


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oplasmic dynein, which produces force on the microtubule.
2 otofilaments associate laterally to form the microtubule.
3 rization less frequently compared with brain microtubules.
4 tomyosin-driven membrane remodeling, but not microtubules.
5 s to activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of microtubules.
6 tions at least partially dependent on intact microtubules.
7 inetochores that are not attached to spindle microtubules.
8 f the spindle in association with interpolar microtubules.
9 rentially associated with peripheral bundled microtubules.
10 l M187 spastin isoform that is able to sever microtubules.
11 ce-transducing link between kinetochores and microtubules.
12 g acentrics are mechanically associated with microtubules.
13 rofilin directly enhances the growth rate of microtubules.
14 e of long-distance processive movement along microtubules.
15 kinetochore's ability to grip depolymerizing microtubules.
16  and to the shrinking plus and minus ends of microtubules.
17 ence to ensure the persistence of long-lived microtubules.
18  instability, another hallmark of eukaryotic microtubules.
19 points to critical effects on intra-neuronal microtubules, a target of interest due to their potentia
20                      Paxillin, by modulating microtubule acetylation through HDAC6 regulation, was sh
21 sembly, and a myosin-independent increase in microtubule acetylation, which increases podosome rosett
22 ved tubulin deacetylation producing enhanced microtubule acetylation.
23                                     Instead, microtubule activities depended on specific surface resi
24 in demonstrate that proximal leading process microtubule-actomyosin coupling steers the direction of
25 ction, suggesting a model for control of the microtubule-actomyosin interfaces during neuronal differ
26 d mass spectrometry was used to identify the microtubule affinity-regulating kinase family (MARKs) as
27 d protein kinase, but is mediated by the MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinases and salt-inducib
28                        However, the cortical microtubule alignment along growth-derived maximal tensi
29                                       Astral microtubules also inhibit RhoA accumulation at the poles
30 re capture, both to the lateral surface of a microtubule and at or near its end.
31   The mitotic spindle is composed of dynamic microtubules and associated proteins that together direc
32 o an open form with higher affinity for both microtubules and dynactin.
33 nteractions between kinetochores and spindle microtubules and ensuring high-fidelity chromosome segre
34 report, we identified ACF7, a crosslinker of microtubules and F-actin, as an essential player in this
35 tubulin null mutant human cells lack triplet microtubules and fail to undergo centriole maturation.
36 lian dynein complexes associate with dynamic microtubules and help clarify how LIS1 promotes the plus
37 roscopy, Bim1 causes the compaction of yeast microtubules and induces their rapid disassembly.
38 se processes are halted by the disruption of microtubules and inhibition of molecular motors.
39                    Actomyosin stress fibres, microtubules and intermediate filaments have distinct an
40 ical conditions, Tau dissociates from axonal microtubules and missorts to pre- and postsynaptic termi
41  that an active isotropic fluid, composed of microtubules and molecular motors, autonomously flows th
42 racts via its cargo-binding domain with both microtubules and organelles, and hence plays an importan
43 on of NEK6 reduced and disorganized cortical microtubules and suppressed cell elongation.
44 d at normal, endogenous levels, bound to fly microtubules and were post-translationally modified, hen
45 horylation tunes friction along polymerizing microtubules and yet does not compromise the kinetochore
46 four signaling pathways, Rho GTPases, actin, microtubule, and kinases-related pathways, which are the
47 out breaking in vitro compared with actin or microtubules, and also to increase cell elasticity in vi
48 and signal the lack of attachment to spindle microtubules, and delay anaphase onset in response.
49       Depolymerization of microfilaments and microtubules, and disintegration of the Golgi complex in
50 - and intracellular sources apart from PI3K, microtubules, and dynamin-2.
51 ement mediated by nuclear envelope proteins, microtubules, and dynein.
52 ges the interaction between kinetochores and microtubules, and some in vitro evidence indicates that
53 ay, we found that Kif15 slides anti-parallel microtubules apart with gradual force buildup while para
54 generate forces that could potentially slide microtubules apart.
