


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d it is not known how the division plane is "memorized".
2 everal seconds that the animal is trained to memorize.
3 formation when vibrotactile frequencies were memorized.
4 ion and determine whether it is perceived or memorized.
5 nformation when vibrotactile frequencies are memorized.
6              Participants (38 women, 37 men) memorized a scientific text passage on Day 1.
7 as an adult, a young songbird recognizes and memorizes a model of his species-specific song during a
8                                   C. elegans memorizes a nutrient-associated cultivation temperature
9                   Songbirds learn to sing by memorizing a tutor song that they then vocally mimic usi
10  cues signaled high- or low-value reward for memorizing an upcoming scene.
11 to sing but have a genetic predisposition to memorize and learn the songs of their own subspecies.
12         In this task, subjects were asked to memorize and recall lists of common nouns.
13 ecent twin studies have found the ability to memorize and recognize faces to be an exception, being s
14  that northern elephant seal males routinely memorize and recognize the unique tempo and timbre of th
15              Smart shape-memory polymers can memorize and recover their permanent shape in response t
16  system to investigate how vocalizations are memorized and processed by the brain in order to mediate
17  MRI scanning were determined while subjects memorized and recalled unrelated pairs of words and whil
18 s achieved, in which touch triggering can be memorized and shown as the emission from the OLED.
19 ts during encoding, and that the matching of memorized and test objects at different locations is bas
20               The patients' ERPs during both memorizing and probe matching/recognition phases differe
21                 Avian song learning involves memorizing and reproducing song material produced by con
22 venile zebra finches, which learn to sing by memorizing and vocally copying the song of an adult tuto
23  whereas for explicit learning, participants memorized another repeating sequence.
24  network dynamics; the memory patterns to be memorized are presented online as strong afferent curren
25 gments, such as a phone number 858 534 22 30 memorized as four segments.
26 ies have proposed that humans preferentially memorize buildings as a collection of floors.
27 ched rather than mismatched the concurrently memorized content, despite identical visual stimulation.
28  temporary shapes a shape memory polymer can memorize correlates directly to the number of discrete r
29 nations of coding strength for perceived and memorized directions: some neurons encode both to simila
30  nonspatial features are bound via space: we memorize directly where a color or an orientation appear
31 as immune systems relies on their ability to memorize DNA sequences of invading molecules and integra
32 cative of an updating process operating on a memorized egocentric map of space.
33 selective retrieval of specific aspects of a memorized experience, a functional process often referre
34 g of how science is taught, moving away from memorizing facts and emphasizing hands-on, inquiry-based
35 er, it remains unclear whether perceived and memorized features are encoded by the same or different
36               On the other hand, pollinators memorize floral colors as consistent advertisements of r
37  for images of place scenes, which had to be memorized for short delay periods was significantly impr
38 indicating which of the two shapes should be memorized for subsequent recognition.
39 ecall (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.001) of memorized images.
40 ted by the number of temporary shapes it can memorize in each shape memory cycle and the ability to t
41  of list-learning paradigms, words should be memorized in the context of sentences or stories for bet
42 a transient rise in cytosolic Ca2+ which is 'memorized' in such a way that it promotes excitation thr
43 t certain paternally acquired traits can be 'memorized' in the sperm as epigenetic information.
44              How does the brain evaluate the memorized information of the presaccadic scene and the a
45 arious states of activation are subsequently memorized into domains of progressively overlapping gene
46 f posterior alpha oscillations preceding the memorized item also predicted memory accuracy.
47 arises from a modulation in the precision of memorized items, but not the likelihood of remembering t
48 ness and flexibility enable this material to memorize its micro- and macroscopic shape after repeated
49 when these stimuli appeared at the currently memorized location relative to other locations on the cu
50 rodes performing virtual navigation tasks to memorized locations enabled us to investigate associatio
51 g, climbing over barriers, and navigating to memorized locations.
52 s motor performance, creating a match to the memorized model.
53 song by matching the sound they produce to a memorized model.
54                                   As players memorize more rounds, the dimension of the strategy spac
55                                     Subjects memorized multiple target locations, and in a random sub
56 n the history of life, and relies heavily on memorizing near-meaningless taxonomic ranks.
57       Two monkeys were trained to encode and memorize numerosities and flexibly switch between two ab
58 e (NCL) from crows that assessed and briefly memorized numerosities from one to 30 dots.
59  cued recall tasks, in which subjects had to memorize object arrays composed of simple visual feature
60 rated that there was no preparatory shift of memorized object location towards the side of the upcomi
61 pikes carried the most information about the memorized objects at specific phases.
62 lar size were triggered contralateral to the memorized objects in both tasks.
63 ization mediates a phase-dependent coding of memorized objects in the prefrontal cortex.
64 king memory task, first the temporary active memorizing of sets of digits and secondly, their subsequ
65 t pre-existing memories or the capability to memorize once the effect of the inhibition diminished.
