


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 localization demonstrated Nox5 expression in mesangial cells.
2 aled SGPL1 expression in mouse podocytes and mesangial cells.
3 brotic proteins in both proximal tubular and mesangial cells.
4 RK1/2, p38), and collagen IV accumulation in mesangial cells.
5 d the induction of MCP-1 by palmitic acid in mesangial cells.
6  model in Nrf2(-/-) mice, and cultured human mesangial cells.
7 matory cytokine expression in rat glomerular mesangial cells.
8 calized inflammatory responses by activating mesangial cells.
9 d TGF-beta1-induced TAK1 activation in mouse mesangial cells.
10 1 is activated by TGF-beta1 in primary mouse mesangial cells.
11 genase increased AT1R expression in cultured mesangial cells.
12 stimulation of type I collagen expression in mesangial cells.
13  TAK1 activation in response to TGF-beta1 in mesangial cells.
14 F-beta receptors type I and type II in renal mesangial cells.
15 ing activation and proliferation of PECs and mesangial cells.
16 , to excessive ROS production by alpha1-null mesangial cells.
17  the expression of lipocalin-2 in glomerular mesangial cells.
18 ovo in PECs and colocalized in both PECs and mesangial cells.
19 ceptor (EGFR) phosphorylation in alpha1-null mesangial cells.
20 he development and maintenance of glomerular mesangial cells.
21 sively within the glomerular endothelial and mesangial cells.
22 ) B chain or PDGF receptor (PDGFR) beta lack mesangial cells.
23 y of collagen IV to interact with glomerular mesangial cells.
24 ailed to direct sufficient GATA3 activity to mesangial cells.
25 t attenuated TGF-beta-induced hypertrophy of mesangial cells.
26 on induced by the 5-HT(2A) receptor in renal mesangial cells.
27 seen in both mouse embryonic fibroblasts and mesangial cells.
28 omplex formation in glomerular podocytes and mesangial cells.
29 -beta1 promotes the PIP complex formation in mesangial cells.
30  and longer term increases in DNA content in mesangial cells.
31 H3 and H4- acetylation in primary glomerular mesangial cells.
32 ation was explored in vitro using glomerular mesangial cells.
33 duced profibrogenic responses in primary rat mesangial cells.
34 es at 72 hours, compared with renal GECs and mesangial cells.
35 ed macrophages, renal endothelial cells, and mesangial cells.
36  glucose-induced matrix production by kidney mesangial cells.
37 mmatory responses and proliferation of human mesangial cells.
38                                     In human mesangial cells (a microvascular pericyte that secretes
39 merular extracellular matrix deposition, and mesangial cell activation in TSLPtg mice.
40  loop facilitating IgA1-sCD89 deposition and mesangial cell activation, thus identifying TGase2 as a
41 re detected in the glomerulus and glomerular mesangial cells after tail vein injection in normal and
42 ein), parietal epithelial cells (PAX 8), and mesangial cells (alpha8 integrin).
43 logical conditions associated with decreased mesangial cell alphavbeta8 expression and TGF-beta secre
44 gial-to-endothelial cell cross-talk, whereby mesangial cell alphavbeta8 homeostatically arbitrates gl
45                        miR302 overexpressing mesangial cells also exhibited enhanced expression of EZ
46 ease in integrin alpha1 expression in Alport mesangial cells and an increase in integrin alpha3 in Al
47 chidonic acid can enhance AT1R expression in mesangial cells and augment the profibrotic effects of a
48 r, these data demonstrate a unique origin of mesangial cells and demonstrate a novel, redundant funct
49 glomerulus, a capillary network supported by mesangial cells and extracellular matrix (ECM).
50 EB phosphorylation in HKC-8 cells but not in mesangial cells and fibroblasts.
51 ridization showed expression of TLR4 mRNA in mesangial cells and glomerular epithelial cells.
52 he AT2 receptor, were significantly lower in mesangial cells and glomeruli derived from 12/15-lipoxyg
53  Nox5 in human diabetic nephropathy in human mesangial cells and in an inducible human Nox5 transgeni
54 icroRNA-192 (miR-192) in cultured glomerular mesangial cells and in glomeruli from diabetic mice.
55 ithelial cells (HKC-8) but not in glomerular mesangial cells and interstitial fibroblasts.
