


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oxy-3-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase (MenD).
2 int was the minimum effective naproxen dose (MEND).
3  but the immediate presence of H2O2 prevents MEND.
4 re are available from http://www.vbi.vt.edu/~mendes/AGN/as biochemical dynamic models in SBML and Gep
5 sight into the specificity and reactivity of MenD and allows a two-stage reaction mechanism to be pro
6 f Shewanella putrefaciens with insertions in menD and menB were isolated and analyzed.
7               Genetic complementation of the menD and pepP deletion strains rescued the in vitro intr
8                             Lastly, both the menD and pepP deletion strains were attenuated during in
9 different gene deletion mutants called menB, menD, and menE mutants.
10 d A1(-)/A1 FTIR difference spectra for menB, menD, and menE photosystem I particles at 77 K.
11 ition, annulation, and diverse "breaking and mending" approaches.
12                          After mitochondrial MEND blockade, MEND is restored by cytoplasmic acyl CoA
13                                              Mended bulk crystals show modulus leap from 4 to 12 GPa
14 oxidative stress or PKC activation initiates MEND, but the immediate presence of H2O2 prevents MEND.
15 ct of the two-cysteine OmpC protein was also mended by asmA3, whose suppressive effect was not achiev
16 nverted into double-strand breaks, which are mended by RecA-catalysed recombinational repair and are
17  the appropriateness of the DNA damage to be mended by the nucleotide excision repair machinery.
18                    Although most lesions are mended by various DNA repair pathways in vivo, a signifi
19 -3-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase, or MenD, catalyze the Stetter-like conjugate addition of al
20   Cells use homology-dependent DNA repair to mend chromosome breaks and restore broken replication fo
21 piro AA, Curl C, Puett RC, Beck T, Evans DA, Mendes de Leon CF.
22 n this process, although OPS dosage increase mends defects caused by brx loss-of-function.
23 show that clinical SCVs as well as hemB- and menD-deficient mutants of S. aureus are greatly reduced
24                             Furthermore, the menD deletion strain displayed a general extracellular r
25                     We present evidence that MEND depends on mitochondrial permeability transition po
26 rvival in those with a hereditary failure to mend DNA damage using another mechanism.
27  in any of the three major pathways known to mend DNA DSBs, namely homologous recombination (HR), non
28          One population of damaged cells may mend DNA until the repair mechanism is exceeded and then
29 HR) is a template-driven repair pathway that mends DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs), and thus helps
30 l, efficient, and high-fidelity process that mends DNA lesions formed during cellular metabolism; the
31 XRCC4-like factor promotes a mismatched end (MEnd) DNA ligase activity to facilitate joining and to p
32 C-RuvABC recombinational repair pathway that mends double-strand DNA breaks.
33  other than lack of efficacy were assigned a MEND equal to the last naproxen dose received.
34           The medium-resolution structure of MenD from Escherichia coli (EcMenD) in complex with its
35 ructure-reactivity relationship that governs MenD function and refinement of the model for the cataly
36 ifunctional envelope type nano device [YSK12-MEND]), greatly facilitated gene silencing in mouse DCs.
37                                              MEND has been applied to denoising of LC-MALDI-TOF-MS an
38                            The deficiency in mending holes is temporally the earliest observable defe
39 ny to the network, here we show that it also mends holes in the network created by minicircle release
40 on studies and confirm the classification of MenD in the pyruvate oxidase family of ThDP-dependent en
41                     Here we demonstrate self-mending in metal-free water of synthetic polyacrylate an
42 rge Ca transients cause massive endocytosis (MEND) in BHK fibroblasts by nonclassical mechanisms.
43                                  Post-anoxia MEND is ablated in DHHC5-deficient hearts, inhibited by
44                                              MEND is blocked by inhibiting mitochondrial Ca uptake or
45                                              MEND is blocked by siRNA knockdown of the plasmalemmal a
46 w greater surface membrane localization, and MEND is inhibited in four protocols.
47           After mitochondrial MEND blockade, MEND is restored by cytoplasmic acyl CoA or CoA.
48                                 In addition, MEND is shown to be effective for protein expression ana
49                                              MEND is shown to enable low-intensity peaks to be detect
50                                              MEND is shown to suppress chemical and random noise and
51 rque breaks a string, the string can rapidly mend itself as long as the temperature exceeds its calor
52 ric material that can repeatedly mend or "re-mend" itself under mild conditions.
53                                 Furthermore, MEnd ligase activity may have applications in recombinan
54              Despite a lower molecular mass, MEnd ligase-DNA had a lower electrophoretic mobility tha
55 erence in XL to Ku molar ratio suggests that MEnd ligase-DNA has a distinct structure that successful
56 les each of XL and XLF into a Ku-XL-XLF-DNA (MEnd ligase-DNA) complex.
57 ), and XLF have a remarkable mismatched end (MEnd) ligase activity, particularly for ends with mismat
58  A new denoising and peak picking algorithm (MEND, matched filtration with experimental noise determi
59 nificantly reduce bacterial densities of the menD mutant in either kidney or spleen and significantly
60 lonize multiple tissues in vivo and that the menD mutation provides the organism with a survival adva
61 tical methods demonstrate that PTP-dependent MEND occurs during reoxygenation of anoxic hearts.
62                               We demonstrate mending of damaged objects through ultrasound as well as
63                                     Wet self-mending of scission in these polymers is initiated and a
64 ganic polymeric material that can repeatedly mend or "re-mend" itself under mild conditions.
65 occus aureus were generated via mutations in menD or hemB, yielding menadione and hemin auxotrophs, r
66 rboring deletions within the identified gene menD or pepP were defective for growth in primary murine
67 ort chain of S. aureus genetically (hemB and menD) or chemically, using 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline
68 hes the order of genes in the men cluster as menD, orf241, menB, menC and menE.
69 tural and sequence comparisons with putative MenD orthologues, provides insight into the specificity
70    These results clearly indicate that YSK12-MEND overcomes the obstacle associated with non-viral ve
71                                    Thus, the MEND pathway appears to be deleterious in severe oxidati
72                                    Thus, the MEND pathway may contribute to constitutive as well as p
73           Although recently developed models mend preceding approaches, they have been employed spari
74                 Although hydrogels with self-mending properties have been engineered by means of muss
75 erved in wild-type cells, implying that this mending reaction is normally efficient.
76                         The use of the YSK12-MEND resulted in a gene silencing efficiency in excess o
77 n DCs, silenced in the mouse DC by the YSK12-MEND showed a drastic enhancement in cytokine production
78  Ca transients activate massive endocytosis (MEND) that involves membrane protein palmitoylation subs
79 t metallosupramolecular polymers that can be mended through exposure to light.
80 lation analysis can be downloaded at: http://mendes.vbi.vt.edu/tiki-index.php?page=Software.
81  been well captured by Robert Frost's poem, "Mending Wall," which ends with the ironic line, "good fe
82     For the naproxen nonresponders, the mean MEND was 419 mg in the tramadol group and 396 mg in the
83 atistically different, the difference in the MEND was assessed separately within the groups.
84                                          The MEND was defined as 250 mg above the naproxen daily dosa
85               Among naproxen responders, the MEND was significantly lower in patients receiving trama
86 35 A) crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis MenD with cofactor and Mn(2+) has been determined.

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