


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 anostructures inside a transmission electron microscope.
2 nic temperature in the transmission electron microscope.
3 lar infections were examined under slit lamp microscope.
4 mates the point spread function (PSF) of the microscope.
5  anywhere within the addressable volume of a microscope.
6 e of 2D materials inside a scanning electron microscope.
7 n an unmodified 200 kV transmission electron microscope.
8 ubcellular resolution on a standard confocal microscope.
9 h current pulses using a scanning tunnelling microscope.
10 experiments carried out with an atomic force microscope.
11 sequencing will be on a par with that of the microscope.
12 electron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscope.
13  field from the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope.
14 s attached to cantilevers of an atomic-force microscope.
15 eys performed with a custom-made holographic microscope.
16 endently combined with conventional surgical microscope.
17 orce-clamp measurements with an atomic force microscope.
18 eously combined with imaging in the electron microscope.
19 lectron microscopy and transmission electron microscope.
20 -photon microscopy or an nVista miniaturized microscope.
21 bodies is clearly visualized by atomic force microscope.
22  is easily affordable in any modern electron microscope.
23 pings of proteomes under the lens of a light microscope.
24 cost-effective mobile-phone-based multimodal microscope.
25 ronal images using a wide-field fluorescence microscope.
26 tion spectroscopy on a super-resolution STED microscope.
27 r compression within a transmission electron microscope.
28 mitting objects relative to the focus of the microscope.
29 mains are observed using a polarized optical microscope.
30 ncy of LSFM without modifying the underlying microscope.
31 ime as the data are being collected from the microscope.
32 racterized using an inverted epifluorescence microscope.
33 tin and observed with a multiphoton confocal microscope.
34 iffraction-limited resolution of the optical microscope.
35 eleased, and the cell morphology under light microscope.
36 eter in a conventional transmission electron microscope.
37 imaging of cells and tissues on conventional microscopes.
38 scale resolution on fast diffraction-limited microscopes.
39 straightforward implementation into existing microscopes.
40 ry and apical membranes inherent to confocal microscopes.
41 ws allowing imaging with upright or inverted microscopes.
42 using standard flatbed scanners, cameras, or microscopes.
43 le super-resolution microscopy with ordinary microscopes.
44  cells and mammalian tissues on conventional microscopes.
45 embryos imaged with confocal and light-sheet microscopes.
46 ited instead of specialized super-resolution microscopes.
47 extended to other commercial or custom-built microscopes.
48 hoto-highlighting for candidate selection on microscopes.
49 ls enabling the easy implementation on other microscopes.
50 ructions on how to build a modular low-light microscope (1-4 d) by coupling two microscope objective
51 all serial coronal sections under a confocal microscope, a total of 685,673 cells in 56 mice at postn
52                   Here, we present a "motion microscope," a computational tool that quantifies tiny m
53                      We applied atomic force microscope (AFM) to demonstrate directly that on-surface
54                              An atomic force microscope (AFM) was employed to further examine the mec
55                              An Atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to confirm the hybridization.
56 ical instruments, including the atomic force microscope (AFM)(1-4) and optical and magnetic tweezers(
57 ide with the nonpolar tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM).
58 ailable laser scanning fluorescence confocal microscope after immersion in a 0.6 mM solution of acrid
59 n aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopes allow the vast majority of single atoms to b
60 n chromatography, and transmittance electron microscope analyses revealed that hydrogen bonds between
61 sults from immunohistochemistry and electron microscope analysis, the distribution of type IV collage
62 es were recorded with the aid of an inverted microscope and a commercial spectrofluorimeter.
63 mpact and cost-effective holographic on-chip microscope and a surface-functionalized glass substrate
64  easily identified and counted under a light microscope and many more taste buds, patterned in rosett
65 sfer the flakes to a final substrate using a microscope and micromanipulator combined with semi-trans
66  experiments in an in situ scanning electron microscope and show that micrometer-sized Li attains ext
67 cally studied in a supercontinuum dark-field microscope and the transition between coupled and charge
68 extensometers, ACME is mounted on a confocal microscope and uses confocal images to compute the defor
69 oftware package that measures the PSF of any microscope and uses the measured PSF to perform 3D singl
70 nanoelectrode geometry with the atomic force microscope and using water with a very low level of orga
71 roindenter's tip, as imaged with an inverted microscope and without the need for optical sensors to m
72 ssues using conventional diffraction-limited microscopes and standard antibody and fluorescent DNA in
73       These methods generally use wide-field microscopes and two-dimensional camera detectors to loca
74  the laser scanning in vivo corneal confocal microscope, and peripapillary RNFL thickness was measure
75 y Atomic force microscopy, Scanning electron microscope, and Raman spectroscopy.
