


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ghter of the four m(1) micromeres (the m(12) micromeres).
2 n of the comb rows (the e(1), e(2), and m(1) micromeres).
3 icromere) to observe the progeny of a single micromere.
4  the micromeres--the precursors of the small micromeres.
5 ated in the 3D cell but not in the overlying micromeres.
6 ression of two inductive signals produced by micromeres.
7 nd early blastula stages, and exclusively in micromeres.
8 ted by removal of two opposing first quartet micromeres.
9 cation in the absence of induction-competent micromeres.
10 r are necessary for activation of foxN2/3 in micromeres.
11 rough the formation of the fourth quartet of micromeres.
12 ng formation of each of the four quartets of micromeres.
13 ment is normally restricted to the 1a and 1c micromeres.
14 d natural fate maps for the first quartet of micromeres.
15 te in the lineage descendant from the embryo micromeres.
16 ised of eight cells-four macromeres and four micromeres.
17  the production of gametes, termed the small micromeres.
18 volving the derivatives of the first quartet micromeres.
19 a signaling also activates foxY in the small micromeres.
20 eractions, presumably from the first quartet micromeres.
21 ion signals, neither of which is required in micromeres.
22                            The first quartet micromeres (1a, 1b, 1c and 1d) contribute to the head of
23 er spiralians studied to date (first-quartet micromeres: 1a, 1c).
24  different lineal precursors (second-quartet micromeres: 2a, 2c) compared to those in all other spira
25                 Here we show that D quadrant micromeres (2d and 4d) of the oligochaete annelid Tubife
26 of the bilateral daughters (M teloblasts) of micromere 4d in the leech Helobdella sp. Austin, a clite
27 rochozoan species arises from the progeny of micromere 4d, which is assumed to be homologous with a s
28 ivisions and the definitive fate maps of the micromeres, a group of 25 small cells that arise during
29                       The reduction in small micromere ABC transporter activity is mediated by a puls
30                 Unexpectedly, we found small micromeres accumulate 2.32 times more of the ABC transpo
31                In the sea urchin embryo, the micromeres act as a vegetal signaling center.
32 ss homeodomain transcription factor which in micromeres acts as a repressor of a repressor: the gene
33               When such beta-catenin-blocked micromeres also express Pmar1, all observed micromere fu
34 t, in addition to e1 micromeres, the four m1 micromeres also make significant contributions to the ct
35 a (Cc-hb) is expressed maternally and in all micromere and macromere cells throughout cleavage.
36 latory region, which initiates expression in micromere and macromere descendant cells early in cleava
37 dent of the earlier expression of foxN2/3 in micromeres and is independent of signals from PMCs.
38 drant via cell-cell interactions between the micromeres and macromeres at the 24- to 36-cell stage.
39 ere derived from the transplanted D quadrant micromeres and not from the host embryo.
40 e gate (DNG), the subcircuit which specifies micromeres and skeletogenic cells in Strongylocentrotus
41 equires an inductive interaction between the micromeres and the D macromere.
42 between the derivatives of the first quartet micromeres and the vegetal macromeres specify which macr
43                                              Micromeres and their immediate descendants have three kn
44          In the sea urchin embryo, the large micromeres and their progeny function as a critical sign
45 controlled downregulation of SoxB1, first in micromeres and then in macromere progeny.
46 e blimp1/krox gene is expressed in the large micromeres and veg2 descendents.
47 teus, contacts between the progeny of animal micromeres and vegetal macromeres are established during
48 el whereby beta-catenin enters the nuclei of micromeres and, as a consequence, the micromeres produce
49 ell stage there are four macromeres and four micromeres, and each of these cells is uniquely identifi
50 ivatives of the second and third quartets of micromeres, and endomesoderm, which is formed from the f
51 in the early blastula only in the four small micromeres, and later only expressed in that coelomic po
52 accumulates selectively in the 16-cell stage micromeres, and then is restricted to the small micromer
53 r the localization of delta transcription in micromeres, and thereby for the conditional specificatio
54 essor: the gene is named pmar1 (paired-class micromere anti-repressor).
55 ning in the first interphase after the large micromeres are born.
