


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e maintaining echoes from very slowly moving microbubbles.
2 treaming flow generated by ultrasound-driven microbubbles.
3 se fashion by ultrasound and ultrasound with microbubbles.
4 near pressure-to-destruction response of the microbubbles.
5 psies after injection of sulfur hexafluoride microbubbles.
6 ystemically administered OV co-injected with microbubbles.
7 attached to maleimide groups on lipid-coated microbubbles.
8  detection limits of 20 nM thrombin and 2 aM microbubbles.
9 uction-replenishment DCE US with nontargeted microbubbles.
10 rea following bolus injection of the DNA/PEI-microbubbles.
11 in targeted cells by selective excitation of microbubbles.
12  the carotid bifurcation with use of 2 mL of microbubbles.
13 l intensity of continuously infused contrast microbubbles.
14 y sonicated after administration of Definity microbubbles.
15 after intravenous injection of 2x10(8) lipid microbubbles.
16 mpared to commercially available Definity(R) microbubbles.
17 using focused ultrasound in combination with microbubbles.
18  index, 0.6 or 1.3) or ultrasound with lipid microbubbles (2x10(8) IV).
19 diated augmentation in flow was greater with microbubbles (3- and 10-fold higher than control for mec
20 cal, cell-membrane-based mechanisms by which microbubble acoustic behaviors cause acute and sustained
21 me to sustain inertial cavitation, a type of microbubble activity, throughout the exposure.
22 ast echocardiography with late appearance of microbubbles after venous injection of agitated saline (
23 d combined with an intravenously circulating microbubble agent can temporarily permeabilize the BBB.
24 ultrasound (FUS) combined with a circulating microbubble agent is a promising strategy to non-invasiv
25 ncement in addressable focus resolution in a microbubble aggregate target by exploiting the nonlinear
26       US with clinical-grade VEGFR2-targeted microbubbles allows detection of small foci of PDAC in t
27                          Here we apply these microbubbles along with low intensity pulsed ultrasound
28 offer possibilities of novel applications of microbubbles, already clinically approved for contrast e
29 d PVAC catheters in swine is associated with microbubble and microembolus production.
30 tly cationic microbubbles were evaluated for microbubble and ultrasound-mediated enhancement of non-v
31 l growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2)-targeted microbubbles and (b) 3D dynamic contrast material-enhanc
32 ies vary widely across the population of the microbubbles and are influenced by the shell composition
33 y amplified by the intravascular presence of microbubbles and can reverse tissue ischemia.
34 samples result in the generation of hydrogen microbubbles and hydroxyl ions for DPP degradation.
35 P < 0.001) using MB(VEGFR2) than nontargeted microbubbles and imaging signal significantly decreased
36       Recently, researchers have begun using microbubbles and liposomes to encapsulate such gasses fo
37 t advances in therapeutic gas delivery using microbubbles and liposomes.
38 ays of culture in the presence of 0.5% (v/v) microbubbles and LIPUS in contrast to 18% with LIPUS alo
39 ed gene delivery was performed with cationic microbubbles and plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid.
40  ultrasound-induced activities of cell-bound microbubbles and the actin cytoskeleton contractile forc
41 nnovative formulation composed of gas-filled microbubbles and the pathogen-derived protective protein
42          In this study, we evaluated whether microbubbles and ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruc
43 MR image-guided focused ultrasound (FUS) and microbubbles and using highly compact "brain penetrating
44  preclinical proof-of-concept for customized microbubbles and UTMD to deliver gene-targeted siRNA for
45 s but not ultrasound or control siRNA-loaded microbubbles and UTMD.
46 robubbles, (b) bolus DCE US with nontargeted microbubbles, and (c) destruction-replenishment DCE US w
47          This method ultrasonically destroys microbubbles, and measures the wavefront change to compu
48 rescence, contrast-enhanced ultrasound using microbubbles, and superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparti
49             Therefore, integrating LIPUS and microbubbles appears to be a promising strategy for enha
50 ion molecule-1-targeted and rhodamine-loaded microbubbles are able to bind specifically to the inflam
51                             Initially silent microbubbles are activated in the presence of both throm
52 heir large 1-10 microm size, applications of microbubbles are confined to the blood vessels.