55 oes not affect growth speed, indicating that microtubules are far from instability during most of the
56                                              Microtubules are long, slender polymers of alphabeta-tub
57        In fields of lobing cells, anticlinal microtubules are not correlated with cell shape and are
58                          However, acetylated microtubules are predominantly bundled, and bundling enh
59 l centrosome removal demonstrate that astral microtubules are required for such spindle elongation an
60 cycle analysis indicated that tubulin and/or microtubules are the cellular targets of the L-acetate f
61 organization, we investigated the underlying microtubule array architecture in light-grown epidermal
62 d cells of the hypocotyl create a variety of microtubule array patterns with differing degrees of pol
63 f individual cells is played by the cortical microtubule array.
64 ixed handedness, the orientation of cortical microtubule arrays is unaltered in rhm1 mutants.
65 hort, twisted roots with disordered cortical microtubule arrays that are hypersensitive to a microtub
66 e significant structural differences between microtubules assembled in vitro from mammalian or buddin
67                                    Defective microtubule assembly and dysregulation of KIT-MAPK signa
68  event, we examined tau's ability to promote microtubule assembly and found that phosphorylation of S
69 high, doses promoted AICD transactivation of microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family me
70                     The self-assembly of the microtubule associated tau protein into fibrillar cell i
71                               The disordered microtubule associated Tubulin Polymerization Promoting
72 th several autophagy markers, including LC3 (microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3) (3,4) .
73 sed transcription of the autophagy component microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3beta (Lc3b
74                                              Microtubule-associated protein 2c (MAP2c) is involved in
75 branch development, we identified a role for microtubule-associated protein 7 (MAP7) in dorsal root g
76 y of pure tubulin as well as the assembly of microtubule-associated protein rich tubulin.
77                                          The microtubule-associated protein Stu2 (XMAP215) has the re
78 caused by mutations in the gene encoding the microtubule-associated protein TAU (MAPT).
79 hetic lethal interaction between CDA and the microtubule-associated protein Tau deficiencies, and rep
80 l interaction between cytidine deaminase and microtubule-associated protein Tau deficiencies.
81           Subcellular mislocalization of the microtubule-associated protein Tau is a hallmark of Alzh
82                                          The microtubule-associated protein tau is implicated in vari
83 ver, it remains to be determined whether the microtubule-associated protein tau regulates the differe
84         A pathway from the natively unfolded microtubule-associated protein Tau to a highly structure
85                                     Tau is a microtubule-associated protein that functions in regulat
86                                     Tau is a microtubule-associated protein that is highly soluble an
87 ny studies advanced our understanding of how microtubule-associated proteins tune microtubule dynamic
88 gh the organization of the filament network, microtubule-associated proteins, and tubulin posttransla
89             The aberrant accumulation of the microtubule associating protein tau (MAPT, tau) into tox
90 rotein MCAK (KIF2C) also resulted in ectopic microtubule asters during mitosis in C. elegans zygotes
91                                              Microtubules at the plant cell cortex influence cell sha
92 stead, Mad1 loss begins after several end-on microtubules attach.
93 omicroscopy methods, we solved structures of microtubule-attached, dimeric kinesin bound to an ATP an
94 oth Aurora A and B contribute to kinetochore-microtubule attachment dynamics, and they uncover an une
95 t is unable to correct errors in kinetochore-microtubule attachment in Xenopus egg extracts.
96                                          The microtubule attachment status of kinetochores therefore
97 ded as the "master regulator" of kinetochore-microtubule attachment, other mitotic kinases likely con
98 in ensuring the correct plane of kinetochore-microtubule attachment.
99 ylation is proposed to stabilize kinetochore-microtubule attachments by strengthening electrostatic i
100 al simulations indicate that the addition of microtubule attachments could facilitate tracking during
101 st, chromosome condensation, and kinetochore-microtubule attachments during early prometaphase of MI.
102                                              Microtubule-based axonal transport is tightly regulated
103 ractility, and the integrity of the putative microtubule-based barrier at the filopodium base.
104                      Finally, we discuss how microtubule-based engineered systems can serve as testbe
105                                        These microtubule-based motors are highly expressed in the CNS
106  sites exist in repeats two and three of the microtubule binding domain.
