


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rallel tracts in the physis and the adjacent metaphysis.
2 ned as a series of microfractures across the metaphysis.
3 rfaces, and in the diaphysis relative to the metaphysis.
4  mechanical loading reduced bone loss in the metaphysis.
5 h secondary ossification center and proximal metaphysis.
6        In tubular bones (70 anatomic sites), metaphysis (86%, 60 of 70) and epiphysis (67%, 47 of 70)
7 ncellous bone was preferentially lost in the metaphysis, a site that normally experiences low strain
8 ematopoietic to yellow marrow in the femoral metaphysis and atrophy of the femoral epiphyseal growth
9  animals in lumbar vertebra and distal femur metaphysis and epiphysis; significant differences were n
10 ate relative restriction of diffusion in the metaphysis and parallel orientation of tensors in the ph
11 reasing loading accentuated bone loss in the metaphysis and resulted in bone loss in the epiphysis.
12 ar microstructure of the physis and adjacent metaphysis, and provides further insight into normal gro
13 w observed in the T1WS of the distal femoral metaphysis are not related with the age, weight and hemo
14 paB ligand (RANKL) within the proximal tibia metaphysis at 7 d after muscle paralysis (+113%, P<0.02)
15 t increase in trabecular bone at the femoral metaphysis (bone volume/total volume +117% versus Ctrl-A
16 skeletal response was assessed at the tibial metaphysis by measurements of bone mineral density (BMD)
17 en the secondary ossification center and the metaphysis corresponding histologically to (a) zone of p
18 rms by coalescence of thin trabeculae at the metaphysis (corticalization), but the factors that contr
19 e biodistribution of 153Sm in the epiphysis, metaphysis, diaphysis, and red marrow of the tibia was o
20 ayed phases were categorized into locations: metaphysis--diaphysis--epiphysis (MDE), pelvis, ribs, sp
21 xtending into the diaphysis for some length: metaphysis/diaphysis, metaphysis only, diaphysis only, e
22 ," (signal intensity of the proximal femoral metaphysis divided by signal intensity of the greater tr
23    MDE lesions included abnormalities in the metaphysis extending into the diaphysis for some length:
24  red bone marrow areas in the distal femoral metaphysis in MR images were examined by a radiologist.
25 on for pro-osteoclastogenic cytokines in the metaphysis indicated that, although the receptor activat
26 ies virus inoculated into the distal femoral metaphysis is identifiable in the sacral intermediolater
27 n the anterior rim of the acetabulum and the metaphysis measured 20.4 mm on the affected right side
28                                       In the metaphysis of distal femora from ovariectomized rats, an
29  trabecular bone architecture of the femoral metaphysis of Fgf2(+/+) and Fgf2(-/-) adult mice by micr
30 They showed small epiphysis, slightly flared metaphysis of long bones and flattened vertebrae, charac
31   OCR stem cells are concentrated within the metaphysis of long bones not in the perisinusoidal space
32 rrays to analyze RNA from the proximal femur metaphysis of sham and ovariectomized vehicle-treated ra
33 s at secondary spongiosa of the femur and at metaphysis of the L4 vertebra confirmed that male transg
34 ndrocyte increases bone mass in the proximal metaphysis of tibiae through negative regulation of oste
35  localized increase of bone mass in proximal metaphysis of tibiae.
36 hysis for some length: metaphysis/diaphysis, metaphysis only, diaphysis only, epiphysis only, and the
37 occur with fixation of some cartilage in the metaphysis or epiphysis while growth continues.
38 d in greater contrast between the physis and metaphysis (P < .05).
39                          The proximal tibial metaphysis served as a common metastatic site in our stu
40             Conclusion DTI of the physis and metaphysis shows greater tract length and volumes in sub
41 condary ossification center and juxtaphyseal metaphysis), signal intensity and thickness of cartilagi
42 sidual red bone marrow in the distal femoral metaphysis than the female group (p=0.003).
43 (compared to baseline controls) in the femur metaphysis was associated with lower trabecular number,
44 Trabecular bone volume of the distal femoral metaphysis was determined by microCT.
45   Trabecular and cortical bone in the distal metaphysis was made osteoporotic by dexamethasone, but w
46            Micro-MR imaging of distal tibial metaphysis was performed within 2 weeks after renal tran
47 artilage, secondary ossification center, and metaphysis was qualitatively assessed by two observers a
48 ntrusions of growth plate cartilage into the metaphysis were seen to increase in depth over time.
49 ercutaneously inserted into the distal femur metaphysis with MR fluoroscopy (fast imaging with steady
50 dual red bone marrow areas of distal femoral metaphysis with the age, gender, weight and hemoglobin (

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