


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 quely acts by transcriptionally activating a metastasis suppressor gene.
2  with a potential oncogenic function of this metastasis suppressor gene.
3 ) kinase 4 (JNKK1/MKK4) as a prostate cancer metastasis suppressor gene.
4 e, is thought to be a tumor suppressor and a metastasis suppressor gene.
5 g cascade, has been identified recently as a metastasis-suppressor gene.
6 NAi screening strategy to identify candidate metastasis suppressor genes.
7 g strategy that enables the discovery of new metastasis suppressor genes.
8 dentifying therapeutic targets downstream of metastasis suppressor genes.
9 t has been demonstrated to repress tumor and metastasis suppressor genes.
10 l facilitate the identification of candidate metastasis-suppressor genes.
11     These results indicate that RhoGDI2 is a metastasis suppressor gene, a marker of aggressive human
12   To define further the region harboring the metastasis suppressor gene, a truncated human chromosome
13 KiSS-1 has been shown to function as a tumor metastasis suppressor gene and reduce the number of meta
14                                              Metastasis-suppressor genes are attractive candidates fo
15 nctional characterization of prostate cancer metastasis-suppressor genes are discussed.
16             The mechanisms through which the metastasis suppressor gene BRMS1 functions are poorly un
17 tion and transcriptional repression of tumor metastasis suppressor gene BRMS1, highlights a new mecha
18 murine orthologue of the human breast cancer metastasis suppressor gene Brms1, suggesting that alleli
19             Nm23-H1 has been identified as a metastasis suppressor gene, but its protein interactions
20 entified a novel anti-tumor activity for the metastasis suppressor gene CC3.
21 NA-methyltransferase (MGMT) and the putative metastasis suppressor gene death-associated protein kina
22  the tumor suppressor gene p16, the putative metastasis suppressor gene death-associated protein kina
23                                    The tumor metastasis suppressor gene Drg-1 has been shown to suppr
24       These studies implicate MKK4/SEK1 as a metastasis suppressor gene encoded by human chromosome 1
25 Erk kinase 1 (MKK4/SEK1) gene as a candidate metastasis suppressor gene encoded by the approximately
26 uggesting that there are tumor suppressor or metastasis suppressor genes encoded by this chromosomal
27 city, suggesting the presence of one or more metastasis suppressor genes encoded on human chromosome
28                                    KAI1 is a metastasis suppressor gene for human prostate cancer and
29 s strongly suggest that Drg-1 is a candidate metastasis suppressor gene for prostate cancer and may s
30 Previous studies demonstrated that CD44 is a metastasis suppressor gene for prostate cancer and that
31 e human chromosome 8p21-p12 region encodes a metastasis suppressor gene for rat prostate cancer.
32 uman chromosome 8p21-p12 region contains the metastasis suppressor gene for the AT6.3 cells.
33 e also tested whether chromosome 6 harbors a metastasis-suppressor gene for breast cancer as observed
34 y also indicate that chromosome 11 encodes a metastasis-suppressor gene for human breast cancer.
35                                   Studies of metastasis suppressor gene function are providing a crit
36 are example demonstrating the relevance of a metastasis suppressor gene function utilized in a develo
37                        Here we show that the metastasis suppressor gene homolog Nm23/awd is a negativ
38 tumor suppressor genes Tbx5 and Pten and the metastasis suppressor gene Hoxd10 are significantly upre
39 results show that KiSS-1 also functions as a metastasis suppressor gene in at least some human breast
40 tastasis suppressor 1 (BRMS1) functions as a metastasis suppressor gene in breast cancer and melanoma
41 ytes, suggesting that RND3 might represent a metastasis suppressor gene in HCC.
42 d site markers, and this analysis placed the metastasis suppressor gene in the interval between D8S22
43  cancer patients and suggest that there is a metastasis suppressor gene in this region that may play
44 lls, similar to the overexpression of KiSS-1 metastasis suppressor gene in those cells.
45                However, the discovery of new metastasis suppressor genes in breast cancer using genom
46            We reveal these genes to be novel metastasis suppressor genes in breast cancer.
47        Expression of nm23-H1 (NME1), a known metastasis-suppressor gene in this breast cancer cell li
48 t regulate metastasis, and the importance of metastasis-suppressor genes in this process.
