


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ation of larval insects into the adult form (metamorphosis).
2 istically with thyroid hormone to accelerate metamorphosis).
3 lose their ability to regenerate limbs after metamorphosis.
4 ctivate circadian oscillator function during metamorphosis.
5 dpoles and led to tadpole lethality prior to metamorphosis.
6  histoblast nests to the hormonal control of metamorphosis.
7 o control Drosophila wing development during metamorphosis.
8 and the organisation of pigment cells during metamorphosis.
9 y contributing to the correct culmination of metamorphosis.
10 ion in Dicer-1 knockdown individuals rescues metamorphosis.
11 terocyte identity during a defined window of metamorphosis.
12 nderstanding of the molecular basis of adult metamorphosis.
13 be specified twice, during embryogenesis and metamorphosis.
14 e same regulatory mechanism to promote adult metamorphosis.
15 nregulation of all three miRNAs seen late in metamorphosis.
16 e a reduced ability to successfully complete metamorphosis.
17  through metamorphosis) or during T3-induced metamorphosis.
18 sults in eyeless animals, and is lethal peri-metamorphosis.
19 t a role for awd in ACP wing development and metamorphosis.
20 ntestinal progenitors that take place during metamorphosis.
21 ded to have lower infection prevalence after metamorphosis.
22 emoval of obsolete larval neurons during CNS metamorphosis.
23 erant (Met), plays a critical role in insect metamorphosis.
24 opmental stages but loses the ability during metamorphosis.
25  (DEOM) which occurs during the first 24h of metamorphosis.
26 olt timer that establishes a minimal time to metamorphosis.
27 horacicotropic hormone (PTTH) that initiates metamorphosis.
28 ryogenesis, larval development, and juvenile metamorphosis.
29 al stage and form the adult intestine during metamorphosis.
30 es acting downstream of JH and Met in insect metamorphosis.
31 idal to the eponymous stellate shape, during metamorphosis.
32  and 81.5% of P. regilla were infected after metamorphosis.
33 to recover from Bd infection as they undergo metamorphosis.
34  loses its bile ducts and gallbladder during metamorphosis.
35 ster molecular genetic tools to study insect metamorphosis.
36 into the different processes involved during metamorphosis.
37 e ecdysteroid molting hormones that regulate metamorphosis.
38 al changes in X. tropicalis intestine during metamorphosis.
39 mation of adult intestinal stem cells during metamorphosis.
40 it is required broadly for patterning during metamorphosis.
41 xillary and labial appendages, are formed at metamorphosis.
42 uired for adult intestinal stem cells during metamorphosis.
43 es stem cells to generate adult cells during metamorphosis.
44 ne expression and marks the initial steps of metamorphosis.
45  of the adult that emerges from the larva at metamorphosis.
46 ally limited by the onset of pupariation and metamorphosis.
47 in the responsiveness of target genes during metamorphosis.
48  orchestrate complex genetic programs during metamorphosis.
49  oxygen-dependent mechanism of regulation as metamorphosis.
50 arge rise in ecdysteroid titer that triggers metamorphosis.
51 nd, results in developmental arrest prior to metamorphosis.
52 the early larval stages to prevent premature metamorphosis.
53 These axons disappeared after the copepodite metamorphosis.
54 terpreting' the ecdysteroid peaks that drive metamorphosis.
55 for 7 days and depurated until completion of metamorphosis.
56  the remodeling of Drosophila airways during metamorphosis.
57 ged imaginal disc [7, 8] delays the onset of metamorphosis.
58 uring embryogenesis, larval development, and metamorphosis.
59 s in the neuronal PCD, at least during early metamorphosis.
60 hat it elaborates over the first 48 hours of metamorphosis.
61 tes cross-talk between JH and 20E to prevent metamorphosis.
62  a consequence of pruning that occurs during metamorphosis.
63 lly programmed cell death (PCD) during early metamorphosis.
64 expression correlates with cell death during metamorphosis.
65 thways induced by T3 at the earliest step of metamorphosis.