56 ritical role for GATA3 in the maintenance of mesangial cells and its absolute requirement for prevent
57          (i) Immunoblot analysis in cultured mesangial cells and kidney cortex revealed that Nox4 is
58 ATA3 is specifically expressed in glomerular mesangial cells and plays a critical role in the mainten
59                                              Mesangial cells and podocytes express integrins alpha1be
60 receptor Fn14, and that TWEAK stimulation of mesangial cells and podocytes induces a potent proinflam
61                                  In cultured mesangial cells and proximal tubule cells, where both PP
62                                              Mesangial cells and their matrix form the central stalk
63 pe I and transforming growth factor-beta1 in mesangial cells and to be highly expressed during tubulo
64 e alpha8 integrin chain is expressed only on mesangial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells.
65 that kidney beta8 is localized to glomerular mesangial cells, and expression is decreased in mouse mo
66 support cells termed podocytes, perivascular mesangial cells, and parietal epithelial cells.
67 roscopy demonstrated that endothelial cells, mesangial cells, and podocytes of immature glomeruli syn
68 , we exposed proximal tubular cells, primary mesangial cells, and podocytes to TGF-beta1 to examine i
69 xpressed in renal arterial smooth muscle and mesangial cells, and tubules around adult vasa rectae ex
70                            In cultured human mesangial cells, angiostatin blocked the overexpression
71 s collagen I deposition in vivo and promotes mesangial cell apoptosis in vitro.
72                                   Glomerular mesangial cells are active participants in the pathogene
73  effects of these factors on endothelial and mesangial cells are also discussed.
74 of metanephric mesenchymal cells, from which mesangial cells are derived.
75 w that glomerular podocytes, renal GECs, and mesangial cells are permissive for ZIKV infection.
76                                        Renal mesangial cells are responsible for glomerular PAF gener
77                                              Mesangial cells are specialized pericyte/smooth muscle c
78 irculating hemopoietic cells, rather than on mesangial cells, are required for IC-mediated pathogenes
79 itful area of future research is the role of mesangial cells as local modulators of innate and adapti
80 ymerase II recruitment to these promoters in mesangial cells as well as in glomeruli that were purifi
81                           However, in kidney mesangial cells, as opposed to podocytes, encephalomyoca
82 ix show that, under high glucose conditions, mesangial cells assembled significantly more FN matrix,
83  in this process, as individual mutants have mesangial cells at birth.
84                                              Mesangial cell attachment to collagen I led to increased
85         Hic-5 expression increases following mesangial cell attachment to collagen I, associated with
86 anine glomerular isolates and cultured human mesangial cells but lacked similar effects in vascular c
87               IgA1 enhanced binding of M4 to mesangial cells, but not vice versa.
88        However, inducing Hic-5 expression in mesangial cells by adhesion to collagen I led to TGF-bet
89 ow that TGF-beta activates Akt in glomerular mesangial cells by inducing miR-200b and miR-200c, both
90 hage-conditioned medium (MPCM)-injured human mesangial cells can be modulated by this receptor.
91 merular endothelial cells and TGF-beta1 from mesangial cells cocultured with glomerular endothelial c
92  and fibronectin (FN) in AT1R-overexpressing mesangial cells compared with control cells.
93            In vitro studies of human and rat mesangial cells confirmed a stimulatory effect of PDGF-B
94 ealed that podocytes, but not endothelial or mesangial cells, contain collagen alpha 3 alpha 4 alpha
95 ression of glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) in mesangial cells could induce a "diabetic cellular phenot
96 ue plasminogen activator protein detected in mesangial cell culture supernatants without affecting th
97 ificantly reduced in diabetic kidneys and in mesangial cells cultured from Fcgamma receptor-deficient
98 r transcripts are increased in podocytes and mesangial cells cultured in elevated glucose compared wi
99                                              Mesangial cells cultured under high glucose conditions p
100                                   Imaging of mesangial cell cultures and analysis of detergent-insolu
101                 Adding exogenous TGF-beta to mesangial cell cultures failed to increase Hic-5 express
102                                              Mesangial cell cultures treated with poly(I:C) or tunica
103 starved, growth-arrested, near confluent rat mesangial cell cultures were stimulated to divide in med
104                                   Itgb8(-/-) mesangial cells demonstrated reduced latent TGF-beta bin
105 hat there is a prosclerotic feedback loop in mesangial cells dependent on matrix-derived signals in w
106 f TWEAK on kidney cells were confirmed using mesangial cells derived from Fn14-deficient mice and by
107 rray gene profiling was performed in primary mesangial cells (derived from lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice)
108 osis, suggesting that beta8 regulates normal mesangial cell differentiation.
