


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y 84%) and throughput (3 x 10(6) cells/h per microchannel).
2  separations is open microfluidics (i.e., no microchannels).
3 rticles to stable equilibrium positions in a microchannel.
4 ated by a coffee mug containing a 1.2 m long microchannel.
5 3-6 mum in diameter and packed them inside a microchannel.
6 G) stacking interface at the head of the MBE microchannel.
7 erentially experience as they flow through a microchannel.
8 ndence of acoustic radiation forces within a microchannel.
9 sharpen protein fronts as proteins enter the microchannel.
10  "open" cell with the BPE located in an open microchannel.
11 he specimens as they are flowing through the microchannel.
12  transfection agent is located in the second microchannel.
13 y 10 microm tall polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel.
14 oncentration gradient along the width of the microchannel.
15 ions, thus inducing pH variations across the microchannel.
16 on flow past a cylindrical obstacle within a microchannel.
17 ted with insulating structures embedded in a microchannel.
18 n predefined sidewall microcavities inside a microchannel.
19 ing MALDI-MS analysis directly from the open microchannel.
20 on a silver (Ag) band counter electrode in a microchannel.
21 Au) working electrode, which lies across the microchannel.
22 ic potential drop across the solution in the microchannel.
23 ree-dimensional and complex for the textured microchannel.
24 ovalently bind cancer specific antibodies in microchannels.
25 p exhibited by red blood cells confined into microchannels.
26 inal cells were physically connected through microchannels.
27 ectrodes embedded in the floor of ten of the microchannels.
28 lls had slower translocation in nanotextured microchannels.
29 nd the width ratios of the droplet splitting microchannels.
30 mes limited by irreversible blockages of the microchannels.
31 ne kidney (MDCK) cells as they moved through microchannels.
32 atography of colloids eluting through 18 mum microchannels.
33 pression of mutant G601S-hERG was reduced in microchannels.
34 p liquid flow in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannels.
35 nding equation for rectangular cross-section microchannels.
36 controllable microbubbles at the boundary of microchannels.
37 on by Tween 80, also vacuum-dried within the microchannels.
38 luids of different concentrations in shallow microchannels.
39 the first design, BPEs interconnect parallel microchannels.
40 s substrates and a spacer layer defining the microchannels.
41  protein-7 (BMP7) were delivered in scaffold microchannels.
42 ycling plays in confined volumes of enclosed microchannels.
43 ite with 200-microm-diameter interconnecting microchannels.
44 separations in short (1-3 cm) capillaries or microchannels.
45 red bilayer membrane array built in parallel microchannels.
46  layer deposition can all be used within the microchannels.
47 ent marker are flowing equally spaced within microchannels.
48 ing on E-selectin surfaces at 1 dyn/cm(2) in microchannels.
49 longed sRBC transit times in capillary-sized microchannels.
50 namic forces that are present in curvilinear microchannels.
51 pores between PDMS slabs containing embedded microchannels.
52 lymer solutions through straight rectangular microchannels.
53 ation resulted in higher viability in narrow microchannels.
54 roatheroma (26.5% versus 25.2%; P=0.85), and microchannels (19.2% versus 20.5%; P=0.95) were comparab
55 s of platelet-sized spherical particles in a microchannel 30 mum in height to measure the particle-co
56 sists of two interconnected spiral etched-Si microchannels (4.2 and 2.8 cm long) with a cross section
57  pressure sensor based on embedded Galinstan microchannels (70 microm width x 70 microm height) capab
58 ic device consists of a straight rectangular microchannel, a gradually expanding region, and five out
59 f the magnetic cells that flowed through the microchannel above the GMR biosensor, we can not only de
60     Subsequent chemical analysis within each microchannel, achieved via optical or bioanalytical meth
61 silica liner, placed inside the vaporization microchannel, acts as an inert vaporization surface spee
62 nment were compared with the results of a 3D microchannel alignment assay to quantify cell migration.
