


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ein, Unc119, varies between subnanomolar and micromolar.
2 ater sulfate concentrations of less than 2.5 micromolar.
3 n constants ranging from subnanomolar to low micromolar.
4 tion equilibrium constants from picomolar to micromolar.
5 d their already substantial proliferation in micromolar 4-hydroxytamoxifen and fulvestrant/ICI 182,78
6                            Starting from the micromolar 8-quinoline carboxamide high-throughput scree
7                   Compound 15c displayed low micromolar activity (EC50 value of ca. 2 muM) and limite
8 ted analogue of apoptolidin A, displayed sub-micromolar activity against H292 lung carcinoma cells.
9 stituted cyclam derivatives that display low micromolar activity against pathogenic mycobacteria.
10 ty (Ki = 38 pM), coupled with a single-digit micromolar activity against Trypanosoma brucei brucei (E
11  activate adenosine receptors (ARs) revealed micromolar activity at serotonin 5HT2B and 5HT2C recepto
12 irst small-molecule IL-15 inhibitor with sub-micromolar activity.
13 Both types of Aip1 bind actin filaments with micromolar affinities and weakly nucleate actin polymeri
14 pe II NKT TCR binds with CD1d-bound LPC with micromolar affinities similar to that for sulfatide.
15 ide-based inhibitor scaffold that showed sub-micromolar affinities toward collagenase H (ColH) from t
16           Ligand 3 binds r(CUG)12 with a low micromolar affinity (K(d) = 8 +/- 2 muM) and disrupts th
17 ents showed that NreA binds nitrate with low micromolar affinity (KD=22muM).
18  found to bind human IL-12 (hIL-12) with low micromolar affinity and increase hIL-12 bioactivity by m
19 Lipid binding by purified MpPR-1 occurs with micromolar affinity and is saturable in vitro Sterol bin
20 ts bind the IL-36R extracellular domain with micromolar affinity but do not detectably bind IL-1RAcP.
21  domains of Myo10 and DdMyo7 bind to MT with micromolar affinity but, surprisingly, their MT binding
22 mor potency and systemic off-tumor toxicity, micromolar affinity CAR T cells demonstrated superior an
23 perior expansion and contraction kinetics of micromolar affinity CAR T cells.
24 l medium-sized spiny neurons (MSNs) with low micromolar affinity for both cyclic nucleotides.
25 ne of these derivatives (DCUK-OEt) displayed micromolar affinity for brain gamma-aminobutyric acid ty
26              A number of these exhibited low micromolar affinity for dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS),
27  region, and show that they all have nano to micromolar affinity for HSA Peptide 40 and nab-paclitaxe
28 e 4-acylpyrrole 6 which shows a single-digit micromolar affinity for the CREBBP bromodomain and a lig
29 n in biological fluids as well as by its low micromolar affinity for the receptor.
30                  Pry1 bound fatty acids with micromolar affinity in vitro, and its function was essen
31 ble and the pseudohexamer binds six ATP with micromolar affinity in vitro.
32 ysine mimetic ligands ranging from mM to low micromolar affinity that were identified using fragment
33  its isolated N and C domains, bind with low micromolar affinity to a heme-free, truncated version of
34  to p97, showing that ataxin3 binds with low-micromolar affinity to both wild-type p97 and mutants li
35 romodomain of human BRD9 with small residual micromolar affinity toward the bromodomain of BRD4.
36 ionally, we show that CASPR2 associates with micromolar affinity with CNTN1 but, under the same condi
37 GEF catalytic activity, binding to SOS1 with micromolar affinity, and disrupting GEF-Ras interaction.
38 orter binds to cholate and deoxycholate with micromolar affinity, and transport assays performed on i
39 ch peptide was able to bind DNA and RNA with micromolar affinity, but did not display nuclease activi
40                       TOCA1 binds Cdc42 with micromolar affinity, in contrast to the nanomolar affini
41 icient to mediate specific interaction, with micromolar affinity, with all the class IIa HDACs (HDACs
42 ed ligands that bind to the active site with micromolar affinity.
43 acts with both PREP and PREP(S554A) with low micromolar affinity.
44 the anticancer drug irinotecan (CPT-11) with micromolar affinity.
45  bound Fe(2+) in detergent solution with low micromolar affinity.
46 cromolar affinity, and HtpG bound DnaK2 with micromolar affinity.