66 ille in vivo reveals that it is required for metamorphosis.
67  leads to tadpole lethality at the climax of metamorphosis.
68 mations via a process we term macromolecular metamorphosis.
69 become integrated into the mature SEZ during metamorphosis.
70  from microbial infection during molting and metamorphosis.
71 or to the induction of larval settlement and metamorphosis.
72 nes adult morphogenesis in the hemimetabolan metamorphosis.
73 y system undergoes massive remodeling during metamorphosis.
74  to morphological changes upon initiation of metamorphosis.
75 -embryonic developmental transitions such as metamorphosis.
76 nitors at four stages, from embryogenesis to metamorphosis.
77 hanges of the Xenopus olfactory organ during metamorphosis.
78 d that they are eventually eliminated during metamorphosis.
79 based one (adult mode) as it transits beyond metamorphosis.
80 or on a novel one invented by the newt after metamorphosis.
81 hanges of the Xenopus olfactory organ during metamorphosis.
82  its regenerative ability of the limbs after metamorphosis.
83 meostatic adjustment to starvation but start metamorphosis 4 d after feeding onset, regardless of lar
84 d before the juvenile stage (90%), mostly at metamorphosis (50%).
85  inbred Pacific oysters, particularly during metamorphosis, a critical developmental transition warra
86 ent feeding period to ensure that they begin metamorphosis above critical weight.
87                     In insects with complete metamorphosis, adult appendages develop from precursor t
88 d mitigation strategies need to consider how metamorphosis affects the movement of materials between
89 ts many aspects of animal biology, including metamorphosis, allometry, size-dependent alternative pat
90                                              Metamorphosis also increased delta(15)N by approximately
91 rus infection decreased survival and delayed metamorphosis, although chronic corticosterone exposure
92 tion underlying differences in the timing of metamorphosis among three spadefoot toads with different
93  expressed in the intestine at the climax of metamorphosis and are induced by T3.
94 eroid-dependent program at the initiation of metamorphosis and are the primary phagocytic cell type i
95 larval secondary lineage projections through metamorphosis and bfy identifying each neuroglian-positi
96 ll type specification in embryos and adults, metamorphosis and body plan patterning.
97 are not manifest until later in life (during metamorphosis and emergence).
98 , could be linked with biological effects on metamorphosis and gonadal phenotypes, respectively, that
99 In Rhodnius prolixus, both the physiology of metamorphosis and its hormonal control are known in deta
100 rowth and development of the tadpoles during metamorphosis and leads to tadpole lethality at the clim
101 nsidered to be involved in their settlement, metamorphosis and locomotion.
102                                      Time to metamorphosis and survival depended on both corticostero
103 3 target genes during natural and T3-induced metamorphosis and that Dot1L is itself a T3 target gene.
104 posed to 17alpha-ethynylestradiol throughout metamorphosis and the early postmetamorphic period.
105 nformation available on X. laevis intestinal metamorphosis and the genome sequence information and ge
106  conservation between MB axon pruning during metamorphosis and the refinement of ectopic larval neuro
107 nge) (LT) or 21-22 degrees C (range) (HT) to metamorphosis and then transferred to 21-22 degrees C.
108 P. luteoviolacea from inducing settlement or metamorphosis and three MAPK inhibitors, we established
109 d hormone (the primary morphogen controlling metamorphosis) and corticosterone (a stress hormone acti
110              Editing levels rise strongly at metamorphosis, and Adar(5G1) null mutant flies lack edit
111 nica with an miR-2 inhibitor, which impaired metamorphosis, and by treating Dicer-1-depleted individu
112 re persisted from the tadpole stage, through metamorphosis, and following probiotic treatment.
113  in tadpoles from the pond of origin, across metamorphosis, and in toadlets via microbial fingerprint
114              Tadpoles retained Se throughout metamorphosis, and partitioned the element predominantly
115 ages, stressful and stochastic events during metamorphosis, and stressful environmental conditions at
116 lopment rate, mass at metamorphosis, date of metamorphosis, and survival.