76                With the use of a custom-made microscope, and under well-controlled flow boundary cond
77 ther imaging modalities, such as multiphoton microscopes, and the field of view can be extended well
78 is demonstrated with conductive atomic-force-microscope anodic oxidation.
79          State-of-the-art light and electron microscopes are capable of acquiring large image dataset
80                                  Multiphoton microscopes are hampered by limited dynamic range, preve
81 g experiments, however conventional confocal microscopes are limited in their field of view, working
82             State-of-the-art high-throughput microscopes are now capable of recording image data at a
83 he ice cream mixes using a novel accelerated microscope assay and the ice cream microstructure was st
84 detected mid-infrared photothermal (epi-MIP) microscope at a spatial resolution of 0.65 mum.
85 r ion irradiation in a transmission electron microscope at room temperature, that nanoporous Au indee
86  we use simulations to show that an electron microscope based on a multi-pass measurement protocol en
87 r conductance through the scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction method.
88                  The trypan blue assay and a microscope-based propidium iodide/Hoechst staining assay
89 a custom Bessel beam structured illumination microscope (BB-SIM).
90 ls and visualized by confocal laser scanning microscope before being characterized by protein network
91                           Scanning tunneling microscope break junction measurements are used to exami
92 c behaviour in nanostructures in an electron microscope, but hitherto it has not been possible to map
93       We explored the versatility of the FIP microscope by quantifying real-time activity relationshi
94 nsitivity of a smartphone-based fluorescence microscope by using surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF)
95                      The first commercial SR microscope came to market a decade earlier, and many oth
96 ion with a cost-effective mobile-phone-based microscope can generate color images of specimens, perfo
97                               While electron microscopes can now provide atomic resolution, electron
98 to describe the dithering of an atomic force microscope cantilever and a single molecule attached to
99 n to specifically attach to the atomic force microscope cantilever and form a consistent pulling geom
100 that integrates (i) a multi-view light-sheet microscope capable of digitally translating and rotating
101 ng a total internal reflectance fluorescence microscope, cells exhibited sporadic fluorescence transi
102  M7C3 carbide was observed by confocal laser microscope (CLM).
103 ecordings taken with a conventional inverted microscope combined with a precise characterization of t
104 n-coating a dilute solution of emitters on a microscope cover slip of silicate based glass (such as q
105 ow cells adhering to flat surfaces such as a microscope coverslip transmit cytoskeletally generated f
106 sensor e.g. field emission scanning electron microscope, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical imped
107        A distortion-corrected Brewster angle microscope (DC-BAM) is designed, constructed, and tested
108                                   Dark-field microscope (DFM) analysis of nanoparticle binding signal
109 al scanning calorimetry coupled with optical microscope (DSC-thermomicroscopy), infrared spectroscopy
110 ns that were invisible through the operating microscope during standard surgical maneuvers.
111  and low-cost electrochemical-scanning probe microscope (EC-SPM) is presented.
112 ssure-mediated bulk flow through 3D electron microscope (EM) reconstructions of interstitial space.
113 ventional infrared spectroscopy, our epi-MIP microscope enabled mapping of both active pharmaceutical
114                                      Our SRP microscope enables fast quantitation of chemicals in a 3
115 e counted under a wide-field epifluorescence microscope equipped with a 980 nm laser excitation sourc
116 le diffusometry requires only a fluorescence microscope equipped with a charge-coupled device (CCD) c
117                                   A confocal microscope equipped with a femtosecond-pulsed near-infra
118 the nanometer scale by using an atomic force microscope equipped with a flow-through cell.
119 nts were measured in situ by an atomic force microscope equipped with a flow-through cell.
120 e cells were imaged with a scanning confocal microscope equipped with a low-energy 980 nm laser excit
121 ses widely available laser-scanning confocal microscopes equipped with a conventional STED laser, ope
122           With the development of commercial microscopes equipped with spectral detectors, spectral i
123     Using an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM), we observed rupturing of Amazonian fu
124 environmental scanning transmission electron microscope (ESTEM) with 0.1 nm resolution in systematic
125                                     Specular microscope examination revealed a decreased endothelial
126                                     Specular microscope examination revealed an endothelial cell dens
127 confirmed by real-time transmission electron microscope experimental observations during uniaxial def
128 ion of the lipid bilayer with respect to the microscope focal plane allows easy integration with othe
129 lass slide, placed on a motorized stage of a microscope for conducting time-lapse microphotography of
130 ystals, preparing samples and setting up the microscope for diffraction data collection take approxim
131 t this custom designed confocal fluorescence microscope for future use with brain clarification metho
132 es the resolution of a conventional confocal microscope for super-resolution imaging.