109   Our results revealed that cultured primary mesangial cells displayed a concentration-dependent incr
110  renin-positive precursor cells give rise to mesangial cells during nephrogenesis, this study tested
111 arly" during adult life from 2 to 24 months: mesangial cells (e.g., MMP9), endothelial cells (e.g., I
112                   The cytokines generated by mesangial cells, endothelial cells, and podocytes that t
113 t pronephric development the interglomerular mesangial cells exhibit numerous cytoplasmic granules, w
114 icroalbuminuria, glomerular filtration rate, mesangial cell expansion, and collagen type IV and trans
115                                 In addition, mesangial cell exposure to alpha4-containing laminins, b
116 nes were comparable to those found following mesangial cell exposure to potent proinflammatory stimul
117                    We show that cultured rat mesangial cells express CCN3 mRNA and protein, and that
118                         We found that murine mesangial cells express cell surface TWEAK receptor.
119                                              Mesangial cells expressing Hic-5 showed altered latent T
120                                              Mesangial cell expression of the LIM protein hydrogen pe
121 ling in stromal progenitors is essential for mesangial cell formation but is dispensable for the smoo
122                                              Mesangial cells, found in the glomerulus of the kidney,
123                          Similarly, cultured mesangial cells from alpha1-null mice showed elevated ex
124 expression levels of all three MMPs, whereas mesangial cells from Alport mice show elevated expressio
125        In contrast, elevated MMP-9 levels in mesangial cells from Alport mice were linked to ERK path
126 ated MMP-2, -9, and -14 expression levels in mesangial cells from integrin alpha1-null mice.
127                                              Mesangial cells from itgb8-/- mice backcrossed to a gene
128 a1 induces autophagy and protects glomerular mesangial cells from undergoing apoptosis during serum d
129         We propose that diabetic ECM affects mesangial cell functions via two distinct mechanisms: mo
130 ajor features of the diabetic milieu, affect mesangial cell functions.
131 in vitro but was not taken up efficiently by mesangial cells, glomerular endothelial cells, or proxim
132                                   Glomerular mesangial cell (GMC) proliferation and death are involve
133                                   Glomerular mesangial cell (GMC) proliferation and matrix expansion
134 ession also has been described in glomerular mesangial cells (GMC), where COX-2 is not expressed cons
135                            In cultured human mesangial cells, H2O2 and TNF-alpha inhibited TRPC6 mRNA
136 ma receptors or using Fcgamma chain-knockout mesangial cells had no effect on the gene regulation eff
137                                      Whether mesangial cells have a distinct origin from vascular smo
138                         Integrin alpha1-null mesangial cells have constitutively increased basal leve
139                                              Mesangial cell Hic-5 expression was associated with incr
140                                     In renal mesangial cells, high glucose increased the expression o
141                               In human renal mesangial cells, high glucose induced ROS production and
142 mune complexes are capable of inducing human mesangial cell (HMC) activation, resulting in release of
143 thelin-1 (ET-1) stimulation of primary human mesangial cells (HMCs) induces betaPix and p66Shc up-reg
144 ve RT-PCR did not detect APOL1 mRNA in human mesangial cells; however, abundant levels of APOL1 mRNA
145 gated in an in vitro model using human renal mesangial cells (HRMCs).
146 0, resulting in the inhibition of mTORC1 and mesangial cell hypertrophy and fibronectin and PAI-1 exp
147           These mechanisms may contribute to mesangial cell hypertrophy and matrix expansion in DN.
148 cose-induced Akt acts as a signaling hub for mesangial cell hypertrophy and matrix expansion, which a
149 ase expression, leading to increased ROS and mesangial cell hypertrophy and matrix protein expression
150 olving these signaling molecules to regulate mesangial cell hypertrophy are not fully understood.
151 mediated inhibition of protein synthesis and mesangial cell hypertrophy induced by TGFbeta.
152 ssion of PTEN inhibited high-glucose-induced mesangial cell hypertrophy, and expression of dominant-n
153 TOR) promote increased protein synthesis and mesangial cell hypertrophy.
154 regulation and TORC1/2 activation in driving mesangial cell hypertrophy.