49                          We hypothesize that metastasis suppressor gene inactivation or down-regulati
50                                              Metastasis suppressor genes inhibit one or more steps re
51 l four susceptibility loci: 11q23.3 CADM1, a metastasis suppressor gene involved in modifying tumour
52   Conventional dogma has regarded E-cad as a metastasis-suppressor gene involved in epithelial-mesenc
53             This suggests that an additional metastasis suppressor gene is located within the human c
54                      The loss of function of metastasis suppressor genes is a major rate-limiting ste
55       Decreased expression of the human KAI1 metastasis-suppressor gene is involved in the progressio
56 s, combined with recent studies of the tumor metastasis suppressor gene KAI1 and plasminogen activato
57                                          The metastasis suppressor gene KAI1 was identified by its ab
58                Metastin, the gene product of metastasis suppressor gene KiSS-1, is the endogenous lig
59                                  Loss of the metastasis suppressor gene, KiSS-1 has been strongly cor
60 ether the recently discovered human melanoma metastasis suppressor gene, KiSS-1, which maps to chromo
61                                          The metastasis suppressor gene known as Nm23-H1 regulates tu
62 state cancer, which suggests that our target metastasis suppressor gene may also play an important ro
63                                       Twelve metastasis suppressor genes (MSGs) have been identified
64                                 Although >30 metastasis suppressor genes (MSGs) that negatively regul
65 on of the cell cycle inhibitor, p21, and the metastasis suppressor gene, NDRG1 (N-myc downstream-regu
66 t revealed a novel regulatory network of two metastasis suppressor genes, NDRG1 and KAI1, which toget
67  a functional link between expression of the metastasis suppressor gene nm23 and cancer cell sensitiv
68                 The expression levels of the metastasis suppressor gene Nm23 have been shown to corre
69              Exogenous overexpression of the metastasis suppressor gene Nm23-H1 reduces the metastati
70 was recently identified as a prostate cancer metastasis suppressor gene on human chromosome 11p1.2.
71                                    KAI1 is a metastasis suppressor gene on human chromosome 11p11.2 t
72 ocused on genetic mechanisms for the loss of metastasis suppressor genes, our results provide new evi
73 RMS1 (breast cancer metastasis suppressor 1) metastasis suppressor gene promoter via direct recruitme
74 static cancer cells to map the location of a metastasis suppressor gene(s).
75 rids, which suggests the presence of a novel metastasis-suppressor gene(s) or novel function of a kno
76 ic lineage for the identification of a novel metastasis suppressor gene, serum deprivation response (
77          The finding that DLC-1 can act as a metastasis-suppressor gene supports an influential role
78 pG island promoter methylation, invasion and metastasis suppressor genes, telomere shortening, and ge
79 ranscript (>300 kb) running antisense to the metastasis-suppressor gene TFPI-2.
80                                   KiSS1 is a metastasis suppressor gene that has been shown to inhibi
81                              KAI1 is a tumor metastasis suppressor gene that is capable of inhibiting
82         These findings define caspase-8 as a metastasis suppressor gene that, together with integrins
83                            To discover novel metastasis suppressor genes that are clinically relevant
84         We conclude that RRM1 functions as a metastasis suppressor gene through induction of PTEN exp
85  SPIR can also up-regulate the expression of metastasis-suppressor genes TIMP2 and TIMP3, thereby red
86 parental (C8161) metastatic cells, the KISS1 metastasis suppressor gene was isolated.
87 d symbol, KISS1), a human malignant melanoma metastasis-suppressor gene, was recently published.
88                     NDRG1 and KAI1 belong to metastasis suppressor genes, which impede the disseminat
89  cancer metastasis suppressor 1 (BRMS1) is a metastasis suppressor gene whose mechanisms of action ar
90       We therefore identify KLF12 as a novel metastasis-suppressor gene whose loss of function is ass
91  SEMA3F may represent an antilymphangiogenic metastasis suppressor gene widely lost during cancer pro

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