47 M antibodies from patient sera but with only micromolar affinity.
48 es 1255-1452, as interacting with HDAC7 with micromolar affinity.
49 lion fragments, which revealed another three micromolar agonists unrelated either to 28 or known musc
50 hat evidence pelagic barite precipitation at micromolar ambient sulfate.
51 ion at coastal and open ocean sites with sub-micromolar ammonia/ammonium concentrations was inhibited
52  the low nanomolar range associated with low micromolar anti-HIV activities were obtained.
53 y congener within this series to demonstrate micromolar antihuman cytomegalovirus (HCMV) potency.
54 entified specific inhibitors of Mtb ADK with micromolar antimycobacterial activity and low cytotoxici
55 (where p-cym=para-cymene) exhibit potent sub-micromolar antiproliferative activity towards human canc
56                 Starting from a hit with low micromolar binding activity, we report here the main ste
57                                          Sub-micromolar binding affinities were obtained by fluoresce
58 p of a protein domain; the protein exhibited micromolar binding affinity for the MVCB[8] complex, mat
59 zolidinedione fragment was found to have low micromolar binding affinity to the zinc metalloenzyme ca
60 acidic residues at the P-2 position with low micromolar binding constants.
61                                   We predict micromolar Ca(2+) increases lasting for the open duratio
62  that the EC50 of such binding is in the low micromolar Ca(2+) range.
63                     Our results suggest that micromolar [Ca(2+) ]i , in the submembrane or junctional
64 s nanomolar Ch fluctuations, on top of which micromolar Ch increases occurred during periods of theta
65 e, we show both l- and d-BTZ enantiomers are micromolar competitive betaLIs of all MBL classes in vit
66 hat transient calcium increase up to tens of micromolar concentration at the micro/nano domain trigge
67 they allow the detection of fluoride ions at micromolar concentration by the naked eye, UV-vis absorp
68 egassed aqueous buffer media at pH 7 down to micromolar concentration levels.
69 st the bacterial challenge was observed at a micromolar concentration of Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime in
70   The best compound was active in a very low micromolar concentration range against all three transpo
71 promising anti-influenza activity in the low micromolar concentration range and good selectivity.
72  chitooligosaccharides with Kd values in the micromolar concentration range and that the binding ener
73                     The initial steps in the micromolar concentration range follow apparent sigmoidal
74 tion of ciproxifan revealed IC50 values in a micromolar concentration range for human and rat monoami
75 Pt1 strain, 2E,4E-decadienal supplied in the micromolar concentration range led to a nonspecific cell
76 vival of multiple cancer cell lines in a low micromolar concentration range.
77                                       At low micromolar concentration, microalgae fixed all silver in
78 n cytomegalovirus (HCMV) replications at low micromolar concentration, with little or no cytotoxicity
79 0.1) and cooperative substrate inhibition at micromolar concentrations ([S](1/2) = 740 +/- 240 nm; n
80        Compound 5 was potent at single-digit micromolar concentrations against a panel of cancer cell
81 against schistosomula and adult worms at low micromolar concentrations and therefore represent promis
82 y source for biological reactions, for which micromolar concentrations are sufficient, we propose tha
83 lass of small molecules that function at low micromolar concentrations as both beta- and beta,delta-e
84 e found that 3-NOP indeed inactivates MCR at micromolar concentrations by oxidation of its active sit
85 ed to nitrite, which also inactivates MCR at micromolar concentrations by oxidation of Ni(I).
86 be detected within the same analysis time as micromolar concentrations detected without the use of th
87      In addition, we discovered that zinc in micromolar concentrations drives ssDNA to a unique, high
88 MPs, which may explain why most AMPs require micromolar concentrations for activity, show significant
89 related congeners inhibited melanogenesis at micromolar concentrations in B16 mouse melanoma cells, n
90 assays by modulation of the phenotype at low micromolar concentrations in both cancer and inflammator
91                            SH-I-048A reached micromolar concentrations in brain tissue, while the unb
92 actinides can be easily distinguished at low micromolar concentrations in complex salt mixtures.
93           These peptides induce autophagy at micromolar concentrations in vitro, have aggregate-clear
94                         Unexpectedly, at sub-micromolar concentrations MTMs stabilize FLI1-DNA comple
95  photons per pixel from cells that contained micromolar concentrations of a Tb(III) complex.