53                                   Currently, microbubbles are the only agents that have been used to
54                                 Lipid-coated microbubbles are used to enhance ultrasound imaging and
55                                 Encapsulated microbubbles are well established as highly effective co
56 ing cytometry technique using functionalized microbubbles as an actuatable, biocompatible, and multif
57                                              Microbubbles as vascular contrast agents improve the det
58                          Bolus injections of microbubbles at 4 muL/kg were tested for each sonication
59 llow the presence of stable and controllable microbubbles at the boundary of microchannels.
60 hly concentrated levels of nucleic acids and microbubbles at the tissue of interest which upon ultras
61                                              Microbubble attachment to P-selectin-immunoglobulin G fu
62 molecularly targeted US with VEGFR2-targeted microbubbles, (b) bolus DCE US with nontargeted microbub
63 tumor functional and molecular imaging using microbubble-based ultrasound and ultrasound-mediated opt
64                                        Lipid microbubbles bearing recombinant human PSGL-1 (MB(YSPSL)
65            Our results reveal characteristic microbubble behaviors responsible for sonoporation and d
66 dentified distinct regimes of characteristic microbubble behaviors: stable cavitation, coalescence an
67 n-exposed sonicated dextrose albumin (PESDA) microbubbles bind to injured vascular tissue and can be
68 ion molecule-1-targeted and rhodamine-loaded microbubbles bound 8x more efficient (P=0.016) to stimul
69  means of first-pass kinetics of nontargeted microbubbles (BR1, BR38; Bracco, Geneva, Switzerland) an
70 cally translatable PEGylated VEGFR2-targeted microbubbles (BR55).
71 co, Geneva, Switzerland) and VEGFR2-targeted microbubbles (BR55, Bracco) before and 4, 7, and 14 days
72 trasound without any contrast agents such as microbubbles, bringing a single-cell level targeting and
73 tive to controls receiving EGFR siRNA-loaded microbubbles but not ultrasound or control siRNA-loaded
74 f the viscoelastic surface properties of the microbubbles, but methods for independent, nondestructiv
75 flow augmentation produced by ultrasound and microbubbles by 70% (P<0.01), whereas inhibition of aden
76                 The ability to stabilize gas microbubbles can be finely tuned through variation of th
77                  At the end of reaction, the microbubbles can be removed from the reaction systems th
78                                     However, microbubbles can be used for more than diagnosis: disint
79                                     Although microbubbles can boost the diagnostic value of ultrasono
80 nhanced ultrasound with molecularly targeted microbubbles can detect early-stage cancer through the v
81       Focused ultrasound (FUS) combined with microbubbles can enhance the permeability of the BTB in
82  BBB/BTB permeabilization induced by FUS and microbubbles can improve outcomes in breast cancer brain
83     Overall, these data suggest that FUS and microbubbles can not only increase DOX delivery across t
84  surrounding brain tissue induced by FUS and microbubbles can slow tumor growth and improve survival
85 ultrasound (FUS) exposure in the presence of microbubbles can temporally open the blood-brain barrier
86 sound (FUS) bursts combined with circulating microbubbles can temporarily permeabilize both the BBB a
87                                  We prepared microbubbles carrying hydrogen sulfide (hs-MB) with diff
88 s study demonstrates that ultrasound induced microbubble cavitation can be a useful tool for delivery
89                           Ultrasound induced microbubble cavitation can cause enhanced permeability a
90                 Therapeutic ultrasound using microbubble cavitation to increase muscle perfusion reli
91 t cancer cells by using doxorubicin-liposome-microbubble complexes (DLMC) assisted by ultrasound (US)
92 .81MPa; 10ms bursts; 1Hz PRF; 60s duration), microbubble concentration (Definity, 10mul/kg), and the
93  length, and pulse repetition frequency) and microbubble concentration in a tissue mimicking phantom.
94 e imaging to optimize the acoustic pressure, microbubble concentration, treatment duration, DNA dosag
95                                              Microbubble concentrations of 0.02%, 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, and
96 mage-guided delivery of DNA-BPN with FUS and microbubbles constitutes a safe and non-invasive strateg
97                                            A microbubble contrast agent is presented that produces ul
98  mL of Optison (GE Healthcare, Oslo, Norway) microbubble contrast agent solution (perflutren protein-
99 k rarefaction pressure) in the presence of a microbubble contrast agent.
100                                Additionally, microbubble contrast agents are improving the sensitivit
101                                              Microbubble contrast agents can specifically deliver nuc
102                                              Microbubble contrast agents that undergo ultrasound-medi
103 d increases in perfusion can be augmented by microbubble contrast agents that undergo ultrasound-medi
104 essure to induce cavitation of lipid-shelled microbubble contrast agents.
