


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                         All mice were maintained in a 12-hour light-dark cycle commencing
2                                                    Neonatal mice were maintained in a 75% oxygen atmosphere for 5 days to
3 adian rhythms were greatly attenuated in the SCN, while the mice were maintained in a standard light/dark cycle, SCN neur
4                                                         The mice were maintained in darkness for a defined period ( appro
5                                                         The mice were maintained in either normal light/dark cycles or co
6                                             IL-10-deficient mice were maintained in either SPF conditions or germfree con
7                                              After 4 weeks, mice were maintained in normoxia, were exposed to hyperoxia f
8 ee isolator to study transmission patterns, and 10 germfree mice were maintained in separate isolators as controls.
9                        Ovariectomized young and aged female mice were maintained in standard or enriched housing for 4 we
10                                      However, these treated mice were maintained in the dark.

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