117 ependent transcription factor that represses metamorphosis, and that depletion of Kr-h1 expression in
118   The larval fat body is involved in fueling metamorphosis, and thus it escapes cell death and is ins
119 xposure mortality in the larval stage and at metamorphosis, and very strongly reduced adult lifespan.
120 ied as regulated downstream of FRU(M) during metamorphosis are significantly overrepresented with gen
121 r key innovations, such as wings or complete metamorphosis are usually invoked as potential evolution
122 ue degeneration and remodeling during anuran metamorphosis as a mechanism for altering tissue-specifi
123        To establish X. tropicalis intestinal metamorphosis as a model for adult organogenesis, we ana
124 tinal remodeling during T3-dependent Xenopus metamorphosis as a model for organ maturation and format
125 m) displayed significantly faster growth and metamorphosis as well as higher survival and lipid accum
126 s of hemimetabolous insects (with incomplete metamorphosis) as a research model.
127  producing ordered arrays of phage tail-like metamorphosis-associated contractile structures (MACs).
128 teoviolacea initiate cilia loss and activate metamorphosis-associated transcription; finally, signali
129                                  Since early metamorphosis at a larger size has potential fitness adv
130 TDB1 acts to maintain heterochromatin during metamorphosis, at a later stage in development than the
131                       Salamanders that delay metamorphosis attain significantly larger body sizes as
132               After 6 days of exposure, when metamorphosis began, larval survival was unaffected by z
133     Furthermore, we demonstrated that during metamorphosis, both c-Myc and PRMT1 were highly up-regul
134 ifically for tissue invasion events later in metamorphosis but not for tracheal remodeling.
135 lier breeding and larval survival or mass at metamorphosis, but earlier breeding was associated with
136 cheal system is extensively remodeled during metamorphosis by a small number of airway progenitors.
137              We conclude that PTTH initiates metamorphosis by activation of the Torso/ERK pathway.
138 nal epidermis of Drosophila is formed during metamorphosis by divisions and extensive cell migrations
139 abolous insects suggests that holometabolous metamorphosis combines patterning processes of both late
140                                           At metamorphosis, comparisons of RNAi phenotypes indicate t
141                                 We show that metamorphosis could be induced by precocene treatment in
142  subsequent larval development rate, mass at metamorphosis, date of metamorphosis, and survival.
143 nction of Hox genes and Tc-hth/Tc-exd during metamorphosis did not match predictions based on embryon
144 ticularly sensitive due to the potential for metamorphosis-driven mobilization, which could transfer
145                              At the onset of metamorphosis, Drosophila salivary gland cells undergo a
146 tants have severe defects in pupariation and metamorphosis due to a lack of activation of ecdysone-re
147  gene expression initiate periodic molts and metamorphosis during insect development.
148 e isotopes and contaminants), and found that metamorphosis effects varied greatly.
149 ion of a number of processes associated with metamorphosis, either in the less modified hemimetabolan
150 us, adaptive developmental plasticity during metamorphosis enables spinal CPG-driven extraocular moto
151  to grow to reach critical weight to undergo metamorphosis, failure to complete larval-pupal or pupal
152 tments, tadpoles caused salamanders to reach metamorphosis faster and larger.
153 aquatic larval stage, a brief and pronounced metamorphosis, followed by a terrestrial adult stage.
154 iator complex, causing them to shrink during metamorphosis, followed by nuclear accumulation of Prosp
155 helial stem cell proliferation at the end of metamorphosis (for the few that survive through metamorp
156  a complex life history marked by a dramatic metamorphosis from a benthic filter-feeding ammocoete la
157                                              Metamorphosis from larvae to adult can cause large chemi
158 y variable affecting the timing of amphibian metamorphosis from tadpoles to tetrapods, through the pr
159                      Studies of the onset of metamorphosis have identified an ecdysone-triggered tran
160  of the intestine during Xenopus (X.) laevis metamorphosis have shown that the development of the adu
161 e presynaptic and become apparent only after metamorphosis, highlighting a delayed response to a sign
162        Hydroides' dependency on bacteria for metamorphosis highlights the importance of external stim
163                                       During metamorphosis, holometabolous insects eliminate obsolete
164 are similar to those defined at the onset of metamorphosis, however, is unknown.