133 re cultured on non-nutrient agar examined by microscope for the presence of free-living protozoa.
134 commercially available inverted fluorescence microscope frame using the method of oblique plane micro
135 n the emission path of our dual SECM/optical microscope, generating a double helix point spread funct
136 ilicon cantilever on a transmission electron microscope grid by gallium focused-ion-beam milling.
137 ns challenging, new developments such as OCT microscope guidance added refinements to the surgical te
138 nd large field of view confocal fluorescence microscope (H(2)L(2)-CFM) with the capability of multi-r
139                                           No microscope hardware modifications are required, making t
140 l surgery nearly a century ago, the surgical microscope has improved the accuracy and the safety of m
141 ing nanometric displacements with an optical microscope has so far limited such studies to sufficient
142 rent RCM mosaicking techniques with existing microscopes have been limited to two-dimensional sequenc
143 nuclear magnetic resonance to imaging on the microscope, have elucidated how protein energy landscape
144 demonstrate the use of a scanning helium ion microscope (HIM) for tailoring the functionality of sing
145 thin a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM).
146                                         In a microscope image the defect emission is indistinguishabl
147 w excellent agreement with scanning electron microscope images, high spatial resolution at <50 nm, an
148 ed using elemental display scanning electron microscope images.
149                               Using confocal microscope imaging techniques to obtain detailed 3D stru
150 nce staining, optical clearing, and confocal microscope imaging.
151 ticular we show that a lens-free holographic microscope in combination with a cost-effective mobile-p
152 rited their design from other scanning probe microscopes in which the scan assembly is placed right a
153 e images captured by a handhold fluorescence microscope increases with increasing glucose.
154  N-cadherin-coated beads via an atomic force microscope induced a localized mechanical response from
155 s platform relies on a high-speed two-photon microscope integrated with a tissue vibratome and a suit
156 ional (live volumetric imaging through time) microscope-integrated optical coherence tomography (4D M
157                                   To conduct microscope-integrated, swept-source OCTA (MIOCTA) in chi
158             The tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope is an atomic-scale source of electrons and ho
159 uate whether diagnosis from WSI on a digital microscope is inferior to diagnosis of glass slides from
160 umerical aperture (NA) confocal fluorescence microscope is prototyped with a 3 mm x 3 mm field of vie
161                           Finally, a compact microscope is used to demonstrate low-cost zeta potentio
162        The recent advent of smaller handheld microscopes is enabling acquisition of videos, acquired
163 biosensor in a scanning photoelectrochemical microscope, it was capable of serving simultaneously as
164  of light emitted from a scanning tunnelling microscope junction not only bears its intrinsic plasmon
165                 However, operating through a microscope limits depth perception and fixes the visual
166  sequential registration with laser scanning microscopes, line imaging and global or wide-field imagi
167 a digitally scanned light-sheet fluorescence microscope (LSFM), multiple image planes can be simultan
168                             A laser scanning microscope (LSM) with a supercontinuum laser source meas
169 cooling with the hot tip of a scanning probe microscope, magnetic structures, with arbitrarily orient
170  a quartz crystal microbalance, atomic force microscope, microcantilever, or other tools that measure
171 hyll fluorescence from cross sections with a microscope-mounted pulse amplitude-modulated imaging sys
172                            Using 3D confocal microscope movies of GFP-tagged T cells undergoing costi
173              Given the size of the tissue, a microscope must collect a mosaic of overlapping 3D stack
174            Using a custom-built atomic force microscope, myofibrils were first placed in a rigor stat
175 low-light microscope (1-4 d) by coupling two microscope objective lenses, back to back from each othe
176 sing refractive index matched and mismatched microscope objectives.
177 adaverine staining and transmission electron microscope observation.
178 s of lunar anorthosites by combining Optical Microscope (OM) 'cold' cathodoluminescence (CL)-imaging
179  aim, we have designed a holographic on-chip microscope operating at an ultraviolet illumination wave
180 rated by time series, z-stack, and area scan microscope operations.
181 orescence detection with standard wide-field microscope optics.
