


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d tubulin, and that a polarized array drives microtubule polymerization.
2 ments can be used to monitor the dynamics of microtubule polymerization.
3 taxel binding and reduced paclitaxel-induced microtubule polymerization.
4 irectly to tubulin heterodimers and promotes microtubule polymerization.
5  protein complex maintains attachment during microtubule polymerization.
6  other causes cell cycle-specific defects in microtubule polymerization.
7 tion between Shk1 kinase function and active microtubule polymerization.
8 ne does not significantly promote or inhibit microtubule polymerization.
9 o alpha-tubulin and is a potent inhibitor of microtubule polymerization.
10 protein but also requires C-APC in promoting microtubule polymerization.
11 ite arbor creates a local system for guiding microtubule polymerization.
12 ound equipotent with paclitaxel in promoting microtubule polymerization.
13 nserved cysteine residue, thereby disrupting microtubule polymerization.
14 with nocodazole or colchicine, inhibitors of microtubule polymerization.
15  exocytosis, and nocodazole, an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization.
16  that these phenotypes result from excessive microtubule polymerization.
17 art of a ring-shaped complex that can induce microtubule polymerization.
18 ole of GTP hydrolysis and calcium cations in microtubule polymerization.
19  assembly required during mitosis depends on microtubule polymerization.
20 hicine, a tubulin-binding drug that inhibits microtubule polymerization.
21 t it interferes as an off-target effect with microtubule polymerization.
22 ed that bind to tubulin directly and enhance microtubule polymerization.
23 a, without affecting Smad-phosphorylation or microtubule polymerization.
24 ding the CPC from spindle regions engaged in microtubule polymerization.
25 he homodimer's N-terminal TOG domains during microtubule polymerization.
26 nhibited by colchicine, an agent that blocks microtubule polymerization.
27 ck cognate (Hsc) 70 facilitates Tau-mediated microtubule polymerization.
28 tubule poisons, depending on how they affect microtubule polymerization.
29 ty of the complexes and rate of tau-promoted microtubule polymerization.
30 le rounds of binding and dissociation during microtubule polymerization.
31 vitro, both at steady state and early during microtubule polymerization.
32 l concentration of approximately 1 mg/ml for microtubule polymerization, above which the conductivity
33  for the preparation of potent inhibitors of microtubule polymerization acting through the colchicine
34     Lamin B could also function to sequester microtubule polymerization activities within the spindle
35            Depletion of symplekin attenuates microtubule polymerization activity as well as expressio
36 drug taxol, displays no significant in vitro microtubule polymerization activity, thus underscoring t
37 y of DCAMKL1 has no detectable effect on its microtubule polymerization activity.
38 -tau and tau from PHF tangles restores their microtubule polymerization activity.
39 olyketide macrolide that demonstrates potent microtubule-polymerization activity.
40 ic microtubule structures ('straight' during microtubule polymerization and 'curved' during microtubu
41 pectedly, BBIP10 is required for cytoplasmic microtubule polymerization and acetylation, two function
42          All three factors were required for microtubule polymerization and bipolar spindle assembly
43 RP stabilizes mitotic microtubules, promotes microtubule polymerization and bipolar spindle formation
44 rylated MAP2 favours elongation by promoting microtubule polymerization and bundling, whilst branchin
45                                2ME2 inhibits microtubule polymerization and causes cells to arrest in
46 where it is favorably positioned to regulate microtubule polymerization and confer molecular recognit
47                 We further find that vegetal microtubule polymerization and cortical rotation are dis
48 It is also apparent that forces generated by microtubule polymerization and depolymerization are capa
49                          Forces generated by microtubule polymerization and depolymerization are impo
50 f tubulin turnover by lowering both rates of microtubule polymerization and depolymerization as well
51 nticancer drugs that act by interfering with microtubule polymerization and dynamics and thereby indu