105 stics and percentage maximal distribution of microbubble contrast injection into the SCS were assesse
106 intensity curves obtained after injection of microbubble contrast material 6 weeks after beginning ph
107  of 5 x 10(7) clinical-grade VEGFR2-targeted microbubble contrast material.
108 ologic response in PDAC, we used noninvasive microbubble contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging, which
109 e; eyes in group 2 (n = 6) were imaged by 3D microbubble contrast-enhanced ultrasound, and the tumor
110 nd localization microscopy, where individual microbubbles (contrast agents) are detected and tracked
111 pathways in aquatic systems, the presence of microbubbles could alter the resulting CH4 and perhaps C
112 ur blood vessel, through which the virus and microbubbles could be made to flow.
113                     Ultrasonic excitation of microbubbles could elicit a rapid and sustained reactive
114                                          PEI-microbubbles coupled to a luciferase bioluminescence rep
115 sound pulses to actuate functionalized lipid microbubbles covalently attached to single live cells to
116                                      The PEI-microbubbles demonstrated increasingly positive surface
117  the small vessels was estimated by tracking microbubbles, demonstrating the potential of this techni
118 rred most significantly at pressures causing microbubble destruction (450kPa and 600kPa); by increasi
119 whether microbubbles and ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction (UTMD) could be used to enhance
120 oparticles (aFGF-NP) and ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction (UTMD) technique for DCM prevent
121 article (NP) carrier and ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction (UTMD) was reported the first ti
122 stage strategy combining ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction (UTMD) with CGT nanotherapy.
123  that delivery of H2S by ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction attenuates myocardial ischemia-r
124                          Ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction has become a promising tool for
125 ventional approach using ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction-mediated delivery of phosphoroth
126 ultrasound treatment parameters that mediate microbubble destruction.
127 ensitivity and specificity of ultrasound for microbubble detection, molecular imaging can be realized
128                                    Molecular microbubbles directed against various targets such as va
129 clic, paired displacements of integrin-bound microbubbles driven by the attractive secondary acoustic
130 solates the acoustic emissions caused by the microbubbles during sonication.
131 rinsic physical timescales (microseconds for microbubble dynamics and seconds to minutes for local ma
132 at expansion is constrained, suggesting that microbubble echoes would be difficult to detect in such
133                              Custom-designed microbubbles efficiently bound siRNA and mediated RNAse
134 used for more than diagnosis: disintegrating microbubbles emit acoustic forces that are strong enough
135 nt a new technique, time-reversed ultrasound microbubble encoded (TRUME) optical focusing, which can
136 sults demonstrated that combining LIPUS with microbubbles enhanced glycosaminoglycan (GAG) production
137 P), administered by an ultrasound-guided and microbubble-enhanced delivery approach in doxorubicin-re
138 that ultrasound could be used to guide local microbubble-enhanced sonoporation of plasmid DNA.
139 ts bear great promise for the development of microbubble-enhanced sonoporation-induced gene therapies
140            In this work, we demonstrate that microbubble-enhanced ultrasound can similarly improve ge
141 ent disruption of the blood-brain barrier by microbubble-enhanced ultrasound has been used to success
142 emporary disruption of the choroid plexus by microbubble-enhanced ultrasound is therefore a viable wa
143  ramped pulse exposure scheme for optimizing microbubble excitation to improve sonoporation gene tran
144 metry (Gibbs films), Langmuir monolayers and microbubble experiments.
145      We quantified the dynamic activities of microbubbles exposed to pulsed ultrasound and the result
146 ith 50mug luciferase plasmid DNA and 5x10(5) microbubbles followed by ultrasound treatment at 1.4MHz,
147 erial-enhanced (DCE) US by using nontargeted microbubbles for assessment of antiangiogenic treatment
148 roplets capable of vaporization into gaseous microbubbles for imaging or therapy.
149                    This review on the use of microbubbles for ultrasound-based molecular imaging, the
150                                          The microbubbles form explosively when small aliquots of an
151                         Currently, the first microbubble formulations targeted to angiogenic vessels
152 ound coupled with intravenously administered microbubbles (FUS) has been proven an effective, non-inv
153 ntally and numerically examine the effect of microbubble geometry on the slippage at high resolution.