107                                          The microtubule-binding capacity of the SAH domain is import
108 ver, we find that She1 directly contacts the microtubule-binding domain of dynein, and that their int
109 -repeat region of tau, which flanks the core microtubule-binding domain of tau, contributes largely t
110 ich autoinhibits the NLS and the neighboring microtubule-binding domain, and RhoA-GTP binding may rel
111 with different HSP mutations, independent of microtubule-binding or severing activity.
112 rming region to a hexapeptide from the third microtubule-binding repeat resulted in a peptide that ra
113 emature stabilization requires the conserved microtubule-binding Ska complex, which enriches at attac
114 inds to its motor domain and induces a tight microtubule-binding state in dynein.
115                  We found that the non-motor microtubule-binding tail domain interacts with the micro
116 ally seen in growing dynamic microtubules to microtubule blunt plus-ends.
117 oop tension applies a squeezing force on the microtubule bundle of the axons.
118 interaction zone consisting of anti-parallel microtubule bundles coated with chromosome passenger com
119 rt with gradual force buildup while parallel microtubule bundles remain stationary with a small amoun
120 nalysis shows that Aurora contributes to the microtubule bundling capacity of MAP65-1 in concert with
121 at branch points and colocalizes with stable microtubules, but enters the new branch with a delay, su
122 ateral branches depends on the regulation of microtubules, but how such regulation is coordinated to
123 ly block the interaction of the protein with microtubules, but rather enhances its pause-inducing act
124 20 regulates the nucleation of Golgi-derived microtubules by affecting the GM130-AKAP450 complex, whi
125 sts, and platelets have a peripheral ring of microtubules, called the marginal band, that flattens th
126                                Disassembling microtubules can generate movement independently of moto
127                     However, the strength of microtubule-centrosome attachments is unknown, and the p
128 we uncover a centrosome-nucleated wheel-like microtubule configuration, aligned with the apical actin
129                                          The microtubule crosslinker NuMA is needed for the local loa
130 ochemical-biomechanical network based on the microtubule cytoskeletal filament - itself a non-equilib
131 sruption, indicating that IRS-2 requires the microtubule cytoskeleton at the level of downstream effe
132 tion to serving as tracks for transport, the microtubule cytoskeleton directs intracellular trafficki
133 r with the signaling data, suggests that the microtubule cytoskeleton may facilitate access of IRS-2
134 NA to the oocyte posterior along a polarised microtubule cytoskeleton that grows from non-centrosomal
135 require interaction of the dynamic actin and microtubule cytoskeleton.
136 ial to impair cargo delivery at locations of microtubule defect sites in vivo.
137 action is critical for proper maintenance of microtubule densities in cells.
138                     Aggresomes are transient microtubule-dependent inclusion bodies that sequester mi
139  was transported across the epithelium via a microtubule-dependent mechanism and is capable of induci
140 n the case of large unilamellar vesicles, by microtubule-dependent transport via a dynactin/dynein mo
141 trograde flow and anterograde and retrograde microtubule-dependent transports.
142               Here the authors show that the microtubule depolymerase Kif2 is localized to a cortical
143 n of cortical ER, whereas locally increasing microtubule depolymerization causes exaggerated asymmetr
144 ments could facilitate tracking during rapid microtubule depolymerization.
145 rotubule arrays that are hypersensitive to a microtubule-depolymerizing drug.
146 ed DNA damage, including clinically relevant microtubule destabilizers, which was confirmed experimen
147 1B phosphorylation and concomitantly reduces microtubule detyrosination.
148 ofilament curvature, and ultimately promotes microtubule disassembly.
149 s to apoptosis in response to treatment with microtubule-disrupting drugs, identifying IRS-2 as a pot
150 nd recruitment of PI3K, are not inhibited by microtubule disruption, indicating that IRS-2 requires t
151 ost-translational modifications-can generate microtubule diversity.
152 cortex causes the depolymerization of astral microtubules during asymmetric spindle positioning has r
153 cells in vitro However, our understanding of microtubule dynamics and functions in vivo, in different
154  axonal growth and regeneration by promoting microtubule dynamics for reorganization at the neuronal
155 ivation and F-actin remodeling and decreased microtubule dynamics in the AIS.
