


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ydrogen bonding leading to reassembly of the microgel.
2 then added, resulting in "core/double-shell" microgels.
3 rticles are co-assembled with the responsive microgels.
4 brication for both uniform and pore-gradient microgels.
5 an a deep penetration of the enzyme into the microgels.
6 hich exclusively form in the presence of the microgels.
7 inner phase to produce spheroid-encapsulated microgels after spheroid formation.
8 njugation and emission confinement on single microgels allow for ultrasensitive miRNA detection.
9            The antifouling properties of the microgels also permit the direct measurement of miRNAs i
10  assembling molecules, cells, spheroids, and microgels and achieving bottom-up tissue engineering.
11 endent interaction was confirmed between the microgels and charged bioactives and this binding was im
12 odel for the pH-dependent association of the microgels and further bioactives (including cationic and
13  here to real data from colloidal particles, microgels, and polymer solutions.
14  switched to coalescence by neutralizing the microgels, and the emulsion can be broken on demand.
15 as a molecular-scale probe of nanostructured microgels are also discussed.
16 maintained over a three-day period, that the microgels are mechanically tractable, and that, for micr
17                               Porous polymer microgels are used as an immobilization matrix to improv
18  In summary, we have developed a tissue-like microgel array for evaluating stem cell differentiation
19                                The developed microgel array platform consisted of various microgel en
20                Here, we have developed a new microgel array to address this grand challenge through r
21                                Pore-gradient microgel arrays enable thousands of parallel high-resolu
22  robotic printing of complex stem cell-laden microgel arrays.
23                             We present novel microgels as a particle-based suspension array for direc
24  capabilities of these food-grade whey based microgels as matrices that enable the immobilisation of
25                       We demonstrate polymer microgels as promising materials for controlling crystal
26 oids, polyelectrolyte networks, cross-linked microgels as well as block copolymer and dendrimer micel
27         Arrays containing both pNIPAm-co-AAc microgels (as an internal control) and biotinylated pNIP
28 ence of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAm) microgels at the air/water interface.
29 ions, facilitating the sequential molding of microgels at two different temperatures.
30               A mixture of thermo-responsive microgels, Au-nanorods colloids and analyte solution is
31  detection limit of this microfluidic porous microgel based assay was 0.9 pg/mL, with only 1+ hour of
32 f a thermoreversibly cross-linked biopolymer microgel based on protein, DNA, and peptide nucleic acid
33 lacrylamide)-co-acrylic acid (pNIPAm-co-AAc) microgel-based etalon and cause the microgel layer to co
34            Dual pH and temperature sensitive microgel-based etalons were fabricated by sandwiching a
35                                          The microgel/BChE films were built up on a surface of graphi
36 micrometer-sized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel beads are promising models for complex, heterog
37 nterpenetrating networks inside the embedded microgel beads depends on their cross-link density: wher
38 ility of dextran tracers inside the embedded microgel beads is hindered compared to those in free bea
39           We investigate the coupling of the microgel beads with the gel matrix and the formation of
40 tected with a shell composed of whey protein microgel/beet pectin complexes.
41 t at determining the pH at which the maximum microgel-bioactive interaction occurred.
42  constructs could be generated by assembling microgel building blocks and performing a secondary cros
43 oporous gel scaffold assembled from annealed microgel building blocks whose chemical and physical pro
44  increases the proportion of cell-containing microgels by a factor of ten, with encapsulation efficie
45              Topographical analysis of dried microgels by atomic force microscopy verified that micro
46 tion of interpenetrating networks inside the microgels by confocal two-focus fluorescence correlation
47     For this purpose, sequentially patterned microgels can be used to spatially organize either livin
48                     We show that the polymer microgels can improve polymorph selectivity significantl
49       In this paper, we fabricate functional microgel capsules that consist of two miscible yet disti
50 verlayer to interact with negatively charged microgel confined between Au overlayers.
51 opylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (pNIPAm-AAc) microgels containing mechanically and thermodynamically
52 ogels in a pH-dependent manner; for example, microgels containing ovalbumin release 80% of their enca
53   APCs that phagocytosed the acid-degradable microgels containing ovalbumin were capable of activatin
54 eloped an enzyme-responsive, nanoparticle-in-microgel delivery system.
55 NIH-3T3 fibroblasts encapsulated in GO-GelMA microgels demonstrate excellent cellular viability, prol
56 ts suggest that control over the kinetics of microgel deswelling events can be accomplished simply by
57                          The acid-degradable microgels developed in this article should therefore fin
58 ance between the Au surfaces mediated by the microgel diameter.
59  external energy input, surface tension, and microgel dimensions.
60  thiocyanate, increased the deformability of microgels during drying.
61 cytes in vitro, as quantified by single cell microgel electrophoresis of nuclei ("cardiac comets") as
62 ed to trigger the drug release from alginate microgels encapsulated with drug-loaded poly(lactic-co-g
63 ent paper by Murthy et al. demonstrates that microgels engineered on the nano-scale and designed to d
64 microgel array platform consisted of various microgel environments that where composed of native-like
65 nce the stability of DOC polymers and reduce microgel equilibrium sizes in concentration as low as 1
66                                          The microgels fabricated demonstrated extended circulation i
67                                          The microgels feature a flexible molecular architecture, ant
68      Our experimental data suggests that the microgels form a corona around the microspheres and indu
69                      The reduction of marine microgel formation induced by CB could lead to a decreas
70                              Aggregation and microgel formation were relatively increased in the pres
71  to investigate the impact of CNPs on marine microgel formation, a critical shunt between DOC and par
72  the heat-induced formation of protein-based microgels from beta-lactoglobulin-pectin complexes were
73         However, in existing techniques, the microgel gelation is often achieved through harmful reac
74                                The resulting microgels have a highly porous internal structure and an
75 lacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (pNIPAm-co-AAc) microgels have been synthesized via free-radical precipi
76 isopropylacrylamide (p-NIPAm) nanoparticles (microgels) have been synthesized by seed and feed precip
77 es are physically trapped in the thus formed microgel in the membrane.