165 ntact with surface-bound bacteria to undergo metamorphosis; however, the mechanisms that underpin thi
166                      These data suggest that metamorphosis impairment caused by Dicer-1 and miRNA dep
167 nd complexity of the circadian system during metamorphosis imply a greater complexity and diversity o
168 sponse variables, including size and mass at metamorphosis in A. maculatum, but at a reduced strength
169 ritic arborization neurons degenerate during metamorphosis in an ecdysone-dependent manner.
170 are coexpressed in neurons in the CNS during metamorphosis in an isoform-specific manner.
171     We studied the regulation of molting and metamorphosis in bed bugs with a goal to identify key pl
172 e final step of miRNA biosynthesis, prevents metamorphosis in Blattella germanica.
173 3 is the key determinant that promotes adult metamorphosis in both hemimetabolous and holometabolous
174 of larval sensory neurons is replaced during metamorphosis in both sensory epithelia.
175 suggests that mechanisms of bacteria-induced metamorphosis in Hydroides may have conserved features i
176                                              Metamorphosis in insects is regulated by juvenile hormon
177 o zinc and warming before, during, and after metamorphosis in Ischnura elegans damselflies from high-
178 ste determination in adults to the timing of metamorphosis in larvae.
179 lignaria We demonstrate that starvation cues metamorphosis in O. lignaria and that a critical weight
180 re we show that hdc is expressed just before metamorphosis in sensory neurons that undergo remodeling
181 oroaniline (3,4-DCA) on thyroid function and metamorphosis in tadpoles of Lithobates catesbeianus.
182 tween Kr-h1, E93 and JH in the regulation of metamorphosis in the bed bugs.
183  T3 directly activated the c-Myc gene during metamorphosis in the intestine via binding of the T3 rec
184                                  Survival to metamorphosis in the laboratory was strongly affected by
185 ing thyroid hormone (T3)-dependent amphibian metamorphosis in two highly related species, the pseudo-
186  corticosterone exposure accelerated rate of metamorphosis in uninfected larvae.
187                       Using the T3-dependent metamorphosis in Xenopus tropicalis as a model, we show
188 of tadpoles and the inverse of their size at metamorphosis) in our tadpole-parasitic cercarial (trema
189  Hox is initiated in the late larva prior to metamorphosis, in preparation for the transition to the
190             New overt rhythms develop during metamorphosis, in which these structures participate.
191  wing epithelium at successive stages during metamorphosis--in the larva, prepupa, and pupa.
192 rowth and major developmental defects during metamorphosis, including impaired gas bubble translocati
193 s cultripes and Spea multiplicata accelerate metamorphosis, increase standard metabolic rate (SMR), a
194                       Abalone settlement and metamorphosis increased from 11% in the absence of CCRA
195    Acute corticosterone exposure accelerated metamorphosis increased survival in infected larvae.
196  for tadpole growth and development prior to metamorphosis into a frog.
197  its brief journey as a larva to its radical metamorphosis into adult form-and relate these features
198 at can be followed from the larva throughout metamorphosis into the adult stage.
199 val body axes and major larval tissues after metamorphosis into the adult worm.
200 ts for all three thoracic neuromeres through metamorphosis into the adult.
201 opolymer or hyperbranched polymer undergoes 'metamorphosis' into comb, star and hydrophobic block cop
202                                    Amphibian metamorphosis is a unique model for studying MMP functio
203                                    Amphibian metamorphosis is accompanied by extensive intestinal rem
204        Other studies have found that earlier metamorphosis is associated with increased postmetamorph
205                                        After metamorphosis is complete the exocrine pancreas rediffer
206 polysulfide dissolution by understanding the metamorphosis is essential for realizing stable and high
207                                              Metamorphosis is initiated by a size-sensing mechanism,
208                                              Metamorphosis is initiated by brain-derived prothoracico
209                                              Metamorphosis is often characterized by profound changes
210                                    Amphibian metamorphosis is strikingly similar to postembryonic dev
211                    Although bacteria-induced metamorphosis is widespread among metazoans, little is k
212 d zinc concentrations at different stages of metamorphosis: larval, subimago, and imago.