155                 Moreover, immortalized human mesangial cells (ihMCs) exposed to high glucose (HG) lev
156                                              Mesangial cells in kidney glomeruli were also significan
157 ing hemopoietic cells and of kidney resident mesangial cells in pathogenesis, (NZB x NZW)F1 bone marr
158 th muscle cells and pericytes and glomerular mesangial cells in the kidney and that Tbx18-expressing
159  in wild-type, but not integrin alpha2-null, mesangial cells in vitro, demonstrating that its effects
160 roximately 5000 gene promoters in glomerular mesangial cells, including those of Tgfb1, Tgfb3, and Ct
161 otal clearance of glomerular endothelial and mesangial cell inclusions, and findings from 2 patients
162 eas adding TGF-beta to siRNA Hic-5 knockdown mesangial cells increased procollagen I transcription to
163 e complexes induce proliferation of resident mesangial cells, increased production of extracellular m
164                    Knockdown of Sgpl1 in rat mesangial cells inhibited cell migration, which was part
165                                              Mesangial cell injury has a major role in many CKDs.
166 lts in mesangial cell proliferation, whereas mesangial cell injury leads to foot process fusion and p
167  that govern PAF metabolism and signaling in mesangial cells is important, because it could facilitat
168 ression of CCN2/CTGF in human lung and renal mesangial cells is inhibited by 10 nm PGE(2), whereas hu
169 pithelial cells, but the function of DbpA in mesangial cells is unknown.
170               In both glomeruli and cultured mesangial cells isolated from integrin alpha1-null mice,
171                         TWEAK stimulation of mesangial cells led to a dose-dependent increase in CCL2
172            Overexpression of Far2 in a mouse mesangial cell line induced upregulation of platelet act
173 rlying the induction of MC collagen, a mouse mesangial cell line MES-13 was employed.
174                                              Mesangial cell lysates from ACE-I-treated cells were abl
175 uding cortical type 1 fibroblast-like cells, mesangial cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, showe
176 ndant LacZ-expressing cells colocalized with mesangial cell markers alpha8-integrin and PDGF receptor
177 iabetic nephropathy (DN) is characterized by mesangial cell (MC) expansion and accumulation of extrac
178 ming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta) in renal mesangial cells (MC) are hallmark features of diabetic n
179        To determine the role of TxNIP, mouse mesangial cells (MC) cultured from wild-type C3H and TxN
180  extracellular matrix genes, is increased in mesangial cells (MC) in DN.
181                             Contractility of mesangial cells (MC) is tightly controlled by [Ca(2+)](i
182            Overexpression of AGER1 in murine mesangial cells (MCs) (MC-R1) inhibited AGE-induced MAPK
183                             ANG II activates mesangial cells (MCs) and stimulates the synthesis of ex
184                                              Mesangial cells (MCs) are essential for normal renal fun
185                     Activation of glomerular mesangial cells (MCs) by angiotensin II (Ang II) leads t
186                     Activation of glomerular mesangial cells (MCs) by angiotensin II (Ang II) leads t
187 n Ab showed enhanced binding to immortalized mesangial cells (MCs) derived from a lupus prone MRL-lpr
188                                              Mesangial cells (MCs) from CE(2) mice maintained their e
189                         Integrin alpha1-null mesangial cells (MCs) have reduced Cav-1 levels, and ree
190                    Aberrant proliferation of mesangial cells (MCs) is a key finding in progressive gl
191     Here, we demonstrate that, in glomerular mesangial cells (MCs), endothelial nitric oxide synthase
192 ) and the contractile function of glomerular mesangial cells (MCs).
193 st, expression of glomerular endothelial and mesangial cell miRNAs (miR-126 and miR-145, respectively
194 apidly induced autophagy within 1 h in mouse mesangial cells (MMC) as determined by increased microtu
195 knockdown by specific siRNA in primary mouse mesangial cells (MMC), resulted in increased protein lev
196 betic mice as well as TGF-beta-treated mouse mesangial cells (MMC).
197 e (HG)- or TGF-beta-treated mouse glomerular mesangial cells (MMCs).
198                 ACE-I induced an increase in mesangial cell MMP9 mRNA, but reduced the MMP9 enzyme ac
199  family member CCN2 to inhibit fibrosis in a mesangial cell model of DN.
200 h muscle actin assembly, which characterizes mesangial cell myofibroblast transformation in renal dis
201 ion between IgA1, sCD89, TfR1, and TGase2 on mesangial cells needed for disease development.