156  of how microtubule-associated proteins tune microtubule dynamics in trans, we have yet to understand
157           The DYT4 mutation had no impact on microtubule dynamics suggesting a distinct mechanism of
158 r mitotic arrest in conditions of suppressed microtubule dynamics, and the duration of mitotic arrest
159 l chromatin-chromatin tethers, together with microtubule dynamics, can mobilize the genome in respons
160 portant for the regulatory roles of MAP2c in microtubule dynamics.
161  role in controlling organelle transport and microtubule dynamics.
162 nal complex whose activity is fundamental to microtubule dynamics.
163 pecific but is more responsive to changes in microtubule dynamics.
164 overexpressed gene (TOG) domains to modulate microtubule dynamics.
165                                 Furthermore, microtubule effects were attenuated by increasing concen
166 this vulnerable state by strengthening motor-microtubule electrostatic interactions also increases pr
167 ellular cargoes by attaching them to dynamic microtubule ends during both polymerization and depolyme
168  association of viral movement proteins with microtubules facilitates the formation of virus-associat
169 tant can be raised linearly as a function of microtubule filament density, and present a simple means
170 rs, suggesting competition between actin and microtubules for binding profilin.
171 ility to select posttranslationally modified microtubules for cargo transport and thereby spatially r
172          Eukaryotic cells rely on long-lived microtubules for intracellular transport and as compress
173  Little is known of the mechanism of triplet microtubule formation, but experiments in unicellular eu
174 yomicroscopy structure of four-stranded mini microtubules formed by bacterial tubulin-like Prosthecob
175 the kinetochores of the partners attached to microtubules from opposite spindle poles.
176 he ellipsoid and myoid, functions to shuttle microtubules from the ellipsoid into the myoid during th
177 a single double-strand break requires active microtubule function.
178 tand how tubulin genetic diversity regulates microtubule functions.
179 fied budding yeast kinesin-5 Cin8 produce in microtubule gliding assays in both plus- and minus-end d
180                           We find that these microtubules grow faster and transition to depolymerizat
181 timescale and amplitude from the kinetics of microtubule growth and cap maturation.
182 k4 are rate-limiting factors contributing to microtubule growth as the acentriolar oocyte resumes mei
183 yeast profilin homologs all directly enhance microtubule growth rate by several-fold in vitro.
184  By a pathway of targeted delivery involving microtubule highways, vesicles of Cx43 hemichannels are
185 re, having a core unimodal peak of coaligned microtubules in a split bipolarized arrangement.
186                                              Microtubules in animal cells assemble (nucleate) from bo
187             HSPGs are necessary to stabilize microtubules in newly formed high-order dendrites.
188 reased oligodendrocyte numbers and arrays of microtubules in oligodendrocytes was demonstrated in the
189  Our data thus suggest a significant role of microtubules in the efficient capsid formation during HB
190 acilitates attachment of the junction to the microtubules in the mature flagellum.
191 lex by three prominent regulators on dynamic microtubules in the presence of end binding proteins (EB
192             At the same time, the network of microtubules in the spindle must be able to apply and su
193                                              Microtubules influence cell expansion; however, the mech
194 ex to stabilize correctly formed kinetochore-microtubule interactions.
195 ded by the precise regulation of kinetochore microtubule (k-MT) attachment stability.
196 ll imaging showed that NEK6 localizes to the microtubule lattice and to the shrinking plus and minus
197 bind each alphabeta-tubulin dimer within the microtubule lattice.
198 ctrostatic interactions of the tail with the microtubule lattice.
199 s through mechanisms that involve actin- and microtubule-mediated motility, cytoskeleton-membrane sca
200 quires an intact microtubule network and the microtubule minus end-binding protein, Patronin.
201 nelles, RNAs, proteins, and viruses, towards microtubule minus ends.
202 anelles, vesicles, and macromolecules toward microtubule minus ends.
