase chromosome has a unique architecture.
128 tations that confer an intermediate block in meiotic prophase chromosome metabolism.
129 ion of histone H3 methylation at lysine 9 on meiotic prophase chromosomes.
130 vel with specific organizational features of meiotic-prophase chromosomes.
131                                       During meiotic prophase, chromosomes frequently adopt a bouquet
132 on and their subcellular localization during meiotic prophase coincide with that of cyclin A1, and wh
133  pattern along the lengths of chromosomes in meiotic prophase, consistent with a role as an SC protei
134                                  During late meiotic prophase, COSA-1 localizes to foci that correspo
135                                       During meiotic prophase, Ddc1 localizes to chromosomes and beco
136 osomal proteins function in the signaling of meiotic prophase defects and that the correct stoichiome
137 y organisms, homolog pairing and synapsis at meiotic prophase depend on interactions between chromoso
138 , SC fails to form, cells arrest or delay in meiotic prophase (depending on strain background), and c
139               However, except in the case of meiotic prophase, directed, rapid chromosomal movement h
140 radiation of mre-11 mutant germ cells during meiotic prophase eliminates progeny survivorship and ind
141 romosomes to become competent for subsequent meiotic prophase events and/or to coordinate replication
142          Little is known about the timing of meiotic prophase events during spermatogenesis in the mo
143                      Dependencies of several meiotic prophase events on HIM-17 parallel those seen fo
144         In addition to genes involved in key meiotic prophase events, we identified genes involved in
145 heckpoint-like mechanisms couple these early meiotic prophase events.
146 at organism-specific genes with functions in meiotic prophase favor speciation by preventing fruitful
147 is blocked at two steps of DSB repair during meiotic prophase: first by the activity of the MCM-like
148                                              Meiotic prophase for oocyte production in hermaphrodites
149                           On the other hand, meiotic prophase for sperm production in males is comple
150 tant for cohesin removal, but that cohesin's meiotic prophase functions are distinct from each other.
151 erhaps the central visible characteristic of meiotic prophase, has been a matter of intense interest
152                                     Cells in meiotic prophase have already replicated their DNA, but
153             During Schizosaccharomyces pombe meiotic prophase, homologous chromosomes are co-aligned
154                                       During meiotic prophase, homologous chromosomes engage in a com
155 1 mutant cells, like kar3 mutants, arrest in meiotic prophase; however, in cik1 mutants this arrest i
156 ss of elimination of more than two-thirds of meiotic prophase I (MPI) oocytes before birth.
157 or MRE-11 in the resection of DSBs in middle meiotic prophase I and in blocking NHEJ.
158 us macromolecular assembly that forms during meiotic prophase I and mediates adhesion of paired homol
159 C1) mediated P4-induced inhibition of oocyte meiotic prophase I and primordial follicle formation.
160 ere, we demonstrate that human oocytes enter meiotic prophase I and progress through early recombinat
161 required for normal SYN1 distribution during meiotic prophase I and suggest that ask1 associated defe
162                    Oocytes are released from meiotic prophase I arrest through a process termed oocyt
163 ought to further elucidate the regulation of meiotic prophase I at the molecular cytogenetic level.
164 We propose that Mek1 plays dual roles during meiotic prophase I by phosphorylating targets directly i
165  pachytene spermatocytes are the most common meiotic prophase I cell types.
166 hat IMA-3 is required for the progression of meiotic prophase I during oocyte development.
167  control of bouquet formation and downstream meiotic prophase I events.
168 ocytes are arrested in the dictyate stage of meiotic prophase I for long periods of time, during whic
169 esis in both sexes after the major events of meiotic prophase I have been completed.
170 y akir-1 as a gene involved in key events of meiotic prophase I in Caenorhabditis elegans.
171                                              Meiotic prophase I is a complex process involving homolo
172 h synapsed and unsynapsed chromosomes during meiotic prophase I of spermatogenesis, with a staining p
173 signals through the RAS-ERK pathway to drive meiotic prophase I progression and oogenesis; in the abs
174 ue strongly that homolog interactions during meiotic prophase I require a novel meiosis-specific cycl
175 mologous chromosomes is a critical aspect of meiotic prophase I that aids proper disjunction at anaph
176 meiosis and then binds to chromatin in early meiotic prophase I when it regulates the leptotene-zygot
177 hesis that gap junctions maintain oocytes in meiotic prophase I when sperm are absent.