96 imize an enzyme-coupled assay to measure low micromolar concentrations of acetate, coupling acetate p
97                                 Picomolar to micromolar concentrations of ascr#18, the major ascarosi
98                                              Micromolar concentrations of Ca(2+) lead to a robust blu
99 ivity of metal detection to afford measuring micromolar concentrations of calcium as well as simultan
100                         Caulobacter requires micromolar concentrations of calcium for normal growth a
101                  We show that on addition of micromolar concentrations of hyaluronic acid, the result
102 olated transgenic keratinocytes to show that micromolar concentrations of MFQ attenuated increased ma
103 from nitrate and resulted in accumulation of micromolar concentrations of nitric oxide during denitri
104 hat had undergone a more chronic exposure to micromolar concentrations of nitric oxide showed an appr
105 onsequence (gravitropism), were inhibited by micromolar concentrations of NPPB that did not affect gr
106              The effects of nanomolar versus micromolar concentrations of phloroglucinol differed bot
107 er millimolar concentrations of ornithine or micromolar concentrations of putrescine or by complement
108                                Specifically, micromolar concentrations of pyrene in methanol/water so
109                                    Thus, sub-micromolar concentrations of short-chain polyP can accel
110               Moreover, SPCA1a is blocked by micromolar concentrations of the commonly used SERCA1a i
111 ulated >2-fold but potently inhibited by low micromolar concentrations of the oxidizing reagent coppe
112         This was reversed in the presence of micromolar concentrations of the protein phosphatase inh
113  mu-EME salt removal from samples containing micromolar concentrations of the target analytes and 150
114            Addition of high nanomolar to low micromolar concentrations of these inhibitors to cancer
115                         Plasma pH levels and micromolar concentrations of Zn(2+) inhibit WT Cx26 hemi
116 tes able to inhibit virus replication at low micromolar concentrations with no significant toxicity t
117 ation, and quantification of analytes at low-micromolar concentrations, provided they can weakly asso
118 antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pathway at micromolar concentrations, showing interesting structure
119 hantom images provide sufficient contrast at micromolar concentrations, showing promise for eventual
120 ibits fibrillogenesis of misfolded TTR under micromolar concentrations.
121 it more than 99% of HIV-1 infectivity at low micromolar concentrations.
122 ll growth, and induction of apoptosis at low micromolar concentrations.
123 er KDMs, as well as cellular activity at low micromolar concentrations.
124 sive methods for identifying analytes at sub-micromolar concentrations.
125 of complexes (0-24 h) in phosphate buffer at micromolar concentrations.
126 urospora crassa and Fusarium graminearum, at micromolar concentrations.
127 o 2-l-fucose (2F-Fuc) reduces root growth at micromolar concentrations.
128  intermediate BrO2(*) indirectly detected at micromolar concentrations.
129 ns to detect cytosolic peptide import at low micromolar concentrations.
130 ta-glucosidase activity in live cells at low-micromolar concentrations.
131  human and mouse breast cancer cells at high micromolar concentrations.
132  also demonstrated antiviral activity at low micromolar concentrations.
133 d selectively inhibiting WNV and DENV at low micromolar concentrations.
134 t substrate inhibition of chain formation at micromolar concentrations.
135 an form complexes with coralyne, even at low micromolar concentrations.
136 rupt MAPK and PI3K signaling in cells at low micromolar concentrations.
137 s able to kill Pseudomonas aeruginosa at sub-micromolar concentrations.
138 iazines as covalent protein modifiers at low micromolar concentrations.
139 ergic, and neuroprotective properties at low-micromolar concentrations.
140 yprotein synthesis was reduced <50%, even at micromolar concentrations.
141 y against a variety of bacterial taxa at low micromolar concentrations.
142 norketamine mimicked ketamine effects at sub-micromolar concentrations.
143 inhibited pUL89 endonuclease activity at low-micromolar concentrations.
144 mposition, and overall amount of cysteine at micromolar concentrations.
145 were found to block viral replication at low micromolar concentrations.
146 1 activity in the presence of physiological (micromolar) concentrations of Ca(2+) ions, as long as Mg
147                  On the contrary, at higher (micromolar) concentrations, tapentadol elicited proneuro
148 d ribosomes form a one-to-one complex with a micromolar dissociation constant.
149 e that single-stranded RNAs bind to PKR with micromolar dissociation constants and can induce activat
150 ow doses of visible light, and potent at sub-micromolar doses towards 3D multicellular tumor spheroid
151  infected neuroblastoma cells by >90% at low micromolar doses, and inhibits PrP(Sc)-induced synaptoto
152        Radiation enhancement ratios for 5-10 micromolar drug concentrations ranged from 1.19 to 1.82.
153 activity against all four serotypes with low micromolar EC50 in cell-based assays.