66 y known shape memory polymers are capable of memorizing one or two temporary shapes, corresponding to
67 onary stable configurations dictated by the "memorized" optoelastic potential landscape due to the la
68 back to compare their own vocalizations to a memorized or innate song pattern; if they are deafened a
69 discriminative processing, but is implied in memorizing or recalling the memory of the recent song ta
70 etic effects seem to allow dividing cells to memorize, or imprint, signaling events that occurred ear
71 wo, four, or six spatial locations was to be memorized over a delay until an updating cue was present
72                               Brain networks memorize previous performance to adjust their output in
73 y imitating the songs of one or more tutors, memorized previously during a sensitive phase early in l
74  increasing the dynamic range of sensing and memorizing prior events, and may be a general mechanism
75                      Biomaterials with shape-memorizing properties could permit minimally invasive de
76         These improvements in the ability to memorize, recognize and perceive faces during adolescenc
77  nonhuman primates is capable of forming and memorizing remarkably accurate internal representations
78                  The ability to perceive and memorize rhythmic sounds is widely shared among humans [
79 erienced birds can accurately complete their memorized routes by using landmarks alone.
80  acetylcholine signaling on neurons encoding memorized rules while macaque monkeys made responses bas
81 oked both by flashed visual stimuli and by a memorized saccade plan.
82 y activity exclusively related to a specific memorized sequence of upcoming movements.
83 behaviours ranging from reflexive glances to memorized sequences of saccades during learned tasks.
84 sked to practice self-initiated, self-paced, memorized sequential finger movements with different com
85 l of escape in mice is to reach a previously memorized shelter location.
86 ne in which neurons are selectively tuned to memorized sounds and (2) another in which neurons are se
87             The presence of neurons tuned to memorized sounds is limited to early stages of sensorimo
88 ompare ongoing patterns of vocal feedback to memorized sounds, whereas the parallel core circuit has
89 or a continuous prefrontal representation of memorized space and offer experimental support for bump
90 used a flexible memory mechanism rather than memorizing specific actions for each shape.
91            These neurons appear to represent memorized stimulus associations that are stable across v
92  match or mismatch the shape category of the memorized stimulus.
93 both the spatial location and amplitude of a memorized stimulus.
94 t with their environment and frequently must memorize such information for later use.
95 n a mnemonic context as well as selection of memorized targets amidst distracting stimuli.
96 ing towards either earth-fixed or body-fixed memorized targets.
97  recovered after additional execution of the memorized task, and the interference did not affect cont
98 Shape memory polymers are materials that can memorize temporary shapes and revert to their permanent
99 stimulus that remains visually available, or memorize the direction if the stimulus disappears.
100 t fast-TIPL occurs when participants have to memorize the information presented with the target, but
101                  Two monkeys were trained to memorize the locations of two peripheral cues and to pre
102                                  Sea turtles memorize the magnetic coordinates of their natal beach,
103 roscopy method to establish their ability to memorize the sound of a word and distinguish it from a p
104                      Many organisms can also memorize the time interval of rhythmic sensory stimuli i
105 delayed-match-to-sample task, human subjects memorized the frequency of vibrotactile stimulation over
106                           Human participants memorized the location of one task-relevant stimulus per
107 e working memory task, in which participants memorized the position of 3-5 distinct objects (icons) o
108 they were performing a calculation, not just memorizing the value of each combination.
109 nce that biological mechanisms may exist to "memorize" the metabolic effects of early nutritional env
110 tients with better basic knowledge in DR and memorizing their HbA1c level showed a higher propensity
111        We found that knockout mice failed to memorize this association but were indistinguishable fro
112 some segregation followed by reactivation of memorized transcription states in daughter cells.
113 self-generated behavior in relation to their memorized tutor song (the goal).
114 ng as songbirds learn to produce a copy of a memorized tutor song.
115 en they are learning to imitate a previously memorized tutor song.
116                          Young songbirds use memorized tutor songs as templates to shape their own so
117                     One hundred participants memorized twelve prices that varied from 1 to 6 digits;
118                   How is this division plane memorized until cytokinesis?
119 rceive, anticipate, predict, comprehend, and memorize upper limb actions, which they cannot simulate,
120 MRI study during which human subjects had to memorize vibratory frequencies in parallel to previous m
121  and grasp, we found that I.G. was now using memorized visual information to calibrate her real grasp
122 ary mechanisms are currently debated: either memorized visual landmarks provide homeward guidance dir
123                       Like humans, songbirds memorize vocal sounds based on auditory experience with
124  learning, the incidence of neurons encoding memorized vocal sounds was greatly diminished.
125 ressively refined to achieve an imitation of memorized vocal sounds.
126 ontrol subjects as the number of items to be memorized was increased.
127 e a color or an orientation appeared, but we memorize which color belonged with which orientation onl

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