52        Stathmin is an important regulator of microtubule polymerization and dynamics.
53 izable encephalopathy and drives accelerated microtubule polymerization and enhanced microtubule stab
54 esponding to the start and end points in the microtubule polymerization and hydrolysis cycles that il
55 etastatin A4 (CA4) phosphate (CA4P) inhibits microtubule polymerization and is toxic to proliferating
56 ng centers, the chromosomes not only promote microtubule polymerization and organization but their at
57 two 4.1 domains critical for its function in microtubule polymerization and organization utilizing do
58 ntify a role for RASSF1A/C in the control of microtubule polymerization and potentially in the mainte
59  expression with RNA interference can induce microtubule polymerization and promote G(2)/M progressio
60 ically, Bora regulates spindle stability and microtubule polymerization and promotes tension across s
61 d with KRAS in lung tumors, is essential for microtubule polymerization and satisfaction of the spind
62 otubule in a stoichiometric ratio, promoting microtubule polymerization and stability.
63 50% or more of the H(2)O with D(2)O promoted microtubule polymerization and stabilized microtubules a
64 ture provide insight into the role of GTP in microtubule polymerization and the conformational state
65 a demonstrate that NAD(+) and SIRT3 regulate microtubule polymerization and the efficacy of antimicro
66 ution in fission yeast are driven largely by microtubule polymerization and the elongation of the mit
67 Gene silencing of AKAP220 alters the rate of microtubule polymerization and the lateral tracking of g
68      Because previous studies have indicated microtubule polymerization and the microtubule-associate
69 erodimers, Tau uses a conserved mechanism of microtubule polymerization and, thus, regulation of axon
70 was microtubule dependent but independent of microtubule polymerization and/or an interaction with th
71 results suggest EB1 may modulate kinetochore microtubule polymerization and/or attachment.
72 plays an essential role in the regulation of microtubule polymerization, and a similar mechanism may
73      The compound binds to tubulin, inhibits microtubule polymerization, and depolymerizes preformed
74 ith postsynaptic density proteins, regulates microtubule polymerization, and increases dendrite numbe
75 ylates tau on S214, suppresses tau-dependent microtubule polymerization, and inhibits axonal elongati
76 d the sum of the forces generated by dynein, microtubule polymerization, and Ncd, as a function of th
77 bserved gaps in microtubule bundles, reduced microtubule polymerization, and reduced axon numbers, su
78 two tandem repeats are sufficient to mediate microtubule polymerization, and representative patient m
79 pon forces exerted by cortical dynein and by microtubule polymerization, and that these forces are an
80 ionships of analogues of 2, their effects on microtubule polymerization, and their in vitro and in vi
81 lex may explain how the centrosome nucleates microtubule polymerization, and thereby organizes the mi
82 cidate the effects of EB1 and p150(Glued) on microtubule polymerization, and they show that p150(Glue
83 We conclude that pushing forces generated by microtubule polymerization are sufficient to promote spi
84                     Actin waves also require microtubule polymerization, arguing that positive feedba
85 jor molecular signals that spatially promote microtubule polymerization around chromatin.
86                       Centrosome-independent microtubule polymerization around chromosomes has been s
87 associated variant alleles revealed impaired microtubule polymerization, as well as cell migration an
88 ed no hypernucleation effect in the in vitro microtubule polymerization assay, it was more cytotoxic
89 ient zebrafish embryo screening and in vitro microtubule polymerization assay.
90                                     In vitro microtubule polymerization assays show that Bim1 promote
91 t pole for how anaphase spindle dynamics and microtubule polymerization at kinetochores prevent poten
92 G beta gamma/tubulin complexes might promote microtubule polymerization attenuating further tubulin a
93                The change in free energy for microtubule polymerization attributable to 400 microM di
94 leation to Golgi outposts for net retrograde microtubule polymerization away from nascent dendrite br
95  an active mechanochemical process requiring microtubule polymerization but not kinesin-5 activity.
