


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r decades, and create a state of physiologic microchimerism.
2 ically distinct individual is referred to as microchimerism.
3 ctors potentially associated with persistent microchimerism.
4  factor-alpha 308A allele and maternal fetal microchimerism.
5 that influence the development of fetal cell microchimerism.
6 ssed the relationship among DQA1 alleles and microchimerism.
7 ate into the host and establish long-lasting microchimerism.
8 tro immune responses in mice with persistent microchimerism.
9 cond donor kidney graft and establishment of microchimerism.
10  in the fetal circulation, known as maternal microchimerism.
11 pendent upon the presence of donor-recipient microchimerism.
12 jection can occur in spite of donor-specific microchimerism.
13 re invasive disease were deficient for fetal microchimerism.
14 l cells in her offspring, a process known as microchimerism.
15 rtaken to investigate rheumatoid nodules for microchimerism.
16 ients who lack the SE can acquire it through microchimerism.
17 espite prolonged graft survival and pig cell microchimerism.
18 uma patients develops transfusion-associated microchimerism.
19 on appeared to be due to persistent pig cell microchimerism.
20 n of infectious agents and the potential for microchimerism.
21  tolerance to organs based on fetal-maternal microchimerism.
22 es on the X chromosomes and, secondly, fetal microchimerism.
23                     Development of sustained microchimerism after transfusion in HIV-infected patient
24 induced immune modulation and development of microchimerism after transfusion of trauma patients.
25   Considering findings of naturally acquired microchimerism along with iatrogenic microchimerism sugg
26 t MHC genotype is associated with persistent microchimerism among T lymphocytes in women with sclerod
27                                        Fetal microchimerism among T lymphocytes was strongly associat
28 using FL-mobilized bone marrow (BM) cells on microchimerism and anti-donor reactivity in normal and t
29 ative conditioning and resulted in transient microchimerism and clinical and virologic improvements.
30 even mother-son pairs were also analyzed for microchimerism and DQA1*0501.
31 aintained in the absence of detectable donor microchimerism and in the presence of anti-donor reactiv
32 t allograft survival This is associated with microchimerism and inhibition of antidonor cytotoxic T l
33      In control experiments, a rank order of microchimerism and of associated donor specific nonreact
34 clinical parameters, the association between microchimerism and pulmonary function was the most strik
35 4 treatment blocked the development of donor microchimerism and recovered the ability of mice to prol
36  that EVs provide a physiologic link between microchimerism and split tolerance, with implications fo
37     An association has been reported between microchimerism and the development of tolerance.
38  further our understanding of fetal:maternal microchimerism and the role of fetal cells in maternal h
39 r there is an association between fetal cell microchimerism and thyroid disease in women.
40 ndings suggest a relation between fetal cell microchimerism and thyroid disease.
41  allows the differentiation between pig cell microchimerism and true xenogeneic infection.
42      The biological significance of maternal microchimerism and whether it might contribute to autoim
43  in the maternal circulation, known as fetal microchimerism, and maternal cells in the fetal circulat
44 ernal alleles that may work through maternal microchimerism, and sex-specific epigenetic mechanisms o
45                                              Microchimerism (approximately 1:75,000 cells) was observ
46                                   Studies on microchimerism are unraveling interesting associations i
47           Modeling the level of quantitative microchimerism as a rate via Poisson or negative binomia
48 ection episodes in patients with and without microchimerism as defined by detectable donor DR genes.
49 resent an excellent model for study of fetal microchimerism, as they share our environment, have a na
50 t high levels of peripheral blood allogeneic microchimerism at 12 to 18 months posttransplant correla
51                                The degree of microchimerism at 60 and 110 days was estimated with sem
52 ng-dilution PCR to quantify peripheral blood microchimerism at serial timepoints ranging from 3 to >4
53 the single donor implicated as the source of microchimerism by HLA typing.
