


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 The microchip is directly coupled to a Raman microprobe.
2 n of an IrOx reference electrode (RE) on the microprobe.
3 ocarcinoma cells was measured using an X-ray microprobe.
4 ree-dimensional high resolution scanning ion microprobe.
5 l was measured with a force-calibrated glass microprobe.
6 modulation of tissue-embedded phosphorescent microprobes.
7 , in rats by using small-animal PET and beta-microprobes after pharmacologic challenges with N-acetyl
8                                 The electron microprobe allows elemental abundances to be mapped at t
9 rent from the combined chemical and electron microprobe analyses in the literature.
10 torted octahedral coordination, and electron microprobe analyses indicate K and Na as major substitue
11                            Ultraviolet laser microprobe analyses of a calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion
12                            Ultraviolet laser microprobe analyses of a calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion
13                          Here we present ion microprobe analyses of the carbon isotopes in individual
14 yielded a black organic residue in which ion microprobe analyses revealed hydrogen isotopic anomalies
15                                              Microprobe analyses show that Se is associated with the
16 d acid dissolution technique paired with ion microprobe analyses to specifically target carbonates fr
17 r Se localization and speciation using X-ray microprobe analyses.
18 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and micro-X-ray fluorescence
19  local composition and structure by electron microprobe analysis and electron-backscatter diffraction
20 in situ microanalytical techniques (electron microprobe analysis and secondary ion mass spectrometry)
21                                              Microprobe analysis of a single crystal of composition F
22 hotoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electron microprobe analysis revealed a complex chemical fine str
23                                     Electron microprobe analysis yielded a similar chemical compositi
24 tobalite is based on Raman spectra, electron microprobe analysis, and microthermometric measurements
25 copy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, and synchrotron X-ray diffraction a
26     A combination of synchrotron based X-ray microprobe and bulk techniques was used to study the spa
27 r 2050) high pCO2 (589 muatm) using Electron microprobe and NanoSIMS analysis.
28 oxygen and carbon isotopes determined by ion microprobe and uranium isotopes and U-Th dating by laser
29                             Using both X-ray microprobe and X-ray absorption spectroscopy, we investi
30 stimulations to individual hair bundles with microprobes and measure whole cell transduction currents
31 l (scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe) and structural (electron backscatter diffrac
32 packs were measured with a synchrotron X-ray microprobe, and inverse modeling was used to determine e
33 n of Hg-Al solids by bulk Hg EXAFS, electron microprobe, and microfocused-XRF mapping indicated coord
34 ahedral phases was characterized by electron microprobe, and the rotational symmetry was confirmed by
35 adout in precise spatial registry across the microprobe array.
36 s compatible with commercial X-ray and Auger microprobes as well as scanning or transmission electron
37                                              Microprobes bearing immobilised antibodies to dynorphin
38 in the anaesthetized rat and cat by means of microprobes bearing immobilized antibodies to the C term
39                                              Microprobes bearing immobilized antibodies to the carbox
40 n oxygen source is commonly used in this ion microprobe but cannot achieve the same quality of images
41                                              Microprobe CE-ESI-MS of <0.02% of the single-cell conten
42 e/oxidized glutathione ratios suggested that microprobed cells exhibited significantly lower oxidativ
43 /kg); and third, a small-animal PET and beta-microprobe cold blocking study (n = 6/condition) with un
44 by a miniaturized extractive sampling probe (microprobe) coupled to photoionization mass spectrometry
45      Here we present in situ zircon U/Pb ion microprobe data that dates the timing of eclogite facies
46             We have developed Ti-U-Th-Pb ion microprobe depth profiling to obtain age and temperature
47                                   Since such microprobes detect extracellular molecules along their e
48  any active peripheral stimulus the antibody microprobes detected immunoreactive (ir)-dynorphin A(1-8
49                      Samples are obtained by microprobe extraction from a nitrogen-diluted, methane/a
50 m samples of 12 individuals using a (1)H NMR microprobe featuring high-resolution magic-angle coil sp
51 de-like electrodes into a polymer SU-8 based microprobe for neuronal recording applications.
52 scale spintronic devices, provides a desktop microprobe for spin transition; spin current is a flux o
53 bilities for tomographic imaging, the XRF-CT microprobe has been used to image the interior of an eco
54 s well as charged particle microbeams, X-ray microprobes have been developed, and several groups are
55  data obtained at 600 MHz with a 1.7 mm cryo-microprobe in combination with FTMS, exciton coupled CD,
56  on brain slices using a focused proton-beam microprobe in combination with ionic metallic probes.