63                                         This microchannel allows the rapid and uniform exchange of th
64 d for multicomponent protein patterning in a microchannel and also a technique for improving immunoaf
65 nsor by means of a step-like obstacle in the microchannel and an external magnetic force.
66  us to monitor the fibril orientation in the microchannel and compare the assembly processes of PNFs
67 penetration distance of oxygen plasma into a microchannel and found that entrance effects prevent uni
68 , including particles that barely fit in the microchannel and nanoscopic particles.
69              The sample is injected into the microchannel and reacts with the enzyme contained within
70   While expression of WT-hERG was similar in microchannel and well culture, the expression of mutant
71  area of 250 mum was achieved for monolithic microchannels and 200 mum for positive structures (templ
72                                A creation of microchannels and an increase of the average cross-secti
73  VEGF from NG(10) in hMSC+ECFC encapsulating microchannels and BMP2 from NG(21) in hMSC encapsulating
74    Microstructured optical fibers containing microchannels and Bragg grating inscribed were internall
75 to manipulate surface properties of enclosed microchannels and create 3D ECM structures for real-time
76 flows in low aspect ratio spiral rectangular microchannels and define their development with respect
77 a novel method to reduce the feature size of microchannels and the bulges formed at the rim of the ch
78  to control the position of cells flowing in microchannels and to pattern them in open microwells whe
79 stic standing wave field is generated in the microchannel, and the acoustic forces direct the encapsu
80 ed SnO(2) nanobelts were introduced into the microchannel, and the DEP experiments were performed.
81 ve cells were captured by the functionalized microchannels, and less adhesive cells were collected fr
82 unt of solvent, production method (including microchannel architecture), and drug loading in determin
83 fness, exclusively when the microgrooves and microchannels are aligned together.
84                                              Microchannels are constructed within an elastomeric mate
85                                              Microchannels are molded onto the surface of a poly(dime
86 ration is achieved when the microgrooves and microchannels are not aligned.
87                             Xurography-based microchannels are separated by a strip of ion perm-selec
88 h oligonucleotide capture probes in a linear microchannel array.
89 ty within these multigeneration, bifurcating microchannel arrays is characterized by computer modelin
90 s six controls, p < 0.05) in two-dimensional microchannel arrays.
91 formability was measured using 2-dimensional microchannel arrays.
92 analytes are then pulled into a capillary or microchannel as the counter-flow is reduced for on-colum
93 acrophages cultured within non-gas-permeable microchannels, as they are stimulated with endotoxin.
94 aracterized and strategies for tailoring the microchannels aspect ratios are described.
95                                      Using a microchannel assay, we demonstrate that cells adopt dist
96 ed targets was demonstrated in both spot and microchannel assays.
97 ponent an enzymatic reactor constituted by a microchannel assembled in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMM
98 ells and anisotropic hydrogel particles in a microchannel at extremely high flow rates.
99 e fixed by suction against the aperture of a microchanneled atomic force microscopy cantilever.
100 on chronoamperometric responses monitored at microchannel band electrodes.
101 EMSAs ( approximately 0.01 data/min) or even microchannel based microfluidic EMSAs ( approximately 0.
102                    Here, we adapt a hydrogel-microchannels based matrix platform to culture mammary e
103  advancements in the CLiC design including a microchannel-based diffuser and postarray-based dialysis
104 alable platform of liquid control, than does microchannel-based fluidics.
105                         In this work, a PDMS microchannel-based, colorimetric, autonomous capillary c
106 hy relies on the use of polydimethylsiloxane microchannels, because the process requires local inhibi
107 s burned out to create internal cavities and microchannels before full sintering.
108 ically designed region, called "vaporization microchannel", before entering the high-vacuum ion sourc
109 own to diminish electroosmotic flow in glass microchannels by over 5 orders of magnitude.