202   The M4 protein was demonstrated to bind to mesangial cells not via the IgA-binding region but rathe
203 We conclude that the beta8 cytosolic tail in mesangial cells organizes a signaling complex that culmi
204 ced an increase in LRP surface expression in mesangial cells over that in control cells and that this
205                                     In renal mesangial cells, overexpression of FXR or treatment with
206                                              Mesangial cell PAI-1 and MCP-1 mRNA expression were upre
207                                     In mouse mesangial cells, PFD decreased TGF-beta promoter activit
208 nvestigated whether Hic-5-induced changes in mesangial cell phenotype were TGF-beta-dependent.
209                                        Mouse mesangial cells plated on MGO-modified collagen IV showe
210 ed with structural and functional changes of mesangial cells, podocytes, and proximal tubular cells t
211 despite persistent expression of FcRgamma in mesangial cell populations.
212 bitor or deletion of integrin alpha1 reduced mesangial cell process invasion of the glomerular capill
213 integrin alpha1beta1-dependent Rac1-mediated mesangial cell process invasion of the glomerular capill
214 L-NAME salt-induced hypertension accelerated mesangial cell process invasion.
215 e the mechanism whereby integrin alpha1-null mesangial cells produce excessive ROS.
216             Wild-type but not TLR2-deficient mesangial cells produced CXC chemokines in response to s
217   IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is characterized by mesangial cell proliferation and extracellular matrix ex
218 of glomeruli from animals with VL identified mesangial cell proliferation and interposition.
219 ritis model, roscovitine treatment decreased mesangial cell proliferation and matrix proteins [1].
220 nd platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated mesangial cell proliferation and promotes IL-6 productio
221                        Endothelin-1 promotes mesangial cell proliferation and sclerosis.
222         Additionally, costimulation enhanced mesangial cell proliferation compared with each stimulan
223 se and increased in glomeruli and serum when mesangial cell proliferation subsides.
224 PGN with massive glomerular immune deposits, mesangial cell proliferation, extensive mesangial matrix
225      At day 7, CCN3 overexpression decreased mesangial cell proliferation, including expression of al
226          In contrast to factors that promote mesangial cell proliferation, little is known about thei
227 r B (PDGF-B) signaling has a pivotal role in mesangial cell proliferation, we examined the regulatory
228 s that podocyte injury frequently results in mesangial cell proliferation, whereas mesangial cell inj
229 to inhibition or promotion, respectively, of mesangial cell proliferation.
230 et of PDGF-B signaling and a key mediator of mesangial cell proliferation.
231 tribution of TxNIP was investigated in renal mesangial cell reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation
232                                        Thus, mesangial cell research still holds much promise.
233                                              Mesangial cell responses were then examined in the two s
234                     Therefore, modulation of mesangial cell responses would offer a pathophysiology-b
235                         TWEAK stimulation of mesangial cells resulted in an increase in phosphorylate
236                          Growth-arrested rat mesangial cells (RMCs) at a G0/G1 interphase stimulated
237                                        Renal mesangial cells (RMCs) constitute a population of cells
238 sis was induced by administration of an anti-mesangial cell serum in combination with LPS.
239                                              Mesangial cells showed matrix expansion, increased colla
240  We previously reported that TxNIP-deficient mesangial cells showed protection from HG-induced reacti
241                                     Cultured mesangial cells showed reduced migratory potential when
242 vitro experiments with perlecan-positive rat mesangial cells showed that FGF2-induced proliferation i
243    Expression of IRS1 mutant Arg972 in human mesangial cells significantly reduced the insulin-stimul
244                          In human glomerular mesangial cells, Smad3 protein levels were specifically
245         In vivo, vascular smooth muscle cell/mesangial cell-specific overexpression of Nox5 in a mous
246 l, redundant function for Notch receptors in mesangial cell specification, proliferation or survival
247 s showed: (i) that growth-arrested G0/G1 rat mesangial cells stimulated to divide in hyperglycemic me
248 WT bone marrow-derived macrophages and renal mesangial cells stimulated with S100A8/A9 secrete IL-6,
249 reduced the MMP9 enzyme activity detected in mesangial cell supernatants.
250 ivation with C3b and C5b-9 deposition on the mesangial cell surface in vitro This gain of function in
251                However, lack of known unique mesangial cell surface markers has hampered this process
252 how that ACE-I treatment is able to modulate mesangial cell-surface expression of LRP, providing an a
253 injury by inhibiting apoptosis and promoting mesangial cell survival.