213 arbons (PAHs) were predominantly lost during metamorphosis leading to approximately 2 to 125-fold hig
214    Toxicity included stunted growth, delayed metamorphosis, malformations, organ pathology, and DNA d
215                           Thus, death during metamorphosis may be a key mechanism explaining how stre
216    These results support the hypothesis that metamorphosis may be a survival bottleneck, particularly
217 he nerve-associated progenitors lasting into metamorphosis may have facilitated the evolution of adul
218 gent, insight into the triggers of Hydroides metamorphosis might lead to practical strategies for fou
219                                During insect metamorphosis, neuronal networks undergo extensive remod
220 either the development of flight or complete metamorphosis nor the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution
221 Pt-Sb platform supports the fluoride-induced metamorphosis of a stiboranyl X ligand into a stiborane
222 ellular vesicles in eliciting settlement and metamorphosis of benthic marine larvae.
223                     During the corresponding metamorphosis of CPPase to FPPase, cyclopropanation and
224 ucidate the role of juvenile hormone (JH) in metamorphosis of Drosophila melanogaster, the corpora al
225            Our numerical simulations predict metamorphosis of fast Abrikosov vortices into mixed Abri
226 activity during the N-terminal to C-terminal metamorphosis of FPPase to CPPase, with product selectiv
227                              Average time to metamorphosis of frogs was delayed by 30% in the presenc
228 s of phage tail-like structures that trigger metamorphosis of H. elegans.
229       A particularly dramatic example is the metamorphosis of insects, in which pulses of the steroid
230 ich play an important role in triggering the metamorphosis of swimming tadpoles.
231 ing processes of both late embryogenesis and metamorphosis of the hemimetabolous life cycle.
232 aralogs, but not dachshund, are required for metamorphosis of the maxillary endites.
233                                       Insect metamorphosis often results in substantial chemical chan
234 t the larva must surpass before it can enter metamorphosis on a normal schedule, and the inhibitory a
235 for only 12-24 h was sufficient to result in metamorphosis on day 4, regardless of further feeding or
236                    Thus, the main effects of metamorphosis on insect chemistry were large declines in
237 sects are generally hypothesized to initiate metamorphosis once they attain a critical weight.
238                                       During metamorphosis, one eye migrates to the contralateral sid
239 hing patterns in a stepwise fashion from mid-metamorphosis onwards.
240  decisions of when and where animals undergo metamorphosis, optimizing conditions for adult developme
241 ve metabolically expensive functions such as metamorphosis or long-distance flight.
242 amorphosis (for the few that survive through metamorphosis) or during T3-induced metamorphosis.
243  flatfish and transcriptomic analyses during metamorphosis point to a role for thyroid hormone and re
244 gument were compared during the larval-pupal metamorphosis process of the S. exigua wild type (SEW) a
245 he abdominal epithelium of Drosophila during metamorphosis provides an attractive system to study mor
246 ental switches during insect development and metamorphosis regulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E).
247                      This limited structural metamorphosis represents a previously unidentified envir
248 hese transcription factors in embryogenesis, metamorphosis, reproduction, and homeostasis.
249                    In insects, initiation of metamorphosis requires a surge in the production of the
250 uring thyroid hormone (T3)-dependent Xenopus metamorphosis resembles postembryonic intestinal maturat
251 the first instar (L1) larval stage or during metamorphosis, respectively.
252 nique molecular switch occurs during lamprey metamorphosis resulting in distinct gill carbonic anhydr
253 ably expressed markers, differentiate during metamorphosis, sending terminal axonal and dendritic bra
254 ent therefore corresponds to a TH-controlled metamorphosis, sensitive to endocrine disruption.