57 ts were obtained by positioning a calibrated microprobe in the beat path of sperm cells that were stu
58 c and geochemical techniques (laser ablation microprobe inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry)
59  This work additionally shows that the X-ray microprobe is able to directly quantify Pt drug uptake o
60            The fabrication of an all-diamond microprobe is demonstrated for the first time.
61  novel laboratory X-ray fluorescence (muXRF) microprobe is presented, which combines monochromatic, f
62   Using the Gray Cancer Institute soft X-ray microprobe, it has been possible to follow the response
63                                              Microprobe laser desorption/laser ionization mass spectr
64 l techniques and instruments include the ion microprobe, laser ablation gas MS, Auger EM, resonance i
65 d 5 mm in rigid length) and super-achromatic microprobe made with a built-in monolithic fiber-optic b
66  exceptional potentiometric properties of pH microprobes made with nanostructured palladium hydride m
67 al Al concentration was ascertained by laser microprobe mass spectrometry (LMMS).
68 igh-resolution atmospheric-pressure scanning microprobe matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization m
69 nimal PET with (11)C-ABP688 (n = 12) or beta-microprobe measurements (n = 10/condition) of (11)C-ABP6
70              Here we report quantitative ion microprobe measurements of late-stage apatite from lunar
71                           Here we report ion-microprobe measurements of the carbon-isotope compositio
72                         A quantitative X-ray microprobe method was developed based on S 1s X-ray abso
73 le micromachined multi-electrode array (MEA) microprobe modified for utilization as a complete electr
74                                           In microprobe MSI, images are created through a grid-wise i
75               Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence microprobe (mu-SXRF) showed that Hg accumulated at the r
76  platform, combining HPLC-PDA-MS and offline microprobe NMR analysis.
77                         Together, integrated microprobe NMR spectroscopy, microscale degradation and
78 /electron loss near-edge spectroscopy, Raman microprobe, NMR spectroscopy, and inductively coupled pl
79 ptor (D1R) or the D2 receptor (D2R) gene and microprobe optical imaging to assess the dynamic changes
80 gnaling during cocaine intoxication, we used microprobe optical imaging to compare dynamic changes in
81 a were acquired using a 77 K resonance Raman microprobe or preresonance Raman spectroscopy.
82      Although isotopic analysis with the ion microprobe plays a major role in the laboratory analysis
83 hniques with optical microscopy and electron microprobe point detection confirmed the qualitative ana
84                    Modifications of electron microprobe procedure permit fine-scale mapping of carbon
85  Herein, we describe the use of SDS-PAGE and microprobe Raman spectroscopy to detect and distinguish
86  microscopy, X-ray and electron diffraction, microprobe Raman spectroscopy, and magnetic analysis.
87 itions of these concretions, measured by ion microprobe, range from delta18O = +9.5 to +20.5 per thou
88 eter H(+) ion-selective microelectrode or pH microprobe showed a Nernstian slope of 59 mV/pH and high
89 oscopy (cryo-TEM) and synchrotron hard X-ray microprobe (SHXM) data sets to precisely determine the d
90                                Last, we used microprobe single-cell CE-ESI-MS to uncover previously u
91        High-spatial-resolution secondary ion microprobe spectrometry, synchrotron radiation-based Fou
92                             Studies by Raman microprobe spectroscopy have shown that the black ink de
93                                   Whole cell microprobe SR-XRF identified endogenous Cu in the centra
94 sorption spectroscopy and x-ray fluorescence microprobe studies of 35-million-year-old calcite from a
95 rements are obtained using a modified quartz microprobe synchronized to open and close with the flame
96 ated using the high elemental sensitivity of microprobe synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-
97  1 ms, respectively, are obtained by using a microprobe system to focus displaced pump and probe lase
98 sured with an arteriovenous shunt and a beta-microprobe system.
99                  However, these conventional microprobe techniques record spectra only at single poin
100  cell with in situ optical, Raman, and x-ray microprobe techniques reveals two previously unknown str
101   When the proximal flagellum is bent with a microprobe, the portion of the flagellum distal to the p
102  synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence (SXRF) microprobe to quantify the elements Si, Mn, Fe, Ni, and
103 ng extracellular recording wires and silicon microprobes to measure electrically evoked damped oscill
104                                        Using microprobe two-step laser mass spectrometry (muL(2)MS),
105 y emitted from bulk samples with an electron microprobe using high-resolution wavelength-dispersive s
106 ectable release of SP (using antibody-coated microprobes) was measured 3 and 6 h after SP-asODN injec
107 -retest), and both small-animal PET and beta-microprobes were able to discriminate changes in (11)C-A
108                                          The microprobes were inserted through the cerebral hemispher
109                                    When beta-microprobes were used, the average BPND in the caudate p
110                   We used a novel hard x-ray microprobe with suboptical spatial resolution to analyze
111                                 Furthermore, microprobe x-ray absorption measurements at various subc
112 al tool in conjunction with synchotron-based microprobe X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XRFM) to disco
113                                              Microprobe X-ray fluorescence of tumor thin sections sho
114 smission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray microprobe (XMP) analyses indicated that As was primaril
115                                     Electron microprobe XRF characterization of sorption samples with

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