254                                          How mesangial cells sustain the activated state of Akt is no
255  provides endothelial cytoprotection against mesangial cell TGF-beta.
256 49F-renal fibroblasts (but not in tubular or mesangial cells) TGF-beta similarly activates PAK2 as we
257                                              Mesangial cells that were derived from WKY rats synthesi
258                                              Mesangial cells that were isolated from S/Pla mice had a
259  directly modulate gene expression in kidney mesangial cells through both Fc-dependent and non-Fc-dep
260                       Similarly, exposure of mesangial cells to high concentrations of glucose also d
261    Here, we exposed cultured human and mouse mesangial cells to high glucose and transforming growth
262 mediator in regulating responses of dividing mesangial cells to hyperglycemia.
263 e gene expression profile of ET-1-stimulated mesangial cells to identify determinants of collagen acc
264               We conclude that TWEAK induces mesangial cells to secrete proinflammatory chemokines, s
265 amma in the absence of its ligand sensitized mesangial cells to TNF-alpha stimulation.
266 n, whereas decreased beta8 activation shifts mesangial cells toward a RhoA-dependent myofibroblast ph
267 PRA) gene transcription, using primary mouse mesangial cells treated with class-specific HDAC inhibit
268  in the glomeruli of mouse models of DN, and mesangial cells treated with transforming growth factor-
269 ycemia, which led to TrkA phosphorylation in mesangial cells, tubular epithelial cells, and podocytes
270 in TGF-beta1-mediated ECM gene expression in mesangial cells under normal and HG conditions.
271  in TGF-beta1-induced gene expression in rat mesangial cells under normal and high-glucose (HG) condi
272 timulation induced proliferation of PECs and mesangial cells via CD74.
273         In vitro, silencing of Nox5 in human mesangial cells was associated with attenuation of the h
274 egrin expressed on the surface of glomerular mesangial cells was selected as a target molecule for de
275                              In cultured rat mesangial cells, we found that the 12/15-lipoxygenase pr
276 nt increases in the number of Ki-67-positive mesangial cells were also found, but glomerular WT1 expr
277 ls could contribute to disease exacerbation, mesangial cells were cultured and found to express mRNA
278                                 Cultured rat mesangial cells were exposed to high glucose (25 mmol/L)
279 differentiation of smooth muscle, renin, and mesangial cells were impaired.
280  may contribute toward disease exacerbation, mesangial cells were studied and shown to express TLR2 a
281 oA-associated myofibroblast differentiation, mesangial cells were transduced with inhibitory Rac pept
282                                  Primary rat mesangial cells were treated with high glucose (30 mm) o
283 -beta1-induced type I collagen expression in mesangial cells, whereas knock down of BAT3 protein expr
284 the activation and proliferation of PECs and mesangial cells, whereas wild-type mice were not.
285              Kidney alphavbeta8 localizes to mesangial cells, which appose glomerular endothelial cel
286 ce showed degenerative changes in glomerular mesangial cells, which deteriorated progressively during
287 uces ADAM17 transcriptional up-regulation in mesangial cells, which is associated with augmentation o
288 protein-1 expression induced by TNF-alpha in mesangial cells, which was dependent on NF-kappaB signal
289 ently inhibits PDGF-induced DNA synthesis in mesangial cells with an IC(50) of 10 microM without indu
290  receptor-associated protein to MPCM-injured mesangial cells with and without ACE-I increased the amo
291       Previously, we found that treatment of mesangial cells with anti-DNA antibodies induced high ex
292             Transient transfection of murine mesangial cells with iNOS promoter deletion-luciferase c
293  stimulation of wild-type and TLR4-deficient mesangial cells with LPS caused production of CXC chemok
294                       Costimulation of human mesangial cells with M4 and galactose-deficient polymeri
295                      Prolonged incubation of mesangial cells with TGFbeta reduced the levels of depto
296 nal glomerular endothelial cells (GECs), and mesangial cells with ZIKV.
297 eta significantly reduced PTEN expression in mesangial cells, with a reduction in its phosphatase act
298 or cells as epithelial cells (podocytes) and mesangial cells within the damaged glomerulus, leading t
299 and IL-6 by TNF-alpha-or IL-1beta-stimulated mesangial cells without any effect on cell viability or
300 , targeted delivery of therapeutic agents to mesangial cells would be an attractive approach to treat

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