


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nstrates that the D(E)RY motif is a hydrated microdomain.
2 en STIM1-Orai1 are within the PI(4,5)P2-rich microdomain.
3  mouse strain that expresses En1 in the Dbx1 microdomain.
4  exclusively from plasma membrane-disordered microdomains.
5 pendent endocytosis via tetraspanin-enriched microdomains.
6  actin/sorting nexin/retromer tubular (ASRT) microdomains.
7 referentially colocalize with fluid membrane microdomains.
8 ers that separate the antigenically variable microdomains.
9  CYP1A1 had less affinity to bind to ordered microdomains.
10  of the cAMP pathway components in signaling microdomains.
11  incorporation of CXCR4 receptors into these microdomains.
12 mentalized signaling in discrete subcellular microdomains.
13 AT localization in cholesterol rich membrane microdomains.
14 holipase D2 (PLD2) in caveolin-rich membrane microdomains.
15  antiviral signaling through lipid raft-like microdomains.
16 the K-Ras4B membrane binding domain in rigid microdomains.
17 r robust replication in PE-enriched membrane microdomains.
18 es recruitment of KIT to caveolin-1-enriched microdomains.
19 evealing hyperintense signal in synapse-rich microdomains.
20 ht be most effective when localized to these microdomains.
21 diffusion coefficient within the cylindrical microdomains.
22 horing proteins in organizing these activity microdomains.
23 changes in the lipid composition of membrane microdomains.
24 ntaining Beclin1 and Bif-1 to the lipid raft microdomains.
25 ugh the organization of cortical lipid-based microdomains.
26 pendent upon the integrity of lipid membrane microdomains.
27 ifferent spatiotemporal intracellular Ca(2+) microdomains.
28 from SRB molecules confined within short PEO microdomains.
29 AT localization in cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains.
30 assembly and budding from GSL-enriched lipid microdomains.
31 s, contribute to the maintenance of vacuolar microdomains.
32 ytosolic domain that localizes to lipid raft microdomains.
33  processes have been shown to segregate into microdomains.
34 les at subcellular compartments and membrane microdomains.
35  localizes to caveolin-enriched cell surface microdomains.
36 ed protein 35 (VPS-35) did not affect HGRS-1 microdomains.
37 organ that is made up of distinct layers and microdomains.
38 e sites for HG crosslinking within cell wall microdomains.
39 iate with sphingolipid- and cholesterol-rich microdomains.
40 of heterotypic signaling networks underlying microdomains.
41 ic mechanisms operate in submillimeter-scale microdomains.
42  the TGN Ca(2+) pump (SPCA1) in specific TGN microdomains.
43 s mechanisms that establish subcellular cAMP microdomains.
44 membrane-anchored GCaMP3 mice, we found that microdomain activity that occurs in the absence of inosi
45                          How individual cAMP microdomains affect cardiac pathophysiology remains larg
46  reminiscent of detergent-insoluble membrane microdomains, although our approach is valuably detergen
47  a scaffolding protein that stabilizes lipid microdomains and clusters MS channel subunits.
48  revealed that AtHIR1 is present in membrane microdomains and co-localizes with the membrane microdom
49 lex upon pathogen perception requires intact microdomains and cytoskeleton.
50 me that CaV3.2 channels localize to discrete microdomains and drive ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca(2+
51 entropy in a biomolecular system to identify microdomains and individual residues that act as (i)-cha
52 esidue enables Fas to localize to lipid raft microdomains and induce apoptosis in cell lines.
53 tor module that targets rPGRP-LC to membrane microdomains and interacts with the negative regulator P
54 ontrolling the organization of PtdIns(4,5)P2 microdomains and membrane remodeling.
55 MAGUK family, recruits Kv1.3 into lipid-raft microdomains and protects the channel against ubiquitina
56 ed into and localized within plasma membrane microdomains and proximal vesicles in T cells.
57 se II-mediated phosphorylation in non-native microdomains and resulted in an elevated ICa,L window cu
58  within the immunogenic hypervariable region microdomains and tested whether they represented true an
59 e investigated the heterogeneity of distinct microdomains and the complexity of their coexistence.