110 nerates a gradient of chemoattractant in the microchannels by placing a lid with chemoattractant onto
111 ly engineering a larger deformability of the microchannel, by changing the geometry and the Young's m
112 that the flow-induced inertial lift force in microchannels can be exploited to significantly increase
113                                These uniform microchannels can be utilized as a template to guide the
114                      While flowing through a microchannel, cells migrate sideways, influenced by an a
115 njecting adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the microchannel chamber (2.37 +/- 0.48 mum/s) was not diffe
116                                            A microchannel chamber was created by photolithography wit
117 riven by hydrodynamic forces to flow through microchannels coated with basement membrane extract.
118 tides by isoelectric focusing (IEF) in 75 nL microchannels combined with their analysis by micropilla
119 NPs by endothelial cells (ECs) cultured in a microchannel compared to uptake of either identical NPs
120 whole blood increased by 14% in nanotextured microchannels compared to plain channels.
121 es formed by embedding liquid metal wires in microchannels composed of self-healing polymer.
122  higher capture efficiency with the inverted microchannel configuration.We conclude that proper direc
123                   The device consists of two microchannels connected by a nanochannel.
124 onsists of a 22 microm high, 600 microm wide microchannel containing an array of 50 microm wide, 600
125 emiopen chip-based setup, consisting of open microchannels covered by a lid of a liquid fluorocarbon,
126 luid flow rate results in an increase in the microchannel cross-sectional area (because of higher loc
127                   We found that flow-induced microchannel deformation contributes significantly to th
128 e a previously unappreciated contribution of microchannel deformation to such measurements.
129                   Cells are flowed through a microchannel designed with angled ridges at the top of t
130 led microelectrode arrays (MEAs) to bi-level microchannel devices for the long-term in vitro tracking
131                   In this study, we utilized microchannel devices to examine the effect of a confined
132                   Although the prevalence of microchannel did not differ between the groups, the clos
133 tabilized (+/-0.5 degrees C) acoustophoresis microchannel dramatically enhanced the discriminatory ca
134 s employed to quantify the pH changes in the microchannel during EOF.
135 FTL2 has the ability to dilate plasmodesmata microchannels during the process of cell-to-cell traffic
136 d polymer, poly-AMPS, positioned between two microchannels efficiently extracts cations through its l
137  suggests firing patterns collected with the microchannel electrode implant can be associated with di
138  this study was to evaluate the potential of microchannel electrode implants to monitor over time and
139 period of three months and in four rats, the microchannel electrodes recorded spike activity from the
140 layers, and hence plays an important role in microchannel electroosmotic flows.
141 ometric nitric oxide (NO) sensor that can be microchannel embedded to enable direct real-time detecti
142 py (TEM), were covalently immobilized inside microchannels embedded within a micromechanical resonato
143 ate and bonded to a substrate containing the microchannels enable contact conductivity measurements.
144  the geometry and the Young's modulus of the microchannel, enhances the sensitivity of this flow rate
145                                          The microchannels ensured rapid distribution of the chemical
146  velocity of the cell entering a constricted microchannel (entry velocity), and (iii) the velocity of
147                                      We used microchannel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to evalua
148   As opposed to receding menisci observed in microchannel evaporation, the menisci in nanochannels ar
149                                   We perform microchannel experiments with SHSs consisting of stream-
150                   Capillary tension in these microchannels facilitates DNA loading, stretching and gl
151  wet-chemical etching for larger (>/=20 mum) microchannel features and focused ion beam (FIB) milling
152 solved oxygen (DO) concentration in proximal microchannels filled with culture media are precisely re
153 aracterized by three different phases during microchannel filling.
154 eat and mass transfer events involved in the microchannel flow boiling process.