56                                Subsequently, micromeres are formed first at the aboral pole and later
57     It is initially activated as soon as the micromeres are formed, in response to Otx and beta-Caten
58               As is the early NSM, the small micromeres are in direct contact with Delta expressing s
59  the 2-cell stage, and later the 2 unlabeled micromeres are removed at the 16-cell stage, the remaini
60                                           If micromeres are removed from hosts at the fourth cleavage
61        Indeed, we find that embryos in which micromeres are removed respond by significant up-regulat
62       To test the proposition that the small micromeres are the definitive primordial germ cell linea
63  micromeres, the parent blastomeres of small micromeres, are deleted.
64 extended to include second and third quartet micromeres as well as the mesentoblast cell (4d) and som
65  The gut is formed by all the fourth quartet micromeres as well as the vegetal macromeres (4A, 4B, 4C
66 ormed both transplantations and deletions of micromeres at the 16-cell stage and demonstrated that th
67 ows are derived exclusively from the four e1 micromeres at the 16-cell stage.
68                 Removal of the first quartet micromeres at the 8-cell stage also leads to the develop
69 lacteus by removing specific combinations of micromeres at the eight-cell stage.
70                  Here, we have deleted small micromeres at the fifth division and have raised the res
71         Expression of foxN2/3 mRNA begins in micromeres at the hatched blastula stage and then is los
72 hatched blastula stage and then is lost from micromeres at the mesenchyme blastula stage.
73 lanted to the animal pole and the absence of micromeres at the vegetal pole results in the failure of
74 t fourth cleavage of sea urchin embryos four micromeres at the vegetal pole separate from four macrom
75 irst, in Helobdella sp. (Galt), the clone of micromere b" does not normally die, and contributes a su
76                            (2) The clones of micromeres b" and b"' (2b and 3b in traditional nomencla
77                      At the fourth cleavage, micromeres bearing altered pmar1 activity were combined
78 as identified and found to be transcribed in micromeres beginning at the fourth cleavage of sea urchi
79 s rescued if they later receive transplanted micromeres between the eighth and tenth cleavage.
80            All muscle cells are derived from micromeres born at the oral pole of endomesodermal precu
81 n be rescued to assume the normal c" fate if micromere c" or its clone are ablated in early developme
82            Second, in Helobdella sp. (Galt), micromere c"' makes no definitive contribution, whereas
83 ith respect to the embryonic midline and the micromere cap, epiboly fails, and the HRO-NOS knockdown
84 t significance of extrinsic signals from the micromere cell lineages.
85 s were constructed consisting of two labeled micromeres combined with micromereless 4th cleavage host
86                            All four of these micromeres contribute to the apical organ and generate f
87 h as the coelomic pouches to which the small micromeres contribute.
88 purpuratus, both in the intact embryo and in micromere cultures.
89 some primary mesenchyme-specific proteins in micromere cultures; withholding serum severely depresses
90 ed gonads and visible gametes, whereas small micromere-deleted animals formed small gonads that lacke
91 Quantitative PCR results indicate that small micromere-deleted animals produce background levels of g
92                      Adults from control and micromere-deleted embryos developed gonads and visible g
93 egulatory network was not activated in small micromere-deleted embryos.
94  not overexpress Vasa, as did embryos from a micromere deletion, implying the compensatory gene regul
95                                     Thus, e1 micromere derivatives not only generate comb plates but
96 a-catenin in vegetal nuclei does not require micromere-derived cues.
97                             We show that the micromere-derived signal is necessary for the downregula
98 that animal cells are less responsive to the micromere-derived signal than vegetal cells.
99 tenin also plays a role in the production of micromere-derived signals.
100 all vegetal cell fates and the production of micromere-derived signals.
101  endodermal and mesodermal tissues including micromere-derived skeletogenic mesenchyme.
102 n, nuclear Cc-hb protein is expressed in the micromere-derived surface epithelium that undergoes epib
103  mesenchyme cells (PMCs and SMCs), and small micromere descendants (SMDs) of the sea urchin Lytechinu
104  a link between the induction of mesoderm by micromere descendants and the Notch signaling pathway.