154 latform such as an ultrasound contrast agent microbubble has the potential to be a minimally-invasive
155                       Acoustic cavitation of microbubbles has been recognized to play an important ro
156 in the presence of systemically administered microbubbles has been shown to locally, transiently and
157                      Focused ultrasound with microbubbles has been used to noninvasively and selectiv
158    Ultrasound application in the presence of microbubbles has shown great potential for non-viral gen
159                   More recently, drug-loaded microbubbles have been developed and the load release by
160                                Lipid-shelled microbubbles have been used in ultrasound-mediated drug
161 challenges to fully realize the potential of microbubbles in advanced applications such as perfusion
162 lux is possibly explained by the presence of microbubbles in the lake's surface layer.
163         Ablation with the PVAC showed fewest microbubbles in the unipolar mode (P=0.012 versus bipola
164                  Previous optical studies of microbubbles in vessels of approximately 20 microns have
165 wideband echoes are detected from individual microbubbles in vessels with flow rates below 2 mm/s.
166        However, DNA loading to form polyplex-microbubbles increased circulation in the bloodstream an
167 ow), ultrasound (mechanical index, 1.3) with microbubbles increased perfusion by 2-fold to a degree t
168 s the use of ultrasound to burst circulating microbubbles inducing transient permeabilization of surr
169 ostic transducer, combined with a commercial microbubble infusion, can prevent microvascular obstruct
170 s have demonstrated that, during intravenous microbubble infusion, high mechanical index (HMI) impuls
171 ing ultrasound transducer with an integrated microbubble injection tube is more advantageous for effi
172 ls treated with DNA injection alone, DNA and microbubble injection, or DNA injection and ultrasound t
173 de range of protrusion angles, theta, of the microbubbles into the flow, using a microparticle image
174 ound activation of systemically administered microbubbles is a noninvasive and localized drug deliver
175                                Insonation of microbubbles is thought to facilitate two mechanisms for
176 asound (FUS), when combined with circulating microbubbles, is an emerging noninvasive method to tempo
177 ane inducing endocytotic uptake, and second, microbubble jetting inducing the formation of pores in t
178                                              Microbubble kinetics was investigated over the course of
179 und the sample and, along with the generated microbubbles, lead to greatly enhanced fluid transport a
180                                  US contrast microbubbles linked to antibodies or small molecules may
181                    UTMD-mediated delivery of microbubbles loaded with EGFR-directed siRNA to murine s
182                      Magnetically responsive microbubbles (MagMBs), consisting of an oxygen gas core
183 und (FUS) in conjunction with contrast agent microbubbles may be used to non-invasively and temporari
184                                        These microbubbles may originate from atmospheric bubble entra
185 t to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of microbubble (MB) enhanced sonothrombolysis for aged CVC
186 plex gene carriers and adjustments to US and microbubble (MB) parameters.
187 wth factor receptor type 2 (VEGFR2)-targeted microbubbles (MB(VEGFR2)) to improve the diagnostic accu
188                                              Microbubbles (MB) bearing antibodies targeting lymphocyt
189 stemic infusion of ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles (MB) causes localized blood-brain barrier (
190                         We here investigated microbubbles (MB) functionalized with the selectin ligan
191 ert domain receptor [KDR] -targeted contrast microbubble [MBKDR]) that is targeted at the KDR, one of
192 yl N-azidoacetylmannosamine (Ac4 ManAz) from microbubbles (MBs) and its metabolic expression in the c
193 t al (1) have shown that P-selectin-targeted microbubbles (MBs) can be used to monitor the expression
194 high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and microbubbles (MBs) can improve tumor drug delivery from
195                                              Microbubbles (MBs) have been shown to create transient o
196              Dual P- and E-selectin-targeted microbubbles (MBs) have previously been used for ultraso
197 ipid conjugates were used to create photonic microbubbles (MBs) having a porphyrin shell ("porshe"),
198  focused ultrasound (FUS) with intravascular microbubbles (MBs) is able to locally and reversibly dis
199 sized that contrast-enhanced ultrasound with microbubbles (MBs) selectively targeted to activated pla
200  based on ultrasound-activated lipid-shelled microbubbles (MBs) targeted to inflamed mesenteric endot
201     By acoustically actuating integrin-bound microbubbles (MBs) to live cells, ATC increased the surv
202 ubicin (DOX)-liposome (DL) to the surface of microbubbles (MBs) via the biotin-avidin linkage.
