


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion ability, particularly of bone and liver micrometastases.
2 ing of the metastatic soil and the growth of micrometastases.
3  melanoma, especially among those with nodal micrometastases.
4 lating tumour cells, and the destiny of some micrometastases.
5  kinase family, preferentially inhibits bone micrometastases.
6 raoperative evaluation were in patients with micrometastases.
7 n treating early-stage HER-2/neu--expressing micrometastases.
8 eading to variable classification of ITC and micrometastases.
9 f SLN, or the prognostic significance of SLN micrometastases.
10 , but transgenic mice only show low rates of micrometastases.
11 cal excision produces sufficient CTL against micrometastases.
12 than unity for saturation of both tumors and micrometastases.
13  elicit a protective immune response against micrometastases.
14 in natural killer cell-mediated clearance of micrometastases.
15 rts metastasis by increasing the survival of micrometastases.
16 be extensively evaluated for the presence of micrometastases.
17 ocity and molecular clearance of circulating micrometastases.
18 s (TUNEL)-proliferation (MIB1) ratios in the micrometastases.
19  were confined to the PC, and formed hepatic micrometastases.
20 9, and PIP) designed to detect breast cancer micrometastases.
21  the time of treatment and remain dormant as micrometastases.
22 lls during the treatment of murine pulmonary micrometastases.
23 mor regression, including regression of lung micrometastases.
24 issemination and the formation of lymph-node micrometastases.
25 rds a survival benefit by directly targeting micrometastases.
26 ument the clinical implications of molecular micrometastases.
27 urvival and inhibition of the growth of lung micrometastases.
28 duces accelerated growth of residual hepatic micrometastases.
29 g with an anticytokeratin antibody to detect micrometastases.
30 nt disease, presumably because of undetected micrometastases.
31 the neck or chest and with diffuse pulmonary micrometastases.
32 resulted in the disappearance of spontaneous micrometastases.
33 ary tumor is required for maintenance of the micrometastases.
34  that regulates the "dormancy" of AT6.1-17-4 micrometastases.
35 (177)Lu, (111)In, and (161)Tb at irradiating micrometastases.
36 ing s.c. tumor cells re-expressed it in lung micrometastases.
37  bearing PSMA+, luciferase-expressing PC3-ML micrometastases.
38 s but also in lungs and livers affected with micrometastases.
39 emboli, circulating tumor cell clusters, and micrometastases.
40 ar tools for quantitative detection of brain micrometastases.
41 cancer cells and supports their expansion to micrometastases.
42  and to rapidly test drug efficacies on bone micrometastases.
43 ysis enabled confirmation of the presence of micrometastases.
44 ing promise for treatment of prostate cancer micrometastases.
45  drives the progression from single cells to micrometastases.
46 for eradicating disseminated tumor cells and micrometastases.
47 otocytotoxicity and resolution of individual micrometastases.
48 imens were reviewed to assess CALI, TRG, and micrometastases.
49 ta) was identified around perivascular brain micrometastases.
50  to survive at secondary sites and establish micrometastases.
51 e containing both established metastases and micrometastases.
52 mor cells, and 4.39 (95% CI, 1.46-13.24) for micrometastases.
53 otes the survival and outgrowth of pulmonary micrometastases.
54 ic agent for the treatment of uveal melanoma micrometastases.
55 ary uveal melanoma and spread of its hepatic micrometastases.
56                                Of those with micrometastases, 16 underwent CAD with 1 patient having
57 mined by histology, whereas the rate of OSNA-micrometastases (18%) was significantly higher than that
58 The mean signal ratios acquired with MSOT in micrometastases (2.5 +/- 0.3, n = 6) and in-transit meta
59  to the SLN was found in 48 patients (21 had micrometastases, 27 had macrometastases).