105                      LvDelta is expressed by micromere descendants during the blastula stage, a time
106     In this study, we demonstrate that these micromere descendants express LvDelta, a ligand for the
107                 Spdri is shown to act in the micromere descendants in the pathways that result in the
108 ments, we show that expression of LvDelta by micromere descendants is both necessary and sufficient f
109                                 Signals from micromere descendants play a critical role in patterning
110 a late signaling function on the part of the micromere descendants that is needed to complete clearan
111 scription factors normally expressed only in micromere descendants, and also a set of downstream skel
112 ion gene batteries normally function only in micromere descendants.
113 d Sp-SoxE transcripts are localized in small micromere descendents at the tip of the archenteron duri
114  germ line determinants selectively in small micromere descendents supports the hypothesis that these
115 ratus, Vasa protein is enriched in the small micromeres despite a uniform distribution of vasa transc
116 n-D lineages, cleavage plane positioning and micromere division rates are relatively insensitive to c
117 "' makes no definitive contribution, whereas micromere dm' gives rise to cells equivalent to those ar
118                  The PMC progeny of a single micromere do not disperse upon ingression, but instead r
119   No ectomesoderm is formed; the first three micromere duets generate only ectodermal derivatives.
120 exhibit abnormalities in the distribution of micromeres during cleavage.
121 activated MAPK is not required in the animal micromeres during subsequent stages of development.
122 ic lineages, both daughters of the four e(1) micromeres (e(11) and e(12)) and a single daughter of th
123  germline specification depends on the small micromeres, either directly as lineage products, or indi
124                                              Micromeres expressing Golgi-tethered GFP (galtase-GFP) w
125                          Signaling-competent micromeres fail to induce SMCs if macromeres express dom
126  In addition, nuclear beta-catenin-deficient micromeres failed to induce a secondary axis when transp
127           (3) Two qualitative differences in micromere fates are seen between H. robusta (Sacramento)
128 imeras demonstrate that Snail is required in micromeres for PMC ingression.
129 y reported astral spreading during embryonic micromere formation suggests that related mechanisms are
130                 In sea urchin embryos, small micromeres formed at the fifth division appear to be suc
131 us studies showed that ectopically implanted micromeres from the 16-cell embryo can induce ectopic gu
132  from this work shows how the specificity of micromere function depends on continuing global regulato
133  micromeres also express Pmar1, all observed micromere functions are rescued.
134                            The third quartet micromeres generate clones situated in a bilaterally sym
135                                   Two of the micromeres generate the somatic mesoderm, a third microm
136 meres generate the somatic mesoderm, a third micromere generates the endoderm and the fourth micromer
137 romere generates the endoderm and the fourth micromere generates the germline.
138                                Third quartet micromeres give rise to large areas of the foot, velum,
139 for the selective RNA retention in the small micromeres; GNARLE is required but not sufficient for th
140    This reveals the specific linkages of the micromere GRN forged in the evolutionary process by whic
141               An abrupt "break point" in the micromere GRN is thus revealed, on one side of which mos
142 era toxin B uptake experiments indicate that micromeres have higher rates of bulk and raft-associated
143                 Thus, the Tubifex D quadrant micromeres have the ability to organize axis formation,
144                                          The micromeres have the capacity to induce a second axis if
145                           This suggests that micromeres have the capacity to induce SMCs.
146 eriments suggest that only the first quartet micromeres have this ability.
147 ntly in 4d and finally in a subset of animal micromeres immediately following those stages.
148 o selective reporter enrichment in the small micromeres in blastulae.
149 pical organ, which arises from the 1c and 1d micromeres in C. apiculata.
150    Unlike most spiralians, the first quartet micromeres in the eight-celled embryo are larger than th
151             The role of animal first quartet micromeres in the establishment of the dorsal (D) cell q
152                          We propose that the micromeres induce adjacent cells to form SMCs, possibly
153        Between the eighth and tenth cleavage micromeres induce SMCs through Notch.
154                                          The micromeres induce SMCs, most likely through direct conta
155            The macromere progeny receive the micromere induction signal through the Notch receptor.
156 tch pathway becomes competent to receive the micromere induction signal, and to transduce that signal
157 omere progeny to be competent to receive the micromere induction signal, beta-catenin must enter macr
158 for these cells to receive and transduce the micromere induction signal.