255                      The T3-dependent anuran metamorphosis serves as a model to study postembryonic d
256 d ca18 and protein expression in gill across metamorphosis show that the ca19 levels are highest in a
257 of genes known to be involved in molting and metamorphosis showed high levels of Kruppel homolog 1 [K
258 ommodation of endocrine pathways controlling metamorphosis, showing how phenotypic plasticity within
259 larval newt, but this changes abruptly after metamorphosis so that the formation of anterior and post
260 velopment of innervation was examined during metamorphosis, specifically to test if the reduction was
261 ne cascade that causes the brain to initiate metamorphosis starts when the larva reaches a critical w
262  genes in other tissue and cell types during metamorphosis, suggesting that binding at many regulator
263 n larvae fed ad libitum eventually underwent metamorphosis, suggesting that some secondary mechanism
264 etween the start of feeding and the onset of metamorphosis suggests that larvae possess a molt timer
265 were 4.1-4.3 times more likely to survive to metamorphosis than tadpoles in 45-day mesocosms.
266 mammalian immune system may be linked to the metamorphosis that allows them to transfer from mammals
267                                       During metamorphosis the nervous system is remodeled for adult
268                                       During metamorphosis, the epithelium of the PC is rearranged in
269                                        After metamorphosis, the fiber that took over as largest in th
270                                       During metamorphosis, the intestine is remodeled de novo via a
271                                       During metamorphosis, the larval epithelium degenerates and adu
272                                     Early in metamorphosis, the LNs increase from 8 to 11 in number,
273 ure with regard to carry-over effects across metamorphosis: their dependence on hatching period, and
274 s, quantified settlement success and size at metamorphosis, then outplanted juveniles to Tomales Bay,
275              For individuals who survived to metamorphosis, there was only a weak negative effect of
276 ling of lineage tracts disappearing early in metamorphosis, they were unable extend the identificatio
277 ental transitions such as larval molting and metamorphosis through its active metabolite 20-hydroxyec
278 ptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) Torso to initiate metamorphosis through the release of ecdysone.
279                             At the climax of metamorphosis thyroid hormone (TH) induces the tadpole a
280      Holometabolous insects undergo complete metamorphosis to become sexually mature adults.
281 ge cell clusters that eventually fuse during metamorphosis to make the adult midgut epithelium.
282 ith an miR-2 mimic to allow nymphal-to-adult metamorphosis to proceed.
283                 We show that dac acts during metamorphosis to restrict sex comb development to the ap
284 their natal streams, or the ability to delay metamorphosis until new habitat is encountered.
285 hat breeding took place, the average date of metamorphosis was 1 day earlier.
286            This severe delayed effect across metamorphosis was especially remarkable in high-latitude
287 ze at metamorphosis were reduced and time to metamorphosis was extended.
288 iuron at 34 degrees C and an acceleration of metamorphosis was observed for the same group.
289 , critically required for insect molting and metamorphosis was selected as a potential target.
290  larvae taken prior to observed mortality at metamorphosis, we found that exposure to OSS and exogeno
291 amining Drosophila tracheal outgrowth during metamorphosis, we show that progenitors follow a stereot
292 f hybrid larvae: Native survival and size at metamorphosis were reduced and time to metamorphosis was
293 ting that some secondary mechanism regulates metamorphosis when provisions are not completely consume
294 at takes place during natural and T3-induced metamorphosis when ST3 expression is high.
295 rojections and then arrest development until metamorphosis, when intense sprouting occurs to establis
296 ogrammed cell death occurs during Drosophila metamorphosis, when most of the larval tissues are destr
297 re highest in ammocoetes and decrease during metamorphosis while ca18 shows the opposite pattern with
298 iched by approximately 1 per thousand during metamorphosis, while delta(13)C used to estimate diet, w
299                                       During metamorphosis, Xenopus switches its locomotory mechanism
300  only during the larval stage but also after metamorphosis, yet notably only in low-latitude damselfl

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