


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 aggard chromosome compartmentalized within a micronucleus.
2 ting to a star strain containing a defective micronucleus.
3 ies of the ATU gene in the diploid germ-line micronucleus.
4 uent reassembly of a single chromatid from a micronucleus.
5 nsive fragmentation of the chromosome in the micronucleus.
6 somatic macronucleus from a diploid germline micronucleus.
7 on of a somatic macronucleus from a germline micronucleus.
8 eous breakage of chromosome 1 in the diploid micronucleus.
9 velops from a mitotic product of the zygotic micronucleus.
10 that DCL1 performs RNA processing within the micronucleus.
11 quentially, but rather are scrambled, in the micronucleus.
12 ptionally active macronucleus and a germline micronucleus.
13 f the somatic macronucleus from the germline micronucleus.
14 ene combinations not present in the germinal micronucleus.
15 wo distinct nuclei in every cell: a germline micronucleus and a somatic macronucleus.
16 rate their nuclear functions into a germline micronucleus and a somatic macronucleus.
17 zoan Tetrahymena has two nuclei: a germ line micronucleus and a somatic macronucleus.
18 s chromosomes from DNA damage in the mitotic micronucleus and amitotic macronucleus.
19 ansformation occurred during meiosis for the micronucleus and during anlagen formation for the macron
20 and point mutations were quantified with the micronucleus and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase
21 mary cells from one patient showed increased micronucleus and nucleoplasmic bridge formation, delayed
22  checkpoint responses in the diploid mitotic micronucleus and polyploid amitotic macronucleus.
23 es of precise loss of some exonic IES in the micronucleus and retention of others in the macronucleus
24 ading to the differentiation of the germline micronucleus and somatic macronucleus.
25 orylated in the SQ motif in both the mitotic micronucleus and the amitotic macronucleus in response t
26 ally distinct nuclei - the silent 'germline' micronucleus and the transcriptionally active macronucle
27 cts are also observed in the diploid mitotic micronucleus, as TIF1 mutants lose a significant fractio
28  phenotype was observed in vivo using the BM micronucleus assay as a measure of chromosome damage.
29 l, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) micronucleus assay attested high levels of genotoxicity
30 This study investigated the potential of the micronucleus assay in peripheral blood reticulocytes (Mn
31                                          The micronucleus assay revealed no evidence that low dose-ra
32 e have used a Chinese hamster V79 cell-based micronucleus assay to further evaluate this hypothesis.
33 omide were examined in the mouse bone marrow micronucleus assay, a significantly (P < .05 to .001) hi
34 nts using a flow cytometric peripheral blood micronucleus assay.
35                 Ames mutagenicity and CHO-K1 micronucleus assays were applied to assess genotoxicity.
36                  Cyto-genotoxicity (Ames and micronucleus assays) and potential endocrine disruption
37   In parallel, genotoxicity assays (Ames and micronucleus assays) and transcriptional-reporter gene a
38 y localizes to peripheral centromeres in the micronucleus but is absent in the macronucleus during ve
39 th copies of the ATU gene knocked out in the micronucleus but only wild-type genes in the polycopy so
40 ne transformants were made homozygous in the micronucleus by mating to a star strain containing a def
41 everal generations but the chromosome in the micronucleus can also be distributed to daughter nuclei.
42 rol study, we modified the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay, an established biomarker for
43 in and a transcriptionally silent, germ line micronucleus containing hypoacetylated histones.
44 ic chromosome segregation error to produce a micronucleus containing the chromosome to undergo rearra
45 tudy, we have employed the cytokinesis block micronucleus cytome (CBMN-Cyt) assay with WIL2-NS B lymp
46 sis and the results of the cytokinesis block micronucleus cytome (CBMNCyt) assay conducted with respe
47    All IESs are excised and destroyed when a micronucleus develops into a macronucleus after each cel
48 o DSBs induced by chemical agents and in the micronucleus during prophase of meiosis, which occurs in
49  the somatic macronucleus from the germ-line micronucleus during the sexual process of conjugation in
50 eus, with most cells eventually losing their micronucleus entirely.
51 e growth while there is no expression in the micronucleus except during a brief period following conj
52                 While genetic markers in the micronucleus fall into classical linkage groups under me
53 eficient cells have increased frequencies of micronucleus formation after irradiation.