203 arginine-grafted bioreducible polymer (ABP), microbubbles (MBs), and ultrasound technology (US) we we
204 e the use of oxygen-loaded, lipid-stabilised microbubbles (MBs), decorated with a Rose Bengal sensiti
205           When enhanced by the cavitation of microbubbles (MBs), US exposure can induce sonoporation
206  blood cells using gas-filled buoyant immuno-microbubbles (MBs).
207 delivery efficiency since they determine the microbubble mechanical properties, circulation persisten
208                       Cavitation-facilitated microbubble-mediated focused ultrasound therapy is a pro
209                                  The goal of microbubble-mediated sonoporation is to enhance the upta
210 e report the development of an intravascular microbubble-mediated sonothrombolysis device for improvi
211                                     Either a microbubbled mixture of air (1.0-4.0 mL), blood, contras
212  time, offered evidence directly linking the microbubble monolayer shell with their efficacy for drug
213 tMBs) or that are not targeted (non-targeted microbubbles, ntMBs).
214 verall, the use of bolus injections and high microbubble numbers resulted in increased gene expressio
215                       The size and number of microbubbles observed during ablation ranged from 30 to
216                                              Microbubbles of different surface charges (neutral, slig
217 ; P=0.045), and greatest with type II or III microbubbles on transesophageal echocardiography.
218                 Cerebral embolization of air microbubbles or microparticulate debris that approximate
219 s between ultrasound-stimulated encapsulated microbubble oscillation physics and the resulting cellul
220                  We show that there exists a microbubble oscillation-induced shear-stress threshold,
221 V in vivo, but its use to induce cavitation, microbubble oscillations, for enhanced OV tumor extravas
222 imulated cells and 14x more than nontargeted microbubbles (P=0.016).
223 arly targeted US signal with VEGFR2-targeted microbubbles, peak enhancement, and rBV significantly de
224 -positive cells (1.76 +/- 0.49 [mean +/- SD] microbubbles per cell) than to control cells (0.07 +/- 0
225  allergen, phospholipase A2, associated with microbubbles (PLA2denat -MB) in a mouse model of honeybe
226      These results suggest that the polyplex-microbubble platform offers improved control of DNA load
227           A dispersion of negatively charged microbubble/positively charged microdroplet clusters are
228                                The resultant microbubble reaction systems exhibit significant catalys
229 ase reactions can be transformed to H2 or O2 microbubble reaction systems.
230                               By quantifying microbubble retention within the carotid plaque, LP cont
231 8 and 1 mL/min) showed significantly reduced microbubbles retention, by 38% (P=0.03) and 55% (P=0.03)
232        The physicochemical properties of the microbubble shell could affect the delivery efficiency s
233 owed that a relatively small increase in the microbubble shell rigidity resulted in a significant inc
234 cosity distributions exist within individual microbubble shells even with a single surfactant compone
235 r, a C2F5-labeled nitrosoimidazole (EF5), in microbubble shells.
236 ene delivery vehicles, the slightly cationic microbubbles significantly increased ultrasound-mediated
237 his study was to compare sulfur hexafluoride microbubble (SonoVue)-enhanced myocardial contrast echoc
238 d, commercially available, second-generation microbubbles (SonoVue) and clinically translatable PEGyl
239                                          Gas microbubbles stabilized with lipids, surfactants, protei
240 but a lower stable cavitation threshold than microbubbles, suggesting that contrast agent-dependent a
241 e termed a "molecular rotor" embedded in the microbubble surface, whose fluorescence lifetime is dire
242 s, peptides, and other targeting moieties to microbubble surfaces.
