


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ash.), and low-viscosity PVA fixative (PVA) (Meridian).
2 ally spaced horizontal meridians (total, 120 meridians).
3 1.50 and -1.50 D powers in the two principal meridians).
4 ed along the representations of the vertical meridian.
5 h the retinotopic transition at the vertical meridian.
6 ntered at 5 degrees on the inferior vertical meridian.
7 tly overrepresented relative to the vertical meridian.
8 nted in an 8-microm strip along the vertical meridian.
9 ttened while the periphery steepened in that meridian.
10  was enlarged to include the entire vertical meridian.
11 r and at 0.4-mm intervals along the vertical meridian.
12 visual field, even those across the vertical meridian.
13  to detect test locations along the vertical meridian.
14 gments of the embryo which exclude the prime meridian.
15 arer emmetropia compared to their horizontal meridian.
16 ght side or along the horizontal or vertical meridian.
17 y the visual field around the lower vertical meridian.
18 l points along sections through the vertical meridian.
19 nt along the horizontal but not the vertical meridian.
20 s was continuously present on the horizontal meridian.
21 ressing cones closely matches the horizontal meridian.
22 posteriorly, particularly along the vertical meridian.
23 , especially for points along the horizontal meridian.
24 ic blue and red stimuli along the horizontal meridian.
25 with CIP-2) to those near the lower vertical meridian.
26 ith 16 points on either side of the vertical meridian.
27 d was closer to the disc in 107 (89%) of 120 meridians.
28  toward the periphery along the four primary meridians.
29 l 20 degrees radius along the four principal meridians.
30 rical along both the horizontal and vertical meridians.
31 eased symmetrically with eccentricity in all meridians.
32 ly with spherical ametropia of the principal meridians.
33 ular tension is released from two orthogonal meridians.
34 t extends across the horizontal and vertical meridians.
35 ntal and vertical meridians and four oblique meridians.
36 ian and did not proceed uniformly across all meridians.
37 e center of the visual field along different meridians.
38 turbations due to EA treatments at different meridians.
39 sured along both the vertical and horizontal meridians.
40 tigmatism increased with eccentricity in all meridians.
41 A stimulations on acupoints of SMFY and GMFS meridians.
42 45 degrees along the vertical and horizontal meridians.
43 order tissue of Elschnig in 100 (83%) of 120 meridians.
44  ended within the betaPPA in 42 (35%) of 120 meridians.
45     Subjects were 835 myopes (both principal meridians -0.75 diopters [D] or more myopia by cyclopleg
46 d a reduction in pit depth in the horizontal meridian (-10.06 mum; P = 0.005) but not in the vertical
47 +/- standard deviation of the most hyperopic meridian, +3.78+/-0.81 D in hyperopes and +0.51+/-0.48 D
48                           The inferotemporal meridian (324 degrees -336 degrees ) 2.0 mm away from th
49 izes in eight locations along the horizontal meridian (+/-4 degrees , +/-12 degrees , +/-20 degrees ,
50 der, whereas such stimuli along the vertical meridian activated cortex along the rostral border of V3
51                      The difference in steep meridian alignment between CATCRP and CASimK was >5 degr
52 stance of the first peak reflection from the meridian along the 43-nm layer line was decreased.
53                                    The prime meridian also gives rise to dorsal, axial mesoderm, but
54 sis designed to detect hyperopia >5 D in any meridian, amblyopia and/or strabismus had an area under
55 d astigmatic (toric) lenses with +5 D on one meridian and -5 D on the orthogonal meridian (Jackson cr
56 ated keratometry was 46.32 D in the flattest meridian and 51.48 D in the steepest meridian; at 2 year
57 as a function of position along the vertical meridian and as averages across that vector.
58 n these samples along a superior-to-inferior meridian and compared with control and damaged 10-day re
59  that was initially apparent in the temporal meridian and did not proceed uniformly across all meridi
60 lateral eye, especially along the horizontal meridian and in the periphery, where columns are narrowe
61 ct visual cortex that represent the vertical meridian and ipsilateral visual field.
62  and vPul2 border each other at the vertical meridian and share a representation of foveal space with
63 ely consistent refractive profile across all meridians and eccentricities, confirming a spherical ret
64 ded to the betaPPA margin in 78 (65%) of 120 meridians and ended within the betaPPA in 42 (35%) of 12
65 1-mm steps along the horizontal and vertical meridians and four oblique meridians.
