


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tin filaments and the plasma membrane of the microvillus.
2  localized to the intestinal epithelial cell microvillus.
3 anipulation of signal diffusivity within the microvillus.
4 ibers, and taper apically to a single, large microvillus.
5 napses with nerve fibers, and a single large microvillus.
6 ediated by molecular targets within the same microvillus.
7  that increasing signal diffusivity within a microvillus accelerates arrest.
8  components that control the organization of microvillus actin cytoskeleton, leading to severe microv
9  higher doses caused internalization without microvillus activation.
10 lus surface of enterocytes that disrupts the microvillus and alters its actin structure to form a dom
11                 The number of gold particles/microvillus and the density of gold particles/microgram
12 ed to HH GBS mutants revealed global loss of microvillus architecture, disruption of cytoplasmic and
13 rface and induce a massive remodeling of the microvillus architecture.
14 al model of cell rolling that focuses on the microvillus as the unit of cell-substrate interaction an
15 tailed analysis describes for the first time microvillus assembly by villin, redefines the actin-bund
16  as being instrumental for brush border (BB) microvillus assembly during differentiation and effaceme
17                                       Apical microvillus assembly is reduced by up to 50%, as measure
18 ndling activities of Eps8 and Eps8L1a during microvillus assembly.
19 (+/- 5 pN), a tether will be formed from the microvillus at a constant velocity, which depends linear
20 villus actin cytoskeleton, leading to severe microvillus atrophy.
21      In contrast to a rigid or nonextendible microvillus, both microvillus extension and tether forma
22 ve found also that, under a pulling force, a microvillus can be extended (microvillus extension) or a
23 ase endocytosis only on the G(M1), integrin, microvillus-containing apical surface.
24 ted that act-5 gene expression is limited to microvillus-containing cells within the intestine and ex
25    The mRNA for villin, a well-characterized microvillus cytoskeletal protein, was sorted to the basa
26  of villin, an actin-bundling protein of the microvillus cytoskeleton.
27 mber of bonds per cell as well as per single microvillus decreases with increasing membrane stiffness
28 he state diagram for adhesion which includes microvillus deformation, and find four adhesion states-f
29        Thus, villin severs F-actin to ensure microvillus depolarization and enterocyte remodeling upo
30 machinery into the intestinal lumen and that microvillus-derived LVs modulate epithelial-microbial in
31 face of small intestine enterocytes, causing microvillus effacement and rearrangement of the host cel
32                                              Microvillus effacement is inhibited after exposure of ca
33                                        While microvillus effacement was detected in both 388- and 388
34 cytoskeletal structure, loss of readherence, microvillus effacement, and interruption of signal trans
35 on, leading to the loss of cell adhesion and microvillus effacement.
36 ar properties such as cell deformability and microvillus elasticity actively modulate leukocyte rolli
37          Fixation of neutrophils to abrogate microvillus elasticity resulted in rolling behavior simi
38    Moreover, adherence to IVOC, EPEC-induced microvillus elongation and colonization of the murine in
39                                         Each microvillus employs a full G-protein-coupled receptor si
40 , and the constitutive equations that govern microvillus extension and tether extraction.
41 o a rigid or nonextendible microvillus, both microvillus extension and tether formation can decrease
42                     Our results suggest that microvillus extension during transient PSGL-1/P-selectin
43               Moreover, the microbes induced microvillus extension from the epithelial cell surface.
44                                              Microvillus extension has been hypothesized in contribut
45 olling by incorporating cortical tension and microvillus extension into a versatile, semianalytical f
46 at glutaraldehyde-fixed neutrophils (without microvillus extension or tether extraction) roll unstabl
47 n individual microvilli will dictate whether microvillus extension or tether formation occurs.
48 ulling force, a microvillus can be extended (microvillus extension) or a long thin membrane cylinder
49  exhibit a 2.5-fold reduction in the rate of microvillus extension.
50 have been identified, the molecular basis of microvillus formation is largely undefined.
51 act-5 gene function revealed that intestinal microvillus formation requires a specific actin isoform.
52 s on the photoreceptor apical surface before microvillus formation, and at the time of microvillus in
53      These results provide a new context for microvillus function in the host-pathogen relationship,
54                                              Microvillus function was additionally altered as lymphoc
55 r vacuolar structures containing microvilli (microvillus inclusion bodies) in epithelial enterocytes,
56                                              Microvillus inclusion disease (MVID) is a disorder of in
57                                              Microvillus inclusion disease (MVID) is a rare intestina
58                                              Microvillus inclusion disease (MVID) is a severe form of
59 nterocytes, a phenotype reminiscent of human microvillus inclusion disease (MVID), a devastating cong
60 (Stx3) disturb epithelial polarity and cause microvillus inclusion disease (MVID), a lethal hereditar
61                           Some patients with microvillus inclusion disease due to myosin 5B (MYO5B) m
62 alfunction causes the congenital enteropathy microvillus inclusion disease, underlining its importanc
63 ce appeared similar to that of patients with microvillus inclusion disease.