54 isease susceptibility, our data suggest that microchimerism by itself does not play a significant rol
55           Rheumatoid nodules were tested for microchimerism by real-time quantitative polymerase chai
56 ardiac myocytes) raises the possibility that microchimerism can be a target of autoimmunity or altern
57 ars has raised the question of whether fetal microchimerism can cause subsequent disease in the mothe
58                        Clinically, states of microchimerism can exist, but rejection still occurs.
59 long with iatrogenic microchimerism suggests microchimerism can have detrimental and/or beneficial ef
60 that differentiated tissue-specific maternal microchimerism can occur in neonates.
61                                              Microchimerism can persist long-term and has been associ
62 r findings is not known, HLA-disparate fetal microchimerism can persist many years after a birth and
63                                              Microchimerism concentrations were also higher in RA pat
64                                Whether fetal microchimerism contributes to GVHD merits further invest
65    This article explores the hypothesis that microchimerism contributes to the pathogenesis of sclero
66 l cell exchange, suggesting that SE-encoding microchimerism could be a risk factor for RA.
67                            No differences in microchimerism could be detected between the groups as d
68       This observation implies that maternal microchimerism could sometimes be involved in SLE and th
69                                 Quantitative microchimerism data present challenges for statistical a
70  most appropriate for analyzing quantitative microchimerism data.
71 eviewed all reports of studies on fetal cell microchimerism, defined as male DNA in maternal tissue,
72  cells may represent a human analogue of the microchimerism described in the mouse and may have signi
73  association of exposure or study group with microchimerism detection rates.
74 including those not given DBM, but levels of microchimerism did not correlate with graft survival.
75                                              Microchimerism disappeared after 1 year, and CD4(+)CD25(
76                             Also, persisting microchimerism does not necessarily correlate with clini
77                Development of donor-specific microchimerism (DSM) has been proposed as one of the pos
78 either from naturally acquired or iatrogenic microchimerism (eg, cardiac myocytes) raises the possibi
79     Recent identification of tissue-specific microchimerism either from naturally acquired or iatroge
80                                   Fetal cell microchimerism (FCM) is the persistence of fetal cells i
81 s after delivery and is referred to as fetal microchimerism (FM).
82                                        Fetal microchimerism (FMc) describes long-term persistence of
83 preliminary evidence that dogs develop fetal microchimerism following pregnancy.
84 lack the SE can acquire the SE as persistent microchimerism from fetal-maternal cell exchange, sugges
85 We previously proposed that persistent fetal microchimerism from pregnancy contributes to the pathoge
86   Unequivocal eradication of donor leukocyte microchimerism from recipients of long-surviving organ t
87 tal groups, an attempt was made to eliminate microchimerism from the BN recipients.
88  the rate of detection defined as a count of microchimerism genome equivalents per total cell equival
89                                 Haemopoietic microchimerism has been identified in recipients of soli
90                           For example, fetal microchimerism has been implicated in autoimmune disease
91                                              Microchimerism has been implicated in the etiology of au
92                In humans, naturally acquired microchimerism has been observed in many tissues and org
93                                        Fetal microchimerism has been suggested to play contradictory
94                                              Microchimerism has been theorized to be an important or
95                               However, fetal microchimerism has not been described in dogs.
96 toimmune disease in which naturally acquired microchimerism has previously been described and can som
97                           Naturally acquired microchimerism has recently been investigated in autoimm
98                              Donor-recipient microchimerism has recently been suggested to play a cri
99                                        Fetal microchimerism, however, has not been investigated in th
100                                              Microchimerism (IAb+ cells) was demonstrated by immunocy
101 f the animals, which correlated with durable microchimerism in BM and spleen.
102       Polymerase chain reaction demonstrated microchimerism in both groups.
103  we evaluated for the presence of male fetal microchimerism in buffy coat cells from women with a pri
104 islet cells and should facilitate studies of microchimerism in experimental models of pig to monkey x
105  Here, we show maternal cells that establish microchimerism in female offspring during development pr
106                   The role of donor-specific microchimerism in graft acceptance or graft tolerance re
107 also frequently revealed persistent maternal microchimerism in healthy control subjects.