203 udies have observed a role for the minus-end microtubule motor dynein in HIV-1 infection, the mechani
204                                          The microtubule motor kinesin-1 interacts via its cargo-bind
205 mic dynein is an enormous minus end-directed microtubule motor.
206 nction by tethering HSV particles to kinesin microtubule motors.
207 for TORC1 as a critical regulator of nuclear microtubule (MT) dynamics in the budding yeast Saccharom
208                                Modulation of microtubule (MT) dynamics is a key event of cytoskeleton
209 t, hinging instead on its ability to inhibit microtubule (MT) dynamics.
210 x network of protein-protein interactions at microtubule (MT) growing ends, which has a fundamental r
211 sruptive effects on actin microfilaments and microtubule (MT) organization across the cell cytosol.
212 ore, laminin alpha2 knockdown also perturbed microtubule (MT) organization by considerable down-regul
213 icrotubule organizing centers (MTOCs) direct microtubule (MT) organization to exert diverse cell-type
214                                      Eml1, a microtubule (MT)-associated protein of the EMAP family,
215                                  A number of microtubule (MT)-stabilizing agents (MSAs) have demonstr
216  we study a dense, confined mixture of rigid microtubules (MTs) and active springs that have arms tha
217                                              Microtubules (MTs) are key cellular effectors of neurona
218 gellar transport (IFT), ferrying cargo along microtubules (MTs) toward the tips of cilia.
219 ultifaceted neuronal protein that stabilizes microtubules (MTs), but the mechanism of this activity r
220 accurate denticle spacing requires an intact microtubule network and the microtubule minus end-bindin
221 mplementation and a quantitative analysis of microtubule network architecture phenotypes in fibroblas
222            However, quantitative analysis of microtubule networks is hampered by their complex archit
223        The mechanisms by which tau organizes microtubule networks remain poorly understood.
224 ed this behavior, indicating that Cin8 binds microtubules not only at the canonical site, but also on
225 epolymerized both the interphase and mitotic microtubules of different cancer cells, inhibited mitosi
226 hecobacter to the 40-protofilament accessory microtubules of mantidfly sperm.
227 nonical structures, from the 4-protofilament microtubules of Prosthecobacter to the 40-protofilament
228 unction is attached to the tips of extending microtubules of the assembling flagellum by a kinesin-15
229 red to the division plane by transport along microtubules of the bipolar phragmoplast network that gu
230 pindle pole body [SPB]) nucleate more astral microtubules on one of the two spindle poles than the ot
231 ic factor VEGF-A does not strongly stabilize microtubules or sufficiently promote lumen formation, he
232 cytoskeleton that grows from non-centrosomal microtubule organising centres (ncMTOCs) along the anter
233 ave greatly expanded our knowledge about how microtubule organization and dynamics are controlled in
234  by which environmental signals impinge upon microtubule organization and whether microtubule-related
235  also found that filamentous actin regulates microtubule organization as inhibition of actin polymeri
236  vivo microtubule stability, and recovery of microtubule organization during drought acclimation.
237  differential activity of the SPBs in astral microtubule organization rather than intrinsic differenc
238 luding those involved in mitotic cell cycle, microtubule organization, and chromosome segregation.
239 eudophosphorylation of tau promotes distinct microtubule organizations: stable single microtubules, s
240                              Non-centrosomal microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) direct microtubul
241 the poles of the spindle that can persist as microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) into interphase.
242                                              Microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs), known as centros
243   In many asymmetrically dividing cells, the microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs; mammalian centros
244                                              Microtubule-organizing centers move from centrosomes to
245 hat the longitudinal arrays are created from microtubules originating on the outer periclinal cell fa
246 rs of cellulose (dichlorobenylnitrile; DCB), microtubules (oryzalin), or actin (latrunculin B).
247  apex and base with a region of antiparallel microtubule overlap at the cell's midzone.
248   The Kif18A motor domain also depolymerizes microtubule plus and minus ends.
249  as a polymerase or as a destabilizer of the microtubule plus end.
250 is a processive motor that can accumulate at microtubule plus ends and induce pausing.