96                          Colchicine inhibits microtubule polymerization by binding to tubulin, thus a
97 itro, we demonstrate that kinesin-5 promotes microtubule polymerization by increasing the growth rate
98                                Inhibition of microtubule polymerization changed the fine-scale distri
99                Their antagonistic effects on microtubule polymerization confer dynamic instability on
100 e ERC could be inhibited by interfering with microtubule polymerization, consistent with a role for u
101 nsistent with a model in which PMS-dependent microtubule polymerization contributes to their maintena
102 administration of colchicine, which prevents microtubule polymerization, could disrupt pressure-stimu
103 ton was not prevented by inhibitors of actin/microtubule polymerization (cytochalasin B, colchicine,
104 ent, allowing chromosome movement coupled to microtubule polymerization/depolymerization and error-co
105                         Analysis of in vitro microtubule polymerization/depolymerization showed that
106 ofolate reductase; colchicine, inhibition of microtubule polymerization; dexamethasone, induced nucle
107 rolling the stability of proteins regulating microtubule polymerization during cortical rotation, and
108              In addition, Ensconsin promotes microtubule polymerization during mitosis to control spi
109 could be a key signaling molecule regulating microtubule polymerization during mitosis.
110                                Consequently, microtubule polymerization dynamics affect not only stru
111      To probe these mechanisms, we perturbed microtubule polymerization dynamics and opposed motor pr
112 bservations suggest that SPR1 is involved in microtubule polymerization dynamics and/or guidance, whi
113 support a model of spindle assembly in which microtubule polymerization dynamics are not spatially re
114                                GTP-dependent microtubule polymerization dynamics are required for cel
115                                              Microtubule polymerization dynamics at kinetochores is c
116  effects of well-characterized inhibitors of microtubule polymerization dynamics.
117 ere we demonstrate that agents which inhibit microtubule polymerization (e.g., colchicine) and those
118 les (Kinesin-5, Kinesin-14, dynein), promote microtubule polymerization (EB1, Mast/Orbit [CLASP], Min
119                Furthermore, the reduction in microtubule polymerization efficiency in the absence of
120 clear movement and the indentation depend on microtubule polymerization from centrosomes behind the n
121 n functions as part of a complex to nucleate microtubule polymerization from centrosomes.
122 ides did not directly inhibit or destabilize microtubule polymerization from pure tubulin in a microt
123 sual pathway for spindle production involves microtubule polymerization from two centrosomes.
124 e drug raises the critical concentration for microtubule polymerization in 2 M glycerol identically i
125 ese results suggest that tivantinib inhibits microtubule polymerization in addition to inhibiting c-M
126 c extract and that it is required for robust microtubule polymerization in an ATP-dependent manner in
127 le alpha/beta-tubulin levels and accelerated microtubule polymerization in fibroblasts from affected
128 ase Ran has recently been shown to stimulate microtubule polymerization in mitotic extracts, but its
129                  AJ also distinctly affected microtubule polymerization in that it enhanced the rate
130 gues were synthesized, all of which promoted microtubule polymerization in the absence of GTP.
131                  Furthermore, PGJ2 perturbed microtubule polymerization in vitro and decreased the nu
132     Here, we show that EB1 potently promotes microtubule polymerization in vitro and in permeabilized
133                 We found that ITCs disrupted microtubule polymerization in vitro and in vivo with the
134                               Dppa2 inhibits microtubule polymerization in vitro, and Dppa2 activity
135 nicotinamides were found to be inhibitors of microtubule polymerization in vitro.
136            Moreover, Pin2/TRF1 also promoted microtubule polymerization in vitro.
137  from other species, and is able to nucleate microtubule polymerization in vitro.
138 cells, whereas purified Ensconsin stimulated microtubule polymerization in vitro.
139 microtubule-associated proteins may regulate microtubule polymerization in vivo.
140 s, i.e. the sites where Tau is needed during microtubule polymerization, independently of directed mo
141 induced by intraventricular injection of the microtubule polymerization inhibitor colchicine.
142 ared from cells arrested at mitosis with the microtubule polymerization inhibitor nocodazole or with
143 pindle checkpoint triggered by nocodazole, a microtubule polymerization inhibitor.