108     The frequency of subsequent fetomaternal microchimerism in healthy women and its cell type is unk
109 til the discovery in 1992 of donor leukocyte microchimerism in long-surviving liver, and other kinds
110 l induction, peripheral blood chimerism, and microchimerism in lymphatic organs were analyzed.
111 ning pig kidney xenograft and persistence of microchimerism in lymphatic tissue after graft removal.
112 n of an association between persistent fetal microchimerism in maternal T lymphocytes and specific HL
113 g factor flt3 ligand (FL) on donor leukocyte microchimerism in noncytodepleted recipients of allogene
114          Accurate and sensitive detection of microchimerism in nonhuman primates (NHPs) after hematop
115                 It is difficult to eliminate microchimerism in organ recipients once the donor cells
116                                              Microchimerism in PBMC subsets was not appreciably more
117 ibility was not a requirement for persistent microchimerism in PBMC subsets.
118                                     Although microchimerism in PBMC was more frequent in women with s
119 demonstrate an association of DQA1*0501 with microchimerism in peripheral blood DNA or T lymphocytes,
120 or irradiated splenocytes, resulted in donor microchimerism in peripheral lymphoid organs, with prefe
121 ngoing studies are evaluating the utility of microchimerism in predicting the risk of graft rejection
122 nalyses for SE type, the prevalence of QKRAA microchimerism in RA patients versus healthy controls wa
123     Although the persistence of multilineage microchimerism in recipients of long-surviving organ tra
124 ochimerism is genetically disparate, whether microchimerism in rheumatoid nodules serves as an alloge
125                                              Microchimerism in scleroderma patients could be secondar
126 1*0501 has been associated with T lymphocyte microchimerism in SSc.
127 al HLA genes to test for persistent maternal microchimerism in subjects with scleroderma and in healt
128 se of this study was to search for sustained microchimerism in such patients.
129 emonstrate that DQA1*0501 is associated with microchimerism in T lymphocytes or in whole peripheral b
130                     Since RA patients harbor microchimerism in the blood, we hypothesized that microc
131  the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain.
132  (p=0.03) and concentration (p=0.06) of male microchimerism in the brains of women with Alzheimer's d
133                                        Fetal microchimerism in the face of HLA disparity implies that
134             We detected high levels of donor microchimerism in the heart, kidney, liver, skin, bone m
135  appear to play a role in the persistence of microchimerism in the peripheral blood or T lymphocytes
136 ransplantation demonstrates peripheral blood microchimerism in the presence of a functioning pig kidn
137 nd recipient's HLA alleles did not influence microchimerism in the recipient.
138  cells during pregnancy and persistent fetal microchimerism in the rhesus model.
139 with donor B cells did not induce detectable microchimerism in this group of recipients.
140 rnal cells to detect and quantitate maternal microchimerism in tissues of neoR(-/-) N2 backcross prog
141 ned through knowledge garnered in studies of microchimerism in transplantation biology.
142     However, functional benefits of maternal microchimerism in utero are unknown.
143  identify and quantify tissue-specific fetal microchimerism in women with SSc.
144  sustained elevation of donor (I-Ab+) cells (microchimerism) in the spleen including T cell areas.
145                   After its initial decline, microchimerism increased with FEV1 for the 1 hyporespons
146 ulations derived from different individuals; microchimerism indicates low levels of chimerism.
147             Kinder et al. find that maternal microchimerism induces stable immune tolerance to non-in
148                                              Microchimerism influenced by human leukocyte antigen als
149 g our more sensitive technology, showed that microchimerism is a very common event in human liver and
150 gh high-lighted in the study of scleroderma, microchimerism is also implicated in selected other auto
151 chimerism in the blood, we hypothesized that microchimerism is also present in rheumatoid nodules and
152 ata clearly demonstrate that the presence of microchimerism is common following administration of don
153                       We conclude that donor microchimerism is found after intrathymic inoculation of
154                          In conclusion, male microchimerism is frequent and widely distributed in the
155                   Our findings indicate that microchimerism is frequently present in the rheumatoid n
156                                        Since microchimerism is genetically disparate, whether microch
157                We tested the hypothesis that microchimerism is involved in the pathogenesis of sclero
158 ot required for tolerance induction and that microchimerism is not an absolute requirement for the ge
159 engraftment, our data suggest that long-term microchimerism is not required to prevent chronic reject
160 oviding direct evidence that donor-recipient microchimerism is not sufficient for the prevention of a
161                                Although such microchimerism is often associated with graft acceptance
162 se in tolerance induction in utero even when microchimerism is present.
