


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 irected translation of apical membrane along microvillar actin bundles.
2 uld have a role in linking CD9 to the oocyte microvillar actin core.
3                                 However, the microvillar actin filaments are sparse and lack the char
4 ctin filaments, has been shown to bundle the microvillar actin filaments.
5    Photoactivation experiments indicate that microvillar actin is mobilized at the lamellipodium, all
6   Through its F-actin-severing activity, the microvillar actin-binding protein villin drives both api
7 port that triple knockout mice lacking these microvillar actin-bundling proteins suffer from growth d
8 397)FAK and cortical actin without affecting microvillar actin.
9  with focal adhesions, nonmuscle myosin, and microvillar adapter proteins of the ezrin-radixin-moesin
10 E can regenerate, but lacks the non-neuronal microvillar and Bowman's gland support cells.
11 eins that are orthologous to transporters in microvillar and ciliary opsin trafficking.
12 al differentiation, including formation of a microvillar apical membrane and lateral desmosome adhesi
13 lar model of WASp(I294T), displayed abnormal microvillar architecture, associated with an increase in
14 de a molecular atlas for the construction of microvillar assemblies and illustrate the critical effec
15 tion of mutations in MYO5B and disruption of microvillar assembly and polarity in enterocytes.
16 tematically show that EBP50 is necessary for microvillar assembly and requires that EBP50 has both a
17          However, the mechanisms controlling microvillar assembly remain poorly understood.
18  or PKC phosphorylation are nonfunctional in microvillar assembly.
19 ar adhesion links are mislocalized along the microvillar axis rather than enriched at the distal tips
20 ociate with the curved membrane found at the microvillar base.
21 n PT ion transport thought to be mediated by microvillar bending.
22  proteins in microvilli and is necessary for microvillar biogenesis.
23 lays a fundamental role in chemokine-induced microvillar breakdown in human T lymphocytes.
24 nucleation, growth of microvilli, joining of microvillar bundles into modules, assembly of modules in
25              It is unknown, however, whether microvillar cells also mediate the deficits observed in
26 xperiments demonstrate that the non-neuronal microvillar cells and Bowman's glands are exclusively de
27 tal basal cells (HBCs), which repopulate all microvillar cells and Bowman's glands during OE regenera
28 itors that are lineage-committed strictly to microvillar cells and Bowman's glands, and highlight the
29 mRNA in mouse OE is exclusively localized in microvillar cells and CFTR immunofluorescence is coassoc
30 ether, these data strengthen the notion that microvillar cells in the OE play a key role in maintaini
31                    The importance of CFTR in microvillar cells was further underscored by decreased t
32                                              Microvillar cells, a specialized OE cell-subtype, have b
33  be in the neurons and in some non-neuronal (microvillar) cells of unperturbed rat olfactory epitheli
34  between closely apposed surface microvilli (microvillar channels) in hormone-stimulated steroidogeni
35 control Sf9 cells do not express SR-BI, show microvillar channels, or internalize CEs.
36 hly plastic photoreceptor cell type of mixed microvillar/ciliary organization.
37  collar complex, a flagellum surrounded by a microvillar collar.
38 aling pathway at SC tips gives rise to these microvillar component-enriched "caps" and influences the
39       Thus, the linking of relatively stable microvillar components can be mediated by surprisingly d
40 ve observed that SCs reorganize and polarize microvillar components, such as the ezrin-binding phosph
41 found ER clusters to be less abundant at the microvillar cortex when compared to wild type oocytes.
42 icators, we determined that, unlike in their microvillar counterparts, photostimulation of ciliary ce
43                                Although many microvillar cytoskeletal components have been identified
44 r tyrosine phosphorylation in modulating the microvillar cytoskeleton in vivo by villin in response t
45  may be involved in the rearrangement of the microvillar cytoskeleton.
46 t the bacteria effect a fourfold increase in microvillar density over the first 4 days of the associa
47 st to previous reports suggesting lymphocyte microvillar density to be reduced on lymphocytes from Wi
48  that furrow ingression controls the rate of microvillar depletion.
49 n of SR-BI in this manner suggests that this microvillar domain is a way station for cholesterol traf
50  native SLLP1 co-localized with SAS1B to the microvillar domain of ovulated M2 oocytes.
51 HERF1 and PDZK1, are expressed in the apical microvillar domain of rat small intestine enterocytes.
52 ATPase was due to a combination of a smaller microvillar domain, a taller lateral domain, and more ba
53                   Actin staining showed that microvillar domains were smaller and that lateral membra
54 armacologically inhibited displayed impaired microvillar dynamics, morphological polarization, and ch
55 s targeted to CL4 cell microvilli and caused microvillar elongation, whereas espin with the c.2469del
56 Myo1a-TH1 are both required for steady state microvillar enrichment.
57 ed SR-BI in patches or clusters primarily on microvillar extensions of the plasma membrane.