64  in Cdc42 signaling could be associated with microvillus inclusion disease.
65 cal and basolateral trafficking; however, no microvillus inclusions were observed in MYO5B-KD cells.
66 utant forms of MYO5B, we observed that early microvillus inclusions were positive for the sorting mar
67 an be diagnosed based on loss of microvilli, microvillus inclusions, and accumulation of subapical ve
68 ence of apical microvilli, the appearance of microvillus inclusions, and enlarged intercellular space
69  diarrhea, loss of microvilli, occurrence of microvillus inclusions, and subapical secretory granules
70 of secretory granules precedes occurrence of microvillus inclusions, indicating involvement of MYO5B
71  MYO5B-KD phenotype but induced formation of microvillus inclusions.
72 interaction between RAB11A and MYO5B induced microvillus inclusions.
73 re microvillus formation, and at the time of microvillus initiation WASp colocalizes with amphiphysin
74                                         Each microvillus is a cylindrical membrane protrusion that is
75                                         Each microvillus is capable of generating elementary response
76                                       When a microvillus is extended, it acts like a spring with a sp
77 o examine the combined effect of gravity and microvillus length heterogeneity on tip contact force (F
78                                          The microvillus length necessary to reconcile dissociation c
79  a novel ezrin-interacting partner, controls microvillus length through its capping activity.
80 , we have obtained two comparable neutrophil microvillus lengths, both approximately 0.3 microm in av
81  outer segments in rods and (ii) between the microvillus-like calyceal processes and the outer segmen
82 ng fertilization occurs via an actin-filled, microvillus-like cell protrusion.
83 lectron microscopy revealed the formation of microvillus-like extensions around adherent bacteria fol
84  P. gingivalis wild-type strain 381 revealed microvillus-like extensions around adherent bacteria; th
85  to C. neoformans triggered the formation of microvillus-like membrane protrusions within 15 to 30 mi
86      This resulted in disappearance of their microvillus-like protrusions accompanied by SPRY2-depend
87 ense features identified as ruffles and with microvillus-like protrusions from the cell's dorsal surf
88 of cell-substrate interaction and integrates microvillus mechanics, receptor clustering, force-depend
89 a brush border actin-binding protein) in the microvillus membrane fraction of rabbit ileum; this pool
90                                          Two microvillus membrane proteins (130 and 140 kDa) were ind
91 in complexes isolated from solubilized renal microvillus membrane vesicles.
92 ocity occurs at an intermediate value of the microvillus membrane viscosity, remarkably close to the
93                     Western blot analyses of microvillus membranes and immunoelectron microscopy of k
94 l epithelial cells with reduced microvilli ("microvillus-minus," or MVM) but retaining normal tight j
95 ich CLIC4 is important for luminal delivery, microvillus morphogenesis, and endolysosomal biogenesis.
96 e protein (WASp) is necessary for rhabdomere microvillus morphogenesis.
97 dgut enterocyte, Myo1B is present within the microvillus (MV) of the apical brush border (BB) where i
98 adhesion and uptake of particles compared to microvillus-positive cells.
99 ns of F with cellular proteins, resulting in microvillus projections necessary for the formation of f
100 achment through both Pf-IRBC knobs and HBMEC microvillus protrusions.
101  The apparent elastic spring constant of the microvillus ranged from 1340 to 152 pN/microm at 0.4 and
102                      We also explore how the microvillus rheology itself controls the dynamics of adh
103 crovilli themselves, these results suggest a microvillus-specific function for act-5, and further, th
104 ulated the dependence of rolling velocity on microvillus stiffness.
105     Unexpectedly, DP is important for proper microvillus structure.
106 tes a receptor (type III secretion) into the microvillus surface of enterocytes that disrupts the mic
107 ins, and actin are also located on or in the microvillus, this organelle has many of the major elemen
108 of L-selectin, and sequestered away from the microvillus tips in the case of LFA-1, Mac-1, and PSGL-1
109 ) refractory period distribution (time for a microvillus to recover after a QB).
110 merulosclerosis and extensive effacement and microvillus transformation of podocyte foot processes.
111 peptide, and caused a dramatic elongation of microvillus-type parallel actin bundles in transfected e
112 ing capabilities of the actin filament-rich, microvillus-type specializations that mediate sensory tr
113                 The number of gold particles/microvillus was also increased in complement-treated rab
114  protein was confined to the membrane of the microvillus where it was in close association with brush
115 ce is </=34 pN (+/- 3 pN), the length of the microvillus will be extended; if the force is >61 pN (+/

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