60  Taken together, these findings suggest that microdomains and the cytoskeleton constrain AtHIR1 dynam
61 cle tracking analysis revealed that membrane microdomains and the cytoskeleton, especially microtubul
62 ssed, the formation of plasma membrane lipid microdomains and the number of exocytotic events were de
63 supported by the surface exposure of the HVR microdomains and the slow diffusion-type porin function
64               However, the role of different microdomains and their changes in cardiac disease are no
65         However, the spatial organization of microdomains and their temporal evolution were only part
66 ponent optogenetic tools to manipulate ionic microdomains, and probe the complex neuronal-extracellul
67 ray of phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate microdomains, and that their constriction was sensitive
68 In particular, mitochondrial lipid raft-like microdomains appear to function as platforms in cell apo
69 his indicates that the loss of normal axonal microdomain architecture results from disrupted axoglial
70         The formation and expansion of these microdomains are driven by intrinsic properties of membr
71 us degree of complementarity, liquid crystal microdomains are formed via the selective aggregation of
72                             Because membrane microdomains are involved in inducing growth and differe
73                                        These microdomains are the smallest units in soil that fulfill
74 stent PrP(res) propagation, implicating raft microdomains as a location for conversion.
75 ot outside rafts, implying the role of lipid microdomains as segregated signaling platforms.
76 ed Incs were localized to inclusion membrane microdomains, as evidenced by colocalization with phosph
77 al neuraminidase inhibitor, disassembled the microdomains, as evidenced by reduced staining of tropho
78 mal coverage and intensity of HGRS-1-labeled microdomains, as well as increased total levels of HGRS-
79 lve a general reorganization of the membrane microdomains associated with virion assembly, but rather
80        However, the biological roles of most microdomain-associated proteins are unknown.
81                By localizing mitochondria to microdomains, astrocytes ensure local metabolic support
82  anchors the EVC-EVC2 complex in a signaling microdomain at the base of cilia.
83 buted to the formation of GM1-enriched lipid microdomains at the exocytotic sites in chromaffin cells
84 oduction of DA neurons derived from the Dbx1 microdomain, at the expense of STN and PM populations.
85 zing the role of calcium noise properties on microdomain behavior.
86 on tomography indicates a genuine signalling microdomain between these organelles.
87 ardiac myocytes to indicate the formation of microdomains between acidic and SR calcium stores, suppo
88 trix proteins in specialized plasma membrane microdomains, but the effects of these interactions on t
89 r capable of quantitatively predicting local microdomain Ca(2+) transients in the vicinity of VGCCs d
90                                        These microdomain Ca(2+) transients were facilitated by the pr
91 rary imaging methods fall short of measuring microdomain Ca(2+)-contraction coupling in live cardiac
92  uptake depends on cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains called lipid rafts, and can be blocked by n
93 ds to GRP78 trafficking to caveolin-enriched microdomains (CEMs) on the cell surface and consequent a
94 nsporter A1 plays a major role in regulating microdomain cholesterol and is most efficient when lipid
95 comes esterified, CE droplets accumulate and microdomain cholesterol content becomes poorly regulated
96 ch apoproteins relieves the burden of excess microdomain cholesterol in immune cells allowing a reduc
97 ( approximately 90%) demonstrated long-range microdomain connectivity, while the recovery time depend
98                                        Lipid microdomains contain large quantities of cholesterol and
99 ly 4 mum thick) with aligned cylindrical PEO microdomains containing 10 muM sulforhodamine B (SRB) wa
100       In contrast, EV-enriched fractions and microdomains containing allopeptide+self-MHC did not exc
101 ed the formation of cellular plasma membrane microdomains containing dense lipids, in addition to the
102                                              Microdomains containing endosomal sorting complexes requ
103  precise localization of Ca(2+) signals into microdomains containing specific Ca(2+) effectors.
104 oth serum EV-enriched fractions and membrane microdomains containing the acquired MHC alloantigens in
105                      The microfold-generated microdomains continuously reorganize, adapting in respon
106 eometrical constraints, including dead-space microdomains, contribute to the hindrance to diffusion.
107 idomain model and indicate a strong ephaptic microdomain contribution to conduction depending on the
108 ii) the structural variation observed in the microdomains corresponded to the mean length of variants
109 ree-dimensional structure of block copolymer microdomains could enable them to make 3D devices and st
110     In conclusion, our results indicate that microdomain coupling is important for exocytosis in high
111 novel boundary subdividing the mdFP into two microdomains, defined by engrailed 1 (En1) and developin
112          We show that the stability of these microdomains depends on the integrity of the MreB cytosk
113 induced DAT-meditated DA efflux and membrane microdomain distribution of the transporter.