58 iary vertebrate rods and cones or protostome microvillar eye photoreceptors, that have specialized st
59 turbations, we show that exocytosis promotes microvillar F-actin assembly, while furrow ingression co
60 n assembly, while furrow ingression controls microvillar F-actin disassembly.
61 ns in the assembly and organization of actin microvillar filaments.
62  NHE3-DPPIV complex was predominantly in the microvillar fraction in which NHE3 is active.
63 tro kinase assays on isolated microvilli and microvillar fractions enriched in the putative signal tr
64       Immunoblotting of p185(neu)-containing microvillar fractions revealed the presence in each of s
65  cosediment with megalin in brush border and microvillar fractions.
66 e tyrosine kinase activity with STP-enriched microvillar fractions.
67 vide insight into a mechanism that regulates microvillar growth during epithelial differentiation and
68 ded for BB assembly and sufficient to induce microvillar growth using a mechanism that requires funct
69  trachomatis serovar L2 did not display such microvillar hypertrophy following exposure to L2 EBs, wh
70 Ultrastructural studies revealed a transient microvillar hypertrophy that was dependent upon C. trach
71 e G-proteins G(beta) and G(alphail-3) at the microvillar layer, the presumed site of signal tranducti
72  the vomeronasal sensory neurons but not the microvillar layer.
73 on bundles and an absence of labeling in the microvillar layer.
74 ng electron micrographs, we find that median microvillar length and surface density range from 0.3 to
75 amics consistent with actin treadmilling and microvillar lifetimes.
76 ns, are required for RTP localization in the microvillar light-gathering organelle, the rhabdomere.
77 egulated transcripts by blood feeding were a microvillar-like protein (LuloMVP3), a trypsin like prot
78 pregulated transcripts such as four distinct microvillar-like proteins (LuloMVP1, 2, 4 and 5), two pe
79 uded down regulated transcripts such as four microvillar-like proteins (LuloMVP1,2, 4 and 5), a Chymo
80 SI), a transmembrane disaccharidase found in microvillar lipid rafts, was missing from the brush bord
81                                              Microvillar localization of CLIC-5A was retained after T
82    Additionally, the tails promote different microvillar localizations for EBP50 and E3KARP, which lo
83 to Rac1 (but not Rac2, Rho, or Cdc42) blocks microvillar loss induced by the chemokine stromal cell-d
84 d expressing dominant-active Arf6 results in microvillar loss.
85 ays of velocity sedimentation fractions from microvillar lysates in the presence and absence of the e
86 ers, myosin-1a (myo1a) powers the sliding of microvillar membrane along core actin bundles.
87               Finally, we directly track the microvillar membrane and see it move along the cell surf
88       Microfilaments are associated with the microvillar membrane in the 13762 ascites rat mammary ca
89 lding of the microvilli and incorporation of microvillar membrane into the furrow.
90 ire conformational interactions with BinB or microvillar membrane lipids to bind to its intracellular
91                   Among these are defects in microvillar membrane morphology, distinct changes in bru
92            Microfilaments associate with the microvillar membrane of 13762 ascites mammary adenocarci
93 ar proteins in vivo indicated that ezrin and microvillar membrane proteins had dynamics consistent wi
94 ressing furrow regulate the utilization of a microvillar membrane reservoir.
95  were examined in patches of light-sensitive microvillar membrane screened for the exclusive presence
96      We found CD9 is localized to the oocyte microvillar membrane using transmission electron microsc
97 n of Myo1a depends on its ability to bind to microvillar membrane, an interaction mediated by a C-ter
98 les retain the right side out orientation of microvillar membrane, contain catalytically active brush
99 uctural basis for rhodopsin alignment in the microvillar membrane.
100 insulin binding site was identified in renal microvillar membranes by chemical cross-linking procedur
101 near retinal chromophores in the cylindrical microvillar membranes for light capture.
102 ve reduced fusion ability, and found altered microvillar morphology by SEM and TEM.
103 erwise indistinguishable in their apical and microvillar morphology, the microvilli of both cell type
104                To investigate changes in the microvillar myosin population that may limit the Myo1a K
105    Immunofluorescence localized SAS1B to the microvillar oolemma of M2 oocytes.
106        As in larger flies, we found that the microvillar orientation of the distal photoreceptor R7 c
107 ctral sensitivities, but mutually orthogonal microvillar orientations.