154 ty (selectivity index, SI = 94) along with a micromolar eeAChE inhibition (IC50 = 1.03 muM).
155 ermits LODs of submicromolar to double digit micromolar for a variety of analytes.
156                            We speculate that micromolar H2O2 is created both biologically and abiotic
157 mpound 2a (piperazinone derivative) as a low micromolar HCV genotype 1 (GT-1) inhibitor.
158                                       From a micromolar high throughput screening hit 7, the successf
159 nal topology in a ligand-efficient manner, a micromolar hit identified from a screen of a Pfizer frag
160                  Optimization of the two low-micromolar hits, the 4-acylpyrrole 1 and acylbenzene 9,
161 inylmethylene)aniline) ]Cl (4) displayed low micromolar IC50 values in ovarian cancers (A2780, A2780c
162 oxygen-species-dependent apoptosis, with low micromolar IC50 values.
163 ylene-based inhibitors for PR3 that show low micromolar IC50 values.
164 ven compounds inhibited 17beta-HSD2 with low micromolar IC50 values.
165 nhibited representative deubiquitinases with micromolar IC50, and its proapoptotic activity was studi
166                   NMI inhibits MAOA with low micromolar IC50, suppresses PCa cell proliferation and c
167 iniums as a promising scaffold with very low micromolar (IC50 approximately 1 muM) NNMT inhibition.
168 es, including a phthalimide derivative, show micromolar IC50s and KDs while demonstrating cytotoxicit
169 6-inducible Axl receptor activation with low micromolar IC50s in cell-based reporter assays, inhibit
170                The most promising leads show micromolar IC50s, have significant selectivity for SIRT6
171  leukotriene receptors 1 and 2 (CysLT1-2) at micromolar IC50values.
172           The optimized analogues showed low micromolar inhibition against both dynamin I (IC50 = 10.
173                 Designed peptides showed low-micromolar inhibition constants for N2P2 and no detectab
174   Four molecules have shown reproducibly low micromolar inhibition of calpain-2.
175 A gyrase inhibitors, some of which exhibited micromolar inhibition of E. coli topoisomerase IV and of
176 .14 nM against hCA II, whereas they were low micromolar inhibitors against hCA IX and XII.
177 lkaloid oroidin analogues, we identified low micromolar inhibitors of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase bas
178                  Thus modified compounds are micromolar inhibitors of Rab11A prenylation, simultaneou
179 e anomeric in the sugar were found to be low micromolar inhibitors of the alpha-glucosidase from bake
180 ptimization of this produced the first known micromolar inhibitors of the ATAD2 bromodomain.
181 yme has led to the discovery of two in vitro micromolar inhibitors.
182 726), 35 (NY0123), and 47 (NY0173)) with low micromolar inhibitory activity.
183 using OctetRed instrument, which yielded low micromolar KD against GtfB and nanomolar KD against GtfC
184 molar range for choline and glycine betaine, micromolar Kd for stachydrine and trigonelline and a Kd
185 used for protein-protein interactions in the micromolar KD value range.
186 re Sialic acid derivatives and bind with low micromolar Kd values to Siglec-7.
187 igh affinity binding, characterized by a low micromolar Kd, that is selective for the murine Importin
188  for clinical efficacy of L-asparaginases is micromolar KM for asparagine to allow for complete deple
189 gine by bacterial asparaginases is their low micromolar KM value.
190 goal of engineering an hASNase3 variant with micromolar KM, we conducted a structure/function analysi
191 imization of a series of naphthyridones from micromolar leads with no selectivity over the BET bromod
192 pound 50), showed inhibition on PRMT1 at the micromolar level and 6- to 25-fold selectivity over CARM
193 nd pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells generated micromolar level H2O2 during just 1 min of direct CAP tr
194 al-time detection of cellular glucosamine at micromolar level in living Caco-2 cells is also demonstr
195 nexpensive method of detecting Cu(2+) at the micromolar level would be highly desirable.