114 d DAT-mediated dopamine efflux, and membrane microdomain distribution of the transporter.
115  cholestatic rats, BSEP showed a canalicular microdomain distribution similar to that of control rats
116 d sphingolipid-enriched, detergent-resistant microdomains (DRMs).
117 (hetTECs) with non-fibrous proteoglycan-rich microdomains engineered into the fibrous structure, and
118  an anionic phospholipid-containing membrane microdomain enriched in Sec translocons and postsecretio
119 ter protein to Pd, likely to plasma membrane microdomains enriched at Pd As such, the GPI modificatio
120 gesting that TBSV replicates within membrane microdomains enriched for PE.
121                        MLRs are plasmalemmal microdomains enriched in sphingolipids, cholesterol and
122 dRP and host factors to subcellular membrane microdomains enriched with specific phospholipids.
123                                              Microdomains exhibit spontaneous increases in calcium (C
124                Mitochondrial lipid raft-like microdomains, experimentally also termed mitochondrial d
125 h their residence in lipid-enriched membrane microdomains facilitates rapid, high-capacity sterol tra
126 ed processes that form functionally isolated microdomains, facilitating local homeostasis by redistri
127 an unexpected chemodominance of the HA stalk microdomain for small-molecule inhibitors in IAV inhibit
128  form hetero-oligomers and organize membrane microdomains for protein complexes.
129 acquired heart failure, acute stress impairs microdomain formation, limiting contractility and promot
130  loop in which lipophagy stimulates vacuolar microdomain formation, which in turn promotes lipophagy
131 ontaining membranes, peptide binding induces microdomain formation.
132  (LPS)), TLR4 traffics into glycolipoprotein microdomains, forming concentrated protein platforms tha
133 ationalize the developmental accumulation of microdomain-forming lipids in synapses by proposing a me
134 d by inhibition of host cell plasma membrane microdomain function.
135 sduction within the cell, because lipid-rich microdomains function as assembly points for signaling m
136                         We show that the En1 microdomain gives rise to dopaminergic (DA) neurons, whe
137  dopaminergic (DA) neurons, whereas the Dbx1 microdomain gives rise to subthalamic (STN), premammilla
138               Although the existence of such microdomains has not been proven for the plasma membrane
139 results highlight how STIM1-dependent Ca(2+) microdomains have a major impact on intracellular Ca(2+)
140           PI(4,5)P2 and enriched cholesterol microdomains have been shown as important signaling plat
141         This finding lends support to the DS microdomain hypothesis.
142 e associated with the dissolution of ordered microdomains (i.e., lipid rafts).
143 at-phase lipophagy showed disrupted vacuolar microdomains, implying that LD contents, likely sterol e
144  approximately <2 kHz) to progressively more microdomain in high-frequency cells ( approximately >2 k
145 enhanced dynamic properties of nuclear lipid microdomains in cancer cells with an increased shuttling
146   Given the growing appreciation of cortical microdomains in cell biology, it is important to determi
147 igation assay next revealed the existence of microdomains in cerebral arterial smooth muscle which co
148 s largely found in nonraft (low cholesterol) microdomains in cholestasis.
149 P, mostly present in raft (high cholesterol) microdomains in control rats, was largely found in nonra
150 port the quantification of proteoglycan-rich microdomains in developing, ageing and diseased fibrocar
151 alcium and reactive oxygen species signaling microdomains in isolated arterial smooth muscle cells.
152  knowledge of the development of the sensory microdomains in mammalian skin and the mechanosensory ne
153        Our results implicate REM1.3 membrane microdomains in plant susceptibility to an oomycete path
154 holesterol is important for the formation of microdomains in supported lipid bilayers and is enriched
155 liaR altered the localization of cardiolipin microdomains in the cell membrane.
