


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g Rac activation and formation of filopodia (microspikes).
2  (F-actin), in this work called filopodia or microspikes.
3 sulting in the formation of peripheral actin microspikes.
4 ote the formation of Cdc42-dependent F-actin microspikes.
5 ormation but had a reduced ability to induce microspikes.
6 oskeleton and have numerous F-actin-enriched microspikes.
7 n the ability of cells to form stable fascin microspikes.
8 ttached to thrombospondin-1 but did not form microspikes.
9 in from stress fibers, membrane ruffles, and microspikes.
10 lamellopodium, with long parallel bundles at microspikes and filopodia.
11 orrelates with decreased formation of fascin microspikes and increased assembly of focal contacts by
12 n, an actin-bundling component of filopodia, microspikes and lamellipodial ribs, and protein kinase C
13 eptor Abl tyrosine kinase stimulates F-actin microspikes and membrane ruffles in response to adhesion
14 anced formation of dendritic-like processes, microspikes and other dynamic actin based structures.
15 in the formation of microfilament bundles of microspikes and stress fibers in cultured cells.
16 g protein that is found in membrane ruffles, microspikes, and stress fibers.
17 ssembly of actin filament bundles present in microspikes as well as in membrane ruffles and stress fi
18  of CLL cells by controlling the dynamics of microspike-containing protrusions and cell steering.
19 ephrin-B substratum induces the formation of microspikes filled with F-actin.
20 ization, including the formation of membrane microspikes, filopodia, and lamilliopodia.
21 lity of the activated Cdc42 mutant to induce microspikes/filopodia in NIH 3T3 cells, whereas they eli
22   WIPa-overexpressing cells exhibit multiple microspike formation and defects in chemotactic efficien
23 ss 3T3 fibroblast cultures, ZCL278 abolished microspike formation and disrupted GM130-docked Golgi st
24 which lacks Galphao binding region, promoted microspike formation in Swiss 3T3 cells or neurite exten
25 rane dynamics, including membrane ruffle and microspike formation, fusion or fission of intracellular
26 s cell growth, spreading, and filopodia-like microspike formation.
27 tivation specifically promoted Vav3-mediated microspike formation.
28 mulates fibroblasts to form filopodia, actin microspikes formed upon the stimulation of Cdc42.
29 tially extended lamellipodia, filopodia, and microspikes from their corners.
30 that c-Abl stimulated the formation of actin microspikes in fibroblasts spreading on fibronectin.
31     Vav3 induced marked membrane ruffles and microspikes in NIH 3T3 cells, while the N-terminal trunc
32  in detached fibroblasts, stimulated F-actin microspikes independent of cell attachment.
33                    The Abl-dependent F-actin microspikes occurred under conditions where the Rho-fami
34 SP transfectants exhibit extensive MCSP-rich microspikes on adherent cells, where it also colocalizes
35 endogenous fascin remained competent to form microspikes on thrombospondin-1, and cells that expresse
36 g activity could retain the peripheral actin microspike (PAM)-inducing activity of Cdc42, interaction
37 d to the rear of the lamellipodium and along microspikes radiating through the lamellipodium.
38 ls induces the formation of peripheral actin microspikes, similar to that previously observed when ce
39  triggers the sustained formation of F-actin microspikes that contain the actin-bundling protein fasc
40 clic-AMP, they stereotypically produce first microspikes, then blebs and pseudopods only later.
41 l to regain their ability to ruffle and form microspikes, unlike cells rescued with wild-type WAVE2.
42 To further understand the function of fascin microspikes, we examined whether their assembly is regul

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