163 e that at least short-term donor BMC-derived microchimerism is required for prolonged allograft survi
164    We asked whether male DNA (presumed fetal microchimerism) is present in apheresis products of fema
165 e been pregnant, a phenomenon known as fetal microchimerism, is emerging as a potential contributing
166 sfusion induced a low level of hematopoietic microchimerism, it did not strictly correlate with ameli
167                        Methods for comparing microchimerism levels across groups while controlling fo
168 me, that the fluctuation of peripheral blood microchimerism levels is associated with the recipient's
169 s to determine any association of sequential microchimerism levels with concomitant clinical events.
170                                         Thus microchimerism may be common, and finding microchimeric
171  for controls, supports the possibility that microchimerism may be involved in the pathogenesis of sc
172 ng, we hypothesized that this fetal-maternal microchimerism may confer tolerance and thus less graft
173 responses, the maintenance of haploidentical microchimerism may impart an allogeneic edge in immunosu
174 ir offspring, our results indicate that this microchimerism may not improve renal allograft or patien
175 donor origin in organ transplant recipients (microchimerism) may influence allograft survival and may
176                                              Microchimerism (Mc) refers to the harboring of a small n
177                                              Microchimerism (MC), defined as the persistence of allog
178                                              Microchimerism (Mc), originating from bidirectional feta
179  Small amounts of genetically foreign cells (microchimerism, Mc) traffic between a mother and fetus d
180             We also asked whether persistent microchimerism might contribute to subsequent autoimmune
181                         A mechanism by which microchimerism might contribute to the pathogenesis of s
182                                     Maternal microchimerism (MMc) has been associated with developmen
183  of maternal cells and DNA known as maternal microchimerism (MMc), and we hypothesized that PM increa
184 pring, a common occurrence known as maternal microchimerism (MMc).
185 n adult life, and is referred to as maternal microchimerism (MMc).
186 to maternal cells and antigens (eg, maternal microchimerism [MMc]).
187 itic cells (DCs), a prominent lineage in the microchimerism observed in rodents and clinical organ re
188 reaction (PCR) analysis to determine whether microchimerism occurred in patients who subsequently dev
189 ing age of the recipient, time elapsed since microchimerism occurred, and microchimeric cell type mod
190             We asked whether long-term fetal microchimerism occurs in T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, mon
191 le dogs and these results suggest that fetal microchimerism occurs in the canine species.
192 unts of foreign cells or DNA, referred to as microchimerism, occurs primarily through maternal-fetal
193 ignificantly associated with the presence of microchimerism (odds ratio 2.4, 95% confidence interval
194 study was undertaken to investigate cellular microchimerism of either male or female origin in DNA fr
195                                     Cellular microchimerism of either male or female origin was detec
196   Because of the possibility of Y chromosome microchimerism of females with male offspring, we analyz
197                                              Microchimerism of fetal as well as maternal origin has r
198               It is possible that persistent microchimerism of fetal cells in maternal circulation ma
199 NA in the human female brain as a marker for microchimerism of fetal origin (i.e. acquisition of male
200    The influence of donor hematopoietic cell microchimerism on organ allograft survival has been stud
201 ted across species lines represents cellular microchimerism, ongoing viral infection, or uptake of fr
202         The results indicate that a state of microchimerism per se is insufficient for the induction
203                                     Pig cell microchimerism (pig major histocompatibility complex cla
204 udies will be necessary to determine whether microchimerism plays a role in the pathogenesis of this
205  We have postulated that the donor leukocyte microchimerism plays a seminal role in the acceptance of
206 s unclear whether this peripheral donor cell microchimerism plays an active role in graft acceptance
207                                   Persistent microchimerism (presence of donor cells in the recipient
208 ly caused by transmaternal cell flow of male microchimerism present in the mother.