155                                  Imaging the microchannel flows carrying thus photoexcited chelates o
156 ntaining the focused Abeta peptides from the microchannel, followed by deposition of this volume onto
157 d on the surface of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchannel, followed by pumping a mixture of cells thr
158 microdevice, that toggles from an "enclosed" microchannel for PAGE and blotting to an "open" PA gel l
159 ic loading of the bacteria into the confined microchannels for observation, AC electrokinetics is dem
160 ly and numerically investigate Dean flows in microchannels for Re > 100, and show presence of seconda
161 motic flow (EOF) is often desirable in glass microchannels for realizing high resolutions in capillar
162 tform, analyte molecules are separated using microchannel gel electrophoresis, and the eluted bands a
163        Using FAPH, we explored the effect of microchannel geometries on the penetration distance of o
164  the behavior of migrating sperm in assorted microchannel geometries.
165 that the distribution of cells within in the microchannel has a close correspondence with the cells'
166                 We show that by reducing the microchannel height (h) beyond a threshold value the bal
167 y (PLENZ) is conducted in a single, straight microchannel housing a polyacrylamide (PA) pore-size gra
168                            Cells confined in microchannels identified and chose a path of lower hydra
169 ation and concentration of the eluate in the microchannel, IEF-micropillar-MALDI-MS is demonstrated t
170 process utilizes a CO(2) laser to create the microchannel in polyester sheets containing a uniform la
171 on the results, timed-release of VEGF in the microchannels in 10days from NG(10) and BMP2 in the matr
172 n parameters in the dimensions of fabricated microchannels in Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics subst
173  a microfluidic chip with multiple arrays of microchannels in order to reconstruct the retinal neuron
174 orption of the solutes onto the walls of the microchannels in the presence of the surfactant concentr
175 three cations and three anions in individual microchannels in under 40 s with limits of detection (LO
176                         The incorporation of microchannels into the tissue constructs facilitates dif
177 etry (MS), where each aqueous droplet in the microchannel is introduced into the gas phase as a doubl
178 metry, the Peclet number Pe, and the overall microchannel length L; these dependencies are discussed
179 nfluence on HUVEC-lined cylindrical collagen microchannels maintained under standard culture conditio
180 ween platelet adhesion and hemodynamics in a microchannel manifests in a critical threshold behavior
181 cytometer equipped with an inertial focusing microchannel matched the resolution provided by a commer
182 icroneedle treatment of the skin to generate microchannel (MC) arrays in the epidermis followed by to
183 eatment generated an array of self renewable microchannels (MCs) in the skin, providing free paths fo
184  accomplished using an optimized square-wave microchannel, metering chambers and revulsion per minute
185                                         PDMS microchannel network is reversibly bonded to a glass sli
186          Exploiting multiphoton lithography, microchannel networks spanning nearly all size scales of
187 ation of PAGE molecular sieving gels in PDMS microchannel networks.
188 ctors ~7.5-fold lower than those observed in microchannel networks.
189 g the sRBC environment to monitor changes in microchannel occlusion risk and an "endothelialized" mic
190 anti-B typing reagents were dried inside the microchannel of a passive microfluidic chip designed to
191  electrokinetic ferrofluid/water co-flows in microchannels of various depths.
192                       Scattering from single microchannels of widths down to 60 mum, with beam footpr
193 arries an eight-by-twelve matrix of parallel microchannels (of 120 x 110 mum(2) cross-section and 4 m
194 electrophoresis conducted in capillaries and microchannels offers high-resolution separations, such f
195 mprises a single polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel onto which an ion-selective layer of conduc
196 ich utilizes a temperature gradient across a microchannel or capillary to separate analytes.
197 ary, in a disposable pipet tip, in a polymer microchannel, or from samples deposited as droplets on a
198 d do not suffer from sample spreading at the microchannel outlet.
199 range of nucleic acid analytes into distinct microchannel outlets.
200 able liquid handling by lateral flow without microchannel patterning.
201 tar polyethylene glycol (SPELA) hydrogel and microchannel patterns filled with a suspension of hMSCs+
202                              A regular Z-gap microchannel plate (MCP) detector is mounted at the end
203 etection after release from the ELIT using a microchannel plate (MCP) enables the acquisition of mult
204 aging method and the very recently developed microchannel plate detector.