178 es, some mutant oocytes can progress through meiotic prophase I, albeit with a high frequency of nucl
179 late they completed events characteristic of meiotic prophase I, but at the first meiotic division th
180                                           In meiotic prophase I, homologous chromosome pairing is pro
181 dicate that Spo11 expression begins in early meiotic Prophase I, prior to the pachytene stage, with i
182 elopmental arrest during the early stages of meiotic prophase I, providing evidence for the role of R
183 Atm-deficient mice in the earliest stages of meiotic prophase I, resulting in apoptotic degeneration.
184 AGO4 localizes to spermatocyte nuclei during meiotic prophase I, specifically at sites of asynapsis a
185 sis, recombination and bivalent formation in meiotic prophase I, subsequently resulting in seemingly
186             Interactions between homologs in meiotic prophase I, such as recombination and synapsis,
187 ssed in spermatocytes at the early stages of meiotic prophase I, the limited period when PRDM9 is exp
188 6OS1 are defective in chromosome synapsis at meiotic prophase I, which provokes an arrest at the pach
189 itotic proliferation stage, pre-meiosis, and meiotic prophase I.
190  homologous DNA segments is monitored during meiotic prophase I.
191  after mitosis and the chromosome bouquet in meiotic prophase I.
192 topological distribution of telomeres during meiotic prophase I.
193 ally, while female germ cells directly enter meiotic prophase I.
194 otic cell cycle regulators might play during meiotic prophase I.
195 y be important for events occurring in early meiotic prophase I.
196 ns that also associate with chromatin during meiotic prophase I.
197 d temporally associated with synapsis during meiotic prophase I.
198 cells, and show retarded progression through meiotic prophase I.
199 rossover formation, suggesting a role during meiotic prophase I.
200  mainly located at the pericentromere during meiotic prophase II but is restricted to the inner centr
201 is required for the induction of DSBs during meiotic prophase in Drosophila females.
202                                       During meiotic prophase in Drosophila males, transcript for the
203       We review the critical events in early meiotic prophase in Drosophila melanogaster oocytes.
204         To study the nuclear dynamics during meiotic prophase in maize, we established a system to ob
205 chanisms affect chromosome motility in early meiotic prophase in maize.
206  and progression through the early stages of meiotic prophase in maize.
207                                       During meiotic prophase in male mammals, the X and Y chromosome
208                                       During meiotic prophase in males, the sex chromosomes partially
209 tween homologous chromosomes is initiated in meiotic prophase in most sexually reproducing organisms
210 teasome systems regulate the major events of meiotic prophase in mouse.
211                                       During meiotic prophase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, expression
212 orphogenesis and nuclear organization during meiotic prophase in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline.
213 rogenitors at one end of the gonad, cells in meiotic prophase in the middle, and gametes at the other
214  polyadenylated Ott mRNA are high throughout meiotic prophase in the testis when the X chromosome is
215 ompanied by active chromosome positioning in meiotic prophase in which telomeres cluster near the spi
216                                       During meiotic prophase, in a conserved chromosomal configurati
217 ealed defects in the temporal progression of meiotic prophase, incomplete and aberrant synapsis of ho
218 o demonstration that oxidative stress during meiotic prophase induces chromosome segregation errors a
219     Progression through G2 as cells approach meiotic prophase is accompanied by a complete arrest of
220                    The expression of Nek2 in meiotic prophase is consistent with the hypothesis that
221 m the crossover deficit, progression through meiotic prophase is largely unperturbed in msh-5 mutants
222    Meiosis is initiated by retinoic acid and meiotic prophase is the first and most complex stage of
223 ustering on the nuclear envelope (NE) during meiotic prophase, is thought to promote homologous chrom
224  sources for the sex-specific differences in meiotic prophase kinetics are discussed.