159 ation pathway, and upstream of two important micromere induction signals.
160              In order to be receptive to the micromere inductive signal the macromeres first must tra
161 elopment in ctenophores and indicate that e1 micromeres influence the development of adjacent cell li
162   However, the eye-forming ability of the 1d micromere is not influenced by its close position to the
163             By contrast, when a transplanted micromere is placed at the vegetal plate after removing
164                                 If a labeled micromere is placed ectopically at the macromere/mesomer
165               MAPK function in the Ilyanassa micromeres is a recent cooption and, since the divergenc
166 hough vasa protein accumulation in the small micromeres is fixed, accumulation in other cells of the
167 ctivated in the progeny of the first quartet micromeres, just prior to the birth of the third quartet
168  functionally required in 3D and also in the micromeres known to require a signal from 3D.
169                                        Small micromeres lacking Sp-nanos1 and Sp-nanos2 undergo an ex
170 ectoderm, where the progeny of the 1a and 1d micromeres lie to the left of the median plane while tho
171       These control the specification of the micromere lineage and of the initial veg(2) endomesoderm
172  expressed exclusively by cells of the large micromere lineage beginning in the first interphase afte
173 trotus purpuratus is restricted to the large micromere lineage by a double negative regulatory gate.
174 ll observable developmental functions of the micromere lineage during the specification period.
175 f gene expression unique to the skeletogenic micromere lineage is set in train by activation of the p
176 nchyme cells of the embryo, beginning in the micromere lineage of the early blastula stage and contin
177 irects the specification of the skeletogenic micromere lineage of the sea urchin embryo.
178 and maintenance of multipotency in the small micromere lineage requires nanos, which may function in
179  generate a precociously specified embryonic micromere lineage that ingresses before gastrulation and
180 expressed with different timing in the small micromere lineage.
181 were caused to be activated in the embryonic micromere lineage.
182 rly by translational regulation to the small micromere lineage.
183  through the Notch receptor from the vegetal micromere lineages diverts adjacent mesendoderm to secon
184 ction cascade that is initiated by the large micromeres located at the vegetal pole.
185                   In general, second quartet micromeres make major contributions to the shell-forming
186                                       The 1b micromere may not develop an eye during normal developme
187           Specification of sea urchin embryo micromeres occurs early in cleavage, with the establishm
188 erm, which is formed from the fourth quartet micromere of the D quadrant (4d).
189                            The first-quartet micromere of the dorsal D lineage (1d) is smaller than t
190 ntral nervous system is mainly formed by the micromeres of the 1st and 2nd quartet, of which 1a, 1c,
191 mesoderm in C. fornicata is mainly formed by micromeres of the 3rd quartet (principally 3a and 3b), w
192 tropod Ilyanassa obsoleta, the first-quartet micromeres of the A, B and C lineages (1a, 1b, and 1c) a
193                               The four small micromeres of the sea urchin embryo contribute only to t
194 signaling in macromeres and does not require micromere or veg2-inductive signals.
195 reless 4th cleavage host embryos; either the micromeres or the hosts contained alphaSpdri MASO.
196 ignaling mechanisms emanating from the small micromeres or their descendants.
197                      We demonstrate that the micromeres play an important role in the induction of se
198 ion studies position Snail in the sea urchin micromere-PMC gene regulatory network (GRN), downstream
199 s reveal that, although most features of the micromere-PMC GRN are recapitulated in transfating NSM c
200                                          The micromere-PMC GRN governs the development of the larval
201 ty to fuse is autonomously programmed in the micromere-PMC lineage by the 16-cell stage.
202 ent of the GRN, unlike its deployment in the micromere-PMC lineage, is independent of the transcripti
203 t is due to mechanical constraint from other micromere-PMCs.
204 r normal development, as removal of all four micromeres prevented dorsoventral axis formation.
205                                          The micromere-primary mesenchyme cell (PMC) GRN drives the d
206 lei of micromeres and, as a consequence, the micromeres produce an inductive ligand.
207 ntinues to activate foxY expression in small micromere progeny.
