


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 fection with thousands of RNAi reagents on a microarray slide.
2 ention of a pathologist reviewing the tissue microarray slide.
3 ety, and then spotted on streptavidin-coated microarray slides.
4 done using 16K Operon 70-mer oligonucleotide microarray slides.
5 he PDC-E2 inner lipoyl domain and spotted on microarray slides.
6 ccessful spotting and hybridization on whole microarray slides.
7 l on several commercial and in-house printed microarray slides.
8 ts, it is often desirable to strip and reuse microarray slides.
9 ciencies for arrays fabricated on commercial microarray slides.
10 archiving 349 distinct probes on 1488 tissue microarray slides.
11             Samples were place on a 192-well microarray slide, air-dried and spectra were collected b
12 probes attached to amine-reactive commercial microarray slides and complementary DNA target hybridiza
13                                 In "spotted" microarrays, slides carrying spots of target DNA are hyb
14                                       Tissue microarray slides consisting of cell-lines and resection
15                                         Gene microarray slides containing 2400 human genes (primarily
16                                              Microarray slides containing 4,261 ChillPeach unigenes w
17 in an immunohistochemical analysis of tissue microarray slides containing NSCLC specimens (n = 300) a
18       Immunohistochemical analysis of tissue microarray slides containing sections of NSCLC specimens
19 nal antibodies (mAbs) in capturing toxins on microarray slides even when the pAbs and mAbs had simila
20 mercial polyacrylamide-based, amine-reactive microarray slides, immobilized in both macrospot and mic
21         Of the 2400 genes represented on the microarray slides, more than 50% hybridized to the retin
22  ovary and follicle RNA were cohybridized on microarray slides (n = 90) containing 4608 follicle-deri
23 yzing differential hybridization on a single microarray slide, one can detect changes in mRNA express
24                     Hybridizations of RNA to microarray slides probed for changes in transcripts from
25 " in which mammalian cells are cultured on a microarray slide spotted with different shRNAs in a tran
26 e most common type of grouping the probes on microarray slides, there is another microarray technolog
27 ng) that allows to process a wide variety of microarray slides with different parameters of grid and

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