54 in chromosome segregation errors, leading to micronucleus formation and increased aneuploidy in daugh
55 -cell genome sequencing, we demonstrate that micronucleus formation can indeed generate a spectrum of
56 romatid breaks and showed modestly increased micronucleus formation compared to cells from wild-type
57 ion of p21(Waf1) as well as the induction of micronucleus formation in bystander cells from confluent
58 ress-inducible signaling pathways as well as micronucleus formation in bystander cells from cultures
59 lesignaling pathways as well as induction of micronucleus formation in bystander cells was investigat
60  breaks in peripheral leukocytes, as well as micronucleus formation in erythroblasts, compared with h
61 higher magnitude of chromosomal breakage and micronucleus formation than the wild-type or Fancg(-/-)
62                                              Micronucleus formation was inhibited by the MAPK kinase
63                    A significant increase in micronucleus formation was observed in peripheral blood
64  the induction of DNA damage (as measured by micronucleus formation) as well as increased Ser-15 phos
65  cells with v-mos resulted in an increase in micronucleus formation, also consistent with the involve
66  and GEN1 exhibit chromosome missegregation, micronucleus formation, and elevated levels of 53BP1-pos
67 p-regulation of p53 and p21(Waf1) as well as micronucleus formation, as evidenced by the inhibition o
68 ollowed by increased levels of apoptosis and micronucleus formation, by loss of nuclear DNA methylati
69 spindle poisons exhibited elevated levels of micronucleus formation, decreased mitotic delay, a failu
70 n, leading to aneuploidy, rearrangements and micronucleus formation.
71 ndicated by gamma-H2AX foci, and potentiated micronucleus formation.
72 s and increased chromosome fragmentation and micronucleus formation.
73 mal exclusion from the reforming nucleus and micronucleus formation.
74       Bacterial mutagenicity correlated with micronucleus-forming activity in a metabolically compete
75     Both high DNA uracil levels and elevated micronucleus frequency (a measure of chromosome breaks)
76                                          The micronucleus (germ line)-limited region of each element
77 f the somatic macronucleus from the germline micronucleus in ciliates, chromosome rearrangements occu
78 ps were not significantly different, the BMC micronucleus index, a cytologic indicator of genetic dam
79 cells revealed that 1 causes mitotic arrest, micronucleus induction, centrosome amplification and tub
80                      During development of a micronucleus into a macronucleus after cell mating the I
81 anies differentiation of the silent germline micronucleus into the transcriptionally active somatic m
82  macronucleus from a transcriptionally inert micronucleus is accompanied by the elimination of numero
83                                              Micronucleus levels were used as a quantitative indicato
84                         This first report of micronucleus-like segregation in a yeast replication mut
85 eated single-celled organism with a germline micronucleus (MIC) and somatic macronucleus (MAC).
86 ionally different nuclei in the same cell--a micronucleus (MIC) and the macronucleus (MAC).
87 n one cytoplasm, contained separately in the micronucleus (MIC) and the macronucleus (MAC).
88  nuclei divide nuclear functions: a germline micronucleus (MIC) is transcriptionally inert during veg
89 ) and the transcriptionally silent germ-line micronucleus (MIC).
90 impaired G2/M checkpoint arrest and elevated micronucleus (MN) formation following exposure to UV and
91  essential features of the in vivo erythroid micronucleus (MN) genotoxicity assay, thus enabling incr
92                              In the germline micronucleus of spirotrichous ciliates, the gene segment
93 3 purified from the heterochromatic germline micronucleus of the model organism Tetrahymena thermophi
94  of this study, with published data from the micronucleus of two of these isolates, indicates that C.
95  reveals a strong dependence of the germline micronucleus on centromeric histones for proper chromoso
96                          Chromosomal damage (micronucleus), phenotypic mutations (Pig-a gene mutation
97 6-well plate-based flow cytometric method of micronucleus scoring that is simple enough for a researc
98 perimentally identified in IESs, that is, in micronucleus-specific DNA, are examined here using the T
99 malian cells by means of a mouse bone-marrow micronucleus test.
100                      Mutagenic studies using micronucleus tests in peripheral blood cells of mice dem
101 he chimera derives from a novel locus in the micronucleus that arose by partial duplication of the lo
102 liates have two types of nuclei: a germ line micronucleus that is usually transcriptionally inactive,
103                       During conversion of a micronucleus to a somatic nucleus (macronucleus) after c
104        The diploid, transcriptionally silent micronucleus undergoes meiosis and fertilization during
105 a DNA fragment or lagging chromosome forms a micronucleus when left behind after the main nucleus is
106               During meiotic prophase of the micronucleus, when chromosomes are stretched to twice th
107  their maintenance of two nuclei: a germline micronucleus, which undergoes conventional mitosis and m
108 ore completion of DNA replication within the micronucleus, with a failure to disassemble the micronuc
109 y show abnormal mitotic segregation of their micronucleus, with most cells eventually losing their mi

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