66 nes associated with the astigmatic principal meridians and not the circle of least confusion.
67 nation when stimuli are moved along cardinal meridians and suggest that the neural machinery necessar
68 rresponded to the BM edge in 20 (17%) of 120 meridians and to the edge of the border tissue of Elschn
69 responded to the RPE edge in 13 (11%) of 120 meridians and was closer to the disc in 107 (89%) of 120
70  who became myopic (at least -0.75 D in each meridian) and 374 emmetropic (between -0.25 D and +1.00
71  who became myopic (at least -0.75 D in each meridian) and 539 children who were emmetropic (between
72 myopia on cycloplegic autorefraction in both meridians) and 587 emmetropes (between -0.25 and +1.00 D
73 e photoreceptor packing density between age, meridian, and eccentricity.
74 pit depth when measured along the horizontal meridian, and flattening of the nasal and temporal sides
75 n had to be homonymous, respect the vertical meridian, and have no additional scattered abnormal poin
76 ll damaged points offset from the horizontal meridian, and this and other aspects of the test will be
77 egree of radial astigmatism decreased in all meridians, and the refractions became more symmetrical a
78 served in the sclera and choroid on the same meridian as that of the injection site.
79 present the superior field, not the vertical meridian as traditionally proposed.
80  MRL assay and 83.2, 98.2, and 95.5% for the Meridian assay, respectively.
81 opters [D] to </=6.0 D in the most hyperopic meridian; astigmatism </=1.50 D; anisometropia </=1.0 D)
82 ical meridian at 6.4 degrees , the horizonal meridian at 15.4 degrees, and the lower vertical meridia
83 dian at 15.4 degrees, and the lower vertical meridian at 25.0 degrees.
84 mography line scanning across the horizontal meridian at 3 yearly intervals.
85 sual fields, intersecting the upper vertical meridian at 6.4 degrees , the horizonal meridian at 15.4
86 etropic (between -0.25 D and +1.00 D in each meridian at all visits) children participating between 1
87 etropic (between -0.25 D and +1.00 D in each meridian at all visits) participating between 1995 and 2
88 tion in LO1 extended from the lower vertical meridian (at the boundary with dorsal V3) through the ho
89 through the horizontal to the upper vertical meridian (at the boundary with LO2).
90 lattest meridian and 51.48 D in the steepest meridian; at 2 years, the values were 45.30 D (P = .04)
91 igene group A strep DNA amplification assay (Meridian Bioscience Inc., Cincinnati, OH).
92 Card STAT! enterohemorrhagic E. coli [EHEC]; Meridian Bioscience) and cultured in attempts to recover
93 iated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay (Meridian Bioscience, Cincinnati OH) for the detection an
94 oassay (EIA), the Premier toxin A and B EIA (Meridian Bioscience, Cincinnati, OH), and a newly develo
95                                  CAMPY test (Meridian Bioscience, Cincinnati, OH), for the detection
96 th three EIA methods, the Premier CAMPY EIA (Meridian Bioscience, Cincinnati, OH), the ProSpecT Campy
97 ion) assays to that of the Illumigene assay (Meridian Bioscience, Inc.) for the diagnosis of Clostrid
98 d STAT! Cryptosporidium/Giardia rapid assay (Meridian Bioscience, Inc.) is a solid-phase qualitative
99                                             (Meridian Bioscience, Inc.) lateral-flow immunoassay, wit
100                           The MERIFLUOR DFA (Meridian Bioscience, Inc.) test detected the largest num
101 l-time PCR, and the Illumigene C. difficile (Meridian Bioscience, Inc.) that detects the toxin A gene
102 terohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) kit (Meridian BioScience, Inc.) with and without enrichment o
103 lumigene Mycoplasma DNA amplification assay (Meridian Bioscience, Inc., Cincinnati, OH) was evaluated
104 toxylin, or modified acid-fast stains or the Meridian Bioscience, Inc., Giardia/Cryptosporidium Merif
105 representations were located at the vertical meridian borders between visual areas such as V1/V2.
106 as defined as -0.75 D or more myopia in both meridians (by cycloplegic autorefraction).
107 on of zonular tension across both orthogonal meridians caused symmetrical central flattening.
