


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sues to regulate forces in response to laser microsurgery.
2 ir of neurons severed by injury, disease, or microsurgery.
3 ar groove of 8-week-old mice (n=265) through microsurgery.
4 true cost-benefit ratio for robotic assisted microsurgery.
5 n the operating microscope was introduced in microsurgery.
6 n the operating microscope was introduced in microsurgery.
7 assess the true benefit for robotic-assisted microsurgery.
8 assays in combination with femtosecond laser microsurgery.
9 true cost-benefit ratio for robotic assisted microsurgery.
10  to 10 volumes per second to visualize human microsurgery.
11 ing higher plant (Haemanthus) cells by laser microsurgery.
12 surgery, ophthalmological surgery, and other microsurgeries.
13  has improved the accuracy and the safety of microsurgeries.
14           Treatment modalities included Mohs microsurgery (31.1%), wide local excision (WLE) with par
15 n techniques, stereotactic radiosurgery, and microsurgery, allowing effective multidisciplinary treat
16 uction of damage to the nucleolinus by laser microsurgery altered the trafficking of alpha- and gamma
17 on microscope with a laser ablation unit for microsurgery and an optical tweezer for cell micromanipu
18                                        Laser microsurgery and behavioral experiments reveal that sens
19 e we test this assumption by combining laser microsurgery and chemical biology assays in cultured mam
20                                        Laser microsurgery and finite element modeling are used to det
21                           Here we used laser microsurgery and inhibitors of topoisomerase IIalpha to
22 gies that enable significant improvements in microsurgery and interrogation of small multicellular mo
23                                       We use microsurgery and laser ablation to remove the centrosome
24 mbryonic stages using a combination of laser microsurgery and microinjection.
25            We applied a combination of laser microsurgery and quantitative polarization microscopy to
26                          Transoral laryngeal microsurgery and transoral robotic partial laryngectomy
27 ptical zoom-in imaging, 3D free-form optical microsurgery, and 3D visualization and annotation of ter
28   The implications for single cell lysis and microsurgery are discussed.
29 ht microscopy, making it accessible by laser microsurgery as well as isolation by common cell fractio
30                    We performed thousands of microsurgeries at single-axon precision in the nematode
31 ular microrobots could aid drug delivery and microsurgery by allowing a single system to navigate div
32 aging and regeneration, as well as for laser microsurgery, Ca2+ imaging and three-dimensional microsc
33  at Kiev Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital Eye Microsurgery Center, Kiev, Ukraine, operated on by 1 sur
34 upied by neighbour cells ablated using laser microsurgery change fate.
35  to worsening in neurological function after microsurgery compared with those presenting with hemorrh
36 dent centrioles (by laser ablation or needle microsurgery) does not impede cell cycle progression in
37                                              Microsurgery experiments, in combination with electrophy
38    By combining live-cell imaging with laser microsurgery, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
39 sion manipulations such as femtosecond laser microsurgery for large-scale in vivo neural degeneration
40                                        Early microsurgery for small tumours results in optimal preser
41                                        Laser microsurgery has led to remarkable discoveries in a numb
42                           Minimally-invasive microsurgery has resulted in improved outcomes for patie
43 entrosomes are completely destroyed by laser microsurgery in CHO cells arrested in S phase by hydroxy
44 may evolve into an attractive alternative to microsurgery in ependymomas located in eloquent areas or
45 scence microscopy, photobleaching, and laser microsurgery in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces po
46     New techniques and the implementation of microsurgery in the transplant operation made this proce
47        In this issue, Cojoc et al. use laser microsurgery in vivo to measure and study the viscoelast
48                               Reconstructive microsurgery is a clinical technique used to transfer la
49                            Femtosecond laser microsurgery is a powerful method for studying cellular
50                Though the use of robotics in microsurgery is still in its early phases, initial findi
51 mplex behavior in flies and found that laser microsurgery is sufficiently gentle to leave it intact.
52                            Holographic laser microsurgery is used to isolate single amnioserosa cells
53 n the operating microscope was introduced in microsurgery is yet to be seen.
54 introduction of the operating microscope and microsurgery more than 40 years ago.
55                   By a combination of embryo microsurgery, mRNA injection and antisense morpholino ex
56 e management of surgical pathology and guide microsurgery of any human tissue.
57 orm subcellular-resolution femtosecond laser microsurgery of single neurons in vivo, and to image the
58 vances for modern endodontics and endodontic microsurgery on the long-term prognosis of tooth retenti
59                                        Laser microsurgery provides a means by which to dissect the me
60                                        Laser microsurgery revealed an important role of microtubule a
61                               Cortical laser microsurgery revealed that during cytokinesis progressio
62  these concerning reports of complication, a Microsurgery Safety Task Force was convened to evaluate
63                        The guidelines of the Microsurgery Safety Task Force, evolutions in instrument
64 rotocol for constructing a femtosecond laser microsurgery setup for use with a widely available compo
65                                     CAF with microsurgery technique was applied.
66 eloped novel microfluidic trapping and laser microsurgery techniques in Chlamydomonas to distinguish
67 ion of rectal tumors is transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM), a complex and expensive technique.
68                                        Laser microsurgery that targeted the nucleolinus resulted in f
69 hen individual K-fibers are severed by laser microsurgery, they regrow from the kinetochore outward v
70                           In addition, using microsurgery to alter the distance of centrosomes from c
71                                We used laser microsurgery to cut between the two sister kinetochores
72 ochore motility was investigated using laser microsurgery to detach kinetochores with associated chro
73                                 We use laser microsurgery to explore the biophysical properties of co
74  we combined two-photon microscopy and laser microsurgery to image the real-time reorganization of co
75          This feature allows us to use laser microsurgery to selectively destroy the centrosomes in l
76     We used video-light microscopy and laser microsurgery to test the hypothesis that as a bioriented
77 somes are destroyed during prophase by laser microsurgery, vertebrate somatic cells form bipolar acen
78                                              Microsurgery was performed on 3-month-old transgenic mic
79 s throughout the latter's early development, microsurgery was used to remove allantoises at ten devel
80 th green fluorescent protein (GFP) and laser microsurgery we have been able to selectively destroy ce
81 h the appendix had been rendered germfree by microsurgery (we refer to these rabbits as germfree-appe
82 f extremely precise femtosecond pulsed laser microsurgery, we abruptly alter the magnitude of polar e
83                               By using laser microsurgery, we cut mitotic spindles labeled with GFP-t
84 roughput microfluidics and femtosecond laser microsurgery, we demonstrate for the first time large-sc
85 tic microtubules were severed by laser-based microsurgery, we detected equal numbers of plus- and min
86 rgan segregation, made possible by embryonic microsurgeries wherein halves of 2 differently colored e

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