182 external pressure applied by an atomic force microscope, or via cell migration across uneven microsur
183 on blur artifacts due to rapid motion of the microscope over the imaged area, warping in frames due t
184  to combine the capabilities of two separate microscope platforms: fluorescent light microscopy (LM)
185                                  Under light microscope, predominant lamellar patterns were found in
186 ze these forces, using a chiral atomic force microscope probe coupled to a plasmonic optical tweezer.
187 n electrochemical information, while a Raman microscope probes the same sample spot from below.
188 the functionality of commercial bright field microscopes, provide easy field detection of parasites a
189                            Scanning electron microscope results also suggest that pulsed wave stimula
190 f labeled apical dendrites under an electron microscope revealed that MCs and eTCs in fact have simil
191 croscopy can image specimens larger than the microscope's field of view (FOV) by stitching overlappin
192 r horizontally or vertically relative to the microscope's image plane, enabling access to sample sect
193 ctrodes are used as scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM) probes because of their inherent fast
194 d as the tip in the scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM).
195                  Using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and micro computed tomography (micro-CT
196 sma focused ion beam (FIB) scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging and scanning transmission elect
197 rties were accomplished by scanning electron microscope (SEM), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
198 ectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscope (SEM), quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), con
199 science images obtained by scanning electron microscope (SEM).
200  spectrometry (EDX) with a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
201 ribution were analyzed via scanning electron microscope(SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS).
202                  Here, we develop a confocal microscope setup for vertical sample mounting and integr
203 g can be carried out in a regular two-photon microscope setup through a series of intensity scans.
204  of diverse moving objects usable on various microscope setups.
205 lar vesicles under a confocal laser scanning microscope show that a family of thermally responsive el
206 ging within an in situ transmission electron microscope show that the electric field modifies growth
207                                 However, the microscope shows only a magnified surface view of the su
208                 The scanning ion conductance microscope (SICM) is an emerging tool for noncontact top
209  scanning through the whole sample area of a microscope slide to locate every single target object of
210 nsity of 495,000 beads in the footprint of a microscope slide yielded 100% sensitivity for detecting
211                                          The microscope slide-sized device contains cells isolated in
212 ained from a single drop of blood on a glass microscope slide.
213 ge data at a phenomenal rate, imaging entire microscope slides in minutes.
214 gh the use of a selective plane illumination microscope (SPIM).
215 te control of the reaction, including on the microscope stage.
216 ion-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) can enable direct correlation between
217 ) imaging and scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) tomography.
218 ign based on a commercial scanning tunneling microscope (STM) as a versatile, cost-efficient solution
219 y hole injections from a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) tip.
220 surface using a cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope (STM).
221 ombined scanning tunnelling and atomic force microscope (STM/AFM) was used to dehydrogenate precursor
222                        Transmission electron microscope studies showed clear chemical modulation with
223 The voltage pulse from a scanning tunnelling microscope switches the insulating phase locally into a
224 erve in a conventional transmission electron microscope (TEM) and too slow for ultrafast electron mic
225    Measurements with a transmission electron microscope (TEM) show that nano-Se particles synthesized
226           A systematic transmission electron microscope (TEM) study revealed a similar structural tra
227 n microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) techniques were used for phase identifi
228 on microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (
229 ls when observed under Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
230 n aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope (TEM).
231 termined using 300-keV transmission electron microscopes (TEMs).
232 D) imaging technique based on a double-sided microscope that can image two sides of a nervous system
233 ble to imaging, we have developed a tracking microscope that enables whole-brain calcium imaging with
234 e to a high numerical-aperture (NA) benchtop microscope that is corrected for color distortions and c
235           For this, we used a scanning force microscope that makes detailed, topographic images of th
236 gh currently adapted to an Olympus FV1000MPE microscope, the protocol can be extended to other commer
237 in high-resolution directions of the optical microscope, the resulting 3D reconstructions have the be
238 patible with readily accessible fluorescence microscopes, these easy-to-use membrane DNA tension prob
239 ight stop design and dark-field detection of microscopes, this paper first reports a compact confocal
240 carried out using confocal photoluminescence microscope throughout the nanorod bundles.
241  the microcantilever probe from atomic force microscope thus providing reliable micromechanical cellu
242 suring the forces arising as an Atomic Force Microscope tip (diameter 20 nm) - simulating a nano-obje
243 en a gold coated near-field scanning thermal microscope tip and a planar gold sample at nanometre dis
244 he authors demonstrate that a scanning probe microscope tip can be used to manipulate vacancies by th
245                                          The microscope tip can map chiral forces with 2 nm lateral r
246 ed by bringing a Pt/TiO2-coated atomic force microscope tip into contact with a flat substrate coated
247 electric field created using an atomic force microscope tip is also demonstrated.