225                     The protracted arrest in meiotic prophase makes oocytes particularly susceptible
226                                The events of meiotic prophase must thus occur in a strictly temporal
227 utant germ cells appear to execute events of meiotic prophase normally, and many proteins characteris
228              Sa15 forms linear structures in meiotic prophase nuclei to which Zhp3 localizes.
229                                           In meiotic prophase of many eukaryotic organisms, telomeres
230                                       During meiotic prophase of the micronucleus, when chromosomes a
231                            During the entire meiotic prophase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
232 patial proximity of chromosomes 11 and 22 in meiotic prophase oocytes and spermatocytes plays a role
233 the forkhead transcription factor Foxl2 form meiotic prophase oocytes, but then activate the genetic
234 ranscripts in pachytene spermatocytes of the meiotic prophase, Ovol1-deficient germ cells were defect
235 ween homologous chromosomes cause a delay in meiotic prophase, perhaps to allow time for interhomolog
236  typical meiotic recombinational activity in meiotic prophase--plays an important role in the generat
237 aromyces cerevisiae can undergo meiosis, but meiotic prophase progression and subsequent nuclear divi
238 t asynapsis of heterospecific chromosomes in meiotic prophase provides a recurrently evolving trigger
239 l alignment of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase requires the coordination of DNA double
240 oth mutants arrest at the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase, sae1-1 temporarily and sae3-1 permanen
241 ired by the middle of the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase, several days after homologous chromoso
242                                    In Atm-/- meiotic prophase spermatocytes, immuno-localization show
243 expressed in mitotic spermatogonia and early meiotic prophase spermatocytes.
244 zation and persistent activity of PP4 during meiotic prophase suggest a model whereby Zip1-S75 phosph
245 rsed along the nuclear envelope during early meiotic prophase, suggesting a role analogous to the tel
246 somes and for normal chromosome alignment in meiotic prophase, suggesting that DCL1 has multiple func
247                                           In meiotic prophase, telomeres associate with the nuclear e
248 ties of the bottle-brush-like chromosomes of meiotic prophase that consist of polymer-like flexible c
249 f these observations, we propose that during meiotic prophase the presence of occasional fast moving
250                Instead of continuing through meiotic prophase, the cells attempt an abnormal mitotic-
251 induction of middle genes controls exit from meiotic prophase, the completion of the nuclear division
252 n localizes within the oocyte nucleus during meiotic prophase, the time at which exchange distributio
253 ndergoes strong checkpoint-induced arrest in meiotic prophase; the defect in cell cycle progression i
254                       We show here that both meiotic prophase timing and germ-line apoptosis, one out
255 irs (bivalents) undergo restructuring during meiotic prophase to convert a configuration that promote
256 r each pair of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase to ensure proper segregation of chromos
257 elomeres on the nuclear envelope (NE) during meiotic prophase to form the bouquet arrangement of chro
258  we show that the successful transition from meiotic prophase to mitosis requires the modulation of C
259  genome integrity during the transition from meiotic prophase to mitosis.
260 d ability for germ cells that have completed meiotic prophase to return to the mitotic cycle, and the
261 etion allows mutants that normally arrest in meiotic prophase to sporulate at wild-type levels, thoug
262 (MSP) signals oocytes, which are arrested in meiotic prophase, to resume meiosis and ovulate.
263 ility, with failure of spermatocytes to exit meiotic prophase via the G2/MI transition.
264  A1, which are genes expressed at the end of meiotic prophase, was delayed and decreased in TR4(-/-)
265  cells, and the progression of cells through meiotic prophase were either unchanged or very slightly
266  enriched in a group of genes induced during meiotic prophase, when homologous chromosomes pair and r
267  to centromere regions of chromosomes during meiotic prophase where it remained until anaphase I.
268     MEI-P22 foci appear transiently in early meiotic prophase, which is when meiotic recombination is
269 s arrested at mid to late pachytene stage of meiotic prophase with defective synapsis of the homologo
270 n of Cdc28 helps to coordinate the events of meiotic prophase with each other and with progression th
271 op2 mutant arrests at the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase with the RecA-like protein Dmc1 located
272              The mnd1-null mutant arrests in meiotic prophase, with most double-strand breaks (DSBs)
273      Chromosomal movements take place during meiotic prophase, with telomeres congregating on the nuc

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