


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 alently immobilized onto a planar waveguide (microscope slide).
2 ained from a single drop of blood on a glass microscope slide.
3 gle-walled carbon nanotubes deposited onto a microscope slide.
4 rated by using laminated inked patterns on a microscope slide.
5 ed oligonucleotides covalently attached to a microscope slide.
6  of interest are immobilized on a passivated microscope slide.
7 de down between 70 and 450 mum from a second microscope slide.
8 methylsiloxane on an indium-tin oxide coated microscope slide.
9 imately 4 microm of breast tissue on a glass microscope slide.
10 osodium urate (MSU) crystals and placed on a microscope slide.
11 rase chain reactions (RT-PCRs) the size of a microscope slide.
12  reversibly bonded to a glass base such as a microscope slide.
13 eter-sized spots onto the surface of a glass microscope slide.
14 s within a thin acrylamide gel attached to a microscope slide.
15 ons on the surface of an avidin-coated glass microscope slide.
16 the final signal detection is performed on a microscope slide.
17 ls that were stuck by their heads to a glass microscope slide.
18 a thin polyacrylamide film poured on a glass microscope slide.
19 d to hold CDs and DVDs, was modified to hold microscope slides.
20 ed with formin FH1FH2 domains immobilized on microscope slides.
21 zed by a base-catalyzed sol-gel method, onto microscope slides.
22 unique cDNA sequences) printed on individual microscope slides.
23 n silicone elastomer sheets placed on top of microscope slides.
24 ast, eight or more at a time, using standard microscope slides.
25 m thick soft cream cheese) was coated onto a microscope slide and immersed in water.
26 the electrode array is fabricated on a glass microscope slide and is operated in a simple electrochem
27 lement (waveguide) is created using a simple microscope slide and PDMS microfluidic architecture, all
28 e molecules within a polyacrylamide gel on a microscope slide and performing multiple amplifications
29 of the lesion; the tissue was smeared on one microscope slide and placed in a tube of 4 M guanidine t
30                    A capillary is glued to a microscope slide and positioned at the focal point of a
31 A 10 mum thick tissue sample was placed on a microscope slide and was mounted tissue-side down betwee
32 te binding and recovery of DNA on flat glass microscope slides and compared their properties with com
33 valently immobilized on the surface of glass microscope slides and mechanically rubbed using a cloth.
34                          Analytes dried on a microscope slide are vaporized in transmission geometry
35                                        Glass microscope slides are considered by many as the substrat
36                                   Thin glass microscope slides are shown here to be suitable sample s
37 nm), resin-embedded serial sections on glass microscope slides, array tomography allows for quantitat
38 at surface and can be used in place of glass microscope slides as sample substrates that provide an i
39 pheres from a duplexed assay were mounted on microscope slides as well as inserted into wells etched
40 ensity is sufficiently large that a standard microscope slide can contain multiple replicates of ever
41 d on three different support substrates: (i) microscope slide coverslips; (ii) Al foil; and (iii) Cu
42        When the labeled DNA is extended on a microscope slide, damage sites are visualized as fluores
43 ide windows for FTIR analysis or gelatinized microscope slides for histologic analysis.
44 film coatings were lifted off and mounted on microscope slides for photography.
45 on of a 48-plex muWestern blot in a standard microscope slide form factor.
46 0 individual cell-based assays in a standard microscope slide format.
47 is abraded with the rough surface of a glass microscope slide having one frosted face; the sample is
48            Liquid cultures were smeared onto microscope slides, heat fixed, and then hybridized for 3
49 ge data at a phenomenal rate, imaging entire microscope slides in minutes.
50 lecule immobilization efficiency on standard microscope slides prepared using a well-characterized si
51                                          The microscope slide-sized device contains cells isolated in
52 to integrating the two assay dimensions in a microscope slide-sized glass device, we introduce microf
53                                          The microscope-slide-sized device consists of >59,000 microp
54  the Xpert assay to acid-fast bacillus (AFB) microscope slide smear preparation.
55                                            A microscope slide supporting a 30-mum-thick photoactive p
56 s as cell capture agents on a functionalized microscope slide surface to assess their relative bindin
57                     In the experiments using microscope slides, the immunoassays were successfully du
58                  Cells were dispersed onto a microscope slide to generate a sample where hundreds to
59  scanning through the whole sample area of a microscope slide to locate every single target object of
60 hesion of bacteria to the borosilicate glass microscope slides used in an immunoarray biosensor forma
61    Silver island films (SIFs) grown on glass microscope slides were used as substrates for MEF DNA ar
62 rinted sol-gels, deposited as films on glass microscope slides, were shown to quantitatively detect D
63                        The method utilizes a microscope slide with predeposited positive- and negativ
64 nsity of 495,000 beads in the footprint of a microscope slide yielded 100% sensitivity for detecting

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