108 straddling either the horizontal or vertical meridian) compared with when they appear the same distan
109                                              Meridian Diagnostics has developed the ImmunoCard Mycopl
110                          MRL Diagnostics and Meridian Diagnostics have recently designed herpes simpl
111 that of the Premier EHEC enzyme immunoassay (Meridian Diagnostics) for detection of STEC in children
112 vailable group A rotavirus ELISA (Rotaclone; Meridian Diagnostics, Cincinnati, Ohio) were used to eva
113                       Two companies, MRL and Meridian Diagnostics, have developed Food and Drug Admin
114  one-vial commercial preservatives, two from Meridian Diagnostics, Inc.
115 ion of toxin A, the Immunocard Toxin A test (Meridian Diagnostics, Inc.) and the Culturette Brand Tox
116 tection of Shiga toxins (Premier EHEC assay; Meridian Diagnostics, Inc.) was compared to conventional
117 assay, and the ImmunoCard C. difficile test (Meridian Diagnostics, Inc.).
118  EcoFix zinc-based Schaudinn's preservative (Meridian Diagnostics, Inc.); both Wheatley's modificatio
119 tory, Inc., Des Plaines, Ill.), ECOFIX (EC) (Meridian Diagnostics, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio), Proto-Fix
120 Test [Techlab], and Premier Giardia lamblia [Meridian Diagnostics, Inc.]) and two commercial direct f
121 hlab] and Merifluor Cryptosporidium/Giardia [Meridian Diagnostics, Inc.]) to detect G. lamblia in 34
122 uperior (P = 0.061) and inferior (P = 0.087) meridians did not reach statistical significance.
123  each assay was as follows:, Alexon EIA, 34; Meridian EIA, 27; Techlab EIA, 29; Meridian FA assay, 31
124  EIA, 34; Meridian EIA, 27; Techlab EIA, 29; Meridian FA assay, 31; and Techlab FA assay, 28.
125                              At the opposite meridian, fluorescence in the choroid was more intense t
126  refractive data indicated that the vertical meridian for hyperopic subjects was consistently nearer
127   Anisotropy between horizontal and vertical meridians for FT is consistent in central and peripheral
128 ak of the first layer line shifts toward the meridian from 0.0047 to 0.0038 A(-1) and decreases in in
129  isolate and culture tissue centered on this meridian from early gastrulae.
130  five donor eyes were cut along the vertical meridian from limbus to limbus (arc length, 12 mm).
131 btained for both the vertical and horizontal meridians from 17 monkeys.
132                  6, which populate the prime meridian, give rise to the anterior end of the embryo.
133                             We evaluated the Meridian IC-STAT direct fecal and broth culture antigen
134  did not require completion showed no across-meridian impairment.
135 ral retina was measured along the horizontal meridian in 20 eyes.
136 y along the representation of the horizontal meridian in extrastriate visual cortex.
137 ricity of 0.30 to 3.40 mm along the superior meridian in five emmetropic eyes.
138 s, revealed activity: (i) along the vertical meridian in retinotopic (presumably lower-tier) areas; a
139 diopters or more of myopia in each principal meridian in the right eye as measured by cycloplegic aut
140 in the horizontal, vertical, and two oblique meridians in 10 degrees steps.
141 d at 13 degrees eccentricity in four oblique meridians in 15 eyes (mean age, 64.6 +/- 9.6 years) with
142 ss the horizontal, vertical, and two oblique meridians in a group of myopic and emmetropic adults and
143 tricity along the 45 degrees and 135 degrees meridians in all four quadrants.
144 e nasal (P = 0.033) and temporal (P = 0.014) meridians in amblyopes, but differences between amblyope
145 nvestigated FT along horizontal and vertical meridians in central and peripheral visual fields for lu
146 functions) to the surface topography for all meridians in the control subjects and patients with PTC.
147 d its periphery flattens in the meridian (or meridians) in which zonular tension is applied.
148 ed by Alexon, Inc., Cambridge Biotech Corp., Meridian, Inc., and Trend Scientific, Inc.
149 as gradually shifts from near the horizontal meridian into the lower visual field.