60  and 96% for patients younger than 40 y with micrometastases, 70% and 65% for patients older than 40
61 ore than 2 mm) was better than for detecting micrometastases, 73 versus 25%, respectively (P = 0.059)
62 sing proliferative programs in breast cancer micrometastases, a reaction that is partially dependent
63 icantly improved survival in mice bearing PC micrometastases after systemic administration.
64                                A decrease in micrometastases, an increase in target-specific cytolysi
65 e regressions of established pulmonary 3-day micrometastases and 7-day macrometastases as well as est
66 /R) injury of the liver stimulates growth of micrometastases and adhesion of tumor cells, the clinica
67 ffers prospects for catching early recurrent micrometastases and for treating occult disease.
68 nal (3D) model representing adherent ovarian micrometastases and high-throughput quantitative imaging
69 ing modality for the detection of lymph node micrometastases and in-transit metastases from melanoma
70 SOT enabled detection of melanoma lymph node micrometastases and in-transit metastases undetectable w
71  in the SN more accurately reflects melanoma micrometastases and is also a more powerful predictor of
72 following: size-based discrimination between micrometastases and isolated tumor cells; identifiers to
73 maging, we show a widespread distribution of micrometastases and macrometastases in the brain, recapi
74                                   Subsequent micrometastases and metastases were visualized by GFP fl
75 ting lymph node involvement, (d) identifying micrometastases and residual microscopic disease, and (e
76 rief note about the escalating role of nodal micrometastases and sentinel node biopsy in the definiti
77 ents with T1 breast cancer, individuals with micrometastases and those with negative nodes have simil
78 rch and innovation for detection of systemic micrometastases and treatment of metastatic disease are
79 reatment is recommended in patients with SLN micrometastases and unfavorable tumor characteristics.
80 313 patients with stage III disease, 81% had micrometastases, and 19% had clinically detectable macro
81 54.7) and 44.9% (34.2-55.9) in patients with micrometastases, and 62.7% (56.5-68.6) and 65.7% (59.4-7
82 tiparameter assays, detection of bone marrow micrometastases, and circulating tumor cells.
83 istant tissues, the formation of new foci of micrometastases, and finally the growth of micrometastas
84 he growth of otherwise-indolent tumor cells, micrometastases, and human tumor surgical specimens loca
85  was 63%; it was 67% for patients with nodal micrometastases, and it was 43% for those with nodal mac
86 argins, to identify residual tumor cells and micrometastases, and to determine if the tumor has been
87 iganglioside antibodies prevent outgrowth of micrometastases, and we use this model to establish some
88                     Here we demonstrate that micrometastases are associated with instigation of astro
89                                              Micrometastases are dependent on angiogenesis, suggestin
90 y whole-body imaging, and macrometastases or micrometastases are detected by intravital imaging or fl
91 complete surgical resection, suggesting that micrometastases are present even in localized disease an
92 t setting, where circulating tumor cells and micrometastases are the primary targets.
93                                     As such, micrometastases are usually missed and most patients cli
94 and effective tool to noninvasively identify micrometastases as an alternate to sentinal node biopsy
95 de-negative disease, isolated tumor cells or micrometastases as final nodal status.
96 detection and characterisation of lymph-node micrometastases, as well as potential microenvironmental
97 al; extravasation; growth and progression to micrometastases; as well as tumor microenvironment of me
98 at patients in dormancy have between 1 and 5 micrometastases at 10 years postresection, when they esc
99 sociated with increased formation of hepatic micrometastases at 48 hours and gross metastatic disease
100  Carboplatin alone did not eradicate ovarian micrometastases at a dose of 400 mg/m2, leaving survivin
101 6) and 65.7% (59.4-71.5) in patients without micrometastases at presentation (p<0.001).
