


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 soform 1 (GLUT-1) on the syncytiotrophoblast microvillous and basal plasma membranes regulates fetal
2 olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs): ciliated, microvillous, and crypt.
3 ive pear shape with a wide base and a narrow microvillous apex.
4                         Uptake studies using microvillous (apical) membrane vesicles suggest it is ei
5                    Marked destruction of the microvillous brush border adjacent to adherent organisms
6 to review the physiologic role of the brush (microvillous) cell in normal airways and alveoli and in
7  4 also had glandular openings and scattered microvillous cells that resemble hair cells of the ear.
8                                              Microvillous effacement and actin rearrangement, charact
9                                              Microvillous inclusion disease (MVID) is a congenital di
10 avage and myeloperoxidase assays, intestinal microvillous injury by histology, and RBC deformability
11 d to associate with extracellular domains of microvillous integrins, including tetraspans and CD47, w
12 te activation over the entire surface of the microvillous-like activated plus mating structure, the f
13 ins in initiating adhesion under flow and in microvillous localization.
14                      In fasting animals, the microvillous membrane stained strongly for alkaline phos
15 o measurements of serine uptake by placental microvillous membrane vesicles were carried out and the
16 porter (LAT) isoforms in syncytiotrophoblast microvillous membranes (MVMs).
17                        SLP binding to apical microvillous membranes was weaker and was inhibited by h
18 alysis revealed a critical role for Sox10 in microvillous neurogenesis.
19 rentiated at a stage similar to ciliated and microvillous olfactory neurons.
20                                              Microvillous ORNs are heterogeneous, with many expressin
21 ino acid odorants activate both ciliated and microvillous ORNs but via different transduction pathway
22                                 In contrast, microvillous ORNs expressing V2R-like receptors, and Gal
23                                 In contrast, microvillous ORNs project almost entirely to the dorsal
24                  Nucleotides are detected by microvillous ORNs using neither Galpha(olf)/cAMP nor Gal
25 odium in a highly directed manner toward the microvillous perinuclear region.
26 acterise Hcy transport mechanisms across the microvillous plasma membrane (MVM) of the syncytiotropho
27  L substrate) transport into human placental microvillous plasma membrane (MVM) vesicles.
28       We found that GLUT-1 expression in the microvillous plasma membrane of Plasmodium falciparum-ne
29 esis that the SNAT4 isoform is functional in microvillous plasma membrane vesicles (MVM) from normal
30 o acid uptake experiments in human placental microvillous plasma membrane vesicles have persistently
31                                           In microvillous plasma membranes (MVMs) isolated from place
32                                  The role of microvillous presentation was less accentuated in venule
33               In the adult peripheral nerve, microvillous processes of myelinating Schwann cells proj
34                                  Thus, short microvillous receptor cells and tall ciliated receptor c
35 ptors, is expressed in a large population of microvillous sensory neurons in the zebrafish olfactory
36 ranial neural crest is the primary source of microvillous sensory neurons within the olfactory epithe
37 olfactory epithelium and differentiated into microvillous sensory neurons.
38 t of blunting the impact of flow velocity on microvillous shear stress and, thus, microvillous torque
39    We also find an increase in the number of microvillous tethers to the substrate.
40 y using a mathematical model to estimate the microvillous torque as function of flow.
41                  We found that variations in microvillous torque produce nearly identical fractional
42 city on microvillous shear stress and, thus, microvillous torque.
43 acement of the epithelial foot processes and microvillous transformation of the renal podocytes, find

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