205 with a heterogeneous immunoassay in a single microchannel (PLE-IA).
206               A polydimethyslsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel positioned over both the embedded tubing an
207 ayer structure, and it was integrated with a microchannel possessing the function of hydrodynamic foc
208 rm composed of a single-inlet, single-outlet microchannel powered solely by voltage control (no pumps
209              Cells confined in narrow feeder microchannels prefer to enter wider branches at bifurcat
210                        Full occlusion of the microchannel proceeds by conventional pathways, and can
211       Delivering a voltage pulse between the microchannels produces an intense electric field over a
212 tly sandwiched between two axially separated microchannels, producing a structure in which transport
213 low through a short illuminated section of a microchannel provided a means for pulsed-like photoexcit
214                         Continuous flow in a microchannel provides a constant and high shear rate tha
215  distance and resulting lower cell speeds in microchannels provides for the opportunity to detect nov
216 igid plastic microchips including the narrow microchannels required for microchip electrophoresis.
217 terial cells in real time with the suspended microchannel resonator (SMR) as the population recovers
218                          We used a suspended microchannel resonator (SMR) combined with picoliter-sca
219 ned to evaluate the ability of the suspended microchannel resonator (SMR) to distinguish between buoy
220                     Here, we use a suspended microchannel resonator (SMR) to measure single-cell dens
221                      Here we use a suspended microchannel resonator to monitor the volume and density
222                                The suspended microchannel resonator weighs single cells with a precis
223                    Here we use the suspended microchannel resonator with a Coulter counter to measure
224 ), profiled over many hours with a suspended microchannel resonator, accurately defined the drug sens
225 f proteins into amyloid fibrils by suspended microchannel resonators (SMR).
226                                    Suspended microchannel resonators (SMRs) are highly sensitive, bat
227                 The use of an interdigitated microchannel resulted in transistors displaying low nois
228 evice that contains two parallel elastomeric microchannels separated by a thin porous flexible membra
229                        The compartmentalized microchannels separated by the porous ECM makes this in
230 er cells through plain and nanotextured PDMS microchannels showed clear differences.
231 al analysis of three-dimensional motility in microchannels showed that the degree of confinement and
232              Trapped Escherichia coli in the microchannel shows a distinct nanomechanical response wh
233 cle, we utilized the wavy structures of PDMS microchannel sidewalls to initiate and cavitate bubbles
234 ately, a gel is engineered to preset aligned microchannels similar to a plant's vascular bundles thro
235                       In a branching tree of microchannels, similar cascades occur along paths that c
236 ure gradients are obtained with 100 parallel microchannels (spanning the pressure range), each with 1
237 e to form hybrid glass-PDMS and plastic-PDMS microchannel structures.
238 rication based on the controlled collapse of microchannel structures.
239                        ECFCs seeded into the microchannels successfully formed monolayers and underwe
240 f choice could be covalently attached to the microchannel surface, thus creating a durable and highly
241  chromatographic paper to create hydrophilic microchannels, test zone, and sample application zone.
242 ch-fabricated microcantilevers with embedded microchannels that can directly quantify adsorbed mass v
243 ansferred onto a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel through the soft lithography technique.
244 -phase flow boiling heat transfer process in microchannels through implementation of surface micro- a
245 b-50 nl region at the PAM filter edge in the microchannel, thus concentrating them over 1000-fold.
246 hemical environment; this system uses a deep microchannel to diffusively exchange reagents within the
247 -dependent acoustic radiation force within a microchannel to selectively purify target cells of desir
248 tem that leverages the accessibility of open microchannels to retrieve steroids and other metabolites
249  on analysis of cellular deformations during microchannel traversal have dramatically improved throug
250 n blotting assay conducted in a single glass microchannel under purely electronic control.
251 (5)-fold enrichment of anionic analytes in a microchannel using a technique called bipolar electrode
252  cell to be transfected is positioned in one microchannel using optical tweezers, and the transfectio
253 cross cells cultured on membranes inside the microchannels using impedance spectroscopy.