251 in can bias motility initiation locally from microtubule plus ends by autonomous plus-end recognition
252 and dendrites; in both compartments, dynamic microtubule plus ends enhance dynein-dependent transport
253                                  The growing microtubule plus ends extend toward the cell's apex and
254 zes with kinetochores by recognizing growing microtubule plus ends within yeast kinetochores.
255  its accessory complex dynactin with dynamic microtubule plus ends.
256                                       At the microtubule plus-end, the presence of KIF3CC resulted in
257 OG1-2-5 array fully supported Msps-dependent microtubule polymerase activity.
258 nsistent with a model in which PMS-dependent microtubule polymerization contributes to their maintena
259 at underlie each family's ability to promote microtubule polymerization or pause.
260 d tubulin, and that a polarized array drives microtubule polymerization.
261                                              Microtubules polymerize and depolymerize stochastically,
262 l core coalignment but form local domains of microtubules polymerizing in the same direction rather t
263 ation of mutant-containing heterodimers into microtubule polymers.
264  tetrameric motors, with motile arms on both microtubules, produce bundles.
265 thermore, our data provide new insights into microtubule regulation during axonal morphogenesis and m
266  close correlation between PMS abundance and microtubule regulation, consistent with a model in which
267 ge upon microtubule organization and whether microtubule-related factors limit growth during drought
268 ty in the underlying molecular mechanisms of microtubule reorganization.
269 icrodomains and the cytoskeleton, especially microtubules, restrict the lateral mobility of AtHIR1 at
270 ed the importance of dynamic instability and microtubule rotational diffusion for kinetochore capture
271 ubule-binding tail domain interacts with the microtubule's E-hook tail with a rupture force higher th
272 ate relaxation of chromosomes, k-fibers, and microtubule speckles.
273  to regulate additional proteins involved in microtubule stability and stress signaling.
274 ASP1 overexpression enhanced growth, in vivo microtubule stability, and recovery of microtubule organ
275 with tubulin is enhanced upon Taxol-mediated microtubule stabilization, which, together with the sign
276 orm MIG-2; (2) RPM-1 opposes the function of microtubule stabilizers, including tubulin acetyltransfe
277 lation of Ser-324 interferes with the normal microtubule-stabilizing function of tau.
278 ases; and (3) genetic epistasis suggests the microtubule-stabilizing protein Tau/PTL-1 potentially in
279 nct microtubule organizations: stable single microtubules, stable bundles, or dynamic bundles.
280 y mechanism controlling the size of cellular microtubule structures.
281 ria contain regulated and dynamic cytomotive microtubule systems that were once thought to be only us
282  the length and persistence of the posterior microtubules that deliver oskar mRNA to the cortex.
283 eurons, where it forms immobile complexes on microtubules that limit vesicular transport.
284 ells utilize conserved strategies to remodel microtubules, there is considerable diversity in the und
285 -2G engaged actin through its N terminus and microtubules through a novel dynein interacting site nea
286 mitochondrial transport is linked to growing microtubule tips, but the underlying molecular mechanism
287 ctivity by preventing KIF21B detachment from microtubule tips.
288 e of latrunculin A disrupts the targeting of microtubules to cell-cell junctions.
289 rsy and explain how cells use centrosome and microtubules to maintain directional migration.
290  structure typically seen in growing dynamic microtubules to microtubule blunt plus-ends.
291 multi-subunit complexes that capture spindle microtubules to promote chromosome segregation during mi
292 s and viral movement proteins associate with microtubules to promote their movement through plasmodes
293 ence microscopy, we show that bacterial mini microtubules treadmill and display dynamic instability,
294                A consequence of this reduced microtubule turnover is diminished recruitment and activ
295 phorylates kinetochore substrates to promote microtubule turnover.
296              In addition, we found that when microtubules undergo dynamic instability, lateral captur
297 ib indeed directly binds to and destabilizes microtubules using cell biological, in vitro, and struct
298                       Indeed, when actin and microtubules were present simultaneously, melanophilin's
299 s preferentially on highly curved regions of microtubules where it strongly inhibits kinesin motility
300 ditions, the kinesin dimer can attach to the microtubule with either one or two motor domains, and we

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