


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 developed hepatic steatosis characterized by microvesicular and macrovesicular lipid accumulation and
2 frozen-section biopsy to distinguish between microvesicular and macrovesicular steatosis.
3 rtal mononuclear infiltrates, hepatocellular microvesicular changes, cytoplasmic lipid droplets, and
4 ne COS7 and found that a cellugyrin-positive microvesicular compartment was present in all cell types
5 n fat synthesis were strongly activated, and microvesicular fat accumulated.
6 g almost exclusively in the third trimester; microvesicular fatty infiltration of hepatocytes causes
7 isomal beta-oxidation, development of severe microvesicular fatty liver, peroxisome assembly, cell de
8 e, the livers of ACOX -/- mice reveal severe microvesicular fatty metamorphosis of hepatocytes.
9 s, including reduced liver weight, transient microvesicular fatty metamorphosis, prolonged extramedul
10 r cell hyperplasia, erythrophagocytosis, and microvesicular fatty metamorphosis.
11 NI1/hSNF5 is completely absent from purified microvesicular fractions, it is specifically incorporate
12 a short-term treatment (5 days) that induces microvesicular hepatic steatosis and marked hypercholest
13    We found that VLCAD-deficient hearts have microvesicular lipid accumulation, marked mitochondrial
14 ion by fibroblasts is controlled through the microvesicular release of EMMPRIN from tumor cells.
15 mal beta-oxidation system, exhibit extensive microvesicular steatohepatitis, leading to hepatocellula
16          There was a significant increase in microvesicular steatosis accompanied by a marked reducti
17 al liver histology consisting of significant microvesicular steatosis and fatty Kupffer cells but no
18 CV, there was an inverse correlation between microvesicular steatosis and level of autophagy (r = -0.
19 nodeficiency virus infection, which includes microvesicular steatosis and more severe hepatic injury
20  cholestasis and cirrhosis in the former and microvesicular steatosis and oncocytic transformation (m
21 tical information including the detection of microvesicular steatosis and quantitation of liver lipid
22                      Livers with even severe microvesicular steatosis can be reliably used for transp
23 at-free diet and converted macrovesicular to microvesicular steatosis in B6.V-Lep(ob) obese mice as d
24 id screening of mitochondrial toxins-induced microvesicular steatosis in primary hepatocyte cultures.
25           Necropsy analysis revealed hepatic microvesicular steatosis in pubescent male homozygous mi
26                                      Hepatic microvesicular steatosis is a hallmark of drug-induced h
27 transplanting livers with moderate to severe microvesicular steatosis is unknown.
28           Liver histology showed widespread, microvesicular steatosis on light-microscopic examinatio
29 acts/delays rapid progression of the hepatic microvesicular steatosis to the characteristic macrovesi
30                                              Microvesicular steatosis was the only ethanol-induced ch
31 ectron-microscopic examination showed severe microvesicular steatosis with severe mitochondrial injur
32 reated bcl-2 (-/+) mice displayed only early microvesicular steatosis without progression to extensiv
33  this virus developed diffuse hepatocellular microvesicular steatosis, an abnormal accumulation of in
34  higher degrees of necrosis, fibrosis stage, microvesicular steatosis, and ductular reaction among ot
35 rmal liver histology with macrovesicular and microvesicular steatosis, fatty Kupffer cells, extensive
36 itis with changes in hepatic tissues such as microvesicular steatosis, likely caused by an increase i
37                     The liver showed diffuse microvesicular steatosis, marked periportal nuclear glyc
38                                  Blunting of microvesicular steatosis, which is restricted to few liv
39 quate for the clinical evaluation of hepatic microvesicular steatosis.
40 han Oil Red O histology for the detection of microvesicular steatosis.
41  tool for the clinical evaluation of hepatic microvesicular steatosis.
42 ess that includes the development of hepatic microvesicular steatosis.
43 e, progressive hepatocellular ballooning and microvesicular steatosis.
44 xacerbated hepatocyte damage, with extensive microvesicular steatosis.
45 th were commonly identified risk factors for microvesicular steatosis.
46 ion of 40 allografts with moderate or severe microvesicular steatosis.
47 which the donor liver contained at least 30% microvesicular steatosis.
48 he detection and characterization of hepatic microvesicular steatosis.
49 mers in microvesicles/exosomes and show that microvesicular TDP-43 is preferentially taken up by reci
50 n of tubular injury in all biopsy specimens: microvesicular tubular epithelial cytoplasmatic vacuoliz
51 ique, we provide evidence for preferentially microvesicular uptake as well as both soma-to-soma "hori

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