144                              Addition of the microtubule polymerization inhibitors nocodazol or benom
145          In large cells like neurons, how is microtubule polymerization initiated at large distances
146  neuronal polarization by inducing concerted microtubule polymerization into the axon tip, which prop
147                                              Microtubule polymerization is initiated from the microtu
148 cytokine secretion by T lymphocytes, whereas microtubule polymerization is required.
149                                              Microtubule polymerization is severely inhibited in the
150 model where Kip3 directly suppresses spindle microtubule polymerization, limiting midzone length.
151 tubule plus end, where it lies distal to the microtubule polymerization marker EB1 and directly overl
152 luorescent tubulin, we show that substantial microtubule polymerization occurs in neurons grown at re
153 , suggesting that RanBP10 inhibits premature microtubule polymerization of beta1-tubulin and plays a
154 ment raises the interesting possibility that microtubule polymerization of midzone microtubules is co
155 that inhibit ciliary biogenesis, which block microtubule polymerization or alter centrosome compositi
156 at underlie each family's ability to promote microtubule polymerization or pause.
157 p53 is transcriptionally inactive, increases microtubule polymerization, paclitaxel binding, and sens
158 tivity as well as expression of the critical microtubule polymerization protein CKAP5 (TOGp).
159 phase spindles, a defect caused by a reduced microtubule polymerization rate and enhanced by centroso
160    We demonstrate that AKAP9 facilitates the microtubule polymerization rate in endothelial cells, in
161 und that tensile force further increased the microtubule polymerization rate.
162  of microtubules, and not due to a change in microtubule polymerization rates.
163 Endothelial cell S1P1/Gi/Rac pathway induces microtubule polymerization, resulting in trafficking of
164 s actin but is not affected by inhibitors of microtubule polymerization, secretory trafficking, or pr
165                   In contrast, inhibition of microtubule polymerization selectively prevents the appe
166 cross-linked tubulin indicated inhibition of microtubule polymerization, similar to colchicine.
167 required to counteract Stu2/XMAP215-mediated microtubule polymerization so that spindle elongation te
168                                   Defects in microtubule polymerization, spindle pole body duplicatio
169 n and myofibroblast differentiation, and (b) microtubule polymerization state controls myofibroblast
170 rentiation of myofibroblasts is regulated by microtubule polymerization state.
171  was not accompanied by gross changes in the microtubule polymerization state.
172     Using a cell-based assay that recognizes microtubule polymerization status to screen for chemical
173 -down of the endogenous TCoB or Pak1 reduced microtubule polymerization, suggesting that Pak1 phospho
174 is is blocked by nocodazole, an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization that also blocks CEDE.
175 y widen the neurite shaft to allow increased microtubule polymerization to direct Kinesin-based trans
176 rectly phosphorylates stathmin and regulates microtubule polymerization to provide a pro-invasive and
177 ctions, from the nucleation and promotion of microtubule polymerization to the regulation of microtub
178  GTPase-activating protein that acts, during microtubule polymerization, to stimulate GTP hydrolysis
179 vement is similar to the rate of cytoplasmic microtubule polymerization toward the hyphal tip, sugges
180 ndogenous estradiol metabolite that inhibits microtubule polymerization, tumor growth, and angiogenes
181 on of the small GTPase Rac-1 and in enhanced microtubule polymerization upon FcepsilonRI engagement.
182 s of B1 impairs the ability of PTX to induce microtubule polymerization using immunofluorescence micr
183  a competition assay, and their influence on microtubule polymerization was evaluated by measuring th
184 tabilizing proteins all appeared normal, but microtubule polymerization was nevertheless impaired and
185            Finally, C-APC is able to promote microtubule polymerization when stably expressed in APC
186 s microtubules with high affinity and pauses microtubule polymerization, whereas utrophin has no acti
187 hlight a potential new role for PRUNE during microtubule polymerization, which is essential for the c
188 in also reduces the class IV dendrite arbor, microtubule polymerization within dendrites is unaffecte

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