


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to inhibition or promotion, respectively, of mesangial cell proliferation.
2 hanism translates into similar regulation of mesangial cell proliferation.
3 monstrate that PDGF-D is a major mediator of mesangial cell proliferation.
4  pivotal role in the mediation of glomerular mesangial cell proliferation.
5 ess mesangial extracellular matrix (ECM) and mesangial cell proliferation.
6 et of PDGF-B signaling and a key mediator of mesangial cell proliferation.
7 of hypertrophy, vascular pole sclerosis, and mesangial cell proliferation.
8 , as well as low density lipoprotein-induced mesangial cell proliferation.
9 onstrictor properties, is known to stimulate mesangial cell proliferation.
10 was found to be most effective in inhibiting mesangial cell proliferation.
11 ix accumulation and is often associated with mesangial cell proliferation.
12 y, these atherogenic lipoproteins stimulated mesangial cell proliferation.
13 iated with lipoprotein-mediated induction of mesangial cell proliferation.
14  HDL at 1000 microg/ml and greater inhibited mesangial cell proliferation.
15  SPARC was correlated with the resolution of mesangial cell proliferation.
16 ates and heparin and heparan sulfate inhibit mesangial cell proliferation.
17 ne) is a matricellular protein that inhibits mesangial cell proliferation and also affects production
18 agement of PDGF receptor-beta in transducing mesangial cell proliferation and demonstrate that PDGF-D
19   IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is characterized by mesangial cell proliferation and extracellular matrix ex
20 tissue remodeling and is thought to regulate mesangial cell proliferation and extracellular matrix pr
21                                              Mesangial cell proliferation and growth factor over-expr
22 of glomeruli from animals with VL identified mesangial cell proliferation and interposition.
23 xylin-eosin (HE) staining revealed increased mesangial cell proliferation and matrix formation compar
24 ritis model, roscovitine treatment decreased mesangial cell proliferation and matrix proteins [1].
25 nd platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated mesangial cell proliferation and promotes IL-6 productio
26                        Endothelin-1 promotes mesangial cell proliferation and sclerosis.
27 udy show that PF4 is a negative regulator of mesangial cell proliferation and suggest an interference
28         Additionally, costimulation enhanced mesangial cell proliferation compared with each stimulan
29 PGN with massive glomerular immune deposits, mesangial cell proliferation, extensive mesangial matrix
30                     Hypercholesterolemia and mesangial cell proliferation have been proposed to play
31 r of platelet-derived-growth-factor-mediated mesangial cell proliferation in glomerulonephritis and t
32 ment and progression of ECM accumulation and mesangial cell proliferation in this model of diabetic n
33                        High glucose inhibits mesangial cell proliferation in vitro and induces hypert
34      At day 7, CCN3 overexpression decreased mesangial cell proliferation, including expression of al
35                                              Mesangial cell proliferation increased by 36-fold on day
36                                              Mesangial cell proliferation is a characteristic feature
37          In contrast to factors that promote mesangial cell proliferation, little is known about thei
38 uria and glomerulosclerosis characterized by mesangial cell proliferation, sclerosis, lipid accumulat
39 se and increased in glomeruli and serum when mesangial cell proliferation subsides.
40  The effect of thrombin on DNA synthesis and mesangial cell proliferation was inhibited by standard h
41 r B (PDGF-B) signaling has a pivotal role in mesangial cell proliferation, we examined the regulatory
42 s that podocyte injury frequently results in mesangial cell proliferation, whereas mesangial cell inj

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