209                                     Combined microchimerism prevalence was 47%.
210 ection occurred despite high levels of donor microchimerism, providing direct evidence that donor-rec
211                                              Microchimerism refers to a state in which donor cells pe
212                     The significance of this microchimerism remains unclear, partially because of the
213 mend that investigators in future studies on microchimerism report detailed pregnancy information, si
214 merism, which raises the question of whether microchimerism sometimes contributes to autoimmune disea
215 ting a nonshared HLA allele of the potential microchimerism source.
216  pregnancy histories, disease diagnoses, and microchimerism status.
217 cquired microchimerism along with iatrogenic microchimerism suggests microchimerism can have detrimen
218 ass I alleles, thereby adding flexibility to microchimerism testing by enabling testing of recipients
219 s, brain tissue had higher level of maternal microchimerism than lymphoid tissue in mice MHC identica
220 zygous progeny had higher levels of maternal microchimerism than MHC heterozygous progeny.
221                                              Microchimerism, the stable presence of foreign cells in
222 ith transient systemic tacrolimus therapy on microchimerism, the survival of nonvascularized cardiac
223  the presence of chronic rejection and donor microchimerism to assess whether this regimen of immune
224  by the time course from occurrence of fetal microchimerism to the multi-factorial development of dis
225 IV infection are ostensibly at high risk for microchimerism, transfusion-associated graft-versus-host
226  drugs more than 12 years ago was tested for microchimerism using a sensitive nested polymerase chain
227 compared statistical models for quantitative microchimerism values, applied to simulated data sets an
228   The mean age of all subjects with maternal microchimerism was 28 years (range: 9-49 years).
229 of 34; P = 0.03) and the prevalence of QRRAA microchimerism was 40% versus 18% (21 of 52 versus 6 of
230                                        Donor microchimerism was also detected in unmanipulated contro
231                                        Donor microchimerism was analyzed using the polymerase chain r
232                                              Microchimerism was continuous by PCR up to 33 days.
233                                        Fetal microchimerism was detected in 75 of 88 controls (85%) a
234                            In addition, HA-1 microchimerism was detected in two recipients, primarily
235 enigmatic until multilineage donor leukocyte microchimerism was discovered in 1992 in long-surviving
236                                     Overall, microchimerism was found in CD3, CD19, and CD14 subsets
237                                              Microchimerism was found in PBMC from 33% (16 of 48) of
238                                              Microchimerism was found in some women in CD3, CD19, CD1
239                                              Microchimerism was observed in all recipients studied, i
240                Polymerase chain reaction for microchimerism was performed on the host's marrow.
241                                         Male microchimerism was present in 6 of 12 UCB samples analyz
242                                         Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions.
243     After the TBI-reconstitution at 60 days, microchimerism was undetectable in BMC recipients at 110
244 or blood of long-surviving organ recipients (microchimerism), we concluded that organ engraftment was
245 ternal-fetal histocompatibility and maternal microchimerism, we developed a sensitive quantitative PC
246                         Concentrations of SE microchimerism were also significantly higher among RA p
247                The highest levels of splenic microchimerism were found in mice with long surviving gr
248 mothers of subjects with persistent maternal microchimerism were HLA incompatible with subjects for c
249                               The effects of microchimerism were neutralized by bone marrow transplan
250                 Tacrolimus markedly enhanced microchimerism, which declined as a function of time.
251 d in order to avoid confounding due to fetal microchimerism, which may occur in women.
252 er during pregnancy can lead to long-lasting microchimerism, which raises the question of whether mic
253   We observed dynamic patterns of peripheral microchimerism, which reflected the general rise and fal
254                       Therefore, analysis of microchimerism with a single, post-transplant analysis m
255                                              Microchimerism with the SE was found significantly more
256                          The status of donor microchimerism, with respect to its presence and tissue
257 dly, a few rheumatoid nodules also contained microchimerism without evidence of a fetal or maternal s
258 ore examined whether inducing hematolymphoid microchimerism without myeloablation could confer the ab

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