


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tential in vivo, and also tended to be super melanotic.
2                                         Both melanotic and amelanotic melanomas (B16F10 and A375M) te
3 ous tumors included some cases with distinct melanotic and amelanotic zones, which were separately an
4                              The tumors were melanotic and in five of the mice they yielded macrometa
5                 Two melanoma cell lines, one melanotic and one amelanotic lacking the expression of b
6 nsplant lines were then established from the melanotic and the amelanotic zones of such a melanoma an
7 in melanoma cells and tissues were observed (melanotic B16F10 and amelanotic A375M).
8 significantly higher in murine lungs bearing melanotic B16F10 pulmonary metastases than in normal mur
9 ted blood cell numbers, and the formation of melanotic blood cell masses in these mutants is not supp
10             Infection with laccase-positive (melanotic) C. neoformans cells also elicited higher MCP-
11 ls have an overabundance of hemocytes, carry melanotic capsules and die before reaching pupal stages.
12     Similar capsules of lamellocytes, called melanotic capsules, are also formed around "self" tissue
13 e differentiation and cause the formation of melanotic capsules.
14  that the membrane-associated HPS complex of melanotic cells is associated with tubulovesicular struc
15                                       In non-melanotic cells the HPS protein is contained almost enti
16                                           In melanotic cells the HPS protein is partitioned between t
17  which all were expressed, but in which some melanotic cells were likely to have been present.
18 i with extra-cutaneous features, classically melanotic cells within the central nervous system, most
19 tabolic intermediates between amelanotic and melanotic cells.
20  of these splice variants was highest in the melanotic components of zonal primary tumors, relatively
21 e part in insect defense responses including melanotic encapsulation and wound healing.
22 e results suggest that Pen1 is important for melanotic encapsulation of Plasmodium as well as beads.
23 icrofilariae via a defense response known as melanotic encapsulation.
24 oduction of crystal cells, which actuate the melanotic immune response in adult tsetse.
25                                The tumor was melanotic in 37 cases (74%) and amelanotic in 13 cases (
26                                        Small melanotic lesions develop in the lungs and, on histologi
27 asmatocyte survival and function, leading to melanotic lesions in Blp-deficient flies.
28          Small-animal PET clearly identified melanotic lesions in both primary and pulmonary metastas
29                                          For melanotic lesions, SS-OCT is significantly better at dep
30                                  However, in melanotic lesions, SS-OCT was significantly superior at
31 fold by administration of NAC, which blocked melanotic lesions.
32                                       Benign melanotic macules (MAC) are the most frequent cause of l
33                            We found that the melanotic masses can be subdivided into melanotic nodule
34 e cellular immune response, we characterized melanotic masses from mutants in 14 genes.
35 t lack of H2AV led to the formation of black melanotic masses in Drosophila third instar larvae.
36                                 The observed melanotic masses were generally linked to the hemocyte-m
37                           Amelanotic but not melanotic melanoma cells or normal melanocytes display e
38                               Amelanotic and melanotic melanoma cells were labeled with 13C precursor
39  the growth of L1210 murine leukemia and B16 melanotic melanoma in culture, with GI50 values in the m
40  displays little antitumor activity with B16 melanotic melanoma in vitro (IC(50) > 460 microM) versus
41  specifically targets primary and metastatic melanotic melanoma lesions with high tumor uptake and ma
42 melanin-targeted PET probes able to identify melanotic melanoma metastases in vivo with high sensitiv
43           Melanin is abundantly expressed in melanotic melanomas and thus has been actively studied a
44                                              Melanotic melanomas are hyperintense on T1-weighted imag
45                                      Primary melanotic neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS)
46 haemangioma) or malignant (rhabdomyosarcoma, melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy).
47  amelanotic nevi (78%) compared with 6 of 21 melanotic nevi (29%), and was not significantly related
48 ficantly (P = .05) more apparent in 14 of 21 melanotic nevi (67%) compared with 2 of 9 amelanotic nev
49                                              Melanotic nodules appear after 4 days.
50  the melanotic masses can be subdivided into melanotic nodules engaging the hemocyte-mediated encapsu
51                                              Melanotic PC1A and amelanotic B16 melanoma cells were in
52 elopmental processes are reported to cause a melanotic phenotype in larvae.
53   Of the 13 melanomas examined, there were 5 melanotic primary tumors, 5 amelanotic primary tumors, a
54  segment 5, while more proximal clones cause melanotic protrusions from the leg cuticle.
55  not required for wound melanization nor for melanotic pseudotumor formation in serpin2 knockdown mos
56 catecholamine-related abnormalities, such as melanotic salivary glands or pseudotumors.
57 c patterns of ectopic wing vein formation or melanotic scabs on the cuticle.
58 array of other tumours, such as psammomatous melanotic schwannoma, testicular Sertoli-cell tumours, a
59  myxomas, endocrine tumours and psammomatous melanotic schwannomas.
60 e characterized its expression in normal and melanotic tissues within control and backcross hybrid fi
61 or gene; the fat body is the primary site of melanotic tumor formation during the third instar.
62      Because of immune system involvement in melanotic tumor formation, a third type was hypothesized
63                           krz(1) is a type 1 melanotic tumor gene; the fat body is the primary site o
64 utation, and that dCBP mutations enhance the melanotic tumor phenotype characteristic of mod homozygo
65 es A and B; genes that, when mutated, have a melanotic tumor phenotype.
66       Mutations of wizard and dappled have a melanotic tumor phenotype.
67 ules around foreign substances or, in mutant melanotic tumor strains, around self tissue.
68 expression correlated with the appearance of melanotic tumors and larval/pupal lethality.
69                  Hemocytes are known to form melanotic tumors either as part of an innate immune resp
70                                          The melanotic tumors expressed all of the markers to some ex
71 ation of the fat body and the development of melanotic tumors in mutant larvae.
72               lwr mutant larvae develop many melanotic tumors in the hemolymph at the third instar st
73                             The formation of melanotic tumors is due to a large number of circulating
74 liferation of hemocytes and the formation of melanotic tumors or nodules.
75 sformation of larval blood cells that causes melanotic tumors to form.
76 own that mutation of Drosophila NURF induces melanotic tumors, implicating NURF in innate immune func
77 elanization, exemplified by the formation of melanotic tumors, is controlled by tissue melanization p
78 on in Drosophila caused larval lethality and melanotic tumors, showing that this gene is essential fo
79 rupted nuclear structures, and in some cases melanotic tumors, whereas a 30% loss correlated with adu
80 ssion of Stat92E(DeltaNDeltaC)in vivo causes melanotic tumors, while in vitro it transactivates a Sta
81 s the batone wing phenotype and also induces melanotic "tumors." Surprisingly, these GAL4 strains exp
82  the differentiation programme, resulting in melanotic tumours.

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