243          We show that the concentration of a microbubble suspension can be monitored quantitatively w
244 reaction, also indicating that the developed microbubble system may be a valuable platform to design
245  alcohol oxidation activation energy for the microbubble systems is much lower than that for the conv
246 imaging of the thoracic aorta performed with microbubbles targeted to GPIbalpha demonstrated selectiv
247  involves contrast-enhanced ultrasound using microbubbles targeted to molecular signatures on tumor n
248                       Molecular imaging with microbubbles targeted to the A1 domain of von Willebrand
249 n live cells by acoustic actuation of paired microbubbles targeted to the cell adhesion receptor inte
250 st and unique interaction of ultrasound with microbubbles, TB-ATC provides distinct advantages for ex
251 tegies for using ultrasound with and without microbubble technology for enhancing our understanding o
252 corporated in their shell can generate vapor microbubbles that can be spatiotemporally controlled by
253  as a functional modality through the use of microbubbles that can be targeted to specific biological
254 cin (BLM) were studied in cell culture using microbubbles that had been derivatized with multiple cop
255 udy, we conducted experiments using targeted microbubbles that were attached to cell membrane to faci
256                     Ultrasound excitation of microbubbles that were targeted to the plasma membrane o
257 r targeted to a specific biomarker (targeted microbubbles, tMBs) or that are not targeted (non-target
258 een fluorescent protein) and used ultrasound microbubbles to deliver tyrosine kinase receptor-2 promo
259 onically-induced oscillations of circulating microbubbles to permeabilize vascular barriers such as t
260 as is required to exit the surface layer via microbubbles to produce the observed elevated k600,CH4.
261 w-pressure ultrasound and require gas-filled microbubbles to transduce the ultrasound wave.
262 ot strongly affected by early binding of the microbubbles to VEGFR2.
263 e (MR) imaging-guided focused ultrasound and microbubble ultrasonography (US) contrast agents for the
264  for 60s and combined with IV injection of a microbubble ultrasound contrast agent (Definity; 10 mul/
265                                              Microbubble ultrasound contrast agents are being develop
266 amil (1 mg/ml in drinking water) or by local microbubble-ultrasound TXNIP shRNA transfection.
267  care, 45 patients received an infusion of a microbubble US contrast agent and saline.
268  We have discovered that ultrasound-mediated microbubble vascular disruption can enhance tumor respon
269 d single treatments of ultrasound-stimulated microbubble vascular perturbation and radiation inducing
270                                         High microbubble volume in the extracorporeal circulation loo
271 heath flushing produced significantly higher microbubble volume than slow sheath flushing (median, 12
272 ap of proximal and distal electrodes (median microbubble volume, 1744 nL; interquartile range, 737-40
273                                              Microbubble volumes with PVAC (29.1 nL) were greater tha
274 quency ultrasound (7.44MHz) pulses, a single microbubble was generated and positioned at a desired di
275 122 delivery into tumors with ultrasound and microbubbles was 7.9-fold higher compared to treatment w
276  sonication) in conjunction with circulating microbubbles was applied in 86 locations in 27 rats to d
277            Binding of Thy1-targeted contrast microbubbles was assessed in cultured cells, in mice wit
278 netic model accounting for free and adherent microbubbles was developed to describe the anomalous tim
279  vivo ultrasound contrast persistence of PEI-microbubbles was measured in the healthy mouse kidney, a
280 ruption using 690kHz ultrasound and Definity microbubbles was performed in one of the tumors and in a
281                                 Formation of microbubbles was the greatest during fast saline/contras
282                                  DiI-labeled microbubbles were administered during ablation at 2, 4,
283 (200 mug) encoding luciferase and SonoVue(R) microbubbles were co-injected intravenously in mice.
284                              Microemboli and microbubbles were compared between ablation with an irri
285                In an acoustic field, trapped microbubbles were driven into oscillatory motion generat
286    Based on these results, slightly cationic microbubbles were evaluated for microbubble and ultrasou
287                         In this work, single microbubbles were localized in vivo in a rat kidney usin
288 ion molecule-1-targeted and rhodamine-loaded microbubbles were shown to be specifically bound to tumo
289                In this study, novel polyplex-microbubbles were synthesized, characterized and evaluat
290 d the mechanical action caused by collapsing microbubbles when sonic waves propagate through a liquid
291 ctive, resulting in echogenic and persistent microbubbles which provide real-time high MI visualizati
292 ver gene and proteins into cytoplasm without microbubbles, which enables controlled and local intrace
293 e composition and the presence of SonoVue(R) microbubbles, which provided the nuclei for the initiati
294                                        These microbubbles will also affect the surface fluxes of othe
295 ier (BBB) opening in vivo using monodisperse microbubbles with different phospholipid shell component
296  cell-derived vesicles, model membranes, and microbubbles with environmentally-sensitive probes Laurd
297                       Overall, lipid-shelled microbubbles with long hydrophobic chain length could ac
298                                 Conventional microbubbles with the same lipid shell composition and p
299                    While the interactions of microbubbles with ultrasound have been widely investigat
300                  To achieve this, we trapped microbubbles within predefined sidewall microcavities in

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