150  gyri (convex folds), whereas the horizontal meridian is preferentially represented in sulci (concave
151 of more than 0.25 D, vertical and horizontal meridian (J0) or oblique meridian (J45) of more than 0.1
152 tors along the 45-degree (J45) and 0-dregree meridians (J0) and APV most often presented higher coeff
153 ical and horizontal meridian (J0) or oblique meridian (J45) of more than 0.125 D, or vector dioptric
154 D on one meridian and -5 D on the orthogonal meridian (Jackson crossed cylinders), thus producing mas
155 paradigm in which a target on the horizontal meridian jumped vertically during the saccade (resulting
156  along the SL AML meridian (M(SL))and CC AML meridian (M(CC)), respectively, with positive curvature
157 re profiles were calculated along the SL AML meridian (M(SL))and CC AML meridian (M(CC)), respectivel
158  96.6% for MRL and 98.8, 99.0, and 98.1% for Meridian, making both of these kits suitable for use in
159 e at 0.4 m viewing and across the horizontal meridian (measured over a +/-30 degrees range at 3 degre
160 given a full atropine dose from the Atropen (Meridian Medical Technologies) (0.5 mg) or Mark 1 kits (
161 n limited data, the Mark 1 autoinjector kit (Meridian Medical Technologies, Columbia, Maryland, USA)
162  of fine needles at acupoints along specific meridians (meridian specificity).
163                            The test with the Meridian Merifluor Cryptosporidium/Giardia kit was used
164 ia/Crypto IF kit, TechLab Crypto IF kit, and Meridian Merifluor Cryptosporidium/Giardia) and enzyme i
165                           Along all measured meridians, myopic eyes showed a relative hyperopic shift
166  As zonular tension was increased across one meridian of all seven lenses, the center of the anterior
167 3.0 to </=6.0 diopters [D] in most hyperopic meridian of at least 1 eye, astigmatism </=1.5 D, anisom
168 with at least -1.00 diopter or lower in each meridian of both eyes were classified as myopic.
169 idian of Foot-Yangming (SMFY) or Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (GMFS) in healthy male Sprague
170 ere performed at acupoints of either Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming (SMFY) or Gallbladder Meridian
171 s while the periphery steepens either in the meridian of relaxation or symmetrically when zonular ten
172  annulus (MA), 4 markers sewn on the central meridian of the anterior mitral leaflet (AML) forming 4
173 fine trajectories to either the equator or a meridian of the Bloch sphere.
174 f the cell wall must vary abruptly along the meridian of the cell to maintain the gradient of wall ex
175 rs of drifting gratings along the horizontal meridian of the contralateral hemifield activated cortex
176 re found at the injection site or within the meridian of the injection and included a traumatic catar
177 lities, and appears to be more common in the meridian of the injection where the drug concentration i
178 (n = 71), the mean lag in the more hyperopic meridian of the least ametropic eye was 0.34 diopters (D
179 tronger while moving laterally away from the meridian of the pattern at later times, indicating cross
180                   We found that the vertical meridian of the visual field tends to be represented on
181     When the tension was reduced across that meridian of traction, the center of the lens flattened w
182 f the anterior surface flattened across that meridian of traction.
183 th at least -0.75 D myopia in both principal meridians of both eyes.
184 hogonal medial-lateral and inferior-superior meridians of five normal human corneoscleral discs.
185             After 30 minutes, the horizontal meridians of the corneal center, midperiphery, and limbu
186 5 D of myopia in the vertical and horizontal meridians of the right eye as measured by cycloplegic au
187 ted by appropriately orienting the principal meridians of the spherocylindrical treatment lenses (+1.
188 alent to the optical powers of the principal meridians of the treatment lenses.
189  subjects (aged 20-77 years) in four oblique meridians on a gray background field of 10 cd/m(2).
190 om the 5 o'clock position of the limbus, the meridian opposite to the vitreous seeds.
191 r steepens and its periphery flattens in the meridian (or meridians) in which zonular tension is appl
192  or visual field less than 20 degrees in any meridian, or both, with confirmed genetic diagnosis of b
193 agittal heights at 6-mm and 14-mm horizontal meridian (P < .05).
194  degrees ) than the vertical (11.3 degrees ) meridian (P < 0.05).
195 0.06 mum; P = 0.005) but not in the vertical meridian (P = 0.082) when compared with subjects with no
196 marker genes always segregate with the prime meridian passing through Spemann's organizer.
197 y, the equations are discretized in the (2D) meridian plane on an adaptive (moving) mesh and is integ
198            For EA treatment, large intestine meridian points LI4 and LI11 and stomach meridian points
199 ine meridian points LI4 and LI11 and stomach meridian points ST36 and ST44 were used.