102 atients already harbor dormant, undetectable micrometastases at the time of cancer diagnosis (Hensel
103 h for more sensitive in vivo detection of LN micrometastases, based on the use of ultrasound-guided s
104 alpha-Particles are suitable to treat cancer micrometastases because of their short range and very hi
105  with an increased likelihood of subclinical micrometastases before treatment or with posttreatment t
106                               The numbers of micrometastases between the two groups are equivalent; t
107 ses) in sentinel lymph nodes and bone marrow micrometastases (BMM) were independently described as pr
108 urden not by preventing the establishment of micrometastases but rather by preventing vascularization
109 significantly higher local invasion and lung micrometastases but, unexpectedly, lower proliferation t
110 sensitive method for detection of lymph-node micrometastases, but accurate quantitative assessment ha
111 broblast growth factor (FGF) 1 have frequent micrometastases, but macrometastases are not observed.
112 reduced the numbers of MLL lung colonies and micrometastases by 40- to >100-fold, whereas Ac-HSPNC-NH
113  by preventing vascularization and growth of micrometastases by 55% and 43%, respectively.
114 potential of specific mRNA markers to detect micrometastases by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chai
115 c value as mRNA markers for the detection of micrometastases by the RT-PCR assay because they are exp
116 to assess the sensitivity of CK-20 to detect micrometastases by the RT-PCR assay in the blood and fro
117 tes show that extravasation and formation of micrometastases by TRCs are more efficient than by the c
118                           Breast cancer bone micrometastases can remain asymptomatic for years before
119                 We found that nearly all lgl micrometastases co-express the neuronal cell marker, ELA
120 status, and vascular invasion, the effect of micrometastases decreased and was no longer significant,
121                                              Micrometastases detected by immunohistochemistry are spe
122 invasive lobular and ductal cancers had node micrometastases, detected by haematoxylin and eosin, com
123 membrane antigen (PSMA) for the treatment of micrometastases due to prostate cancer (PC).
124 cannot effectively reach residual disease or micrometastases, especially within the lymphatic system.
125 atients with axillary node-negative or nodal micrometastases, estrogen receptor-positive, and human e
126    Mice with preexisting wild-type pulmonary micrometastases exhibit prolonged survival and an increa
127                By contrast, most of the brat micrometastases expressed neither marker.
128 7)Ga is a promising radionuclide for killing micrometastases, for high-density target antigens, but m
129 arrest, transendothelial migration and early micrometastases formation.
130 s, circulating tumor cell clusters, and lung micrometastases frequently expressed the epithelial cyto
131                                  We examined micrometastases from a murine model of ovarian carcinoma
132  be necessary in patients with sentinel node micrometastases from T1/T2 lesions, or in patients with
133 osomes are effective in treating early-stage micrometastases, giving median survival times similar to
134     15 of these 16 patients with evidence of micrometastases had the highest cytokeratin 19 transcrip
135                                  Bone-marrow micrometastases have been found in patients with primary
136 for evaluating the effect of chemotherapy on micrometastases; however, knowledge of such a response p
137 orectal cancer cells led to the formation of micrometastases; however, loss of PTEN is required for s
138                                  We detected micrometastases in 15% of ovarioles from wild type host
139                                  We detected micrometastases in 15.8% of ovarioles from wild type hos
140          CK-IHC and RT-PCR identified occult micrometastases in 53% of patients whose SNs were negati
141 melanoma growth and the formation of hepatic micrometastases in a dose-dependent manner.
142 -labetuzumab-IRDye800CW can detect pulmonary micrometastases in a mouse model.
143 otect the disseminated prostate cancer liver micrometastases in a proliferation-independent manner, a
144 valid surrogates for the detection of occult micrometastases in ALN.
145 .4) completely eradicated breast cancer lung micrometastases in approximately 67% of HER-2/neu transg
146 otential to prevent the development of brain micrometastases in breast cancer patients.