196 tection of primary alkylamines in water at a micromolar level, based on a cavitary recognition proces
197 o the occluded E2(2K), where free Pi (at the micromolar levels found in millimolar ATP solutions) pro
198 se potent kinase inhibitors demonstrated low micromolar levels of inhibition of the Trypanosoma bruce
199 tion of ligand efficient lead molecules with micromolar levels of inhibition, cellular activity, and
200                 Inspection revealed that low-micromolar levels of sulfide inhibited the proton-pumpin
201  rhodesain and falcipain-2, at nanomolar and micromolar levels, respectively.
202 presence of trivalent metal ions even at sub-micromolar levels.
203  of 17beta-estradiol (E2) from femtomolar to micromolar levels.
204 llows obtaining a nitrite/nitrate image with micromolar limit of detection.
205           The most potent compound displayed micromolar minimal inhibitory concentrations in differen
206 yperpolarization allows DOSY analysis of low-micromolar mixtures, thus reducing the concentration req
207 ytoskeleton that stabilize the initial weak (micromolar) monovalent interaction.
208 oncentrations ranging from nanomolar (nM) to micromolar (muM) range.
209 idase enzymes with Ki and IC50 values in the micromolar/nanomolar concentration range and further sub
210                                              Micromolar Ni(2+), an agent that selectively blocks CaV3
211 .2% of the total electron flow), even at sub-micromolar O2 concentrations.
212 zolines with EC50 values in the single digit micromolar or high nanomolar range in addition to favora
213 ides (from both isomeric series) exerted low micromolar or submicromolar in vitro cytostatic activiti
214 from cells expressing Ca(v)3.3, with Ki in a micromolar or submicromolar range.
215 bitors also inhibited HIV-1 RNase H with low micromolar potencies.
216 old led to the discovery of ligands with low micromolar potency (KD = 4 muM) and selectivity for BCL-
217 a specific inhibitor of RT RNase H, with low micromolar potency in vitro.
218  hormone analog, as a lead compound with low micromolar potency.
219 situ in the veins of live animals, achieving micromolar precision over many hours without the use of
220 ritical threshold concentration (approaching micromolar) prior to the observation of HIV-1 Gag associ
221 show that domain swapping of FoxP1 occurs at micromolar protein concentrations within hours of incuba
222  can effectively prevent corrosion when only micromolar quantities of H2 are present.
223 NG1B (C-RING1B), with an affinity in the low micromolar range ( approximately 10 muM).
224   All probes exhibited affinities in the low micromolar range (1.6 muM < Kd < 14.6 muM) and had rapid
225 rs nonselectively, with IC(50) values in the micromolar range (22 muM).
226 play almost identical IC50 values in the sub-micromolar range (25-335-fold more active than cisplatin
227 icardipine, nilotinib, and sorafenib) or low micromolar range (abiratone, candesartan, celecoxib, das
228 on of the ING3PHD with H3K4me3 is in the sub-micromolar range (KD ranging between 0.63 and 0.93 mum)
229 ave minimal inhibitory concentrations in the micromolar range against a range of bacteria and fungi.
230             Moderate cytotoxicity in the low-micromolar range against the HL-60 promyeloid leukemic c
231 d BChE with IC50 values in submicromolar and micromolar range and exhibited selective inhibitory acti
232 with high affinities in the nanomolar to low-micromolar range and have two phosphoinositide (PIP)-bin
233           Local glutamate alterations in the micromolar range and in nanoliter-range volumes can be d
234 3 domain with a dissociation constant in the micromolar range and modifies its tertiary structure lea
235 ntagonists at the GPRC6A receptor in the low micromolar range and show that 7 and 34b display >9-fold
236 ent inhibitor shows an IC50 value in the low micromolar range and successfully abolishes the synthesi
237 oducible sensitivity towards H2O2 in the low micromolar range and towards antimalarial compounds at p
238 ively inhibits the S. pneumonia MetAP in low micromolar range but not the human enzyme.
239 nity of NMS at the allosteric site is in the micromolar range for all receptor subtypes.
240 a pseudotyped infection model was in the low micromolar range for fullerenes with 12 and 36 mannoses.