156 n of cholesterol- and sphingomyelin-enriched microdomains in the collar band of the bud-neck interfac
157 FTR and its dynamics both within and outside microdomains in the plasma membrane of primary human bro
158            Lipid rafts, specialized membrane microdomains in the plasma membrane rich in cholesterol
159 in and critical organizer of caveolae (small microdomains in the plasma membrane), as a regulator of
160 Complex networks of interacting residues and microdomains in the structures of biomolecular systems u
161 alk between channel activities within single microdomains in tuning the physiological response of neu
162 alized complementary ESCRT-0 and RME-8/SNX-1 microdomains in vivo and assayed the ability of retromer
163 le would be the regulation of Ca(2+) in cell microdomains in which the pump co-segregates with partne
164 olecules can actively recruit Ca2+ to acidic microdomains, in exchange for the movement of H+ ions.
165 ne complexes (JMCs) in myocytes are critical microdomains, in which excitation-contraction coupling o
166 ne complexes (JMCs) in myocytes are critical microdomains, in which excitation-contraction coupling o
167 v1.1 and Kv1.2 subunits to specific neuronal microdomains, including the somatic membrane, juxtaparan
168  the cardiomyocyte, the mitochondrial Ca(2+) microdomain is where contraction, energy and death colli
169 lustering of proteins and lipids in distinct microdomains is emerging as an important principle for t
170 n a Ca(2+)-dependent manner and may organize microdomains, is codistributed with NKCC2 to promote its
171             Significance statement: Membrane microdomains known as lipid rafts have been proposed to
172 ribute to the characteristic subnuclear KSHV microdomains ("LANA speckles"), a hallmark of KSHV laten
173 may partition into cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains (lipid rafts), its compartmentalization has
174 ltering cellular structures such as membrane microdomains (lipid rafts).
175                                        Lipid microdomains localised in inner nuclear membrane are con
176                                        Lipid microdomains localized in the inner nuclear membrane are
177 lico docking predicted compound binding to a microdomain located at the membrane-distal site of the p
178                 We showed that nuclear lipid microdomains lost saturated very long fatty acid (C24:0)
179 rodomains and co-localizes with the membrane microdomain marker REM1.3.
180                 Thus, GM3-dependent membrane microdomains might be essential for the proper organizat
181 uction in cardiac tissue is explored using a microdomain model that incorporates aspects of the inhom
182 here formation of ceramide-enriched membrane microdomains modulates TCR signaling.
183 e characteristics of a robust network with a microdomain N2-adsorption profile.
184 istent with local Ca(2+) signaling by Ca(2+) microdomains near CRAC channels.
185 lation also imparts signalling power; Ca(2+) microdomains near store-operated CRAC channels in the pl
186 with Orai1, activating in response to Ca(2+) microdomains near the open channels.
187 rehensively map differences in nuclear lipid microdomains (NLMs) purified from hepatocytes and hepato
188 suggest that mimicking glycan complexity and microdomain occurrence on the glycodendrimersome surface
189 tional reorganization of receptor-associated microdomains occurs in early cardiac hypertrophy, affect
190 e non-uniform Ca(2+) local transients in the microdomain of VGCCs.
191 s increase in N could be promoted by calcium microdomains of heterogeneous amplitudes observed in sin
192 rated a comprehensive functional map for the microdomains of individual subunits but also have reveal
193                            We identified the microdomains of individual subunits, including the catal
194 bution of single LTCCs in different membrane microdomains of nonfailing and failing human and rat ven
195 best developed in relatively low-temperature microdomains of the chlorite matrix.
196 aggregates, but rather are KS-WNK1-dependent microdomains of the DCT cytosol that modulate WNK signal
197 t AtKEA1 and AtKEA2 transporters in specific microdomains of the inner envelope link local osmotic, i
198 aptor critical for HIV-1 budding at specific microdomains of the membrane.
199          Lipid rafts are specialized dynamic microdomains of the plasma membrane and have been shown
200 es of HVR modifications in K-Ras4B targeting microdomains of the plasma membrane and suggests an addi
201        Podosomes are actin-based proteolytic microdomains of the plasma membrane found in cells that
202 ports indicate that they reside in different microdomains of the plasma membrane.
203 strated in intact cells and the influence of microdomains on CFTR lateral mobility is unknown.
204 rtilaginous tissues, and the impact of these microdomains on endogenous cell responses to physiologic
205  phosphoinositide species PtdIns(4,5)P2 into microdomains on the plasma membrane, analogous to proces
206  preferentially buds from GSL-enriched lipid microdomains on the plasma membrane, we hypothesized tha
207 or allowed us to resolve minute PKA activity microdomains on the plasma membranes of living cells and
208  membranes, some FC may be incorporated into microdomains or lipid rafts.