147 s (25%), and CK-IHC of SNs identified occult micrometastases in four patients (10%) whose SNs were ne
148        Additional processing revealed occult micrometastases in four patients (three in sentinel node
149 led a significantly reduced presence of lung micrometastases in HIF-1alpha(flox/flox)/LysMcre mice tr
150 RT)-PCR for detecting clinically significant micrometastases in histopathologically normal archival p
151 y and clinically significant prostate cancer micrometastases in histopathologically normal PLN, RT-PC
152  analogous approach may be effective against micrometastases in human patients, including tumors whos
153 pletely prevented the formation of pulmonary micrometastases in Lewis lung carcinoma (P = 0.0001).
154 ere not required for aggressive outgrowth of micrometastases in livers treated with surgery.
155 avenous injection, these materials can image micrometastases in multiple organs with spatiotemporal r
156 oup patients with clinically relevant occult micrometastases in N0-PLN, who may benefit from addition
157                  The presence of bone-marrow micrometastases in patients with primary breast cancer i
158 to be an accurate method for detecting nodal micrometastases in previously untreated patients with ea
159           Quantitative analyses of pulmonary micrometastases in primary tumor-bearing mice indicated
160 lecular detection of isolated tumor cells or micrometastases in regional lymph nodes indicates high r
161                                 Detection of micrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) is import
162 uation can miss clinically relevant melanoma micrometastases in SLNs.
163 designed to determine the survival impact of micrometastases in SNs of patients with invasive breast
164  treatment and facilitated identification of micrometastases in solid organs at autopsy.
165 ti-carbohydrate Abs reduced the outgrowth of micrometastases in the 4T1 spontaneous tumor model, sign
166              Moreover, there were fewer lung micrometastases in the 5C4 animals.
167 231-BR clones produced comparable numbers of micrometastases in the brain as control transfectants; h
168 bes that are capable of imaging tiny (<1 mm) micrometastases in the liver, lung, pancreas, kidneys, a
169 nsitions were frequently observed among lung micrometastases in the organ parenchyma and immediately
170                                 Detection of micrometastases in the regional tumor-draining lymph nod
171 cancer patients with isolated tumor cells or micrometastases in the sentinel node (SLN).
172 ) has led to an increase in the detection of micrometastases in the sentinel node (SN).
173 isolated tumor cells, and 1028 patients with micrometastases in the SLN were included.
174 of intrahepatic NK cells associated with the micrometastases in treated groups.
175  infiltrates (SNTI; isolated tumor cells and micrometastases) in sentinel lymph nodes and bone marrow
176                    None of the patients with micrometastases, including those without CAD, has eviden
177     The last of these involves the growth of micrometastases into macroscopic tumors.
178 ming axillary treatment in patients with SLN micrometastases is associated with an increased 5-year r
179                    Furthermore, treatment of micrometastases is impeded by several biobarriers, inclu
180 distant disease; however, in the presence of micrometastases, it represents a marker of distant relap
181 mited by tumor vascular permeability, and in micrometastases, limited by diffusion.
182                            In the absence of micrometastases, local recurrence would be a determinant
183                                    In larger micrometastases (&lt;/= 100 mum in diameter), the activity
184 is improved detection of both bone and liver micrometastases (&lt;2 mm) with excellent tumor-to-normal c
185  understanding the survival and outgrowth of micrometastases may hold greater promise to combat metas
186                                        Nodal micrometastases may not be detected with current standar
187                                              Micrometastases (microscopic vascular or biliary invasio
188  to determine the prognostic significance of micrometastases (MM) and isolated tumor cells (ITCs) in
189 el node (SN) biopsy indicate a 29.6% rate of micrometastases (MM) identified by immunohistochemical s
190 tage II CRC having > or =12 LNs negative for micrometastases (N0i-) are likely cured by surgery alone
191 NGS: For women with isolated tumour cells or micrometastases [nodal deposit(s) >0.2-2 mm] in one or m
192 es (SNs) draining a primary CRC could detect micrometastases not detected by conventional histopathol
193 s; thus, PCR for CgA can be used to identify micrometastases not evident by light microscopy or IHC a
194 sis demonstrated that in patients with nodal micrometastases, number of tumor-containing lymph nodes,
195 astatic tumours and enables the detection of micrometastases of size <0.5 mm, extending the detection
196 riable, potentially due to undetected occult micrometastases (OM).