254 h-yield surface functionalization of silicon microchannels using layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly o
255    Pockets extruding from either side of the microchannels volumetrically control the number of cells
256 e structures (i.e. pillars fabricated on the microchannel wall) in boiling of two fluids FC-72 and wa
257 ratios if hydrodynamic interactions with the microchannel walls (wall drag) are added to the ideal th
258 t point is that chemical modification of the microchannel walls enables reversal of the electroosmoti
259 ding sound-wave arising from reflections off microchannel walls.
260 4) plates for aspartic acid in a 3.5 cm long microchannel was obtained.
261 oups, the closest distance from the lumen to microchannel was shorter in ACS subjects than in non-ACS
262 signal transduction by the cells through the microchannels was demonstrated by administration of glyc
263 early eliminate electroosmotic flow in glass microchannels was employed to address this issue.
264 vidually trapped bubbles, of known sizes, in microchannels was studied at both a fixed frequency, and
265                        Using live imaging in microchannels, we show that depletion of endogenous HS1
266                 The internal surfaces of the microchannels were chemically modified with polyethylene
267                                              Microchannels were patterned within the scaffolds and se
268 found to be significantly lower (>250 mV) in microchannels when compared with those reported for unco
269 y sample reservoir into a series of analysis microchannels, where fluid pumping is accomplished via a
270                      The device has one main microchannel which bifurcates into two channels, one for
271 ce consisting of a network of interconnected microchannels which replicates the architectural propert
272 gital transducers (IDTs) propagated toward a microchannel, which accordingly built up a standing surf
273 a rotational movement of the fluids down the microchannel, which were confirmed by computational flui
274                         The chip consists of microchannels, which are used as packed bed reactor comp
275 er electrode is arranged longitudinally in a microchannel while the frontal tip of the band electrode
276 t molecules by immobilizing IgG molecules in microchannels while applying lateral fields.
277  chemical effector compound from the pushing microchannel, while simultaneously aspirating it through
278  calculations, zeta-potentials measured in a microchannel with a half-depth of 2.5 mum are used and r
279 nd to work most effectively in a rectangular microchannel with a width-to-height aspect ratio of arou
280 average of 15 cells, were transferred to the microchannel with an 83% yield, and cells were then patt
281                   A device that integrates a microchannel with an individually addressable microband
282                        Here, we use a spiral microchannel with inherent centrifugal forces for contin
283            Our experiments, carried out in a microchannel with micropillars rely on fluorescence micr
284    The technique is based on the design of a microchannel with multiple constrictions and on detectin
285 can only be propagated throughout the entire microchannel with the presence of EOF.
286 rticles with different sizes as they flow in microchannel with transverse secondary flows.
287                                          For microchannels with 250 microm or less in depth, the effe
288 t that, during chemotactic migration through microchannels with 5 mum x 5 mum cross-sections, HL60 ne
289 orosilicate glass between two closely spaced microchannels with a focused ion beam instrument, and th
290  drive faradaic electrochemical reactions in microchannels with charged walls.
291  Escherichia coli in gas permeable polymeric microchannels with different dimensions, we demonstrate
292 ead-like biofilms steadily develop in zigzag microchannels with different radii of curvature.
293 nfining individual bacteria in gas permeable microchannels with dimensions comparable to a single bac
294  device can be reset by refilling all of the microchannels with EGaIn.
295 ork to model the electrokinetic transport in microchannels with random roughness.
296 s outlets are influenced by the fluid-filled microchannels with relatively high resistance.
297 ely suspended particles in a wide variety of microchannels (with optical access for image collection)
298 y to yield large-area periodic cracks (i.e., microchannels) with tunable spacing.
299 encapsulation layer to form narrow ( 20 mum) microchannels, with aspect-ratios up to 8, on the surfac
300 w instabilities for low-aspect ratio, spiral microchannels, with improved flow models for design of m

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