209 both critical modifications that control the microdomain organization of CD82 as well as the nanoscal
210  fluorescence recovery, yielding the average microdomain orientation.
211 n associated with glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains (PAG).
212  It has been controversial at which membrane microdomains PDGFRs reside and how they control such div
213 at cardiolipin molecules segregate into such microdomains, probably conferring a negative curvature t
214     Analysis of membrane-associated and raft microdomain proteins reinforces this possibility and als
215 rehensively map differences in nuclear lipid microdomains purified from hepatocytes and hepatoma cell
216 verall, the amino acid identity among paired microdomains ranged from 18 to 92%.
217 R activation, reorganization of BIN1-induced microdomains recruits P-RyR into dyads, increasing the c
218 Voltage and charge distributions in cellular microdomains regulate communications, excitability, and
219 l segregation into specialized raft membrane microdomains regulates the activable pool of nAChRs.
220    Changes in cell shape produce a geometric microdomain regulation of IP3 -mediated Ca(2+) signallin
221 ntiviral signaling through the mitochondrial microdomains remains incompletely understood.
222 rol into multilayers or 3D structures of BCP microdomains remains limited, despite the possible techn
223 y represent unique plasma membrane signaling microdomains required for signaling by certain receptors
224  exocytosis, mediates the formation of lipid microdomains required for the structural and spatial org
225 nd PSI complexes are colocated in a membrane microdomain requiring PG for integrity.
226 rdered lipid microdomains, whereas the rigid microdomains restrict the farnesyl group penetration.
227                 Dynamic subfemtoliter Ca(2+) microdomains reveal low copy numbers of Ca(2+) ions, buf
228 and waves caused contractions in subcellular microdomains, revealing a previously underappreciated ro
229  Targeting STIM1 to PI(4,5)P2-rich and -poor microdomains reveals that SARAF-dependent SCDI is observ
230 e cholesterol-sensitive and to accumulate in microdomains rich in the membrane raft marker protein ca
231 veloping a temporally precise means to study microdomain-scale interactions between extracellular pro
232 ubplasmalemmal calcium and hydrogen peroxide microdomain signaling is a fundamental mechanism regulat
233 chondrial amplification of hydrogen peroxide microdomain signaling stimulates L-type calcium channels
234 esicular release, P/Q-type VGCCs act through microdomain signaling to recruit additional release site
235 ored branch functionality, phase separation, microdomain spacing, and mechanical properties.
236 molecules that can be used to manipulate SVZ microdomain-specific lineages.
237 n of cellular structure may affect LTCC in a microdomain-specific manner and contribute to the pathop
238 l properties modulated in heart failure in a microdomain-specific manner.
239 lso play an increasingly appreciated role in microdomain structure.
240 c compartments, particularly along recycling microdomains such as dendritic spines and presynaptic bo
241 d interpret voltage distribution in cellular microdomains such as synapses, dendritic spine, cilia an
242                                Membrane-raft microdomains, such as caveolae, and their constituent ca
243 ese subunits colocalize to common functional microdomains, such as juxtaparanodes and the somatic mem
244 We find several mechanisms by which membrane microdomains, such as lipid rafts, reduce these effects,
245 1 had little to no effect on SNX-1 and RME-8 microdomains, suggesting directionality to the interacti
246 ansporter, localizes specifically to a glial microdomain surrounding AFD receptive ending microvilli,
247  interaction, suggesting that the membranous microdomain surrounding the RdRp greatly affects its abi
248                                              Microdomain-targeted remodeling of LTCC properties is an
249  proteases cluster into tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs), suggesting that TEMs are preferred
250 tein complexes known as tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs).
251 erse activities, we examined plasma membrane microdomains termed eisosomes or membrane compartment of
252               STIM1-Orai1 must be in a PM/ER microdomain tethered by E-Syt1, stabilized by septin4 an
253 e receptors, enabled the reconstitution of a microdomain that consists of intracellular loops 2 and 3
254 id rafts, chemically distinct membrane lipid microdomains that are enriched in GSLs and are involved
255 ge part from the presence of dead-space (DS) microdomains that can transiently retain diffusing molec
256 within mitochondria, of different cAMP-Epac1 microdomains that control myocardial cell death.