197 thological tumor regression grade (TRG), and micrometastases on long-term prognosis in patients under
198  prognostic factors as well as the effect of micrometastases on relapse-free survival and overall sur
199 owever, an insensitive technique to identify micrometastases or delineate subpopulations of NE cells.
200  allowed imaging of physiologically relevant micrometastases originating in an orthotopically implant
201                            We find that bone micrometastases predominantly reside in a niche that exh
202 ls in BICA maintain features of in vivo bone micrometastases regarding the microenvironmental niche,
203                      This indicates that the micrometastases result from continued seeding from the p
204                                              Micrometastases significantly impacted prognosis assessm
205 iates patients with T1 tumors and lymph node micrometastases (stage IB) from patients with T1 tumors
206 44s protein expression was conserved in lung micrometastases suggesting that it may have been necessa
207 stion arises as to whether clinically occult micrometastases survive in a state of balanced prolifera
208 ld more active against established pulmonary micrometastases than cultured unfractionated TDLN, and >
209 ntibodies may be more suitable for targeting micrometastases than vascularized tumors.
210 we evaluated the malignant character of lung micrometastases that emerge in such models after orthoto
211 umors seed at most an average of 6 dangerous micrometastases that escape from growth restriction with
212 o be maintained by small numbers of sizeable micrometastases that escape from growth restriction with
213                               Drug-resistant micrometastases that escape standard therapies often go
214 ing procedures are needed to identify occult micrometastases that spawn BCR.
215 it still resulted in complete eradication of micrometastases that were established at that time point
216 LN3, were used as a model of prevascularized micrometastases; their response to an anti-PSMA antibody
217 routing of sinusoidal endothelial cells into micrometastases, thereby supporting early metastatic ang
218 creasing their recruitment to vasculature of micrometastases, thereby supporting progression to macro
219 ever, TF also supported the early success of micrometastases through an additional mechanism independ
220 atients with trunk melanomas, 4 patients had micrometastases to axillary SLNs (AxSLNs).
221 ls, and immune cells isolated from mice with micrometastases to determine which cell type is producin
222 effective strategy to prevent progression of micrometastases to macroscopic disease.
223                             Thus, failure of micrometastases to proliferate was not due to inhibitory
224 32 patients with non-IM in-transit nodes had micrometastases to these in-transit nodes.
225  with macrometastases or older patients with micrometastases treated at GR and MSKCC, respectively (P
226 cyclopamine-treated mice developed pulmonary micrometastases versus seven of seven mice with multiple
227               The incidence of sentinel-node micrometastases was 16.0% (122 of 764 patients), and the
228 after inoculation, and the number of hepatic micrometastases was histologically determined.
229 nificant quantitative reduction in pulmonary micrometastases was observed in fibrinogen-deficient mic
230                      Lymphatic and pulmonary micrometastases were detected as deposits of X-gal-stain
231 opsy with immediate lymphadenectomy if nodal micrometastases were detected on biopsy.
232                                      Hepatic micrometastases were enumerated.
233                                          The micrometastases were evaluated for apoptosis and prolife
234                                              Micrometastases were identified in SLNs of 16 of the 106
235 lap over the chest wall, while contralateral micrometastases were imaged through the corresponding sk
236                                   Subsequent micrometastases were visualized by GFP fluorescence in t
237 ill need to eliminate these small numbers of micrometastases, which may be preangiogenic and nonvascu
238 t range, offering the potential for treating micrometastases while sparing normal tissues.
239 (<10 mum), making them suitable for treating micrometastases while sparing normal tissues.
240 ize tumor boundaries and successfully detect micrometastases with diameters <1 mm.
241  means to reduce circulating tumor cells and micrometastases would be an advantage in cancer vaccine

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