208               These results demonstrate that micromere quartet identity, a hallmark of the ancient sp
209 the relative size and timing of formation of micromere quartets and none can be considered, by itself
210  axial relationships exhibited by successive micromere quartets are a characteristic of spiralian dev
211 ies of asymmetric divisions that produce the micromere quartets are particularly important for patter
212 d by all blastomeres of the first and second micromere quartets, as well as 3c and 3d.
213 d obligatorily from descendants of the small micromeres; rather, the germ cell lineage arises during
214 strate that the proximity of a first quartet micromere relative to the inducing D macromere is import
215               Generally, progeny of a single micromere remain in the quadrant of origin.
216    If beta-catenin signaling is blocked, the micromeres remain unspecified and are unable to signal t
217                          We demonstrate that micromeres require nuclear beta-catenin to exhibit SMC i
218 in the skeletogenic descendants of the large micromeres; second, after about 20 h in the oral ectoder
219 n nuclear beta-catenin in vegetal nuclei and micromere signaling, we performed both transplantations
220  show that the gene is not involved in early micromere signaling.
221 s mRNA accumulates specifically in the small micromere (sMic) lineage.
222               Here we demonstrate that small micromeres (SMics), which are formed at the fifth cell d
223                                    Thus, the micromere-specific control genes, which are the target o
224 togenic cell state is specified initially by micromere-specific expression of these regulatory genes,
225 se all of the cells of the embryo to express micromere-specific genes.
226 ed functions, including global repression of micromere-specific regulatory genes.
227 f which the regulatory apparatus is entirely micromere-specific.
228 derm specification places pmar1 early in the micromere specification pathway, and upstream of two imp
229 cription factor necessary for initiating the micromere specification program and for the expression o
230 has likely been used for euechinoid echinoid micromere specification since at least the Late Triassic
231 nent of the gene network that controls large micromere specification, the homeodomain protein Alx1.
232 ic regulatory gene network that accounts for micromere specificity.
233 terval when the progeny of the first quartet micromeres specify the D quadrant macromere.
234 tative in that more SMCs are induced by four micromeres than by one.
235 (12)) and a single daughter of the four m(1) micromeres (the m(12) micromeres).
236 e of pmarl is to prevent, exclusively in the micromeres, the expression of a repressor that is otherw
237 tracing to determine that, in addition to e1 micromeres, the four m1 micromeres also make significant
238 vision because animals are fertile even when micromeres, the parent blastomeres of small micromeres,
239  the vegetal plate after removing all 4 host micromeres, the resultant PMCs ingress and migrate into
240 ng 20-60 minutes after the appearance of the micromeres--the precursors of the small micromeres.
241 (v) presentation of a signal required by the micromeres themselves and of two different signals requi
242 romeres, and then is restricted to the small micromeres through gastrulation to larval development.
243                           Transplantation of micromeres to animal cells resulted in the induction of
244 that the induction signal is passed from the micromeres to macromere progeny between the eighth and t
245 nth cleavage addition of induction-competent micromeres to micromereless embryos fails to specify SMC
246                   The migration of the small micromeres to the coelomic pouches in the sea urchin emb
247 s disrupts the ordered distribution of small micromeres to the left and right coelomic pouches.
248 TC-stained hosts (in place of the endogenous micromere) to observe the progeny of a single micromere.
249                                              Micromere transplantation experiments revealed that the
250                                              Micromere transplantation experiments show that the gene
251  the greatest number of the remaining animal micromeres, ultimately became the D quadrant.
252 rilii, we investigated the lineage of the 4d micromere, using high-resolution long-term live imaging
253                          In addition, the 1b micromere was found to be equivalent to 1a and 1c, but 1
254                           After removing the micromeres, we observed a significant delay in the forma
255 ing endodermal canals) form when all four e1 micromeres were deleted.
256                                  When single micromeres were isolated and cultured in unsupplemented
257  four-cell stage, and specific first quartet micromeres were removed from discrete positions relative
258 hen either one or two adjacent first quartet micromeres were removed from one side of the embryo, the
259 pressor, pmar1, is activated specifically in micromeres, where it represses transcription of a second
260 its propensity for accumulation in the small micromeres, whereas overexpression of the Vasa-interacti
261             However, at fourth cleavage, the micromeres, which are partitioned by asymmetric division
262                       Although isolated e(1) micromeres will spontaneously generate comb plates, cell

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