108 uring intestinal epithelial differentiation, microvillar packing and organization are driven by cadhe
109  rates exceeding approximately 150% of total microvillar phosphoinositides per second.
110              Phototransduction in Drosophila microvillar photoreceptor cells is mediated by a G prote
111                              We suggest that microvillar photoreceptors became predominant in most in
112                      Because illumination of microvillar photoreceptors cells leads to PIP2 break-dow
113                         Phototransduction in microvillar photoreceptors is mediated via G protein-cou
114            Phototransduction in invertebrate microvillar photoreceptors is thought to be mediated by
115 -dependent channels in melanopsin-expressing microvillar photoreceptors of early chordates.
116 , a photopigment related to the rhodopsin of microvillar photoreceptors of invertebrates, evolved in
117                                              Microvillar photoreceptors of the primitive chordate amp
118  by which Ca2+ regulates light adaptation in microvillar photoreceptors remain poorly understood.
119                                           In microvillar photoreceptors the pivotal role of phospholi
120 ibited the light response of voltage-clamped microvillar photoreceptors, but were ineffective in cili
121 parations confirmed PKCalpha localization in microvillar photoreceptors, preferentially confined to t
122 s activate a G-protein signalling pathway in microvillar photoreceptors.
123                                          The microvillar photosensitive membrane is consistent in str
124 s suggest that ERM proteins are required for microvillar positioning of L-selectin and that this is i
125  L-selectin occurred preferentially from the microvillar processes of the plasma membrane rather than
126 support diverse cellular processes including microvillar projections and filopodial extensions.
127 ace, delays the appearance of the primordial microvillar projections, and subsequently leads to malfo
128                      Loss of Palisade or the microvillar protein Cad99C results in abnormal uptake in
129             Selective cadherin, claudin, and microvillar protein expression as the UB matures likely
130 , E-cadherin) and the subapical cytoskeletal/microvillar protein ezrin.
131                We find that EPI64, an apical microvillar protein with a Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC) domain
132              Our analysis of the dynamics of microvillar proteins in vivo indicated that ezrin and mi
133 e barrier function of the gut (peritrophins, microvillar proteins, glutamine synthase), digestive phy
134  of Usher syndrome lacking harmonin exhibits microvillar protocadherin mislocalization and severe def
135                   The cytoplasmic domains of microvillar protocadherins interact with the scaffolding
136  of actin-bundling proteins is not to enable microvillar protrusion, as has been assumed, but to conf
137 est that the binding of the PT to the oocyte microvillar region and its removal from the sperm nucleu
138 in the perivitelline space as well as on the microvillar region of the egg plasma membrane.
139  recombinant fertilin alpha-EC) binds to the microvillar region of zona pellucida (ZP)-free eggs, the
140 ment of this pathogen, resulting in distinct microvillar reorganization throughout the cell surface a
141 th prokaryotes and eukaryotes, prevented the microvillar response to and internalization of the P+ Op
142 articipation in ERM dephosphorylation and in microvillar retraction.
143 in (Arr2) translocates from cell body to the microvillar rhabdomere down a diffusion gradient created
144 ent (disc outer segments in vertebrates, and microvillar rhabdomeres in insects), whose primary role
145                                          The microvillar scaffolding protein EBP50 (ERM-binding phosp
146 D/Na(+)-H(+) exchanger regulatory factor), a microvillar scaffolding protein with two PDZ domains fol
147 ate circadian receptors display no hint of a microvillar specialization and show an extremely low lig
148 ool of subapical vesicles and an increase in microvillar structure, cellular changes consistent with
149 skeletal subdomains and that EPI64 regulates microvillar structure.
150 m (ER), which accumulates in clusters at the microvillar subcortex during oocyte maturation.
151 truct (released with thrombin), bound to the microvillar surface of murine eggs.
152 AG human deafness mutation showed defects in microvillar targeting and elongation.
153 at actin incorporation was restricted to the microvillar tip and that bundles continued to undergo ac
154 te the molecular basis of IMAC enrichment at microvillar tips and hold important implications for und
155 nd mucin-like protocadherin, which target to microvillar tips and interact to form a trans-heterophil
156 te fusibility and the radius of curvature of microvillar tips on CD9 wild-type oocytes was found to b
157                                Upon reaching microvillar tips, membrane is "shed" into solution in th
158 leads to the shedding of small vesicles from microvillar tips, suggesting that microvilli may functio
159 and myosin-7b, which promote localization to microvillar tips.
160 motes the accumulation of IMAC components at microvillar tips.
161  by measuring the radius of curvature at the microvillar tips.
162         Together, these results suggest that microvillar vesicle shedding represents a novel mechanis

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