78 albumin is released from the acid-degradable microgels in a pH-dependent manner; for example, microge
79        Recognition of the role of planktonic microgels in aquatic biofilm formation can have applied
80 and ecological roles of these polysaccharide microgels in aquatic systems were extensively investigat
81 o evaluate the detection capabilities of the microgels in sandwich-assay formats that utilize both ap
82 as a stimulus for promoted drug release from microgels integrated with drug-loaded polymeric nanopart
83                        The gelation of these microgels is achieved via the nucleophilic Michael addit
84                 The chemical design of these microgels is such that they degrade under the mildly aci
85 ere fabricated by sandwiching a "monolithic" microgel layer between two semitransparent, Au layers.
86 -co-AAc) microgel-based etalon and cause the microgel layer to collapse.
87                    The rapid cleavage of the microgels leads to phagosomal disruption through a collo
88 ny pairwise physical cross-links, leading to microgel-like aggregates.
89           In this article, an acid-sensitive microgel material is synthesized for the development of
90 eloped a method to synthesize highly swollen microgels of precise size with near-neutral surface char
91                                              Microgel particles and capsules which consist of multipl
92                                              Microgel particles capable of bulk degradation have been
93 imulated poration electrically in individual microgel particles immobilized and manipulated with a mi
94 c volume phase transition temperature of the microgel particles results in a reversible melting of th
95 lopment that emphasizes the critical role of microgel particles such as TEPs and protobiofilm in faci
96 iruses as model rod-like colloids and pnipam microgel particles to induce thermo-sensitive depletion
97 e synthesized by combining highly deformable microgel particles with molecular-recognition motifs ide
98 e genaration of biofunctionalized, synthetic microgel particles with precise control over particle si
99                Ovalbumin was encapsulated in microgel particles, 200-500 nm in diameter, prepared by
100  radial phase coexistence that exists in the microgel particles, which arises from a similarly radial
101 is demonstrated in stimuli-responsive 100-nm microgel particles.
102 nsically correlated with the collapse of the microgel particles.
103 ctions to fabricate monodisperse, cell-laden microgel particles.
104 t properties of emulsions stabilized by soft microgel particles.
105                                       Marine microgels play an important role in regulating ocean bas
106 -(3-(N,N-dimethylamino)propylmethacrylamide) microgel (poly(NIPAM-co-DMAPMA), MG) for the gentle inco
107       Compounds prepared using the described microgel polymer supports were obtained in similar yield
108            Thus, a chemically functionalized microgel polymer was synthesized, and the utility of thi
109                          A series of soluble microgel polymers have been synthesized using solution-p
110                         The advantage of the microgel polymers produced was that they exhibited solut
111 ges and unique multiresponsivity achieved in microgels prepared via this approach illustrate the pote
112                   We systematically vary the microgel properties through the use of PEG linkers with
113 oach for the directed assembly of cell-laden microgels provides a powerful and highly scalable approa
114 on of BChE within the dangling chains of the microgel rather than a deep penetration of the enzyme in
115 avors the electron-transfer processes in the microgels resulting in the enhanced ECL emission.
116       In addition, the nanoparticle-carrying microgels showed little uptake by macrophages, indicatin
117 tching on the battery, the thermo-responsive microgels shrink, which immobilizes the analyte and driv
118                             Diameter-tunable microgel spheres are self-assembled into a buckled trian
119 al structures made from thermally responsive microgel spheres.
120         We demonstrate that shape-controlled microgels spontaneously assemble within multiphase react
121                  This unusual feature of the microgel-stabilized emulsions offers fascinating opportu
122 mer particles (TEPs) are planktonic, organic microgels that are ubiquitous in aqueous environments.
123 ompartmental striped, cylindrical, and cubic microgels that encapsulated fluorescent polymer microsph
124 twork is created using ultralow cross-linked microgels, the colloidal suspension displays viscous beh
125 isopropylacrylamide hydrogel microparticles (microgels); these crystals display sharp Bragg diffracti
126         The ability of cold-set whey protein microgels to function as pH-sensitive immobilisation mat
127 pproach to direct the assembly of cell-laden microgels to generate tissue constructs with tunable mic
128 ginate-arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (-RGD) microgel was demonstrated, with enhanced osteogenic diff
129            The complexation of BChE with the microgel was found to be safe and effective, as confirme
130 d counterion pressure with elasticity of the microgel, we show that there is a threshold value of a c
131 ated mixtures and associated sizes of formed microgels were increased with up to 75 mmol kg(-1) ionic
132  chemiluminescence of thermoresponsive redox microgels were investigated.
133 els by atomic force microscopy verified that microgels were smallest in the presence of sulphate salt
134 rnal control) and biotinylated pNIPAm-co-AAc microgels were then used to detect multivalent binding o
135           To achieve this structure, pNIPMAm microgels were used as templates in the synthesis of an
136 characterize the internal structure of these microgels, which were found to have a fractal dimension
137 -DNA hybrid, resulting in dissolution of the microgel, while cooling restores the hydrogen bonding le
138 assembly of micron-scale cell aggregates and microgels will be described and discussed.
139                   The small mesh size of the microgel with respect to the size of BChE results in a p
140 nker allows for swelling of the particles to microgels with a desired size and deformability.
141  in DHEA produced multiresponsive core/shell microgels with independent cores.
142  report the use of a novel material, polymer microgels with tunable microstructure, for controlling p
143 rganic pool assembled faster and with higher microgel yields than at other latitudes.

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