200                 EA-sham was performed in off-meridian points.
201 ell ELISA, Meridian Premier Giardia lamblia, Meridian Premier Cryptosporidium, TechLab Giardia CELISA
202 dge Giardia lamblia Antigen Microwell ELISA, Meridian Premier Giardia lamblia, Meridian Premier Crypt
203 tosporidium ranged from 98% (Alexon) to 99% (Meridian Premier); specificities were 100%.
204 imuli sparing the region around the vertical meridian representation also produced signal reductions
205      One branch shares the anterior vertical meridian representation in human V3A, extending superior
206 eral border, but only LM shares the vertical meridian representation with V1.
207 ed on our mapping of horizontal and vertical meridian representations, visuotopy, and orientation pre
208  cells with broad RFs that span the vertical meridian (RFb).
209 less of how we dissect early gastrulae along meridians running from the animal to the vegetal pole, b
210                              Moreover, a few meridian-specific metabolic changes were found for EA st
211   These results validate the hypothesis that meridian specificity in acupuncture is detectable in the
212 y aims to investigate the metabolic basis of meridian specificity using proton nuclear magnetic reson
213 edles at acupoints along specific meridians (meridian specificity).
214 of human foveal splitting assumes a vertical meridian split in the foveal representation and the cons
215  imaged for each of the four primary retinal meridians: superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal.
216 s and for chromatic targets, with horizontal meridians taking longer to fill in.
217 orescence was always less along the inferior meridian than along any other.
218 n is much poorer when ICs cross the vertical meridian than when they reside entirely within the left
219 extends from regions near the upper vertical meridian (that is the shared border with CIP-2) to those
220 h VO-2) to those close to the upper vertical meridian (that is the shared border with PHC-2).
221 extends from regions near the upper vertical meridian (that is the shared border with V3a and dorsal
222 extends from regions near the lower vertical meridian (that is the shared border with VO-2) to those
223 dings at the flattest meridian, the steepest meridian, the average K, the amount of astigmatism, and
224 as the keratometric readings at the flattest meridian, the steepest meridian, the average K, the amou
225                                  In the five meridians, the mean distances from the temporal disc mar
226  presented symmetrically across the vertical meridian to both visual hemifields, versus one populatio
227 at 15 degrees intervals along the horizontal meridian to eccentricities of 45 degrees .
228 al fovea and along the superior and temporal meridians to 10 degrees eccentricity.
229 were measured in 5 equally spaced horizontal meridians (total, 120 meridians).
230  or at 20 degrees along the nasal horizontal meridian, under both photopic and scotopic levels of lig
231  mission provides a global and instantaneous meridian view (side view) of the Earth's plasmasphere.
232              The lens uplift at the vertical meridian was 342 +/- 155 mum after blinking.
233              Excursion lag at the horizontal meridian was 366 +/- 134 mum at temporal gaze and 320 +/
234 le across an 8-mm chord along the horizontal meridian was generated at 0.5-mm intervals.
235                                 The vertical meridian was represented at the rostrolateral boundary o
236                               The horizontal meridian was significantly overrepresented relative to t
237 Spatial distribution along the four cardinal meridians was measured in selected subjects by both spec
238                      Keratophakometry in two meridians was performed on 222 normal-birthweight infant
239 right visual fields; horizontal and vertical meridians), we found that impairment in the left, upper,
240                  Sections along the vertical meridian were collected for retinal morphology and photo
241           FdOCT line scans of the horizontal meridian were obtained from one eye of 13 patients with
242 ical Vibratome sections along the horizontal meridian were processed with immunohistochemical markers
243 al parameters across horizontal and vertical meridians were analyzed and compared.
244 tinal laminae across horizontal and vertical meridians were measured.
245  locations along the horizontal and vertical meridians were tested with sinusoidal stimuli having pea
246 ns, describing surface topography along each meridian, were derived using linear regression analysis.
247  visual fields on, or close to, the vertical meridian, whereas callosal connections from regions away
248 s in Xenopus laevis predicted that the prime meridian, which runs from the animal pole to the vegetal
249 A first prospective biomarker study known as MERiDiAN, which will treat patients stratified for circu
250 tinct areas, all of which share the vertical meridian with V1.
251 urces located on the horizontal and vertical meridians within their oculomotor range.

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