241 ng potencies in the nanomolar and in the low micromolar range for hMAO B and eeAChE, respectively, we
242 udies revealed binding affinities in the low micromolar range for polymeric substrates that are due i
243 ch as DRI-C21045, activity (IC50) in the low micromolar range has been confirmed in cell assays inclu
244  inhibitory concentrations (MICs) in the low micromolar range in addition to favorable physicochemica
245 tained concentrations within the stimulatory micromolar range in contrast to previously reported pico
246  these compounds have IC50 values in the low micromolar range in Pf lines and low toxicity in human A
247 hibited HIV RT-associated RNase H in the low micromolar range in the absence of significant inhibitio
248 inhibited the growth of Mtb cells in the low micromolar range indicating that cleavage specificity of
249 t DNA polymerase activity of HIV-1 RT in the micromolar range while retaining potency against RT vari
250 wed substantial potency against HIV-1 at low micromolar range while the parent nucleosides were not e
251 ed numerous analogues inhibiting TDP2 in low micromolar range without appreciable inhibition against
252 yl group (9 and 10) inhibited RNase H in low micromolar range without significantly inhibiting RT pol
253 s compound binds with an affinity in the low micromolar range yet exerts suitable unexpected selectiv
254 d ISEs have poor limits of detection (in the micromolar range) relative to conventional solid-contact
255 onist activity profile at mGlu2 (EC50 in the micromolar range), whereas 2c/2d were both selective ago
256  acids and albumin-quinides complexes in the micromolar range, between 2 and 30muM.
257                       PBS can be used in the micromolar range, equivalent to about 0.1% 1x PBS (150 m
258 nds obtained exhibited MIC values in the low micromolar range, excellent intracellular antimycobacter
259 d RB3 - that penetrate the brain and, in the micromolar range, inhibit phosphorylation of ERK, histon
260   Even at starting concentrations in the low micromolar range, KcsA has a tremendous impact on the su
261 with a reported apparent affinity in the low micromolar range, making it an interesting lead compound
262         Calculated Ki values were in the low micromolar range, rivaling other peptidomimetic calpain
263 ient and binding affinity of proteins in the micromolar range, the implementation of modern detection
264  at concentrations of the peptide in the low micromolar range, the mid-point of the inhibition being
265                    At doses in the nanomolar-micromolar range, they block native Kv1.3 in human T cel
266 hat inflicted outer membrane damage at a low micromolar range, whereas measurable bacterial growth in
267 gyrase from Escherichia coli were in the low micromolar range, with the best compound, (4-(4,5-dibrom
268 iacore analysis, with an affinity in the low micromolar range.
269 bind to both GAGs with affinities in the low-micromolar range.
270 h minimal inhibitory concentrations in a sub-micromolar range.
271 ir minimal effective concentration is in the micromolar range.
272 nd an apparent Kd value estimated in the low micromolar range.
273 submicromolar range and RT polymerase in low micromolar range.
274 ly to the cdG molecule, with a KD in the low micromolar range.
275 ooperatively, and with affinities in the low micromolar range.
276 with 50% effective concentrations in the low micromolar range.
277 of the 4-N-alkylgemcitabines were in the low micromolar range.
278 tumor cell lines with IC50 values in the low micromolar range.
279 nst the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line in the micromolar range.
280 hibited the wild-type ion channel in the low micromolar range.
281 rly at therapeutic concentrations in the low micromolar range.
282 trations yielded binding affinity in the low micromolar range.
283  critical micelle concentration (CMC) in the micromolar range.
284 med hits with activities in the nano- to low-micromolar range.
285  of wild-type DAT with affinities in the low micromolar range.
286 measurement of dissociation constants in the micromolar-range.
287                                   Thus, high micromolar S100A1 does alter the CaM/RyR interaction, wi
288 structural states was perturbed only by high micromolar [S100A1], which promoted a shift of bound CaM
289 s large milliliter volumes of sample at high micromolar solution concentrations.
290                                              Micromolar to millimolar concentrations of conventional
291          This tunability makes weak binding (micromolar to millimolar dissociation constants) difficu
292 isplay, improving affinity >2,000-fold, from micromolar to picomolar levels.
293 ta relating to their activity range from low micromolar to sub-nanomolar EC50, the most interesting c
294 C analyzer meant that low concentration (few micromolar to submicromolar), highly turbid subglacial m
295 t concentrations relevant to human exposure (micromolar to subnanomolar).
296 han therapeutic concentrations of verapamil (micromolar) were necessary to inhibit activity.
297 ost sensitive, with Kd values in the tens of micromolar, whereas the C2D domain was least sensitive,
298  Sestrin2 with a dissociation constant of 20 micromolar, which is the leucine concentration that half
299 ils (Kd values are submillimolar rather than micromolar) yet physiologically relevant because of the
300 ities of KLK2, i.e. reversible inhibition by micromolar Zn(2+) concentrations and permanent inactivat

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