248 te this by sliding a conductive-atomic force microscope tip on a thin film of molybdenum disulfide (M
249 monic tweezer with CPL exerts a force on the microscope tip that depends on the handedness of the lig
250 air tunnelling from a d-wave superconducting microscope tip to the condensate of the superconductor B
251 ate made by decorating a scanning tunnelling microscope tip with a gold nanowire.
252 r, in conjunction with a scanning tunnelling microscope tip-assist, a hidden equilibrium phase in a h
253 g the mechanical force from a scanning probe microscope tip.
254 cement around the region of the atomic force microscope tip.
255           Here we apply a scanning tunneling microscope to explore an overdoped (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CuO6+delt
256 est possible resolution using a localization microscope to image a particular fluorophore, and sugges
257                          We used a miniature microscope to image the Ca(2+) dynamics of large neural
258                      We used an atomic force microscope to measure force distance curves at Piconewto
259 onance (ESR) sensor in a scanning tunnelling microscope to measure the magnetic field emanating from
260 tion (EBSD) technique in a scanning electron microscope to non-destructively characterise and quantif
261  heating in a scanning transmission electron microscope to observe the transformation of an HfO2 nano
262 ctroscopic mapping with a scanning tunneling microscope to visualize quasiparticle scattering and int
263      Our method uses custom epi-fluorescence microscopes to automatically image single cells drawn fr
264 ce asked physicists to build better electron microscopes to be able to watch biology at work.
265 ated into standard two-photon laser-scanning microscopes to generate an axially elongated Bessel focu
266  glutamatergic synapses revealed by electron microscope tomography in unstimulated, dissociated rat h
267           Focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope tomography reveals the key membrane degradati
268               In these instances, the motion microscope uncovers hidden dynamics over a variety of le
269  the single-molecule level in a fluorescence microscope upon isothermal amplification and fluorescenc
270 mercial as well as custom-built fluorescence microscopes use scientific-grade cameras that represent
271                                         This microscope uses infrared imaging to track a target anima
272         We demonstrate the first light sheet microscope using propagation invariant, accelerating Air
273              A smartphone-based fluorescence microscope was fabricated as a handheld in situ monitori
274                                        An IR microscope was utilized, and a computational classificat
275  as an add-on module to an existing inverted microscope, we anticipate that it will be adopted rapidl
276 sing system around a high resolution optical microscope, we measured the spatial deformation of the o
277 nside an environmental transmission electron microscope, we show that hydrogen exposure of just a few
278               Using a miniature fluorescence microscope, we tracked the Ca(2+) dynamics of ensembles
279 me in atomistic simulations and atomic force microscope wear experiments.
280        Here we present a lens-free polarized microscope which adopts a novel differential and angle-m
281 xpensive high speed cameras and high powered microscopes which is unsuitable for in vivo imaging and
282 d spot can be readily detected by our mobile microscope, which opens up new opportunities for POC dia
283 ly requires an animal to be tethered under a microscope, which substantially restricts the range of b
284 h-clamp setups on either inverted or upright microscopes, which would facilitate research in cell bio
285 beam of a conventional transmission electron microscope; which can strip away multiple layers of h-BN
286  improves the dynamic range of a multiphoton microscope while limiting potential photodamage.
287 put of incumbent near-field scanning optical microscopes, while exhibiting greatly boosted density of
288 tical platform that integrates a multiphoton microscope with a laser ablation unit for microsurgery a
289 fPC) images by upgrading the conventional PC microscope with an external interferometric module, whic
290 an potentially serve as a routine laboratory microscope with high-performance super-resolution imagin
291 mbining the traditional fluorescence imaging microscope with two imaging fiber bundles ( 0.85mm).
292  and characterized using scanning near-field microscopes with <50 nm spatial resolution.
293 Furthermore, large image libraries may endow microscopes with capabilities beyond their hardware spec
294                                              Microscopes with cellular resolution have small (.
295 ion using modern widefield, confocal or TIRF microscopes with illumination orders of magnitude lower
296  to develop faster imaging spontaneous Raman microscopes with lower cost detectors.
297 th subcellular resolution on a standard TIRF microscope, with a removable Bertrand lens as the only m
298 tified with high probability in the electron microscope without specific labeling.
299 that even the most advanced super-resolution microscope would be futile in providing biological insig
300     Vibrational spectroscopy in the electron microscope would be transformative in the study of biolo

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