257 ive to sonic hedgehog and are organized into microdomains that correlate with the expression domains
258 es are highly organized, containing specific microdomains that facilitate distinct protein and lipid
259 ) contact sites are evolutionarily conserved microdomains that have important roles in specialized me
260 t Ca(2+) signals determine restricted Ca(2+) microdomains that regulate myofilament remodeling and ac
261 nd becomes concentrated in specific membrane microdomains that serve as signaling platforms.
262 logical membranes are organized into dynamic microdomains that serve as sites for signal transduction
263 e nAChR might reside in specialized membrane microdomains that upon cholesterol depletion become disr
264 study subcellular PDGFR activity at membrane microdomains, this PDGFR biosensor was further targeted
265 the monolayer region enabled to develop raft microdomains through coarsening of nanorafts.
266  effectors into function-specifying membrane microdomains to carry out receptor trafficking.
267 l over otherwise unorganized assembly of BCP microdomains to form both long-range and locally complex
268         Viral infection caused the nanoscale microdomains to fuse into large platforms and reduced CF
269 (2+) diffusive environment near IP3 receptor microdomains to limit IP3 -mediated Ca(2+) signals as pr
270 nd assayed the ability of retromer and ESCRT microdomains to regulate one another.
271 ed with minimal overlap between En1 and Dbx1 microdomains, unlike many other boundaries.
272   Real-time cAMP measurements in endothelial microdomains using a novel fluorescence resonance energy
273 eta2-adrenergic receptor-associated membrane microdomains using a novel membrane-targeted Forster res
274 ets to the mitochondrial detergent-resistant microdomains via direct interaction with cardiolipin and
275 unctionally distinct ESCRT-0 and SNX-1/RME-8 microdomains was also compromised in the absence of RME-
276 he ensemble diffusion behavior of SRB in the microdomains was assessed in FRAP studies of circular ph
277 neuronal membrane is a mosaic of specialized microdomains where neurotransmitter receptors cluster in
278 nd can target functional enzymes to membrane microdomains where pathologic APP-processing is thought
279 hannel complexes within specific subcellular microdomains, where physical proximity allows for prompt
280 AT1 is stimulated by sub-plasmalemmal Ca(2+) microdomains, whereas NFAT4 additionally requires Ca(2+)
281 ntaneously inserts into the disordered lipid microdomains, whereas the rigid microdomains restrict th
282 ization of STIM1-Orai1 in the PI(4,5)P2-poor microdomain, which then translocates to the PI(4,5)P2-ri
283         Many channels localize in lipid raft microdomains, which are enriched in cholesterol and sphi
284 platforms might involve sterol-rich membrane microdomains, which are heterogeneous and highly dynamic
285 d signals differently in various subcellular microdomains, which greatly enhances its second messenge
286 itate the formation of postsynaptic membrane microdomains, which may serve key roles in the function
287  is evenly distributed at different membrane microdomains, while integrin-mediated signaling events h
288  with CFTR recruitment into cholesterol-rich microdomains with dimensions below the optical resolutio
289 ions localize HGAL to cellular membrane raft microdomains with distinct consequences for BCR signalin
290 trate that its cytoplasmic membrane contains microdomains with distinct physical properties.
291 solic cAMP via localization of the enzyme to microdomains with lower basal cAMP concentration.
292 lasma membrane, forming tetraspanin-enriched microdomains with one another and other surface molecule
293 xagonally packed block copolymer cylindrical microdomains with order parameters exceeding 0.95.
294 ptic membranes and observe remarkably stable microdomains, with the stability of domains increasing w
295  is the targeting of proteins to subcellular microdomains within bacterial cells, particularly to the
296 s membrane fluidity and assembles lipid-rich microdomains within membranes, and some studies have sho
297 roteolipid protein, and assembles lipid-rich microdomains within membranes.
298 ster [Ca(2+)]i, creating [Ca(2+)]i signaling microdomains within the cell that are dependent on mitoc
299 y produce nanomesh structures of cylindrical microdomains without requiring layer-by-layer alignment
300 d that brain regions densely populated by DS microdomains would exhibit anomalous extracellular diffu

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